Still In Love

Je T'aime Toujours




The time when the sun reign supreme as the sun light beams down generously, making humidity’s presence felt all throught out. Though summer indicates freedom at some perspective, as it means for students that school is no more, students are now free to do what they want for the rest of months.


Going to beaches, hanging out with friends, hiking, staying up late and waking up late. Pretty much that’s the trend that most are more accustomed when summer is mentioned. 


Though Soo Yun had a different outlook regarding her summer this 2013.  While her classmates were still struggling with the last weeks of class, she had a little bit of detour from the rest as she was offered the exchange program in Le Cordon Bleu Paris Culinary Arts School that she had been wanting and received it when she won the national contest that was held for senior high school students. Thus the school wanted her to move in as soon as possible, making her excused for the last week of school but the catch was she will not be able to come to the graduation ceremony.  Not only that is the con of her winning, she wasn’t able to spend time with Jungkook as much as she wanted to before her departure to Paris.


Still having your dream come true right before your eyes and finally being able to savor it some consequences are worth it but she cannot be more than thankful that her boyfriend was sweet, caring and understanding.



Soo Yun was in Rue de Miromesnil street, which was near the boarding house she was staying at this afternoon she was invited by the school to have a little tour around the school as they want her to be familiarized with the school before classes start. Soo Yun also found it to be the perfect time to roam around the city as much as possible with the limited time she have; she wants to experience a little bit of the luxury that life has to offer in the place. Maybe visit some fancy café in Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré since the street was said to be bustling with establishment which caters to people looking for something to enjoy.



Dressed in a simple pastel pink bustier dress topped with a crème colored blazer with a white and baby blue ballerina flats with a light brown satchel bag Soo Yun was said to be at the front of the school at around 1:00 pm and glancing at her phone it was 12:16 pm a lot of time was still spared maybe she can take in the beauty of Paris once she was on board of the train.








After the tour which lasted for about one hour and a half since they told her she could visit the school anytime she wants to roam around by herself. She was thankful for the English classes and lessons she took up when entering high school as it truly proves its advantages as she would have been so clueless with what the tour guide had been saying to her. Thank God for her begging to her father for those classes.


Now roaming around Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, she found many interesting places in the said street as she found the boutique of a renowned French designer Dominique Sirop, she just browsed through the boutique as Soo Yun has no intention of buying as those dresses were too out of her league and pricey in her view. Also there’s the perfume shop, Houbigant, in where she found a little bit of extra money to buy herself an Oranger en Fleurs. The smell just had her in love with it. But now that she had a little looks around and settled at the Le Jardin Français in Hôtel Le Bristol Paris. She decided to have some afternoon tea and experience the luxury of the hotel as it was said to be famous for attracting locals for its nice afternoon tea. It was located in the hotels garden which was just exquisite and utterly fine. It has this calming beauty with its ambience which Soo Yun just loves so much.  Ordering herself a Millefeuille with salted caramel and coffee.


Seated at a booth in the corner she inhaled the air as it was refreshing and just calming. It was simply beautiful for Soo Yun.


But then as she looked at the time and currently it was 3:08 pm.


I wonder if he’s sleeping right now. She thought about her boyfriend, how was his day? Is he sleeping comfortably right now? Is he missing her? Questions like that keep on clouding up her mind but then a smile played on her lips as she remember the time when her family and him was sending her off to the airport.



“Kookie! You need to let go! Or else I’m not gonna catch my flight!” Soo Yun reasoned out to her sulking boyfriend who was holding her hand tightly as it was intertwined with his.


Pouting Jungkook just shook his head and gave Soo Yun a puppy look.


Jungkook was not someone who would show a lot of aegyo and when he does it only means he wants something he couldn’t easy get and it needs effort to have it.


Now that her boyfriend is oozing with aegyo which she can’t resist as it was pricelessly cute. It was getting harder for her to just screw everything and stay by his side but then she worked really hard for this.


Hearing her family members laugh at the both of them Soo Yun heaved out a sigh.


“Kookie oppa is funny.” Ho Sook , Soo Yun’s little sister said laughing as she hugged her cookie monster doll. 

Soo Yun’s parents laughed at the two as Soo Yun kept on persisting that any moment Jungkook needs to let go of her hand since any minute the announcement for boarding would come.


“Jungkook-ah…. I thought we talked about this?” Soo Yun said with her voice laced with frustrations and sadness.


“Sorry Soo. It’s just that the time….. It’s to sudden and now that you’re leaving, I’m already sad and missing you… You know how much I at expressing myself.”  Jungkook said as he looked into Soo Yun’s eyes.


A laugh escaped Soo Yun’s lips as she giggles and closed her eyes as a memory played on her head.


“Yeah you do kinda Kookie.. After you danced for me I was at lost at what you were trying to say. So I know.” Soo Yun said as she smiled and gave her eye smile at Jungkook.


“Then when I got frustrated I kissed you to make it more simple.” Jungkook advanced towards her making just a wee distance between them.


“Yah! Ho Sook’s here no public display of affection mister! I want my baby sister to be innocent.” Soo Yun gently pushed Jungkook’s face.


Again Soo Yun’s parents laugh were heard and in the background the couple heard.


“No no no~! It’s fine Kookie oppa to kiss unnie! It’s cute.” Ho Sook piped out making all the adults and young adults laugh even more.


“Come here you missy! And what do you know about kissing being cute.” Soo Yun said as she pulled her little sister and tickled her which made the child laugh and also Soo Yun. Ho Sook was in between Jungkook and Soo Yun, as Soo Yun continued on tickling her Jungkook was making sure she wouldn’t fall from squirming so much, he had a smile while doing so.


“Unnie and oppa are cute because I feel like I’m looking at mommy and daddy cause they love it’s other so much that’s why they chu!” Ho Sook said while giggling and jumping off to Jungkook’s lap.


“Oh really?” Soo Yun asked her little sister amazed and amused at the same time with the little one’s answer.


“Yep yep! That’s why oppa is allowed to chu with unnie!” Ho Sook beamed at Jungkook who in return pinched her nose and grinned at her.


“That’s adult stuff Sookie!” Soo Yun laughed at her little sister who just gave her mehrong and continued to play with Jungkook.


“Ho Sook-ah come here! Accompany mommy and daddy to buy drinks.” Soo Yun and Ho Sook’s mom called out to her little girl to give the couple a moment of their own. Jumping off Jungkook’s lap Ho Sook grabbed her mother’s hand and let her whisk her away.


“Now are you alright with me leaving?” Soo Yun said as she turned away from the backview of her mother and sister and looked at her boyfriend who was had a poker face.


“There’s nothing I really can do plus I don’t want to get in the way of your dreams as you let me chase mine when I was invited to Los Angeles. Your heart is set out to achieve your dreams and I just want to be a part of it, not ruin it.” Jungkook said as he cradled Soo Yun’s hands and the way his voice sounded… It was full of love and acceptance that sacrifices were needed to be made but that would only make them stronger. Them. Their relationship would just blossom beautifully.


“Jungkook-ah…. You don’t even know how thankful and happy I am that even though the situation between us will be hard and complicated… I’ve never felt that you wanted to end it with me… I honestly was prepared if you wanted to… But it never came. Thank you.” Soo Yun said looking at Jungkook smiling while tears were starting to pool in her eyes.


Jungkook laughed gently while wiping the tears that fell out of Soo Yun’s eyes.


“Why did that ever crossed your mind that just because you’re leaving that I wanted out from our relationship? I wouldn’t even care if I have to lose some sleep as long as I would be able to hear your voice for a minute. We talked about this I know but I just want to be selfish and make you stay here but I can’t because I love you so much that I would never want to become a hindrance. I’ll endure those two years and maybe before we know it we’ll be together again.” Jungkook said while looking at Soo Yun’s eyes and having a tight grip on her hand.


Soo Yun smiled and nodded and decided to wipe away the tears and just lean back on the chair to relax and enjoy the comforting silence that basked around them.


It’s just enjoying the remaining time they have together.


Just them sitting there, hand in hand, waiting for the announcement of boarding of passengers for the flight to Paris.




Soo Yun remembered there was no goodbye’s that were exchanged as they both know it was not a parting that would require them to say the words as they were sure that they would see each other soon again.


What pulled her out of her nostalgic reverie was the waiter serving her order and Soo Yun thanked him as he excused himself.


As she was sipping some of her coffee her phone that was on top of the table was beeping and vibrating making Soo Yun picks it up.


Seeing the name flashing on the screen made her bewildered but pleasantly surprised.


“Kookie.” Soo Yun breathed out through the phone as mix of concern and happiness was dominating her voice.


“Hi babe I miss you so much.” Jungkook said through the phone as he keeps taking deep breathes in between.


“I miss you too Kookie but I am just concerned that what time is it there? It’s 3:09 in the afternoon here… That means its 11:09 in the evening there! What are you doing up still late? Is practice taking up that long now?” Soo Yun said as her eyebrows were furrowed as her inner overly concerned girlfriend surfaced.


“I have good news and yes practice is getting rougher by the day but it’s because of the good new I’m about to tell you.” Jungkook’s voice was obviously laced with so much happiness and excitement in them that made Soo Yun soften up and just smile.


“Really? What is it?” Soo Yun said as the tender smile in her face never seems to crease.


“I’m going to debut around June I think that’s what they told us.” Jungkook said with so much excitement in his voice.


“I’m so happy for you! I know how much you wanted it and you deserve it! I’m just really happy for you.” Soo Yun said as the news really got her excited as well. Imagine her boyfriend is gonna be an idol. The work he put into it, the sleepless nights, and the ache of every part of his body from those torturous hours of practice, the effort, all of it. She knows what he was been through and to finally be able to have it in his hands, she was just a proud girlfriend at the moment.


“So I’m seriously lucky as I have an awesome and handsome boyfriend and now he’s gonna be an idol? Huh, I guess I am like a lotto winner?” Soo Yun asked with a teasing voice as her cheeky personality comes out.


Hearing her boyfriend on the other side and laughing made her chuckle as well.


“I didn’t know you think of me that highly. Why thank you and yes you may consider yourself really lucky that you got me.” Jungkook said as he came on board with his girlfriend’s teasing.


“But really. I am so ecstatic for you. It’s nice that everything’s falling into places.” Soo Yun said as she twirled the teaspoon near the rim of her cup of coffee.


“Yeah I am really happy too that good things keep happening on the both of us. By the way how’s the place? You’re getting used to it right?” She could hear shuffling so she thought that maybe Jungkook was preparing to leave and now arranging his stuff.


“Hmm. It’s nice everyone’s helpful with me, they take care of me well and you don’t know how I am so thankful for the English classes I took since it’s such a big help. The place is so nice and pretty it’s really just nice and I wish you could see it with me. You would have loved it here also.” Soo Yun said as she leaned back with a smile on her face and just savors the sweet voice of her boyfriend.


“I bet I would have love it and I would have love it more if I was really with you…You’ll not find a new guy there right? You won’t replace me with some hot shot French dude won’t you?” Jungkook was obviously in a good mood.


Laughing softly she couldn’t believe the ridiculous question that her boyfriend just popped.


“No. I wouldn’t and really I’m like a lotto winner right? I’m so lucky to have you so why would I look at others? To be honest I should be the one throwing that question to you! You would be surrounded by pretty and y girls, you’ll see them more than me and that maybe as time pass by you’ll eventually forget about me as..I am… Just… Me.” Soo Yun said as the tone of her voice gets smaller and now that her imagination just had to kick in, it slightly made her scared.


“Do I hear unnecessary jealousy Ms. Bae Soo Yun? Jungkook was touched that his girlfriend was worrying over something that would never happen and decided to just about it.


“No… Okay… Possibly my insecurities…. You know what? Forget it.” Soo Yun said as she was at loss at what to say to her boyfriend as honestly now that those thought is just clouding up her mind her stomach seem to churn with anxiety and fear.


“Babe I love you and you don’t know how much I consider myself as lucky to have you… You’re this perfect daughter, sweet, caring, top of the class, has many talents and it’s a bonus that you’re really pretty. Do you think I would look for another when I have someone who’s perfect?” Jungkook said with such serious voice that the churning in Soo yun’s stomach was replaced with butterflies as she was sincerely touched with Jungkook’s words.


“I am lucky that I have an awesome, handsome and just utterly perfect boyfriend. I guess I really did something noble in my past life…. I think it’s time for you to hang up now since I still want you to be able to sleep.” Soo Yun said as she was biting her lower lip from spreading into an idiotic grin as she is hopelessly in love with her boyfriend.


“No I can still stay up a bit more; I really want to hear your voice.” Jungkook said as he was fast on disagreeing with Soo Yun’s request.


“No. I would want you to take care of yourself more. You’ll be losing much more sleep when you become an idol and I would want you to use your remaining time wisely because you’ll be stressed and sleep and rest would be far from you. So please sleep now.” Soo Yun said as she was seriously concerned for Jungkook’s well-being.



“I love it when you act like a wife. I know that I’ll be living comfortably because you’re the one I would be sharing it with.” Jungkook suddenly said making you stop for a second and just smile.



“Sleep now mister…. I love you. Take care and send my regards to the oppas! I miss them.” Soo Yun said trying to end the call so that her beloved boyfriend would get some shut eye.


“You didn’t say you miss me. I won’t hang up the phone now.” Jungkook persisted as he didn’t receive the words ‘I miss you’ while he’s friends got them.


Sighing and knowing Soo Yun can’t beat Jungkook’s request when he’s being a child she gave up and said.


“I miss you so much Kookie. Now sleep!” Soo Yun said as she wanted him to just have time to sleep as she knows that he would still be going to school tomorrow and she has no intentions of being the cause of his tardiness.


“I miss you too so much. Love you. Take care of yourself okay?” Jungkook bid and reminded his beloved girlfriend.






“Hi babe, sorry I couldn’t watch your debut stage last night, I had culinary practicum in the morning then food and beverage practice. But I know you did great.” Soo Yun said trough the phone as she called Jungkook but his line was busy so it went through voicemail and she was now currently seated at her study table in the corner of her room as she was studying for a quiz regarding the basics of chemical reaction regarding baking as a test was coming up tomorrow.






“Hey Kookie, I’m missing you so badly but I know were both chasing our dreams and in the end this will be worth it... I feel like a horrible girlfriend not being able to celebrate your birthday with you. This was supposed to be your 3rd birthday we would be celebrating together but unfortunately our situation wouldn’t allow us.  I hope the scarf I gave arrived there, though I sent it your parents’ address so that the fans wouldn’t be suspicious, I really hope they gave it you. I…. I’m just really wanting to hug you and greet you personally that it frustrates me because I can’t and I just feel like I’m a horrible girlfriend. I love you my Kookie…. Even though it’s your birthday I want to ask something from you; I would want you to take care of yourself first and don’t push yourself too hard but most of all I want you to be happy. Bye… Call me when you have time. Missing you so much.” 

Again that call was directed as a voice mail.






“Congratulations on winning Rookie of the Year! Please tell the oppas I said hi and congratulations. You’re really living you’re dream now Kookie and I couldn’t be happier and more proud of you… It’s really a pity that I couldn’t even say it to you in person and that I just gets so frustrated with it.. You know I thought of just quitting and coming back home there but then I get reminded by you; that you’re doing your best and all of the things you do didn’t become futile but it just blossomed beautifully. I know that you really can’t call me sometimes and I understand that and the time difference and all but I would just want you to take care of yourself I’ve been seeing videos of you post in Youtube and I know you’re happy I can see it in your eyes and you’re smile is still the same beautiful smile I love but I would really just don’t want you to push yourself to your limits… I’ve got great news.. I’m doing great here just minus all the stress I’ve been loaded but I know this stress doesn’t even level to yours but I just wanted to share it…… I am really missing you badly, did I ever told you that you’re my lullaby? I would listen to you sing and it would put me to ease that you’re happy that it automatically makes me happy. It calms me. I would still remember the times you would sing to me and those were still the greatest memories I have. I love you…I would need to sleep now .. Love you so much Kookie.” 


Soo Yun can tolerate and understand that with their time difference was not making it any easier for him to reply to her. Being an idol was sure no joke and the time would be hectic and all so she still keeps her cool about it and she knows it’s his work and that she has no right to jump to conclusions and accuse of him. Her trust for him was that enough. She trust Jungkook that much because Bae Soo Yun loves Jeon Jungkook that much.







“Hey Jungkook-ah we’ll be heading out to the next schedule. You don’t really look great right now so we recommend you just rest at the dorm to night.” Rap Monster said as BTS were on board the van which is on the way to their next schedule.


“Yeah maknae I think you need a break now. You’ve been working too hard.” V piped in the side as BTS were nodding off in approval.


“What? I’m perfectly fine hyungs!” Jungkook protested as he was dumbfounded and just bewildered with what his hyungs were implying.


“Nope you don’t look fine to us just rest at the dorm.” J-Hope said as the rest of BTS nodded in agreement.


“Manager hyung can you please let Jungkook-ah off the hook now? See his pale!” Jimin exaggerated as the rest of BTS looked at their manager for approval at their request that their maknae would stay at the dorm.


“Jungkook-ah, you’re hyungs are right. So I do suggest you just rest at the dorm. We’re making a quick stop to drop you of there.”  Their manager said as he just looked at Jungkook and approved the members’ request.






“Bye Maknae~!!!! We Know you’re gonna love us for making you stay at the dorm tonight! We know you’ll be happy! Good night maknae-ah~!” BTS waved off as Jungkook looked back at the van and gave his hyungs quizzical looks as they were seriously looking like lunatics to him.


He swear if this was another prank of theirs maknae or not he’ll beat them to pulp.


Jungkook trudge on the way up to their dorm room and opened up the door with the code and removed his shoes and was grumbling things like ‘Hyungs are really weird’ and ‘I’m not sick I feel perfectly fine what nonsense are they spewing’ on the way to the kitchen as he wanted a refreshment as he was suddenly parched right now.


On the way there he saw a flick of light which resembles a candle’s flickering light.


Finally having the full view of the kitchen, he was caught off guard and just dumbfounded.


On the center of the kitchen table there was a  two tiered white cake decorated beautifully as it was piped with intricate details and sugar glued with pearl candies on the side surrounding the cake completely with an fence pattern like and the second tier was a baby blue covered layer with a silver bow on the middle topped with chocolate Macarons ; Jungkook and Soo Yun’s favorite dessert.  The rest was decorated with mini cupcakes with swirls that made them look like little flowers and in the front of that cake show piece was a scarf, perfume and a silver bracelet. It was surrounded with white candles encased in glass ; scattered beautifully.


But the best part of all that surprise was behind it Bae Soo Yun was smiling at him, dressed in her casual outfit.


“I hope I’m making up for the time of your achievements I wasn’t able to celebrate with you.” Soo Yun said as she looked at Jungkook with a cautious smile as she doesn’t know how to act as shock is just completely apparent in him and she didn’t know if it’s a good thing or bad thing.


Not replying to what Soo Yun said Jungkook wordlessly trudge to Soo Yun and just encase her in a tight hug.


He’s grip on her seem liked he’s life depended on her. Like there was no chance of him letting go but what was beautiful with the hug was that every emotion, everything he wanted to say was translated into that hug and Soo Yun can’t help but close her eyes and smile and just enjoy the hug they’re sharing as she too, longed so much to be back in his hug and feel his warmth and to bask herself in his smell; she missed this so much, more than anything.


“I miss you so much you have no doubt how being whisked away in hectic schedule is driving me crazy because it doesn’t let me talk to you.” Jungkook muttered as he was still hugging Soo Yun.


“You don’t know how it was so hard for me to just check my phone and see that your call turned into a voice mail, I missed your call and I longed to hear your voice but I lost chance to do so. The stress I wanted to vent out to you because I know you would careless if I do so and you would understand me and comfort me. I wasn’t able to do that and it was driving me in the edge as I wanted to also know what was happening with you but I can’t since I didn’t want to bother you as I didn’t know what you were doing if I called you and I might interrupt something important. “ Jungkook said as he buried himself on Soo Yun’s hair; he missed doing that, he missed her.


“I can say we we’re both on the edge as I was just the same regarding you. I was actually scared that you didn’t have time for me because you were tired of me already and found someone new as you’re realizing that our long distance relationship was too much for you. “ Soo Yun replied as the thorns in her was plucked away with Jungkook’s words as it eased and erased her worries.


Jungkook removed himself from Soo Yun;s hair and kissed her forehead gently with both of their eyes close and simply enjoying and savoring each other’s presence they longed for so much to be in.


Silently and gently Jungkook moved his lips to the tip of Soo Yun’s nose and kissed her before it trailed to Soo Yun’s lips and gently put pressure and his lips lingered there as he felt Soo yun kissing him back and grating him access and Soo Yun threw her arms around his neck; making the distance between them nonexistent.



“I told you two years would fly by that fast.”  Soo Yun said as they pulled away for what seemed like the start of forever for the both them.



“Yeah it did, so now are you gonna stay here at Korea?” Jungkook said as he is not willing to let her go as he put his forehead against Soo Yun’s.


“Yes, I am staying here in Korea as I got an apprenticeship at The Westin Chosun as the head chef there also went to France to study so when they saw my record there were fairly impress I think and they allowed me to juggle to continue my studies at Soomkyung Academy with Boulangerie. So I know can see you whenever I can, no more time zone difference, no more just late night calls” Soo Yun explained her situation with her choosing to now fully stay at Korea again.


“You don’t know how happy I am right now. With you being here beside me right now, the lost time we have feels like just made us stronger. You do know how hard it still is for me to express myself but I really want you know how happy and bless I feel with you here with me. I get to flaunt that a beautiful , smart, caring, understanding and overall just perfect girl is mine. She’s all mine, mine, mine. And I couldn’t wish to God for anyone else.” Jungkook said as he rocked her playfully side to side as his hands were in Soo Yun’s waist.


“I’ll be able to see you every day and continue to pursue my studies. My handsome, adorable, childish yet manly at times, caring, I could say it all but it’ll be too long to describe you but you know one word that would describe you for me? Perfect.” Soo Yun said as she leaned her head on his chest hearing his heartbeat.


“You’re so beautiful and you’re mine that it’s too perfect. I just cannot help but say thank you to God for the nth time for giving me you as you are the best thing in my life.’ Soo Yun continued as she everything that happened to them plays in her mind and she wouldn’t even have it any other way as she found herself more than satisfied about them.


“I love you and I mean it.”  Jungkook said as he stared at Soo Yun’s eyes with such intensity that she can feel his sincerity.


“I love you too and I know you really do mean it.” Soo Yun said before she pecked his lips and grabs his wrist and pulled him to the table before saying


“Now I would want you to taste the cake I bake, it took me about half a day to finish this so there might be a lot of visible flaws because normally this should have been made 2 days prior but it’s the first thing I did when I landed here back in Korea at 4 am. Please tell me if I improved a lot! I want to know if going to France really did sharpen my skills.” Soo Yun happily said as she cut a piece of the cake on the top layer and putted it into a paper plate with a fork and handed it to Jungkook.


Jungkook smiled and said ‘Thank you’ when the plate was passed onto him and grab his fork and cutted into the piece of cake and tasted it.


Soo Yun was looking at him with such anticipation that it made him chuckle a little bit as he can’t help but think how cute she was and how much he missed her.


“It taste’s perfect as usual because my perfect girlfriend made it.” Jungkook’s verdict was biased in Soo Yun’s ears.


“Psh, seriously! Tell me!” Soo Yun laughed and demanded as she poked Jungkook’s cheek playfully.


“I am telling the truth that it’s really perfect.” Jungkook laughed as his girlfriend continued to poke his cheek playfully but then pouted.


“Well if that’s that Kookie I think I will make you and BTS oppas a box of cookies and you’re manager and probably SeongDeuk ahjusshi as I asked him to ask your manager to ride on with my plan.” Soo yun said as she looked up and thought of how many batch she was going to make as a sign of her gratitude towards the people who helped her made this reunion between Jungkook and her possible.


“Ah that explain why they were weird to me. “ Jungkook said as he looked at his girlfriend and can’t help but soften with how much trouble she would have went through to just surprise him like this.


“Thank you for the surprise. Truthfully I would have been already happy with just seeing you back here at Seoul again but you went all out and did this that I am ecstatic and just feel loved by you. Thank you.” Jungkook said as he hugged his girlfriend as realization dawned on him just how much lucky he is to have her.


“Silly Kookie I love you so this is nothing at all.” Soo Yun replied as she was happy that her boyfriend appreciates what she did and she felt like the stress and the amount of stress was all worth it.


“I fell in love with you and still am but I plan to be in love with you for the rest of my borrowed time and life from God.” Jungkook said as he doesn’t want to let go his girlfriend.


The end~!!! Hope you guys liked it~!

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14 streak #1
Chapter 3: This is so cute and cheesy and fluffy. . Omg I cant... ASDFGHJKLWJKA
samyeol #2
Chapter 1: This is really really really superrrrr cute and romantic!!! I'll be waiting for the 3rd part!! :)
Chapter 1: I really love this story!!! Please make a sequel authornim!!
Update the story soon! Cannot wait x.

Please take a look at our BTS story if you've got time

~Chu <3 Mary