Chapter 4

In Search of Happiness

Being a man of his words, Seungho came visit everyday. She still doesn't talk much and only talk when necessary. Seungho always found her in the veranda staring at nothing or in front of the tv although he's sure that she doesn't even know what she's watching.

Seungho always the one who talks, he told Aira about his work, about the members, or sometimes just try to throw some lame jokes and laugh by himself. He didn't seem to mind being ignored by her, because no matter how cold her expression was he somehow knew that she listens.

He just wanted her to realize that she's not alone.

Today was no different when Seungho visited her after his schedules for the day ended. He brought some dvds and snacks to accompany them through the night. He was telling a story about how Cheondoong started to do some exercise and always showing off his muscles to the rest of them as subtle as he could.

He also talked about how Joon feels more and more iritated about it and challenge him on an arm-wrestle battle to prove that he's still the one who's stronger. Aira actually liked how Seungho always tell her about his day, it makes her feels that she somehow has a friend and the story about MBLAQ members always amused her.

"So, who won?" She asked Seungho, not shifting her gaze from the television.

"Eh?" He couldn't believe his ears. It was the first time she ever responded to his story and he's happy.

"The battle, who won?"

"Of course Cheondoong won, Joon was devastated. We bully him since then, hahaha."

"Poor Joon, you guys are mean.." Aira tried to hide her smile but couldn't, she ended up joining Seungho and laughing too.

God, her laugh is enchanting.. Seungho stopped himself from making any comment about how Aira finally stop ignoring him. He was afraid that she would be back to her cold self. 

Realizing what she just did, Aira stopped laughing in an instant and looked away. She noticed how Seungho stared at her earlier as if she grew wings on her back. Of course he would be surprised, idiot. Why did you laugh anyway? 

"You want coffee?" She brought herself up from the couch, ready to get away from the somehow awkward situation. 

"Ah? Nae.." Seungho answered absent-mindedly.

His eyes was on her the entire time she got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen, until finally he found himself walking to her. There was something he always wanted to ask her these last few days and somehow he felt like today was the right time for him to finally do so.

Aira looked up from the coffee she was pouring when she noticed Seungho's presence besides her in the kitchen. The guy leaned on the wall, looking as if he was hesitating about something. She frowned at him, waiting for him to say or do something that would explain what was he doing in there with her.

When she got nothing, she put the two cup of coffees on her hands and approached him. She handed him one cup and managed to get a reaction from him. He looked up and opened his mouth, finally saying what he wanted to say.

"Errm..Aira, would you.." He shifted between his legs, " any chance..mind if I take you somewhere tomorrow?"

"Where?" She asked, confused. 

"Ermm.. it's.. MBLAQ's practice room?" Seungho said carefully, really hoped that she would say yes.

Truth was, the members keep on asking him to bring her, they wanted to meet the girl who's been taking their leader's attention for the last two weeks. Just a week ago, Seungho told G.O about Aira and how he met her because G.O and his manager started to get pissed at him for always out until late, and sometimes went missing for a whole day. As for Joon, Cheondoong and Mir, Seungho just told them that she was his friend and she needed his help for something.

"Why?" Aira raised her eyebrows.

"The members want to meet you.."

" told them about me?"

"NO" He said in a rush, "I mean yeah.. but it's just G.O and my manager because I can't lie to them anymore. I'm really sorry.."

Aira wasn't angry, she's just embarassed by the thought that she would meet another person who knows about what kind of girl she was. 

"Do you want me to go?" She didn't really know what she wanted so she would just do what Seungho wants her to do.

"Yeah, please go with me, hm?" He asked again gently and his smile grew wide when he saw Aira nodded slightly, looking as if she wasn't even sure about her own decision.

"Thank you! I'll pick you up at 9 tomorrow."




♦ ♦ ♦ 




MBLAQ members were thrilled when Seungho came to the practice room with Aira the next day. Seungho introduced her to everyone in the room, including their choreographer and manager. Aira was relieved that people actually being nice to her, she was expecting more cold treatment remembering that she's just a stranger and she felt she's going to disturb their practice.

The members greeted her with smiles on their face and she felt very welcomed. Mir and G.O actually talked to her for a while before they were told to start practicing.

MBLAQ were going to practice a new choreography for their comeback and Seungho asked her to not go anywhere. She sat on the side, watching the guys dancing. They were good, just like what she remembered them to be. The manager, Kim Byungki, saw her from across the room and sat besides her.

"So, Shin Aira-ssi right? I'm Byungki. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, thank you.." She smiled at him, "I'm so sorry for disturbing the practice.."

"Haha you're not." He assured her and continued, " Seungho has been bothering you, huh? hehe." He tried to start the conversation but then he saw Aira's face darken at his words, realizing how he could've offended her he moved closer to her,  "I'm sorry..I heard what happened. Do you feel offended?"

"... No, it's okay." She smiled again but couldn't hide her awkwardness. 

"Actually, I just want to say this. Seungho might come out as rude to barge in your life like that, but that's just him being responsible. He can't stand it when something goes wrong while he can do something about it." Byungki added after a couple of minutes of silence.

"Yeah.. I know. But I'm just a stranger nonetheless." She muttered.

"Believe me, Seungho doesn't care. Besides, I know your name, the guys know your name, you know our names, so we're not strangers anymore." He smiled mischiveously. Aira was in loss of what to answer him so she just nodded slowly, trying to digest everything he said to her.

Satisfied with her respond, Byungki tapped her in a friendly way, "Okay, now just relax and watch the guys practice. Look, Mir's trying so hard to impress you! Hahaha that kid." He laughed and gestured his chin toward the guys.

Aira laughed too knowing exactly what Byungki said as she saw Mir looking at them from across the mirror while dancing. Mir realized that he got caught, he gave them a big grin and dance more powerfully.

Oh Mir..


The practice lasted for three hours and they finally done. The members were scattered all around the floor with sweat all over their body. Seungho grab a towel from Byungki and approached Aira.

"Sorry it took so long. You're bored?" Seungho threw his body besides her, trying to control his breath.

"No, I enjoyed watching the practice." She gave him a bottle of water and he gulped down half of it in one go. 

" was our choreography?" Mir ran towards them with his signature grin.

"It was so great!" Aira smiled politely and also threw a bottle of water for him.

"Really? Haha I'm so happy you said that because I actually messed up several times! Anyway, can I call you noona instead?" he asked casually.

"Nae." Well, why not.. Aira thought so she gave him a simple nod. 

"Okaaay, noona! Now, are you Seungho hyung's girlfriend??" Mir asked brightly, Seungho almost choked with his drink while Aira's eyes grew wide.

"What? No, I'm not. I'm just..." She was hesitated over who she really was to Seungho but thankfully Seungho answered for her.

"Friend, Aira's a friend, didn't I tell you that?"

"Oh come on, you visit her almost everyday, what kind of friend does that?" Mir didn't want to believe his hyung.

"I do." Seungho said and continued, "And stop it, Mir." He threw his towel at the maknae, telling him to shut up. He didn't bring her here to make her feel more uncomfortable than she already was with him. He almost regreted his decision to ask her to come, he wondered if he should make she opened up to him first before she met the others.

But no. She needs this. She can't be inside her apartment everyday.. Seungho assured himself as he glanced at the girl who was still smiling politely at everyone.

She never smiled this much, I bet her cheek hurt already from forcing that smile out.

"I'm sorry noona, I won't tease you guys anymore." Mir apologized, "So, you're coming with us after this, right?"

"Well, I don't know, where are you guys going?" Aira looked around in confusion, Seungho never said anything besides meeting the guys at practice.

"I thought hyung told you, we're going to celebrate Joon hyung's birthday. It's just a small dinner between us though. You're coming?"

"Yeah, she's coming." Seungho answered for her.

"Great, the more the merrier!" Joon came and sat with them along with Cheondoong and G.O. They joined the conversation and talked for a while before finally everyone's ready to go to grab dinner.






I won't blame you if you find this chapter boring, cause I feel the same way T^T

See you on the next update!


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7232js #1
Chapter 19: I guess this story is abandoned. No updates in ages or put on hiatus. Sorry to see this as the story was just getting good. Will remove from bookmarks.
shsszn #2
Chapter 19: Ayyy i miss this story so much T_T i miss aira T_________T
Author-nim, update pleaseeeeee
I really love the story..
shsszn #3
Chapter 19: Tbh i kinda like the twist between Aira - Seungho - G.O more than Aira - Seungho - Seunghoon (wait, it's seunghoon isnt it) :D
Chapter 19: *screams incoherently*

G.O you poor thing. I knew this was going to happen to you. I actually sort of ship G.O and Aira too because I found him being tender to her is so endearing but of course I love her with Seungho too.

But omg the angst! I'm actually anticipating for it. Things are going to get ugly (in a good way) after this. I'm looking forward to how it's going to unfold :D
tukki-tukki #5
Chapter 19: U are the one who help seungho and now u regret it. U should play the song earlier so u'll know your feeling. And now u cant do anything about it. Or else it will effect your friendship.
Just give up GO.. just be mine.. lol
Chapter 19: Omomomomooooo! Sooooooooo cute!!!! I want her to become a famous composer~~~ hihihi
and GO go away!!! TT she belongs to seungho <3
2031 streak #7
Chapter 19: OMG!!! G.O has feelings for her too? Oho... Where this is going to them to? Hope it won't be getting of Seungho and G.O's friendship. What a cliffhanger (?) author-nim! Way to go... Can't wait to read more ^_^
shsszn #8
Chapter 18: OMGGGGG!!! Aira x Seungho ftw!!!
2031 streak #9
Chapter 18: OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! I'm on fangirling mode now :) I really loved this chapter author-nim. Your writing style is so good. I felt goosebumps while reading it...