The Night Before Everything Happens

Love In Disguise. Literally.

Once upon a time

A long long time ago

One apple a day

One day

One day in a magical place


GAH! I totally hate these story sta-- oh? Sorry, I didn't notice you entered this page. Uhhh. Just don't uh- okay, let's just start the story.





Darkness was lingering around the school halls and it was already past 11:00 pm. Two black figures can be seen from afar, moving slowly and quietly making sure they kept unseen, but no one would notice them anyway. 

"Kim Kibum. That's what boss told me.", a man in a black coat whispered as he took out a small package which contained suspicious white powder, a drug. He examined the package and caressed his beard. Yes, the man had a beard, and some freckles too, but it all looked really fake. It was obvious that he was in disguise.

He shoved the package back into his pocket and looked at the boy in the picture he was holding, inspecting every trait the boy had. "Man, he's pretty."

"Shush. Keep quiet. The patrol team might hear us.", a girl in a nurse uniform replied. "We need to do this quickly."

After minutes of walking, they finally arrived at their destination. Room A-234. Kibum's homeroom.

"Where's the rose? Give it to me.", the girl demanded. 

"Calm down, calm down. It's here.", he said and slowly took out a transparent glass container revealing the fragile-looking flower. Slowly and surely, the man opened the container, took the rose out and sprinkled the drug. 

"That'll do."  

The girl gently placed  the rose on Kibum's desk and placed the fake love letter they made earlier. It said:


Dear Kibum,

Hi. Boy you just caught my eye. When you smile, I smile. You're the apple to my pie.You are amazing just the way you are. I'm in love with you and all these little things.So I won't hesitate, no more. It cannot wait, I'm sure. I love you, Kibum.


Ps. Please meet me at the school forest.



Nicolas Cage


"Uhh. I don't know why but that letter is freakin weird."

"Just shut up, okay? Let's go."


The two got out of the school and disappeared in a second or two. A bright full moon shone as the clouds drifted away. It was a tiring night.



Please tell me if it was okay or not. And if you have suggestions on how I should write my fanfic, please comment on the comment box down below. > . <








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Chapter 1: I think this fic is going to go far. Something about your shyness + the idea = greatness, to me. Good luck!