Chapter 1: THEM.. O_O

I have a secret crush on HIM♥ Sh...


So this is the first chapter! 

Please go easy on me. T^T

It's my first time to write a fanfic.

OH! I almost forgot. If any of you readers are free, can you please, please make a banner for me? D: I'll accept any banners. :) 

Thank you! (^-^)


I was done with my morning routine and ran downstairs towards the kitchen. I grabbed myself a toast and put it in the toaster. Suddenly, the door bell rang. 

"I GOT IT, MOM!, " I yelled as I ran towards the door and swung it open.

"Taiga-ah!," yelled Tiffany.
Tiffany is my BFFL. 

"Tiffany!," I said and jumped on her. She 'Oof' and hugged me back.

I finally let go of Tiffany and invited her family in. 

"Yo, shortie!," her brother yelled in my face.

"Watch it, girly," I yelled back.

He froze....then Tiffany burst out laughing.

"Not funny," he mumbled to himself and ran upstairs to look for my brother.

I sighed and smiled.

'Grrrrgghhggrrgghh.' My eyes widened. What was that?!

I turned to Tiffany and she clutched her stomach.

"Sorry... I'm a bit hungary," she said in embarrassment.

I nodded. "Follow me."

I walked into the kitchen with Tiffany following behind. I checked the toaster and the toast is almost done. I smiled and turned back to Tiffany. 

"So... You didn't eat this morning?," I questioned.

She shook her head weakly. "No.." T^T

I giggled and said, "Don't worry, you'll survive." I smiled and did a peace sign.

She sighed. "It's not like a toast is going to fall down from the sky and-"


We both froze. Guess what happened?

Yup! You guessed it. My toast flew up in the air and landed right on Tiffany's hands. Weird, huh?

There was a long silence and then... we both burst out laughing.

"That was AWESOME!," exclaimed Tiffany.

I nodded. "AGREED!"

I grabbed my second toast and placed it in my mouth.

"Hey mom? Me and Tiffany are going outside, okay?," I asked my mom with the toast still in my mouth.

She nodded. "Sure, but be careful."

Tiffany turned to her mom and her mom nodded. "Go ahead."

"Thanks," we both said at the same time and ran outside.

"So, where exactly are we going?," asked Tiffany.

I shrugged. "Anywhere, I guess."

With the toast still in my mouth, I took out my rubber band and tried tying my hair into a messy bun.

Suddenly, we heard laughter coming in from the park that's a few blocks away from my house. I got curoius and ran to the park, still trying to tie my hair. -.-

Tiffany yelled my name and ran after me. When we got to the park, the laughter grew louder. It sounded like there's more than 1 voice.

So, Tiffany and I slowly entered the entrance gate and we both froze. There, sitting on the swings were 6 beautiful boys. They looked bad. How should I put this? Aha! BAD BOYS.

Tiffany leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "Let's get out of here before they see us."

I nodded slowly, still tying my hair. -____-

Me and Tiffany were about to turn around and go back until someone yelled, "HEY! Want to hangout with us?!"

My eyes widened. Oh no! >-< Run, Tiffany, Run! My mind kept telling me to run but my heart kept telling me to stay and get to know Them.

So, I gave in and turned back around.

"Sorry, um, we need to go..," I said, trying to come up with an excuse. "Maybe some other time?"

"Come on, Tiffany Unnie. Let's go..," I said while tugging Tiffany's sleeve. I looked up at Tiffany and she froze in her spot.

She was staring straight at something or Someone.

I followed her gaze and gasped. She was staring at one of those BAD BOYS.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shame on you, Tiffany Unnie. -__-

"Heeeellloooo?!," I yelled, waving my hands in front of Tiffany's face. She finally snapped out of it and quickly nodded her head.

I smiled. "Good, your back to earth." Tiffany looked down at me, confusingly. I shrugged.

Tiffany quickly grabbed my hand and was about to drag me out of the entrance gate when suddenly someone's hand was on my shoulder. I yelped and jumped back.

The boy smirked. "Lady, we just want to hang out with you," he said. I shook my head wildly. This is bad... and I'm not even done tying my hair! Also, my TOAST is still in my MOUTH! Gr... I turned to look at Tiffany and see what she'll do. She looked back at me and sighed. "Okay, I guess. But, you have to promise not to do ANYTHING to us."

A boy with messy brown hair came up and said, "Okay, we promise. Right, guys?" He turned to his 'GUYS'. -___- Psh, LAME. I thought.

They all nodded.

I blinked and finally got my hair done! :D I was about to get my toast when a boy with blonde hair came up to me and guess what he did?!

He snatched my toast RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH and took a bite out of it then shoved it back in my mouth! KYAA! x_x I am going to be SICK! I gasped and without thinking, I jumped on him. "MY TOAST!!!," I yelled in frustration.

We both fell down and I was on top of him. I grabbed on to his collar and started shaking him. "THAT WAS MY TOAST!!," I yelled again. "Taiga-ah!, yelled Tiffany. "Stop it, girl. What are you trying to do? Kill him?"

Suddenly, he tipped me over and was now on top of me. I blinked in surprise and froze in my spot. "What are you going to do then, huh?", he smirked at me. My eyes widened. This BLONDIE makes me want to KILL HIM. 

"Yah, hyung! What are you doing to a beautiful girl?," said the one with the messy brown hair. The Blondie shrugged and stood back up. He reached out his hand for me. I glared at his hand  for a sec and pretended to bite if off. He quickly brought his hand back to protect it. I heaved out a sigh and stood up, fixing my yellow skinnies. (Skinny jeans, if you don't know. ^-^)

I clenched my fists. " STUPID BLONDIE BOY!," I yelled and marched away to the entrance gate. Then, I stopped and turned back to ALL OF THEM, even my Bestie. I glared at the Blondie and said, "STUPID BLONDIE. I hope you have some BLONDE MOMENTS!" I turned back around and ran to the left, towards my house. 

"Is she going to cry?," asked a baby face boy.

Tiffany shook her head. "Nah, she's always like that whenever you . Tiaga gets angry easily." When Tiffany said that, the Blondie's eyes sparkled. 'She sounds enteresting... and an easy target at that,' he thought.


Did you enjoy it? :D 

I hope you did! (^-^) And please, please, please! Don't forget about the banner!! Thank You~

Oh, did I do a good job? xD Just wondering. Hehe~

I will start next chapter as soon as possible! 










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Chapter 1: This was pretty fun! Keep up!