A peck

A new start
It had been 2 weeks ever since the trip to your villa. Mir had invited all of you to the club because he wanted to introduce Taeyeon. He also just wanted to relax after 2 weeks of working on the continuous requests. You were getting dressed up for it. You wanted to go for a little y look since it was at a club. You weren't the type to wear y clothing but hey, every woman wants to look beautiful right? 
And also a small silver purse and silver beaded high heels to complete the look.
You curled your hair a little to make it a bit wavy and put on some makeup with red lipstick. You didn't look fake because you used natural makeup and eyeliner. The dress was also skin tight which outlined your body curves. 
It was already 6.45pm and you got Soo to drive you to the club. Soo was also shocked by your transformation. 
"Ma'am, i have never seen you like this before." He said. 
"Me neither. I guess i just decided to try something new." You smiled.
You could hear the loud booming music when you reached the club. You went in. You could feel the stares of the many men and women as you enter. You then walked gracefully up to the table where Mir and the rest had already reached. 
"Anyeong!" You waved. 
"Anye- Woah!" Mir exclaimed. 
Cheondung, Hyorin, Joon, IU , Mir and G.O scanned you from head to toe. 
"Woah...." They exclaimed. 
"Rin Ah! You look... Fantastic! Gorgeous!" Your oppa said. 
"Gomawo Doongie oppa!" You smile and took a seat beside G.O since that was the only empty space. G.O's heart pounded wildly that he could almost hear his own heartbeat. He was surprised too. Very surprised. 
They then ordered some drinks. You had ordered a cocktail. You didn't like wine or anything else because you didn't want to get drunk. While waiting for the drinks, Mir introduced Taeyeon to everyone. She was a beauty and had a kind soul indeed. 
Mir then suggested,"Lets go dance!" 
Everyone moved in pairs. The men on the dance floor were staring down at you while the women were glaring at you. You danced to the rythm of the music. After a while, you noticed that G.O was not by your side anymore. You felt a sudden gush of insecurity but continued dancing. 
Just then, a man grabbed you by the waist and turned you around to face him. 
"You look hot." He praised. 
"Thank you but please let go of me." You tried prying his hand off of your waist but his grip only became tighter. 
He then pulled you closer to him. You squeaked. "I'm not that kind of girl!" 
He didn't care but started ing his hips. You pushed him away but he only pulled you back. Just then, another hand grabbed the man's hand off of your waist forcefully. You stepped back back quickly. You turned and saw that it was G.O. You were so thankful but his eyes only showed anger as he glared at the man. The man immediately caught the tension and fear was written on his face. 
"Don't touch her." G.O warned in a provoking and intimidating voice. 
You were a little afraid though you were grateful to him.  He loosened the grip on the man's hand. The man had obvious red marks on his hand indicating how strong G.O's grip was. The man then bowed to apologise and ran away into the crowd. G.O turned to look at you. His expression softened. 
"Are you alright?" He asked. 
"Neh~ Thank you so much." You bowed.
"No biggie. Anyways, i'm sorry i left you. I wanted to get my drink and i would you would be fine for a just a few minutes but i guess you're just too attractive." He flashed a charming smile. 
Your heart fluttered at his words. 
Me? Attractive? Really? You thought. 
"Lets go back to the seat. Its not safe here." He then gently held your wrist and led you back to the seats. It was empty because the rest were still dancing. 
"Do you wanna go outside to get some fresh air for awhile before the others come back?" G.O asked. 
You nodded in response. You didn't want to stay in there for too long either since it was noisy and filled with erts. 
Both of you were walking to the nearby benches, away from the club when out of nowhere, a drunkard came walking towards your direction. You gave G.O a glance before looking back at the man. He had an insane look and was walking in zig zag lines. 
He then came up to you. G.O quickly held your hand. 
"Hey girl..." He grabbed your arm. His breath smelt of beer. 
"How... How much for.. One night?" He gave a weird smirk. 
G.O then spoke up,"She's not for sale!" 
"I wasn't talking to you!" The man pointed to G.O. 
The man then gave you a weird smirk again and tried pulling you with him. You of course, retracted your arm from his grip but he kept trying to drag you with him. G.O immediately stood in front of you to protect you and he punched the man. 
"I said she's not for sale! Wake up!" He yelled and pulled you away to the bench and sat down next to you. 
"Thanks again." You shyly said. 
"Man, nowhere is safe! " he sighed and took off his jacket. He placed his jacket over you to cover up your showing flesh. 
"Oppa, I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble."
He shook his head and replied," You're too attractive."
You chuckled but felt guilty at once. 
Silence took over as the both you gazed at the beautiful night sky. The stars were bright and moon was shining down right at the both of you. You stole a glance at G.O. His face was shimmring under the moonlight and he looked beautiful. 
Such a beautiful man. You thought. 
You then leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek. He immdediately looked back at you. 
"That was for saying I'm sorry and also because i'm grateful." You looked down and felt the heat rising to your cheeks. 
Why did you that Rin Ah!? You mentally slapped yourself.
G.O couldn't believe it. You had kissed him! Well, more like a peck but still! He smiled and said,"Well, that was a great apology and thank you token." 
He was celebrating inside. He felt sparks. When he saw that you were still looking down at your feet and a blush on your cheek, not because of makeup, he chuckled and grinnned. 
You on the other hand, felt relieved. You were grateful he didn't say anything blunt like "i don't like you" but you were glad that he thought it was a great token. But you blushed because you just realised what he had said. 
After a moment of silence, G.O then spoke up first.
"Ok then, lets go back now. They must be waiting for us." G.O stood up. 
You then followed him back to the club. And just as he said, they were all waiting for the 2 of you. 
"Where did you go?" Hyorin worriedly asked. 
"Oh, we went to the benches to get some fresh air. It was too loud in here. And too many... Creeps.." G.O explained. 
They all then nodded. 
"You know what, lets play a game!" Mir suddenly exclaimed in excitement. 
"Lets play Spin The Bottle and whoever the bottle points to, have to drink one glass of beer, one-shot!" Mir suggested. 
You were not a good drinker so you weren't really keen on the game but you decided to play along since you didn't want to be a spoilt sport. 
All of you agreed but Cheondung eyed you but you nodded and gave a small smile to tell him you were fine. 
Mir was crazy about games. He excitedly spinned the bottle. The bottle had landed on Hyorin. 
"Bottom's up!!" Mir shouted while pouring the beer into the glass cup. He then passed it to Hyorin. Everyone cheered her on. 
Hyorin then courageously drinked it one-shot. Mir spinned the bottle again but this time, it landed on Joon. Joon was a good drinker so he drank it one-shot like a man. IU cheered for him as they lovingly looked at each other. 
G.O could bet that you were spazzing out even though he wasn't looking at you. 
Mir then spinned the bottle but unfortunately, it landed on you. They cheered for you. 
"Rin Ah! You can do it!" Cheondung cheered and made a fist. 
You then nervously drank it. You didn't like the taste of beer and you could get drunk easily which was why you were hesitant on whether to drink it or not at first. But in the end, you still drank it. After drinking, you spinned the bottle and it landed on G.O. He was neither a good drinker nor a bad drinker. He was in between. 
On the next 2 rounds, it was Taeyeon and Mir. Cheondung and IU were the only ones who didn't touch the drinks yet. But after the next 4 rounds, almost everyone was drunk except for you, IU and G.O. They just kept drinking and drinking. Maybe even a drink too many. 
Joon was off the game and just cotinued drinking and so did Mir, Cheondung and Hyorin. You were not so sober and there was a pink dash on your cheeks.
Mir kept shoving you drinks but you could not reject him. 
"Come on.. Don't be a spoilt sport, drink up!" Mir handed you the drink. 
"Emm.. Mir oppa, i can't. I've already had 4 drinks.." You tried talking logic to him. 
"Ayyy.. C'mon just drink up!" He persuaded you. 
You couldn't reject him because he would just keep giving you drinks. You were about to drink up when G.O suddenly stoppe you and said,"I'll drink it for her so don't force it on her anymore." 
"Oooooooo" they all went. 
You stared at G.O in shock as he just kept drinking them while Mir kept filling up the cup. 
"No, you don't have to!" You tried stopping him but he gave you a gentle look and whispered,"I'm not gonna let you be taken advantage of just because you're the maknae."
You stared at him while he continued drinking. After 5 more drinks, he was completely wasted. He kept mumbling nonsense as well as Mir, Joon and Hyorin. Cheondung was drunk but he was still at least a little sober. IU and you were the only ones who were still quite sober compared to the rest. You foot the bill and carried all of them together with IU and Cheondung to the car. Soo then complied and helped carry them too. 
You had sent all of them back. IU brought her boyfriend, Joon to her house since she didn't have his house keys. Cheondung brought Hyorin to his house because she was really wasted and mumbled a bunch of jibberish. 
G.O was sleeping. He slept on your shoulder since you were both still in the car. You admired his beautiful facial features and sighed. 
"Thank you..." You whispered. 
After all, he had helped you out so much. Even when you had first met him, he had already helped you out with a lot of things. Without knowing, the feelings you had for him grew but you just weren't ready yet. 
I wonder what you actually think about me.. You thought. 
When you had reached your house, Soo helped you carry G.O to the guestroom. 
"Ma'am, are you sure you'd be fine?" He asked out of concern. 
"Yes, i'm sure. I'm still sober." You assured him. 
"Alright, then i'll be taking my leave." He bowed and left the house. 
You looked at G.O and thought that you should probably change him out of those uncomfortable clothes. You took off his shirt and changed him into one of Soo's shirt he had left when he would stay in your house overnight sometimes. The pants were hard though. You took off his pants and changed them real quick as you didn't even glance at them once. Once he was all changed up, you took a damp cloth to wipe off the perspiration on his face. 
You then the air conditioner to 20 degrees. You placed a blanket over him and stared at his fac blankly. You knew that his reaction wouldn't be the same if he were you. 
"Thanks.. Really thanks.. For everything. But i'm not ready yet..." You muttered under your breath. 
You thought that he had heard you as he turned in his sleep but then realised that he was still sleeping. You heaved a sigh of relief and went out of the guestroom. You showered and changed before sleeping but what you didn't know was that G.O had actually heard you. 

Dear readers, 


Here's a chapter! Hope you enjoyed it. I wouldn't be able to update for 2 days because i have so much going on for the next 2 days. I'm sorry but my school is just so annoying! 


Thank you for reading! Bye~

Author Hyunmin

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 9: wow! Such a short and sweet story. It was nice :)
Thank you so much! I just found strength in your comment! :)
kakashilover #3
WOW , I just found this ,and i think iam realy lucky to read it all, in one go . Well done author ssi , u realy did agood work here with my amazing byunghee ,and hope u can make more for him :)
kakashilover #4
WOW , I just found this ,and i think iam realy lucky to read it all, in one go . Well done author ssi , u realy did agood work here with my amazing byunghee ,and hope u can make more for him :)
KaRain #5
Chapter 9: Love you too authornim. Just keep on writing MBLAQ stories, and another one about G.O. nice story....Fighting!!!
KaRain #6
Chapter 8: Update soon please. I want to know what will G.O do since he heard what she said.
Chapter 8: i'm so done with it...it's just too great...looking forward for next chapter...fighting authornim!! :D
Chapter 7: love this chapter best...just full with lovey dovey scene..but Rin Ah is the weirdest one..i'm not joking XDDD
Chapter 6: aigoo...new chapter..love you authornim
i should be the one who thanks to you..because now i'm still in my final exam weeks..so by reading your awesome fanfic helps to relaxing me a bit from study ><
KaRain #10
Chapter 1: New subscriber here. Update soon. Love this chapter.