Just Like The Movies

Just Like The Movies- One Shot

You should listen to this while reading, adds to the effect hehe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCg0jZ9U0o0


I sipped my coffee and looked out the window; another rainy Seoul day. I silently watched all the cars pass by. The house was dark, no sign of life present. I didn’t have the will power to do anything right now. I laid my head back on the seat and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, the phone started to ring, I let it ring; I didn’t want to talk to anyone unless it was Jae Rin. I heard Donghae’s voice came through the answering machine.

“Hey, Eunhyuk, I know you’re probably upset, but we miss you. Me and Sungmin are going to go out to eat, call me back if you wanna come. Bye Eunhyuk.”


Eunhyuk held hands with Jae Rin as they walked to a cake shop. They shared an umbrella; it was a rainy day just like this one. When they finally arrived and Eunhyuk laughed to himself as he watched Jae Rin’s eyes glow from all the treats.

“Get anything you want yeobo.”

“Really?” He smiled and nodded as she ordered.

“Let me feed you oppa!” Jae Rin said while feeding Eunhyuk cake. She laughed and ate some. When they were done eating, they walked outside to see that it had stopped raining. The sun was shining brightly over Seoul.

“Saranghae oppa” Jae Rin said while kissing Eunhyuk on the lips.


“Saranghae oppa”. Her words repeating over and over again, making me lose control. I flipped over the coffee table, spilling coffee all over the floor. I slammed against the wall, slumping down on the floor. I ran my fingers in my hair and tried to control my angry tears.

“Yah! How could you tell me those words, those words that ended up being false!” I yelled, making echoes. Everything hurt; my head, hands, and my heart. How could one girl affect me this much? I got up and went to my bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. In the mirror I saw a stuffed animal sitting on the dresser.


“Jae Rin-ah! Look a carnival! Let’s go!” Eunhyuk grabbed Jae Rin’s hand and pulled her to a street carnival.

“Aishh. Oi! Hyuk! Get me ice cream!” She said while making a puppy face.

“Aish, you and your aegyo.” He went to the ice cream stand and ordered her ice cream. While he was paying, Jae Rin looked around the carnival. She saw something that caught her eye, a game stand where the prize was a white pig rabbit.

“I got you your ice-“

“OPPA! LOOK! AHH ISN’T IT CUTE!” She grabbed his hand and ran to the game stand. “Hyuk, can you please win me this please, please, please?”

“Of course yeobo, watch oppa win this like a pro” the game was bottle toss. He had two tries per ticket. After 10 tries he finally got her pig rabbit.

“There we go yeobo.” He gave her the pig rabbit and smiled as he saw her happy expression. “AHH! Thank you, Thank you!”


I looked at the pig rabbit and picked it up. Its eye smile reminded me of Jae Rin. *That’s it* I thought. *I won’t let you go that easy* I changed into clean clothes and ran outside.

Somehow luck was by my side today and I wasn’t stopped while running to Jae Rin’s apartment. While I was running I heard thunder, and then small raindrops. **. The raindrops got heavier and soon turned into a storm. *Nothing, not even something as small as rain is going to stop me from getting to you Jae Rin* I ran even faster and got to her apartment complex, wet, but determined. I ran up flights of stairs to get to her floor, too impatient to use an elevator. My knees felt weak from all the running, but yet I managed to run to her door. I rang the door bell.


“Annyeon- Eunhyuk? What happened to you? Come inside.” I could barely walk but I made it inside.

“Eunhyuk, why are you here…”

“Jae Rin, I can’t stop thinking about you. As cheesy as it sounds, it’s true. Everything reminds me of you. Every single memory I have of you replays in my head, a simple cup of coffee reminds me of our dates, I can’t get you out of my head. Jae Rin I-I love you and I don’t understand how I can live without you” my knees gave out and I dropped to the floor. Jae Rin genuinely looked worried and ran over to help me. I grabbed her into a hug.

“Please Jae Rin, take me back, I can’t take this anymore.”


Jae Rin POV

I felt Eunhyuk’s tears fall onto my shirt. He was wet and breathing hard, I could tell he ran in the rain. *Oh my Eunhyuk, I don’t think you’ve caused me pain, I think I’ve caused you even more.*

“I-I don’t know if I want to.”

“What? N-no, Jae Rin, don’t do this to me.”

“Eunhyu-“before I could finish Eunhyuk pulled me into a kiss. I pulled back and looked into his puffy eyes.

“I-I think you should leave” I turned around facing away from him.

“No Jae, yeobo don’t do this to me” He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheeks repeatedly. I broke from his hug and went to the kitchen.


Eunhyuk POV

Then, I finally realized that I had lost Jae Rin. My heart felt like it was no longer there. I walked out her apartment, and headed towards the main door. I tried to fight back my tears.  *Just know Jae Rin, I’ll never love anyone like I loved you.*


Jae Rin POV

I looked out the window and watched Eunhyuk leave. Something in my heart was telling me yes, but I don't love him like I used to. I clutched the curtain to keep me from falling, and let my tears fall.


“Saranghae Eunhyuk.”

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ontaetae #1
another good one shot fic!!