Amour immortel |L.Joe|

No. 9

"Immortal love." First person. | Fantasy & Suspense | I didn't re-read it to fix mistakes. | Word Count: 

I woke up blanketed by a thick fog, my surrounding hidden away from my eyes. It was almost like a dream, like a game of hide and seek. I could feel eyes watching my every move, my every step, my every breath, but I saw nothing expect for the ground I stood on. I began to walk carefully, each step seeming slower than the last. It felt as if time had stopped, and the world was at a stand still. My walking began to get faster, faster... the fog began to get thicker and thicker... I could hear laughter from the owner's of the invisible eyes. My breathing got faster, shorter, and my heart began to race. I could feel myself being surrounded by beings, and I tried to scream out for help, but my voice had disappeared.

"Help me please!" I screamed as I sat up quickly, gripping my bed sheets tightly beneath my hands, barely taking breaths. My heart was racing faster than it ever had, and I was sweating. I heard birds chirping outside my window, and the sun sparkled in from the window. I looked out, and sighed. It was only a nightmare, but it had felt so real. My heart beat slowed down immensely as I calmed down, slipping out from under the covers I had thrown everywhere, and walked out of the room where I so frequently had woken up the same as this morning.

I stepped into the shower, washing away the sweat that had stuck my clothes to my body that night. I relaxed, and splashed water into my face. "That's the sixth time this week," I mumbled to myself, with a soft groan. I washed my hair and brushed my teeth, soon finishing up what I normally did. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body, walking into my room.

I screamed, taking a step out of the room into the hall. "Oh come on, I'm not that scary! I'm actually quite the opposite," an innocent looking man spoke to me, as he looked at me from the edge of my bed. "Considering how eerie your dreams are, I'm actually a pleasant surprise!" he laughed aloud, too cheery for even the happiest person. I raised my brow, and let out a sigh.

"It's not that you're scary, it's that you're a stranger and you're inside my house," I replied, with a small hiss. "Would you like it if I just randomly came into your home, uninvited, and then acted as if we were long time best friends? Of course you wouldn't," I added, walking back in, immediately going to my closet. "You're going to have to take a step outside the room for a second, and then we can continue the confrontation from there. Sounds good?" I said, grabbing a random outfit I put together on the spot, pushing the stranger out of the room.

"Well alright, but you've got to hurry! I do actually have important information to give you," the man yelled from outside the door, as I locked it shut. I shook my head and let out another sigh, putting my clothes on and once I had opened the door, the man turned quite pale.

"Are you alright? You're a lot more pale than when I first saw you," I asked, seeing him panting for something. "Do you need water or something? I can go get -" I began to say, before he suddenly disappeared, arms wrapping tightly around my waist from behind me.

"Oh, dear, I'm perfectly fine. You humans are too quick to decide on things. Things aren't always as they seem," he whispered into my ear, with a low chuckle. "You have a lot to learn, but I guess I can sum up everything in our little chat today."

  "First off, I'd like to let you know what your life is in danger," he began, as I sat down on the couch, him sitting on the other side of the coffee table on a lounge table.

"First off, I'd like to know your name. Otherwise I'm not listening," I cut him off, and gave a small smile. He smiled back at me.

"Byunghun," he answered. "Now, as I was saying, your life is at risk. Those reoccurring nightmares, they aren't nightmares," he began again. "It's difficult to explain exactly what they are, but there are people watching you. Watch us converse right now. They only watch you when the sun is out, because they can easily access your mind when you're asleep in the dark. In simpler terms, they can basically see everything you do and know everything you dream about without moving a finger."

"Why me? What are they?" I asked, seeing his brows furrow and he let out a deep sigh.

"Well, I don't know why they chose you. I'm only a messenger until told otherwise. They are a new species of what you could call demons. They aren't exactly demons though. They don't have to be near you to attack you, and they aren't the red, black devil-horned things you might think of when you hear 'demon.' They look like you, like me, like a typical being, they -" I cut him off again.

"That reminds me, what are you? Earlier..." I asked, earning a laugh from Byunghun.

"I'm what you could call a vampire. Although I don't sparkle or run around in the light," he chuckled, and I nodded, a sign for him to continue with what he was speaking about before I interrupted. "Anyways, they want something from you. I don't know what, or why, or anything else you might ask. All I know is that you can't escape, but you can fight them off," he continued.

"Where are we right now?" Byunghun asked me.

"Itaewon-dong, Seoul, South Korea," I responded. 

"There's an island near Japan with a cathedral that hasn't seen the light in hundreds of years. It was my land of birth and I lived there until now. If you go far enough out from Minami-Daito island, you'll find it. These are the orders I was given to you. You need to get to that island as quickly as possible before the demons I spoke about earlier can capture you. They will know where you are, but it's the best place to lose the ones that will chase you there. But, there's a couple things I should tell you before you go there..." he stopped, and looked at the coffee table for a moment.

"Well? Are you going to tell me what I should know or am I going to just go knowing nothing?" I spoke, catching his attention again. He looked up, and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"This island was where I was BORN. I wasn't born human. The place is infested with not only vampires, but other evil entities as well. Think of it as this: once you step on the island, it's a gateway to Hell on Earth. They won't bother you as long as you keep your distance. If I see you and feel helpful, I'll lend my help and knowledge of the island. Don't bring anything you wouldn't need. Wear the clothes on your back, and something to hide yourself, like a trench coat. Bring only the food you know you'll need, if you know you can go without eating for a certain amount of time, don't have food for that time. The trip is lengthy, but in the long run it's worth it. The cathedral is run down, covered by trees and vines. It's got broken glass everywhere, so watch where you step and walk when you manage to get there.

"Bring weapons. Plenty of them. These demons are strong, and they don't need anything to help them defend themselves. When I was looking around earlier, it seemed like your parents knew what trouble you'd be in now, and in the basement there's a now unlocked box full of weapons that look like they'd work again these creatures. I don't know what else to say except good luck." Byunghun stood up, and disappeared again, leaving a small letter sealed in a velvet, scarlet envelope.

"What is this now?" I mumbled, reaching over to grab it, opening it to read what was inside.

I'll meet you when you get to the island & help you to the cathedral. - B.H.

 Byunghun had been right that my parents had left me weapons, and that it was going to be a "lengthy" trip. It felt like time stopped like in my dreams, and I couldn't see land anywhere in sight. I laid back in the beaten up, old boat I managed to get my hands on, staring at the night sky.  




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