Fluff, Take 1

Fluff Failure á la Kim Myungsoo


Sun rays peak through the blinds and hit the corner of your eye. You awaken to the smell of a mixture of chocolate and cinnamon. You hear the faint sound of your blender and what seemed to be pieces of frozen fruit and yoghurt. You roll over in bed to read your clock. It's still early so you pull the covers over your head to rest your eyes for a few more minutes. That doesn't last long as the message tone of your phone plays. Your hand feels around under your pillow for the vibration. A smile immediately grows at the sight of the message.


Pulling yourself out of bed, you run downstairs straight towards the kitchen only to be stopped by a pair of arms wrapping themselves around you and pulling you towards him. He nuzzles against the crook of your neck which sends a fluttery sensation all over your body.


"Morning," Myungsoo whispers into your ear and it does not help this fluttery feeling.


You can only mumble something incoherent as you drown in his scent. The smell of cinnamon surrounds his body and you just want to stay in his arms forever. Myungsoo chuckles and pulls away from the embrace to which you reluctantly let him.


"Don't pout," he pokes your puffed up cheeks which you had unknowingly done.

Myungsoo returns to the kitchen counter top. Your eyes follow and you turn around to see him pour two glasses full of a dark pink liquid from the blender. He places one in your hand and chucks a swirly straw in and sticks it in your mouth. You tilt your head in confusion and he only pats your head and plants a kiss on your forehead. You don't know what's gotten into him but you kinda like this side of him. He's so...manly.

"Why are you making breakfast, Oppa?" you approach him behind the stove and he immediately moves his body, covering the hot stove and plate of pancakes.


"Just 'cause~," Myungsoo simply replies and again you pout. "And I said don't pout," he pokes your cheek again with a cute little whine.

"If I can't, you can't," you tease back, poking his cheek in return. Before you can drown completely in his lovely aroma, a small crackling sound is heard as a burning smell evades your nose. Sniffing, you peer over the male’s shoulder to see a small black oval creating little streams of black smoke.




He cuts you off with a small yelp as he notices the pan disintegrating your breakfast. Trying to hide whatever it is, he pulls you towards the dining table and sits you down. Before you can say anything, he sticks the straw in your mouth again and walks back to the stove.


Shaking your head, you comply and rest your head on the palm of your hand. More wincing and yelping sounds are heard behind you. Curiosity takes over as you turn around in your chair to watch your boyfriend cook…well attempt to anyway.


He walks towards you, grabbing the pink placemat on the dining table for whatever reason he needed it for. Myungsoo really isn’t making any sense today.

"Oppa--" you begin but he shoves an offcut cake into your mouth and just smiles before going back to the counter top.


From the back of him, you see him fussing around the cupboard, cookie cutters and knives spread all over the counter top. You guess he's making some sort of pattern with said pancakes but you give up trying to guess what the male’s doing. Myungsoo's been stranger than normal and you know there’s no use trying. He’s been all jumpy and…so not L like. Not that he ever was around you.


Myungsoo finally finishes, leaving a mess behind and brings the plate to the table. You almost choke on your drink when you see the plate of pancakes he places on the table. It’s not the best cooked plate of food you’ve seen but the effort he put into decorating it brings a smile to your face.


The pancakes are cut in a way to spell out your name in a birthday message. Although it seems like he ran out of batter since he shortened your name to one character instead of three. Nonetheless, it’s adorable and thoughtful and you couldn’t ask for more. Especially for someone that could only cook ramen in the kitchen.


You look up to see that sheepish smile of his as he scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment. He mutters something incoherent and you just giggle like a school girl. Standing back up, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a hug.


“Happy birthday?” he embarrassingly whispers and you can only squeeze him tighter.


Myungsoo pulls his head back as he looks at you with those almond eyes of his. His stare is warm and makes your heart skip. The corners of his lips tug into a smile as he blinks. Closing the gap in between the two of you, he closes his eyes and captures his lips with yours. He takes your breath away and the now cold pancakes are left behind.



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