BTS- Jimin

Random one-shots

My Angel

Jimin walked slowly through the little town where he had lived since birth.

The air was fresh and the weather was warm even thought the summer had ended.

The young boy breathed in the scent of coffe that came from the cafe where he worked

He went in and greeted his bestfriend Taehyung who also worked there.

''I didn't see ya at school where were you?'' Taehyung asked while cleaning one of the tables

''I just didn't feel like go, missed me?'' Jimin smirked

''Like if'' The younger male punched Jimin playfully on the arm

''Why do you even go to school?'' Jimin asked as he started to walk to the back of the cafe to change his clothes

Taehyung followed him

''Unlike you I'm concerned about my future'' He rolled his eyes and started to change to his working clothes ''You should really start planning your education and what you want to be, you can't work here forever you know?'' His friend said

''I know, but It's not like I can leave this little town'' Jimin started to walk out from the little room

Taehyung knew that he was right. There wasn't many people who had moved out from their little town. Why? Most of them were scared of the world out there. other didn't have the money, and then there was the people like him and Jimin, who were trapped there by their parents.

They had told them that one day they tell them why they can't leave,-when that could be.

''Let's go before our boss notice that your standing here doing nothing'' Jimin clapped his friend on the shoulder as he walked past him


After a long working day Jimin was able to go home.

''Aish, that of a boss just loves to make me work like an animal'' Jimin cursed as he rubbed his shoulders.

As he walked he saw something odd, a person, a girl to be exact. It's not that he haven't seen a girl in his wholelife, the odd thing was that she was not from this town. It was not normal that new people came to the town. First of all it was like in the middle of nowhere and they wasn't even known for anything.

''Excuse me? Are you new?'' Jimin walked up to the girl, and when she turned around he gasped.

She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Her skin was pale, close to be white, and her hair was light brown. She looked at him with her big brown orbs.

''Y-YOU!'' She screamed and pointed her slender finger at him

''Me?'' He asked

''I found you! Finally...'' The last word came out as just a whisper as she fainted.

''Hey!! Are you alright??'' He ran to her and tried to wake her up.

''Aish! What should I do?'' Jimin asked outloud

He lifted her up and carried her to his home.

''What should I now?'' He thought as he watched the beauty who slept on his bed.  He sat down besides her hand brushed some hair strings from her face.

''Such a beauty you are'' He smiled has his hand went down her face and brushed against her red lips. As he did that something burned inside him.

''Argh!!'' He clutched his shirt in pain. It was like there was some kind of fire in his chest

Suddenly the girl woke up. She blinked her eyes a few times before she sat up.

''Whe--Jin!!'' She hugged Jimin whispering things about how she missed some 'Jin'

''I found you!!!'' She hugged him even tighter

''W-What do you mean?'' He hissed through his gritted teeth

''I think you know what I mean!'' She moved closer to him '' You're the Jin, right!?'' Her face so close, he could feel her breath on his chin

''The one? What do you mean? I don't even know you! I've never seen you before!!'' He started to walk back, the girl scared the out of him

''....'' She stared at him confused ''How yo--'' Suddenly Jimin's mum showed up with a weird thing in her hands

''Go away from him, Rahhyun! He's not the one you're searching for! Jin's dead, since a long time ago!!'' She yelled while point the stick-like thing at the beauty

Rahhyun backed away from the young boy

''D-Dead...?'' Tears started to form in her eyes

''His been dead for about 250 years now!'' 

''How long--''

''You've been asleep in heaven for 300 years. I don't know why you're here now....'' Jimin's explained for Rahhyun

''Who's Jin!?'' Jimin

''He's your grand, grand, grand father or something....Anyway he could see demons and angels and he fell in love with Rahhyun. God didn't aprove to their relationship so he forbid Rahhyun to come back to heaven.'' Jimin nodded his head 

''Later the devil wanted to start a war against heaven and Jin died when he tried to save Rahhyun. Before he died he begged god to take Rahhyun back to heaven. God saw how strong their love was and forgave Rahhyun and he let her sleep in peace in heaven.''

Jimin massage his forhead with his fingers, trying to understand the situation

''Why is she here now then?'' He finally said after a good 10 minutes of silent

''I don't know, do you'' Jimin's mother looked at Rahhyun

''I just woke up and felt a strong bond somewhere, I don't know'' She shoke her head

Suddenly the phone started ringing, Jimin's mum went downstairs to answer it

''Ottokhe!?'' Rahhyun sighed ''I will never get back to heaven now!''

''Why? Won't god accept you or what?'' The younger one asked

''God'll accept me but my heart wont. It desire something and I don't know what'' She moaned

They both sat in silent trying to understand the situation while trying to get what Rahhyun's heart want.

''Maybe... It can't be..'' Rahhyun suddenly mummbled



Months later

Jimin never got to know what Rahhyun ment but he got know her

She slept in his bed and he slept on the cough and when he went to school (not really, he mostly went to the park or to his friends) she cleaned their house or searched for a work

And In the evening when Jimin went to work she came and sat there, drinking coffee, watching him work sometimes chatting (but his boss always scolded Jimin)

Jimin really wanted to know how to get Rahhyun back to heaven but she refused to tell him

It was weird but Jimin felt that Rahhyun just became prettier everyday that passed, her eyes shine like never before her lips became a brighter shade of red and her cheeks got a cute oink coloure when she laughed

He didn't know how but It just was that way

One day, just a normal actually, Rahhyun came to the little cafe at the corner of the small street.

The air played with her hair making it a mess. Her eyes was a beautiful coloure of brown. The shirt she had on was way to big since it was Jimins, thought it looked really good on her figure.

''Jimin!'' She waved her hand trying to get the others attention

Jimin, who was talking to his friend, exused himself and went to her.

His heart started beating like crazy, why? He didn't know

''Hi...'' Suddenly the air became thic and he had a hard time to breath

''Why are you, I mean....'' He rubbed his nape awkwardly

''I'm leaving'' She said looking straight at his eyes

''Wha-- Why, HOW?'' The (probably) younger boy asked

''I found what I needed to take me back'' She said with a warm smile

''What was it?''Jimin asked feeling a bit sad

She gestured to him to follow her out

''So what was it?'' He asked again as they were standing in the park, trees and bushes surrounding them

''You'' She whispered and lended closer to him, standing on her toes. Jimin got flushed and soon a reddish shade could be seen on his still a bit chubby cheeks

Then she closed the gap between them and their lips met, when suddenly a white light came and Rahhyun slowly started to lift from the ground and a pair of white big wings could be seen on her back

''What I needed to do was to heal my broken heart, and  It's done now thanks to you'' She smiled sadly

''No!! Don't leave not yet please!!'' He cried and caught her hand held it tightly not wanting to let her go

''I love you Jimin, I will always be by your side I promise you'' She said a single tear fel from her eyes, a tear of blood fel down to the cold ground

The tear was a sign of their love for each other

''Don't leave me now! Not now when I just realised my feelings towards you'' He cried trying to catch her, embrace her but failed as she only went higher and higher

''I always be there, even If you won't see me I will be there'' She said before she went to theplace called heaven

''I love you'' He whispered

He couldn't believe she was gone. The one he liked the girl he adore the person he loved

When she was gone he fell to his knees crying, screaming and hitting trying to suppress the pain he felt


After that everything was as normal, like if she never even existed

He woke up


Went to work




Went home




Woke up and repeat

He felt ampty when she was gone like a piece of him was gone, no more like a extra piece was there


5 years later

The snow was falling down outside in the cold

Jimin was a 23 years old now, he still worked at the small cafe and he still went to school since he didn't made it with his grades

There wasn't even one day that went without him thinking of Rahhyun

Was she happy?

Was ok in heaven?

Did she think og him? 

And so on

He missed her, but at the same it felt like she was there, there inside of his heart. Somewhere deep inside there


Jimin walked with his hands in his pokets trying to hide them from the cold that surranded the little town

He was on his way to work

The path he walked was full of snow and it just kept comming more

He was listening to music full volume not caring about the people walking behind him

Suddenly he saw two pair of small shoes infront of him. He looked up at the person and remembered the smile, the pair of brown orbs, and the frsh pair of lips

''Rahhyun'' He whispered as he ambraced the angel, but he arms only grabbed the air

''You can't touch me, I'm still in heaven you know'' She said


''I just wanted to see you close up so I came here to see you'' She smiled

''I miss you'' He whispered

''I know, but remember that I'm always watching you, and I promise to make you happy'' She his cheek

''I love you'' He said

''I know, so do I'' She kissed his lips

She was just about to go when he tried to grab her hand, but failed of course

''Don't leave me again, stay'' He said, people was watching him like he was crazy. They couldn't see the angel that was trying to leave

''I need to go, but one day I will comeback to you, as a human then'' She smiled happily

''And then we can live happy, just wait ok'' She continued

''I'll wait, I love you!'' Jimin screamed as she flew once again away

This time was diffrent, he didn't cry because he knew that she was comming back to him

When? He didn't know but he knew she would be there someday

Until that day he wanted work hard so he could raise a family and have her as wife

Jimin smiled has he walked to the work, people was still staring at him wondering if he was crazy but he didn't care
 this was the first oneshot........It kind of .......sorry *runs and hides*

But please leave a comment!! I luv does~ ^^

And please leave a request, what should my next chapter be?? :3

Sub and comment and you'll make my day...night....or whatever XDDD

Lol I'll just leave now... :P

Btw, I didn't edit the whole chapter *runs away fast*


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