Take me away

The Next Stop ONE SHOT


  The Next Stop 
It was a cold morning, The coldest morning since December came along. It had snowed hard the previous night. Kim Kibum, A young man with feminine features glanced at his watch sighing and rubbing his hands together for warmth. The time had been exactly 10:00 am. He was waiting for the next train, The next train to take him away from this life. They say you should never run away from your problems but you could say these weren’t exactly his problems. It was his parents problems. Never in life did they like the fact that he was gay. Of course they had to deal with it, There was no way he could change the fact that he was attracted to men. So here was his not so well thought out plan. Obviously his parents would never accept there only son to like boys. Being the next man in line to inherit his fathers famous and rich company. He was not happy, Not one bit. You see it was Kibums dream to become a famous fashion designer, With this incredible talent and sense of fashion from this young man his dreams were going down a good path. His parents absolutely did not approve and key wasn’t going to stand for his dreams, his life to be controlled, ruined and destroyed by his parents selfishness. 
So in more simple words he decided to run away. Nobody but his good friend Amber knew what was happening, Even though she was going to miss him dearly she knew that this was important to her best friend. This could change his life for the best and the only way for that to happen was for him to leave his old life behind, Start fresh and be happy. So here Kim Kibum age 19 was sitting on a old bench that once appeared to be the color green, Now rusty and old with chipped paint in multiple places. He was waiting for the next train at a station close to his house, He knew his parents wouldn’t be home right now. They were never home. The only people that were at his house were the maids, The butler and possibly the chief. He wondered if they were looking for him right now. If they had called his parents and if his parents were yelling at one of them for letting a irresponsible child out in the open at such a early morning. Sighing, Kibum slumped in his seat. Of course his parents wouldn’t think that, They knew that this wasn’t the first time that Kibum wasn’t home, Safe and soundly not causing a stir in paparazzi. They probably didn’t even care! As a punishment they would have locked him away in a huge house with all this stuff to keep him preoccupied for the one day that he was grounded for.
Rubbing his eyes he frowned and glanced at his watch once again. 10:15 am. He had been deep in though not realizing a single thing around him for 15 minutes. Time seemed to have passed by faster but I guess it really hadn’t been that long had it?
Brushing away all the thoughts he glanced at the rail road tracks in determination. At exactly 11:00 am the train was going to arrive and he was going to get on it. He was going to leave the life that his parents thought was best for him. The life they wanted for him. Guilt rushed through his body. He knew that his parents possibly cared about him, They gave him everything he wanted, Everything he needed. The one thing they they didn’t give him was what he wanted the most. Love. The kind of love parents share with there children. They were always so busy its not like they were there for him anyway. He shook his head and glared at the ground.
You cant back out now Kibum! This is your life, Your future! You can make it, You can do whatever it is that you want to do there only stopping you.
Closing his eyes he pressed his lips in a thin line.
Umma, Appa. Im sorry. Im so so sorry for doing this. I love you guys dearly and thank you so much for not giving up on me, for spoiling me with all these things but you have to understand, This is MY life. This is the only one I got and I know you want whats best for me, I know you want me to be perfect but theres only so much I can do. I can’t risk my dreams, my future, my happiness for what you think is best for me. Im sorry. This is goodbye.
“Excuse me, Do you mind if I sit here?” Kibum suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and glanced up at a young male who appeared to be around his age. He was indeed very attractive, kind of short though but his amazingly hot looks made up for that. He seemed very stylish too with brown and blonde hair. The thing that caught kibums eye the most though was that he reminded him of a puppy with big brown beautiful eyes and a cute face. 
“So… Do you?” He suddenly asked raising his eye brow slightly. “Oh.. Im sorry.” Kibum looked down slightly blushing, He placed his hand on the bench and scooted slightly moving his bag closer to his feet.
“Thank you!” The other male smiled as he sat down next to kibum. There was an awkward silence.
“My name is Jonghyun, Kim Jonghyun.” The male said with another cute smile. “Kibum, Kim Kibum. You can call me Key.” Kibum smiled slightly and held his hand out. Jonghyun looked down at Kibums hand for a second then took it within his own and gently shook it. The warmth from Jonghyuns hands made Kibum forget his sudden worries. Heck it even made this cold day seem much warmer.
“So… Where are you heading to?” Jonghyun said glancing at Kibums bags. “I don’t know.” Kibum mumbled.
“You don’t know?” Jonghyun asked a bit confused. Kibum shook his head. “I hadn’t really though of where I was going… All I know is that I need to get out of here.” He frowned looking down.
Jonghyun appeared to be shock. “You mean… Your running away or something?” He said slowly. Kibum nodded. “You can say that.” Kibum gripped on the handle of his suitcase, Not knowing what would possibly happen next.
“Then Im not the only one?” Jonghyun said a bit relieved. “Ehh?!” Kibums eyes widened as he stared at Jonghyun in shock. Jonghyun looked down a bit then smiled sadly. “Your running away right? I am too.”
Kibum was shocked for words. Not only did he feel a bit happy that he wasn’t the only one, He wondered why Jonghyun could possibly want to run away. Kibum had his own reasons and he didn’t want to seem rude just spilling out with questions on this mans personal life.
Jonghyun hesitated for a bit. “My dad… My dad thinks he knows whats best for me… My mom died when I was 16 and since then my dad has been pressuring me to do whats not best for me… But whats best for him. He thinks that its my fault that my mom became sick..” Jonghyun looked down slightly tears forming in his eyes.
“My dream… My dream is to become a singer… So I had to leave.. A part of me wants to stay but if I stay I know I’ll regret it. I love my appa but I cant have my life, My future, My dreams destroyed because of this guilt he leaves me with.”
Kibum was too shocked for words, This complete stranger felt comfortable enough to share these things with him and he felt guilty that he didn’t have it as bad as jonghyun but he felt relived that he wasn’t the only one who wanted to leave his life behind to follow his dream. To be happy.
The time was now 10:39 am. Jonghyun found himself engrossed in everything that Kibum had to say. He was shocked, There lifes have been completely different but there stories had a similar wanted ending. There was something about Kibum, Something that made Jonghyun feel attached to him. 
10:56 am
Kibum had never felt so happy in his life, He felt as if Jonghyun understood him. His worries seem to have faded away and he felt as if maybe… Just maybe this was fate. This was supposed to happen. He was supposed to leave, Leave everything behind. He was supposed to meet Jonghyun.
11:00 am.
The train slowly pulled up stopping with a soft screech. Jonghyun had looked at Kibum with a smile and hope in his eyes, Kibum had done the same thing.
“Are you ready?” Jonghyun whispered staring kibum in the eyes. Kibum bent down and grabbed his suitcase. “Only if your there with me.” Kibum smiled.
Jonghyun grabbed his suitcase and closed his eyes breathing one last breath of this train station, He didn’t know if he was ever going to come back but at the moment he didn’t care. He was with someone that made everything seem better, That made him think that his dreams, His wishes were truly important as he hoped they would be.
He grabbed Kibums hand intertwining his fingers with Kibums long soft pale ones. Everything at this moment felt so right.
Kibum looked down, This strange feeling in his stomach. The warning ring had echoed through the station.
They walked towards the doors hand in hand, there footsteps getting quicker by the second.
Glancing back one last time the door shut and the train began moving. Still holding hands they looked at each other, Big smiles across there face.
This wasn’t the end, This was a new beginning. For the both of them..
Together .
PLEASE EXCUSE MY MISTAKES. This is my FIRST ever Jongkey Oneshot/Story ever and Im a bit proud. Took be 2 hours at the most to complete!! its like 2:56 am right now! I swear I get the weirdest ideas when Im dead tired. I really hope you enjoyed this and please leave comments!
Also I kinda got lazy at the ending bahaha sowwie it .
NOTE: I posted this twice cause I just did okay? :D
By the way this has NOT been edited 
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onyuuu #1
"He was indeed very attractive, kind of short though"<br />
I laughed so hard omg.<br />
<br />
but really, your writing is so good!!! write moaaaaaaaar, I need moreeee, c'mooooonnnnnnnnnn. I need more oneshots from you! This is so beautiful and sweet, and Jonghyun is such a cuteypie. T~T<br />
<br />
My love is such a perfect writer.
onyuuu #2
LET ME CRY.<br />
I'm just going to say that before I read the story and comment.<br />
I finally get to read something you wrote !!! /excited
nice story, please extend it :))<br />
btw i don't understand, what's the web? rainbowfountain.com?
yay..i like this story..aah..<br />
i hope this not just one shot..<br />
keke..<br />