8. Numb

Baro's girl [may be upsetting to anyone affected by domestic abuse]
Catherine was put in a room on her to rest after Sam's stillbirth, she felt numb and angry that this happened and the pain was still very raw and all Catherine wanted to do was die. She heard the door open but couldn't bear to look and see who it was, then she felt someone getting onto the bed lying next to her and gently holding her hand, CNU he was holding it together for her right now and as she looked at him he kissed her head gently and he said. "It's okay Catherine, I'm here now." He held onto her as she broke down in tears once again, CNU pulled her into his body and rested his head onto hers saying "I've got you, I've got you." Trying to calm her down a little, Catherine was devistated  that she couldn't save baby Sam 
Baro had calmed down now and was stood in the hallway just looking at CNU comforting Catherine. His head was all over the place worrying about her and what this could do to her psychologically, he took a sip of water from his cup and went in to see them both. Catherine had stopped crying now and had fallen asleep CNU refused to let her go not even for a second he wanted to keep her safe. 
"Is she okay?"
"She is now."
"How will she be now after all of this."
"I don't know Baro we just need to be here for her right now, all of us."
"Yeah we do, she's being discharged in a while we'll take her home and go from there."
CNU finally got off the bed and kissed Catherine gently, as him and Baro left Catherine woke up, she looked round the room and sat herself up. She knew deep down inside of her what she needed to do right now. All she needed to do was make sure that the coast was clear.
Meanwhile Baro was sitting in the waiting room just thinking of anything he could do now to help Catherine so she can recover from this. Jinyoung was worried about him so he sat by Baro's side and they had a talk.
"Catherine can move in with us Baro it won't be a issue."
"Thanks hyung."
"Don't worry about it we have that spare room in the place when she's ready for it."
"Yeah she might not want to leave my side for a while."
"Of course you are her world Baro."
"I am I just hope something is done about Jake."
"It will be."
"The doctor told me that what I felt was the start of the miscarriage not Sam moving like I first thought."
"Yeah I wish I'd known what it meant."
"Hey come on don't think like that."
"It's so hard not too."
Then Baro looked up at the clock and made the walk back down the hall to go and sit with Catherine once more, when he opened the door Catherine wasn't there, all there was on the table was a note for Baro. He picked it up and opened it and the note said.
"Baro, please don't be mad but I've gone to have it out with Jake and make him feel guilty for everything he did and for Sam dying. I'll be okay I promise.
x x x
Also can you thank Shinwoo for holding me earlier it really helped."
With that Baro ran to find a nurse to get help before something really bad happened to Catherine.
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I love this!
Chapter 8: Update soon please!! I'm loving this story!