11. Lucky to be alive

Baro's girl [may be upsetting to anyone affected by domestic abuse]

Note: Mild cursing from Gongchan in this part

The drive to the hospital felt like it took a lifetime to do, everybody was scared, what if Catherine died? It wasn't nice to think about but none of them ever thought it would come to this. Baro was waiting for them at the hospital he had a little bit of blood on his shirt from where he had been holding Catherine.
"Baro, is she okay?"
Sandeul asked as they saw him standing there, he looked at them standing there worried about them both.
"She's taken a very bad beating, they scanned her brain, luckily there has been no damage to it or any other organs."
Everyone was glad to hear that, then Baro said this, finally something was going to be done about Jake
"The police are out there searching for Jake right now, he's facing a attempted murder charge right now, I'm going to sit with her again."
"Okay." Jinyoung said as once again CNU, Jinyoung, Sandeul and Gongchan went and sat in the waiting room.
As Catherine lay in a hospital bed hooked up to a drip and sleeping Baro just sat with her holding her hand softly trying so hard not to cry, he needed to be strong for her. His closest friend had endured a 12 hour torture of being beaten, cut and burned by Jake, he'd now gone on the run and the police were looking for Jake and there was a police guard outside the door just incase Jake came by to try and do more harm.
"Everything is gonna be different now Catherine I promise!" 
He said meaning it, it was already decided that she would be moving in with them all again and then her recovery out of hospital could finally begin. It was raining outside the dark, depressing weather matching all the emotions that were going round right now.
Just then Catherine opened her eyes. She looked round the room, Baro kissed her hand again. 
"It's alright I'm here."
"Why are there police outside the room?"
"For your safety sweetheart."
"And Jake?"
"He's going to be charged with attempted murder once he's found."
"He, he's still out there?"
"Yes, his face will be everywhere soon so he won't be able to hide for long."
"Thank you for everything."
"You don't need to thank me I'd do anything for you."
"I love you."
"I love you too, get some rest okay?"
And then she went back to sleep again.
Sanduel, Jinyoung, CNU and Gongchan were all sat in the waiting room once again they didn't really know what to do with themselves right now. 
None of them had ever experienced domestic violence either themselves or known anybody who had been through it until now. Why didn't they see the signs?
They could of helped before it got to this, Gongchan couldn't take it anymore he walked out of the hospital into the parking lot in the middle of a thunderstorm and he screamed at the top of his lungs until it physically hurt him to continue screaming. 
He fell to his knees and began to cry, Jinyoung found him there crying and knelt by his side and comforted Gongchan. 
"Why did this have to happen to her hyung why her why?"
"I don't know, I would tell you if I could believe me but right now we have to be strong for Catherine."
"I just want her to be okay."
"She will be, we're all going to help and she's moving in with us so we can give her all the love and support that she needs."
"I wish Jake had tried to kill me and not her, I wish he'd done it to me, I HATE YOU JAKE! I ING HATE YOU!!!"
Gongchan cried out and Jinyoung held him in his arms and stood him up. This was a dark time right now everyone was hurting and it was plain to see that this was going to take a lot of time to heal.
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I love this!
Chapter 8: Update soon please!! I'm loving this story!