The Gift Of A Friend

Love's Way




Sitting outside their usual café with an arrogant smile, Minho looked over his coffee as the younger grew closer to tears. With a smug tone to match his smile, he set his cup down and checked out a passing classmate as they walked past.


“Well my dear Taemin, I mean I don’t want to see you anymore. Honestly I don’t know what’s so hard to understand.”


“I-I want you to tell me why!”


“I just did.”


“No, I want a real reason. Don’t I deserve that much?”


“You really want to know? You don’t like me, you just want arm candy.”


Staring in disbelief, Taemin stood up and slapped Minho as hard as he could.


“Well aren’t you giving yourself a huge undeserved compliment, but you know what? You’re right, I don’t like you… not anymore.”


Grabbing his jacket, Taemin left before anything else could be said. As he walked home a gentle mist rain slowly began to soak him while he wondered what he had actually done to upset Minho and prompt the break-up. The rain quickly got heavier and Taemin lifted his head to let the downpour mask the tears that begun to race down his cheeks.


Stumbling through his front door completely drenched, Taemin locked the door behind him and sank down to the puddle that had quickly formed around his feet. Gently sobbing as the wet clothes started to give him a chill, Taemin slowly began to realize that in the 6 months they had been dating he had been living in Minho’s shadow and now looking down at his reflection in the wet floor he almost didn’t recognise himself. After spending 45 minutes trying to think of things he enjoyed doing and only managing to name Minho’s hobbies, Taemin decided that until things were back to the way they used to be and he could be something by himself that he would stay locked in his house. With a new found drive he jumped up to get changed into something dry.


Spending his first day in isolation throwing anything that belonged to or had been given to him by Minho into a garbage bag, Taemin sighed happily knowing that this was his fresh start. Tying up the now full bag, he began wondering what to do with it when he heard a knock at the door. Curious to who it could be, he popped his head out the window and looked down to see Minho standing at his front door wearing jeans and a leather jacket while holding a red rose between his teeth.


Oh wow shirtless and a red rose, is that supposed to impress me?


Closing the window to go back to the garbage bag Taemin suddenly had an idea. Grabbing a post it and a pen he wrote “I believe these are yours, I hope your happy!” and stuck it to the side of the bag. Almost skipping back over to the window, Taemin leaned out and dropped the bag beside Minho before swiftly shutting the window again. Listening to Minho’s rather displeased reaction he couldn’t help but smile as he curled up in-front of the tv with a bucket of jjajangmyeon.


Several weeks passed and Taemin rediscovered all his old hobbies. Although glad to have found things like cooking and painting that made him happy again, he found his lost love of writing gave him a newfound sense of purpose. Sitting in his bay window looking for some new inspiration, he saw a moving truck pull up outside the house next to his. Watching as someone pulled into the driveway, Taemin couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the cute blonde boy who stepped out of the car. Observing the new neighbour for several minutes gave him an idea and grabbing his laptop he quickly opened a word document and began expanding it while occasionally looking up to see what was going on.


Finishing the plan for his story almost 3 hours later, he had just finished saving everything when there was a knock at the door. Turning off his laptop he quickly made his way downstairs and pulled the door open.




“Hi, my name’s Kibum. I just moved in next door.”


“Oh so you’re the new neighbour? Welcome to the street, I’m Taemin.”


“Thank you, it’s nice to meet you Taemin.”


“I-I’m just about to make lunch, would you like to join me?”


Inviting Kibum in and shutting the door behind him, Taemin smiled as he headed towards the kitchen.


“Is soondubu jjigae okay?”


“Yeah that sounds great!”


Pulling ingredients out of the cupboard, Taemin couldn’t help noticing that Kibum was leaning in the doorway smiling at him. Turning a soft shade of pink Taemin placed two stone bowls on the cooker before turning to face him.


“W-would you mind helping me?”


“Sure, what would you like me to do?”


“Could you make the stock please?”


Watching as Kibum walked over to the ingredients and collect what he needed from them, Taemin handed him a pot and a spoon to fish the foam out with. Occasionally exchanging glances as they worked, Taemin added onion and hot pepper to garnish and placed both bowls on the table. Handing a spoon and a set of chopsticks to Kibum, he was about to sit down when he got a nagging feeling he’d forgotten something.


“Do you have any eggs?”


Trying to mask that he’d completely forgotten the eggs he grabbed two and handed one to Kibum.


“So do you mix it in or leave it sitting?”


“I like to mix it through, I always thought it tasted nicer with little bits of egg mixed in instead of the chucks you end up with when it’s left whole. What about you?”


“I leave it whole, I kinda like the chunks through it.”


Falling into a comfortable silence as they ate, Taemin stole glances admiring the elder’s cute smile and perfectly styled hair. Blushing as he realized what he was doing, he hoped Kibum hadn’t noticed as he put all his attention on his food. Leaving the empty bowls on the table, Taemin followed the suddenly rather shy Kibum back to the front door.


“S-sorry to run out like this b-but I really should get back and start sorting things out.”


“It’s okay, it was nice meeting you.”


“Could I ask a favour?”




“My cooker doesn’t arrive for another week a-and…”


“You are more than welcome here anytime, in fact I’d really like it if you came back.”




“Y-yeah. Will you join me for lunch tomorrow?”


“Of course! I’ll see you then.”


Watching Kibum leave with a playful wink, Taemin felt weak at the knees as he shut the door behind him. Unsure of why the elder was having such an effect on him, Taemin decided to go back upstairs and start writing again while his earlier idea was still fresh in his mind.


Several weeks passed and they grew closer with each meal they made together. Finding himself looking forward to Kibum’s visits more and more, Taemin realized that though he valued their friendship he was beginning to like him in a more meaningful way.


Finishing off his story that was now what he liked to think of as his first novel, Taemin was planning to leave his home for the first time that summer and tell Kibum how he felt. Hoping to present the novel to him since he was the inspiration for it, Taemin made his final alterations and saved his work. Casually looking out the window as he waited for his laptop to power down, Taemin felt his heart rip in two when he saw Kibum flirting with Minho across the street. Swiftly closing the curtains he turned around and curled up in bed with tears flowing down his cheeks.


After spending 3 days in bed, Taemin decided it was about time he dragged himself out of his room. Falling over his laptop, he stumbled into the bathroom to make himself somewhat presentable again. Finally opening his curtains and letting the sunlight pour in, he picked his laptop up off the floor and sat it on the bed. Hearing a knock at the door, Taemin headed downstairs wondering who it could be. Slowly opening the door to see Kibum shyly hiding behind a bouquet of peonies and tulips, Taemin felt his anger melt away as he invited him in. Watching as he turned the same delicate pink as the peonies, Taemin’s jaw hit the floor as Kibum handed him the flowers.


“W-will you be my boyfriend Taemin?”


Registering the meaning behind the flowers, tears glistened in the corner of his eyes.




Taking Kibum’s hand, Taemin pulled him closer and held him tight. Feeling like he was now complete as Kibum wrapped his arms around his waist, a single tear broke free and rolled down his cheek as he whispered.


“Would you mind if I called you Key from now on Kibummie?”




“Because you hold the key to my heart.”


“That’s so sweet, you can call me whatever you want baby.”


Feeling Kibum’s arms tighten around his waist, a smile quickly spread across Taemin’s lips as he leaned back to face him.


“So Key, would you care to join me for lunch?”


“Of course.”


Turning a delicate pink as Key gently brushed his cheek, he took his hand and headed towards the kitchen.


“So what would you like for lunch?”


“Hmm, how about what we had the day we met?”


“Sounds perfect.”


While they were cooking, Taemin couldn’t help noticing that Key would occasionally look over anxiously as if wanting to ask him something but not knowing how to bring it up. Taking the bowls over to the table, he grabbed 2 eggs before sitting down. Handing one of the eggs to Key, he smiled as he watched him fumble trying to crack the shell.


“You know you can ask whatever it is that’s been bothering you.”


“O-oh, was it that obvious?”


“A little bit, yeah.”


“I was just wondering, the thing with Minho… did you love him?”


“No, when we first met I thought he was cute but he twisted everything until I lost myself in his shadow.”


“That’s awful! …S-so have you ever been in love?”


“No, n-not until I met you.”


Surprised to hear Key gasp, he looked up from his almost empty bowl as Key stuttered.


“I-I’m your first love?”


Shyly nodding, he didn’t see Key stand up until he was sitting on his knee hugging him tightly. Holding him close, Taemin felt a tear drop onto his should as Key whispered in his ear.


“You’re my first love too.”

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 2: awwww I love them both awesome job