Make You Mine ... Again

"yah, kwon ji yong, where have you been?" Taeyang asked with little shout.When he saw Jiyong entered  the room with two women at his side.

"ummm Sorry, I saw him drunk outside. So we brought him here, this is your friends right? "Said the woman who brought Jiyong into the room.

Daesung toward her, and helped her carry Jiyong and laid him on couch.

"Kamsahamnida" Taeyang said and bow to them, then they walked out.

"Aiishhhh what was wrong with him​​?" Taeyang said when saw his friend was drunk.
"Hyuuung, wake up" Daesung shook his body.

While Taeyang and others busy with Jiyong who drunk, on other side Sohee just silent, Her heart was beating very fast when she stared at Jiyong.

Oh god, this is your way??? I don’t want to meet him again.

And GOOD,  he’s drunk….

"Aishhh, what happen with him, I thought he’ll never drunk again” TOP shook his head.

“ I dunno, but after he comeback this morning his face look so gloomy” Taeyang.

"Daesung,Take him home with you. He’s completely drunk now, aigoooo”
"But hyung, I also want to dance" Daesung pleading with his puppy eyes.

"Whatever, just leave him here. Besides, he fell asleep …. We picked up him after dance, now just enjoy this night… don’t worry too much about this kid, he’ll be fine " TOP walking out from their VIP room with Yoobin in his arms

“Sohee-ah, kajja…” Taeyang smiled.

Without any hesitation Sohee followed them, before walking out from the room. Her eyes go to Jiyong again, she feels so sad seeing her Ex-Boyfriends like this. Drunk, Helpless and look so …. Ughhh forget that ahn sohee… do you remember ??? 3 years ago???

They were left Jiyong alone in the VIP room and started dancing together in a crowd Club. After a while they danced, Sohee looked at her watch.


Sohee rounded her eyes. She remembered has meeting tomorrow about her new film in the morning. She should be back to rest. She went up to Yoobin who are busy dancing with Seunghyun.

"Yoobin unni .... Let's go home, it was midnight. I have a meeting tomorrow with JYP " She said with little scream but because the sound of music is so loud, make yoobin can’t hear her voice well.

“unni It's already midnight,,, I must go back to home "
"Mworago?" Yoobin again

"Aishh forget it, I’m back to home. Byee… "She Walked out from the club.


Outside the club….

"She asked me to out, and now she leave me alone, and having fun with her boyfriend arghhhhh" She mumbled, pissed off.

She had just to open the car door, until something caught her attention. And make her heart stop instantly.

She saw Jiyong out of the Club while staggered, maybe effect drinking alcohol too much.

Sohee immediately entered her car, and intend to go quickly .

But she thought better of it when  saw Jiyong walked out of the Club with his weak condition. Sohee just watched him from a distance.

Until finally Jiyong walked right in front of Sohee car, Sohee immediately hid himself behind the steering wheel.




Jiyong fell helpless on the floor right in front of Sohee’s car.


[Sohee POV]



My eyes getting wider, he’s faint in front of my car??… oh my god, why you doing this to me??…

Without thinking, I go out from my car look his condition. He’s completely drunk…

“Kwon Ji Yong…” I shook his body, but he didn’t move. Did he faint for real???

“yahhh… Kwon Ji Yong…wake up…..”

But he still didn’t move. Oh my eotokheeeee…..

I look around, but there was no anyone. Ughhh, I need someone for helping me.

“Kwon Ji Yong…” I call his name again. But still no respond from him. I think he’s faint.

I reached my cellphone in my car, trying to call Yoobin unni. But she didn’t answer my call.

“yoobin unni… answer me pleaseee” I wanna cry… why I’m crying? Yeah I wanna cry, why god do this to me. Please I don’t want to have any business with this person…

But why God send him to me like this….

I look at him, once again.

“ugghh, I can’t leave him like this”

I’m decided to help him, and laid him in my car.

“okay what now???” I’m so confused. I didn’t know now. but something crossed in my mind… Hotel???

Yeah. I will bring him to hotel, and leave him there… done

 I decided bring him to hotel now, lucky I brought my glasses . So no one will notice me. With all my strength, I walked him to hotel room. And laid him on the bed.

I staring at him for a while. Look his sleeping face, look so peaceful like before. But I can feel something sadness in his face. What happen with him?

How about his life without me??

Is he feel happines without me??

He must be happy, all beautiful girl always around him.

He must be happy because……

“aishhhh what the heck I’m thinking now. Why I’m think about his life, who care? Who am I for him again ??” I decided to walked out.. but still, my feet bring me comeback to his side. I pulled the blanket for him. I can’t help,but smile when seeing his face.

“hi Jiyong, I came back…  and I hope I never meet you again…. Bye….” The lastword that I want to say long ago, before I left.

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I can't wait anylonger..please update soon....
Love ur stories
misoness #2
Chapter 9: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Me tooooooo....
she_nurjannah #4
Chapter 9: me cant wait for the next chappyyyy >< and chukkae for ur marriage author-nim :)
I'm sorry.... I think I can't update my story for a while... Now, I'm so busy preparing my wedding.. And I don't have a time for updating... But don't worry, I'm already prepare for the next chapter...so please wait for me okkay :)
Chapter 9: uodate soon author nim :)
heeheejiji #8
I really loves your story (HeeDragon). Hopefully, you will update soon. Thanks so much! <3
Update! Please!
Chapter 9: please update soon :)