Unspoken ♥

Hey, hope you enjoy the first chapter and I hope you'll stick with me ^-^v

(this chapter also contains a bit of Biology and I'm sorry if it doesn't makes any sense. heh ...)

"Yeobo, don't cry, please, you'll make me cry too."

"Hi Kibummie," I went through the door which was slightly ajar.
I saw the slim body of my boyfriend leaning against the kitchen counter, he was smiling at me as I approached him.
He pushed himself off the hard surface of the counter and slung his arms around my neck.
I pressed my forehead against his, bumping noses and closed my eyes with a content smile on my lips before I connected them with his.
I carefully placed my left hand on his cheek and laced the other with his soft one. 
He pulled back with a smile, raising both of his eyebrows in expectation, as if asking how my day was.
I returned the smile, letting go of his hand, "My day was actually pretty boring, we didn't do much expect for talking about the construction of acoustic guitars, it wasn't that interesting at all and I don't know why I should learn about how guitars are build, I mean, I am not studying Music because I want to build guitars in the future," I explained while rolling my eyes, walking to the living room where I plumped down on the couch.
My eyes closed soon after, exhausted from the long day of studying and absorbing information, hours and hours of listening to boring lectures of professors, wandering through big, cold buildings; that is called the life of a student.
When I felt myself travelling to dream land, I felt the end of the couch dip a little. 
I opened my eyes to be met with Kibum's pretty face. 
He lifted up my legs and placed them on his lap, twisting his body so he could lay his head on my stomach.
I brought my hand to his hair, running my fingers gently through the soft, brown hair. 
Soon his breathing became even, which indicated he fell asleep.
This was just perfect.
Kibum and I are like two peas in a pot.
We support each other through hard times, we comfort each other, we help each other out, ...
I honestly don't know what I would become if I didn't had him.
The feeling of him leaving me or having him not by my side, is the same as your heart being ripped out of your chest. 
And I know how that feels, because I already experienced it.
I can perfectly remember the day when the hospital called me, telling me that somebody named Kim Kibum was the victim of a terrible traffic accident, that his throat was sliced open, that he lost a lot of blood, and that the chance of him surviving would be really, really small, 
and that his state was only decreasing.
If it weren't for his 1/100 chance on surviving it, I would've sliced open my own throat.
Because, how corny it may sound, he is my life.
A soft hand caressing my forehead woke me up. 
I opened my eyes instantly and saw Kibum crouched down next to the couch.
"Hey, what's wrong," I asked him, voice throaty of the sleep.
I supported my body on my elbows, slowly sitting upwards but immediately feeling as if somebody had hit my head with a brick.
He gently pressed his hands on my shoulders, laying me back down on the cushions.
He held his palm on my chest, making clear to me that I should stay put.
I obeyed, feeling too dizzy to stand up anyways and watched his retreating back.
He soon came back with a wet washcloth in his hand and sat down on the ground, legs crossed.
He undid my tie and placed the garment beside him on the floor.
I flinched a bit at the sudden coldness as he placed the washcloth on my forehead.
My muscles relaxed again when I felt his fingers intertwining with mine, placing our hands on my stomach.
I carefully touched my cheek, and feeling at how hot it was I could tell that I was falling ill.
I closed my eyes again and felt his lips on mine for a brief moment before he curled one arm around my torso and placed his head on my chest.
"You're the best, Kibum," He just smiled in response, his arm tightening around my torso.


"Come on Kibum, we gotta go," I shouted weakly throughout the house, coughing afterwards.
I was still a bit ill, my face partly covered beneath a thick, woolen scarf.
Soon he hurried out of our shared bedroom, pulling on a black sweater in the process.
I laughed softly as I saw him tripping a little over the carpet, already wearing his black Converses.
He smiled apologetically, fixing his shirt and linking our arms together, pulling me through the door to the car.
We had to go to the hospital, since they had to check on Kibum every two months.
They needed to check if he wasn't affected with some sort of disease. 
Because well, not only his vocal cords were damaged, but the place where his bone marrow the closest to his throat was harmed too, and so the production of his white blood cells decreased, therefore he gets caught by fevers and colds easily.
Because of the many colds, his trachea became very weak and sensitive for any fevers or bronchitis, and that's why he also isn't allowed to do heavy physical exercises, because he has problems with breathing sometimes.
He already had let his tonsils pulled out, but that wasn't enough to fight the constantly colds and fevers.
And that's why he had to be examined every two months, just to be sure he didn't get infected by some disease.
"So, is everything all right ?" I asked the doctor. 
The old man retreated his hand from Kibum's face, he was shining in his throat with some kind of light stick.
He turned it off, putting the object away and nodded, a reassuring smile gracing his lips.
Kibum jumped off the edge of the examination bed and showed off a sweet smile, dimples appearing on his cheeks.
"And Jonghyun-ah, how are you doing these days ?" The doctor asked, while organizing the medical equipment he just used.
"I'm having a small fever, nothing much," I responded with a shrug.
He turned around and raised his eyebrows, "Oh is that so ? Should I take a look ?" He asked friendly. 
He kind of reminded me of my grand father. Old and sweet.
I shook my head with a reassuring smile, "I appreciate, but it's just a small fever, I bet it's already over tomorrow,"
He frowned but eventually gave in, patting me on the back and waving us goodbye, "I bet Kibum will take good care of you, Jonghyun-ah,"
I snickered, thanking him and pulling my scarf a bit higher over my face.
Kibum's hand curled around mine, lacing our fingers as we sauntered to the exit.
"He's such a friendly man, don't you think Kibummie ?"
He squeezed my hand as if agreeing with me. I smiled and pulled him into the car.
"You know I love you, so stop crying, yeobo ..." I whispered.
The skinny boy's body shooked every time he hiccuped, tears running down his rosy cheeks.
He just nodded, burying his face in the crook of my neck, clawing in my shirt.
He let out little sobs, the liquid coming out of his dark brown eyes wetting my white shirt.
"Shh baby, don't get all upset now, you'll upset me too ..." I tried to state without a quivering voice but much to my misfortune, failing.
He had these moments quite frequently, he would start crying all of a sudden. 
One time, he took a piece of paper and wrote on it why he was crying.
It was a couple of months after was clarified that he wouldn't be able to actually speakever again.
He wrote : 

I'm so sorry
When I asked him why he was sorry, totally oblivious of why my boyfriend was crying so hard all of a sudden, 
he took the paper again and wrote 4 heartbreaking words on it, making me burst into tears myself :
for being a burden
How could he ever think that he was a burden ? He is everything I ever wanted.


first chapter is up ! I hope you like the story so far ! D: I'm happy that some of my silent readers already told me their existence :D That makes me feel fluffy, lol. 
all the non-silent readers, please comment o:
It boosts up my motivation ~
I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters, it's going to be a very angsty story combined with lots and lots of fluff :D
I'm just warning you beforehand.

(oh and I'm sorry if this chapter is rather short and for any spelling or grammar errors D:)  

please don't forget to subscribe if you like the story and comment :D ♥

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Ooooh I wish this story would finish , it was so good ㅠ_ㅠ
this is the cutest I swear
Chapter 7: dont worry; will be waiting..! the story is great. Regards from me.. <3
Jenkeey #4
Chapter 7: This is beautiful omg. ><
I hope you return soon! <3
this... is just.... omg.
I love it!!
Joyvin #6
I'll be patiently waiting for your update of this beautiful and amazing story!
*sniff* I did mention in another comment of mine that I wasn't good at reading depressing stories, but I would still give it a try...
Bad idea... cause now I can't stop crying ;(
Jonghyun has a virus and Kibum can't speak... O_Q
The last sentence was heart-breaking...
...I'll go read some fluff now, since angst definitely isn't my thing.
Hwaiting~! (I don't think it's appropriate to put a happy emoticon here)
kolmilyo #8
here's my LOVE!
i'm ok with waiting i'll miss u though:) good luck with wherever your going to. and i hope someday your brother will get better.