Part One

Of White Sheets and Coffee Stains

Part One: Of Bathrooms and Monochrome Walls

It was an ordinary morning in mid-winter, when somewhere in a high-end apartment in metropolitan Seoul, a handsome young dancer lay curled in the warm confines of his bed, soft layers of silken blankets covering his enticing body from the harsh claiming embrace of the cold morning air.

His bed hugged him closely as the 20 year old lay in comfort, eyes fluttering between the thin line of dreams and reality, before a distinct ringing erupted in his ear, telling him it was finally time to cross the insubstantial barrier into the harsh truth of the world.

The dancer grunted, in a lame effort to stop the fowl ringing, but realising it would not possibly suffice, he unwillingly dragged his arm across the fabric of his satin sheets and with one delicate finger, pressed the snooze button. He let his hand slip down the bed, dangling haphazardly off the frame as he sighed, trying to recover from the deep sleep the night had claimed.

The dancer nuzzled the side of his face into the sweet cloudy confines of his pillow and squinted an eye to peek at the time; 8:02 AM. He grunted and pushed his face deeper into his pillow, before grunting and peeling his body begrudgingly away from his warm inviting bed, to instead replace it with the harsh morning air, the ruthless cold air biting into his skin. He ruffled his perfectly messed up hair and dragged his hand over his face, and anyone watching could’ve sworn that it was almost sensual, even as he rubbed his eyes, trailing his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing away the numbness.

He grunted as he moved swiftly and gracefully despite his obvious sleepiness and blinked away the shock of the bright morning lights that streamed through gently through his blinds. The dancer stretched slightly, realising the soft gentle numbness was not only coming from his neck, but from all over, a result from his relentless dancing and choreographing classes and shows. With one last grunt and stretch, he decided to take a relaxing warm bath.

As he put the water to the right temperature and carefully stripped himself of his layers, he blinked away the last of his sleepiness and lowered himself slowly, relaxing into the warm thermotheraputic water.

In the next door apartment however, two singers were the polar opposite of the dancer, doing the arduous task of moving in. They were dressed in simple t-shirts and comfortable sweatpants, and were bent down by the knees, moving furniture to suit their tastes.

“One... Two... Three… Drop!” The elder counted, dropping the sofa unto the carpet with a soft bump.

“Ahh, hyung, can’t we just leave it at that? We can do the spare room later!” The younger whined, pouting his lips cutely, trying his best at any form of aegyo to convince the other vocalist.

The elder grunted, arching his back, actually considering taking a break. It was true, they had finished most of the house, and all that was left was the television set to come in at noon and the spare bedroom. The apartment still looked barren and quite desolate, but he was sure it would change with time. Hopefully it would, but his aching back was already convincing him of the sweet solace of relaxing and letting himself go to time and cups of tea snuggled in a comfortable quilt of memories, a book in his hands to keep him company.

The elder peeked at his younger counterpart and smiled, plopping down on the new sofa comfortably, letting out a sigh as he stretched out his sore back.

“Victory!”  The younger cried, casually plopping down on his hyung, earning him a quick slap on the and a groan from the older.

The younger quickly uttered a small cry before running away to the bathroom, cackling madly, conveniently placing dibs to wash up first.

The elder groaned, wanting to rid the sticky sheen of sweat hanging on his body like a leech before doing anything. Now he’d have to wait another age and a half as his beauty queen of a vocal partner was finished with his shower which would be the product equivalent of a 5 star spa treatment, facial, body scrub and skin scrub galore.

The elder vocalist groaned again, and stood up to at least do something to kill time.

He looked around the barren apartment, coloured a pristine white, which the vocalist thought would be a to clean, but the reverie of a blank canvas was worth the impending pain.

He got up from the couch and sighed; he wasn’t that sweaty. Maybe he could walk down the road to the charming shop district he saw as he was driving by and buy some groceries. After a small amount of contemplation, he quickly changed into some comfortable jeans and t-shirt and hooked his arm on his pre-prepared bag, scribbling a quick note in case his beauty queen came out of the bathroom early (which was highly doubtful).

He exited the apartment swiftly, turning to the direction of the elevator, only to find a lithe figure gracefully enter the lift and the vocalist bounded for the elevator, praying that it wasn’t too late to catch, but to his luck, the elevator door closed just as he halted in front of the metallic doors, displaying a teasing glimpse of plump pink lips and sun-kissed skin.

The vocalist found himself oddly flushed, although he wasn’t out of breath. He fanned himself as he pressed the button to the elevator, leaning on the cool wall as he waited for the elevator.

The dancer was already in the elevator, doors closed halfway when he heard bounding footsteps of a person chasing for the doors of an elevator, but before he could press the button to open the doors again, they were already too far close, but he was able to catch a glimpse of the stranger; soft brown eyes and fair skin before the metallic doors closed with a soft click. The dancer found himself gaping and slouched too far, and quickly straightened his back and brought his mouth to a close, blaming his drowsiness.

However, the male found himself hesitant to leave the building as he left the elevator, wondering if he should stay to apologise to the fair skinned stranger. He looked back at the closing elevator doors one more time and shook his head, chasing away the thought, before leaving the building with lingering steps and slow breaths.

The fair skinned male was after all, only a stranger.


Authors Note: Wow look what I spurted out of my brain

Wait what- I'm not quite sure about the ending, but it'll suffice! 

I basically have nothing to say right now I don't even know why I put the authors note here omg

Oh oh oh oh I have a quick question! Does anyone know any good poster shops? I was hoping to get one, for both this little thang and my other story (Which has not been forgotten, only postponed due to lack ok ideas). If you know any, please tell me! 

Well, I guess that's that. If you commented and/or suscribed, thank you! Quick thanks to my Bunny Unnie and Rei, who have been waiting patiently for this! ♥

-mother-dork(happily waiting for hansol to come to australia and fall in love with my personaliy becuase ew my face)


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THis was brilliant, you write really well, I could picture the scene in my head:)Really, this is amazing!:)
Chapter 1: Im cry nagisa im crying