

"Ouch!" Jiyong winced as someone knocked him over, scattering his files everywhere. "Yah! Watch where you are going!" Jun Hong yelled at that person. As Jiyong looked up, he saw a thin figure with thick chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes which were now looking apologically at him. "Ah, I'm sorry!" She was wearing the uniform of a delivery company. What an odd job for a woman. Jiyong thought as he got to his feet. The woman he was surrounded with were all rich and well dressed and his parents were already bugging him to get to know a few of them. He wasn't interested as usual. When he was about to bend over to pick up the files he had dropped, a hand shot out to stop him. It was Jun Hong. He was glaring at the woman and pointing at the floor. "You pick them up! It was you that knocked into our CEO!" He shouted at her. Jiyong flinched internally at the tone Jun Hong was using but managed to keep his cold and indifferent poker face. It was like witnessing someone kick a dog. Even he knew that he should stop Jun Hong from shouting at the girl, he remembered that his parents had warned him about not showing his emotions that people would take advantage of. In the end, he just stood there and watched. The woman hesitated for a while as she looked at her watch. Casting another look at Jun Hong, she hurried to pick up the files, apologising profusely again while bowing. Jiyong felt annoyed suddenly. What is the woman doing with her pride? Why is she acting this way when she can just pick up the damn files and walk away? Why did she have to lower her pride and bow down to people she did not even know? Jiyong hated people who do not have pride and allows people to trample on them this way. "Are you okay Sir?" Jun Hong asked as he swept dust off Jiyong's suit. Waving him off, Jiyong snatched the files that the woman had picked up and strode off to the car without thanking her. Since she did not even bother to respect herself, why should he car. 


Jin Ah was utterly embarrased. She did not mind picking up the files that had dropped as it was partly her fault that it was scattered all over the floor. However, she could not fathom why the CEO had to snatch it away and just stride off. Without even saying "Thank you"! People at the lobby of the company were staring and whisphering to their partners now. Cheeks reddening, Jin Ah bowed her head and walked out of the company as fast as she could to deliver the remaining letters. 

"Yah, what took you so long?" Jeon Yeon asked Jin Ah anxiously as she hurried back into the van. 

"Got held up because of something, hurry! We got to drive to the next location now!" Jin Ah repiled, avoiding the question. She was still feeling humiliated from the encounter just now. It was her fault, she admitted it but she thought that the CEO did not even have an once of courtesy in him. He was handsome, no doubt with his defined jaw line, prominent nose and cold grey eyes that had sent shivers down her spine but Jin Ah thought that guys who lacked manners deserved no attention. She just felt so indignant that she had spent the rest of the journey just quietly thinking. 

After Jeon Yeon and Jin Ah had finished delivering, they returned the van to their company and walked home together. 

"Yah Jin Ah, you okay? You seemed so quiet just now. Is something wrong?"Jeon Yeon asked, concerned. Jin Ah looked at her and sighed. Jeon Yeon was the only person that she could not hide her feelings to and as soon as she opened , the incident that happpened spilled out of ther mouth. 

"...and he was so damn rude! He just snatched the files off my hands and strode off! Without a thank you!" Jin Ah exclaimed, shaking her head. Jeon Yeon chuckled at how worked up her friend was and nodded knowingly. " Chill woman, I know who you are talking about. He's the upcoming CEO of Preston holdings and it was rumored that he is cold to everyone. But he was handsome wasn't he? And his salary is one of the top in Korea!" Jeon Yeon smirked a little and her eyes turned dreamy again. "Imagine you were to marry him! All the money you will have, I bet you would not even have to work for the rest of your life." Jin Ah rolled her eyes and scoffed at Jeon Yeon's boy crazy antics again. 

They walked until they reached Jin Ah's rented flat and bid each other goodbye. Jin Ah tropped up the stairs as her flat was only at the second storey. The door of her flat was slightly open and she smiled a little at the sight. It meant that the friendly aunty that rented the flat to her was home, cooking a meal for her. She was really lucky that she rented a house from a caring old grandma type who insisted that she come home every other week to cook for her. 

"Anneyeon Mrs Kang!" Jin Ah greeted her bowing slightly with a smile. Mrs Kang was one of the favourite people in her world as she was almost like a mother to her. " Ah, Jin Ah. I have told you not to call me Mrs Kang! Call me Karen instead, I sound much younger!" Mrs Kang or Karen joked as she ruffled Jin Ah's hair motherly. " You are always young in my eyes Mrs Kang, but if you prefer me to call you Karen I wouldn't mind as well!" Jin Ah laughed and repiled teasingly. "Aigoo, this young woman. I've cooked kimchi soup for you and some side dishes! Eat it later when you are free but remember to eat it while its hot!" Karen smiled, crow's feet appearing at the side of her eyes. "Ah, Thank you so much!" Jin Ah smiled and bowed again. "No need! I must thank you instead for something to do! I'll be going off now, bye!" Karen waved and closed the door behind her. Jin Ah smiled to herself and returned to her bedroom before turning to her laptop, determine to search more about the CEO of Preston Holdings


Sorry for the short chapter! I will update again as soon as possible! So this is the first encounter of Jin Ah and Jiyong~ Even though it had not turn out as well as we expected? Haha okay I gotta go now see ya guys again next chapter! Fighting!~

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vipblackj #1
Chapter 3: Wonder why she has to move out...
Chapter 1: i want more ! can't wait for the day they will meet
When i read your foreword , i became sure that i'll like the story