It's Just You & Me Against The World

(I forgot to mention, this whole story will be in Sulli's POV)


It's been about a month. A month of me and her being "together". Honestly I can't believe we survived this long, considering how lame of a person I am. I don't even know why she said yes to me. But I'm not complaining, this is totally awesome. 

But there's always something of my concern. We haven't seen each other in a while. - and when we do its barely for 5 minutes. Yes we attend the same school, but not the same class, we're separated. She's house 1 while I'm 2. Oh, and everytime we do encounter, I chicken out. Like a moron I start squeeling and act retarded. My feelings for her can not be contained. Anyways, I was texting Luna.

"heyyy." - Luna 

"sup G."  - Me

"uhhhh. I got bad news..." - Luna

i stalled and pondered about what this news could be.

".....what?" - Me

"well you know how you and Krystal kinda don't know each other? I would've told you this sooner but. Listen, the first week you guys were together, she wanted to break up with you. She told me that she wasn't feeling anything. But I told her no, give it time. You damn know that with this desperation you guys barely have the time to know each other. And look its been a month of you guys." - Luna

my heart dropped and shattered. I felt like dying.

"so she felt nothing.. Why would she say yes?! Is she playing me?! Are all those damn rumors true about her?  I know she stated that like the first week we were together, but what if her feelings are still the same. I dread this so much Luna. I hate it!" - Me

"but that was long ago. I think she changed. You know that Jay Park drawing you have her? She absolutely cherrished it. Dude she's even using it for the still life art project." - Luna

our conversation continued with Luna trying to cheer me up. Seriously I wanted to sob. I wanted to punch a wall. Oh I'm so naive. What an idiot, I knew what I was getting myself into.

let me tell you this, all the rumors I was mentioning to Luna. 



Kyrstal Jung is basically a new student, but I've heard about her from friends at other schools. Last year she and an old friend threw hands. It was about love, fakness and all that drama crap. Krystal was labeled as, 'fake' everywhere. Also a player. As much as I didn't want to believe it, I kinda did. The way she acted. 

A while ago, Luna told me something I couldn't comprehend.

"She's not even gay to begin with." I believed those words. It was true, I asked my frustrating girlfriend and she said she wasn't. The whole time she just wanted to try dating a girl. 

Simply, I was her experiment. Yet I still yearned for her, I still 'loved' her . She was poison, a drug. There was so much malice towards her.


'Drugs do you no good

but gives the most awesome feelings. 

Shes a drug,

and I'm addicted.'

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