Decision made

Meeting Hangeng...

Hangeng’s POV


The phone started ringing.

I got up from my bed and checked my phone… it was Heechul.

I wasn’t sure whether I should pick up or not. After conversing with myself for nearly 3 minutes, I decided against it.

‘I’m sorry, I hope you can understand,’ I thought sadly, thinking about Heechul.

I went back to my laptop and finished reading the fanfic. According to the author’s imagination, I joined Super Junior again. I was near the end now… it was my first concert back… I wonder how I would feel if this actually happened. Better? Worse? Happier? Sadder? Relived? Stressed? I don’t know…

When I finally finished reading, I was slightly stressed. Did everyone really want me back? Someone who believes that all 13 members will once again stand on stage together and sing wrote this fanfic. What if I get treated badly and unfairly again? What do the ELFs think about that issue?

But then again… the company has treated other outsiders better since the incident. Maybe they changed? Maybe they know and regret their mistakes? Maybe they asked for forgiveness by offering me a place again? I mean… it’s not like Lee Sooman would come into Super Junior’s dorm and ask for forgiveness on his knees. No way. He has his pride that he needs to keep.

He would most likely offer me something… like a position. And what would I do? Take it? Should I?



Like this, the first 2 days of my week’s thinking time went by with me questioning myself. After that, I could only increase my stress. I couldn’t stop. How could you in this situation?

I started crying myself to sleep after the 3rd day.

I had too many consequences in mind. I didn’t know what do to. I didn’t want to call anyone, since they might influence my choice. I wanted to get this decided on my own. Without anyone’s help… like always? No.

Heechul helped me no matter what… even when I didn’t want to. He made me talk to him about my problems, so that he could help me. Although he didn’t find out the major one…



It was already the last night before my time was up. But that was alright. I had decided. Still, I slept with tears on my face.




I woke up late and worried for the whole day. It was time for me to show them what I decided to do. Go home or stay. If I turned up at the SM building… I accepted. If not… I declined the offer.




I packed all my things together and went out to call a cab to take me somewhere. It was already late in the evening. I didn’t mind.

I could imagine the others not giving up hope and still waiting for me in their dorm… to come home and eat with them.




I told the driver my destination and soon he was pulling up in front of a busy place.


‘Goodbye China… solo career… Hangeng. Hello Korea… Super Junior… Hankyung…’ I thought for the last time, and made my way inside the SM building.


“Hankyung?” the manager shouted, running towards me, “YOU’RE BACK? I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU WOULD MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU… you’ve forgiven us?”

“Of course… how could I be mad at people who only tried so hard to help me succeed… even if it wasn’t in the best possible way,” I reassured him.

He smiled at me and put his arm around my back, “You know I was about to make my way to the boys now… I was waiting the whole day today… waiting for you. I thought I would have to go back and break the sad news to the members.”

“I’m sorry hyung… I took so long…”

“Not at all… you did your best. That’s all you can do.”

I smiled and thanked him.


10 minutes later, I was nervously getting into the manager’s van to break the happy news to my unofficial members.

Unofficial members. Sounds weird right? Or is it just me? I’m not used to it…


The next chapter is the last chapter. :)

Thank you for reading! Saranghaeo readers! <3

Abi ^^

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Great job! I like this story!!
Chapter 20: Damn you authornim! i hate you for making me cry A LOT in one fanic only!

KIDDING! I love you authornim! *sorry for the cursing tho* this story is so beautiful and felt so real. Now i REALLY wish this fic come true :( its lovely authornim! i'm not regretting a single tear that i drop because this fic is just perfect. I have one similarity with Sian. Me too became an ELF since Mr. Simple and only knew about Hankyung on 2012... Anyway, good job authornim!!
kichi714 #3
Chapter 20: I love this story so much!!! Author-nim i love you too. This story makes me cry, happy and I wish its true. ELF miss hankyung so much. And ELF will always wait for 15SuperJunior on a stage.
2028 streak #4
Chapter 20: Amazing story author-nim and definitely every ELFs' dream...
It was nice to read your story
wanda_ELF #5
Chapter 4: Lucky ELF! Sian >_<
Chapter 20: Ahh!!! Great story ,, how about meeting kibum next??
SUJU4ever13 #7
Chapter 20: Thankyou for this fanfic!!!!! I really hoped it come true!!!!! See you in the next story!
EeteuksAngel #8
Chapter 20: Thank you Author-nim for the beautiful, beautiful story. I have enjoyed reading this so much! Thanks again!
Han Geng fighting!
HeenimPetalELF fighting!
Sibo351 #9
Chapter 17: Please join oppa please
Sibo351 #10
Chapter 15: Best story ever,its gives me so many feelings^^ Saranghaeo SUJU