Chapter 14- Off to College

Becoming Mrs. Seguin (A Tyler Seguin Fanfic)
The hotel my friends stayed at was absolutely amazing, especially the pool. We were tanning at the beach in Miami one day when a couple of college guys walked over to us. And damn were they hot. Sierra practically drooled when she saw them. Shane was no longer her boyfriend since they had broken up, so she was totally free.

"Hey girls, how's it going?", a cute blonde one asked. Sierra immediately took charge of the conversation.

"We're good. Where are you boys from?"

"Daytona," the same one replied.

"Oh cool, we're from Minnesota," she said with a smile.

The boys introduced themselves as Mark, Anthony, and Dave. They were all juniors in college, so a bit older than us. Mark offered to buy us some drinks and we ended up hanging out with them. Sierra was so in to Anthony, the blonde one. I couldn't blame her, he was the most attractive.

The following night, Hayley and I were watching TV in our hotel room. Sierra had left to go "get something to eat", but we all knew that she was probably hooking up with Anthony. Dave had asked me to go to a movie with him, but then that was it. He's cool, but I wouldn't actually date him.


The summer went by way too fast. It was already the middle of August and I was packing my stuff into boxes. I sure would miss Minnesota when I left for Boston this weekend. My parents said they'd help me settle in before leaving me on my own. Aaron was coming with us, too.

On Saturday, my whole family arrived in Boston. We rented a car to drive to Harvard, which would take approximately an hour. All of my things, including my car, had already arrived at the campus. I still wasn't able to process the fact that I was now a college student. Just yesterday, my friends and I had gotten together for the last time before I left.

When we got to the campus, one of the school guides gave me a tour of the business school then showed me to my dorm. A blonde girl my age was sitting on one of the beds, doing her nails. She looked up when she saw me and smiled.

"Hi, you must be Christine. I'm Savannah Hill," she introduced.

"Nice to meet you. I like your nails," I complimented.

"Thanks. I see you're a Bruins fan," she commented, looking at my tshirt. "I am too."

I liked this Savannah girl already.

We all went out for dinner that night as a family for the last time. My parents were going back home tomorrow morning. Aaron was flying back to Indiana, eager to begin his training with the Colts. I couldn't wait to see him play next month.

"Christine, you know how proud we are of you. Study hard, but be sure to have fun too, ok? And sweetheart, you're bound to meet someone that'll like you in college. I know you're still heartbroken about Karl, but just open up your heart and give them a chance," my mom said to me the next day at the airport.

"I will. Thanks for everything you and dad have done for me. I couldn't have asked for better parents," I told her. She embraced me and we both started crying. I went to hug my dad and brother then watched them leave.

"See you in December!", Aaron called back.

I gave him one last wave then went out to my car, where Savannah was waiting. She had gone with me to drop my parents off. Yesterday, we had gotten to know each other better. Apparently, she was studying to become a radiologist, which I thought was pretty cool. When we got back to the dorm, I unpacked the rest of my things and went for a drive around the city of Harvard with Savannah.

It was that night in bed when I started to get really homesick. I had only been away from Minnesota for a day, but I missed it already, especially my house. Who knows how long it'll take for me to get used to being in Massachusetts.

The next morning, I decided to drive back to Boston to spend the day with my aunt and uncle. Savannah said she couldn't come with me because she already had plans with her friend. I told her it was fine. The weather was nice and sunny out, so I wore a pair of jean shorts with a mint colored top.

Once I got to my aunt's house, she insisted on taking me shopping. Being that I was a shop-a-holic, I was totally fine with it. She didn't have any kids, so as long as I was with her, I'd be like the daughter she and my uncle never had.

Going to the shops downtown was really fun. They had all of my favorite stores, too. I ended up buying a ton of clothes and the cutest scarves. My aunt and I had lunch at a café afterwards, and then we drove back home.

"You definitely need to visit Castle Island Beach before you drive back to Harvard. The sunset is absolutely beautiful there. It's only a couple of minutes from here, too," my uncle suggested just as I was about to leave.

"Oh really? I'll stop by there real quick then," I replied.

He gave me the directions and within ten minutes, I had already arrived. There was plenty of space for parking which was nice. A huge fort stood in the middle of it all, making this place quite the tourist attraction.

I walked by a group of college students and went to get something to drink. As I was standing in line, I kept glancing back at them. They all seemed to be having a ton of fun, especially the guys. There was one in particular that caught my eye. I couldn't see his face, but he had a tattoo sleeve running up his left arm.

He finally turned around and looked straight at me. A look of surprise crossed his face and he nearly dropped the bottle of beer he was holding. Although it had been months since I'd last seen him, I could recognize those brown eyes any day. They belonged to none other than Tyler Seguin.
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Chapter 1: not a hockey fan... maybe because i live in az and we don't have hockey. XD i guess? but this story is refreshing from the other asian related stories and i needed something else to read. so i'm giving this a shot. =] it's alright so far... i'm just in the first chapter. XD lol but i wish you the best of luck and will continue reading later!! =]
Chapter 14: nice story though the characters unfamiliar for me but this is fine