Day 1

Fate Drops In


Chapter 1

A tall man walks down the street, he keeps a straight face because he doesn’t like anyone seeing his smile. Just because he had big front teeth he hated his smile, which caused him to almost never smile. Even though he didn’t smile, his serious look made girls squeal. Naturally as he is one of the most beastly Kpop stars known. Anywhere he went he was surrounded by females, and he disliked it. He had been looking to find a girlfriend recently, and none of the girls he saw fit what he wanted. He wanted a girl that didn’t just look at him, freak out, give him gifts, and say they wanted him just because he was a star. It just didn’t work like that to him. Love is love, and love isn’t fans who freak out. It’s someone who would get to know him without freaking out, and calling him “Oppa” every second. He would like it if it was from a girl that he really cared about though. Someone who could make him smile

A young American girl, just coming out of her teenage years walks down the opposite end of the street. She’s never been to Korea before and she did not know where she was, and she could not ask for directions as she had no knowledge of the language. All those she had asked for help did not speak English. She knew of the music, but only a few groups. Big Bang, SHINee, Infinite, and Beast. Her friend that was with her, in Korea, spoke the language, but she had invited a Korean man home. So the girl set off on her own, because she did not want to hear that. She eventually wandered too far and got herself lost. Her friend had been listening to a lot of a group named 2PM the girl remembered, and been trying to get her into them. It hadn’t worked, and she only knew about the one called Nichkhun because of his big eyebrows.

These two didn’t know that they would have mixed fates. That they would meet each other. The star, Taecyeon, and the young American, Cara. Two that would run into each other, some way, somehow. Literally.

Cara, a young American teenage girl, in Korea, trying to make a life for herself. Her friend had turned to ion, as she didn’t want anything other than sleeping with Korean men. Cara however wanted a happy life, and so now she was wandering around the streets while her friend was with a client.

She walked into a small café, to get something to drink and eat. She had just enough money to get a carry out. She took her coffee, three sugars one cream, and her food, and walked to the door.

Taec meanwhile, was just about to walk in. He grabbed the door handle and pulled open the door. He did not see the girl, nor did she see him. Cara walked quickly, trying to get out, and walked straight into Taec. Taec bumped into something, and quickly looked down. Cara’s coffee cup lid, popped off and coffee spilled all over him, she unfortunately fell on the ground, after hitting a ton of bricks. As so she thought.

She hadn’t looked up. Her coffee was all over her too. There were audible gasps all around the shop. Cara looked up. Looked up 6 feet at the ton of bricks in front of her. The ton of bricks was looking at his shirt. Her eyes widened, and dropped. She quickly stood and bowed. “Meenhaa..??” she said questioningly. Cara didn’t know very much Korean. Taec let out a snort.(A/N Korean will be in Italics) “what? Are you crazy? Are you going to stand there, and stare at the stain, or are you going to clean it up? Don’t you know who I am?!” she stared at him confused. Cara thought he was angry, his demeanor seemed so cold to her.

In fact he was seeing if she knew him, as everyone else seemed to. When he saw her confused face he internally smiled. He’d seen her before, and he thought she was beautiful. Though he saw the disgusted looks from everyone else. They thought she was ugly. She didn’t use much makeup, and people where she was from thought that she wasn’t all that pretty either.

He saw her, and he was smitten with her, that moment. She apparently had no understanding of Korean, but he waited to see if she recognized him at all.

Unfortunately she had no idea who he was. “I’m sorry sir… I don’t understand you..”  she bit her lip hoping he understood what she said. He looked around at the people, who had obviously no understanding of English.

He relaxed. “Hello there. Do not apologize for something that was an accident. It is quite alright. I hope there is no problem here. Let me buy you another copy.” She let out a sigh of relief, but smiled softly. “You mean coffee?” he nodded, “I can’t accept. I’ve just ruined your shirt sir. Please forgive my clumsiness.”

He guided her to a table. It was a booth. “Rest. Eat your food, I will get you another coffee. Don’t worry about my shirt, it can always be washed. How do you take your coffee?” she smiled, “three sugars, one cream please.” Taecyeon nodded, and headed to the counter. Cara took her salad out of the bag, and started eating, slowly. He soon returned, and she had made it through two bites.

He set the coffee cup before her. “Here. My treat.” She couldn’t help but smile at his kindness. “Thank you” she said, and took a seat. Taec set his cup on the table, and sat across from her. A group of teenage girls walked in, and towards the register. “So might I know your name?” he asked. She looked outside. “Cara. My name’s Cara. What’s yours?”

His eyes widened. “Woooaahh. You really don’t know who I am do you?” Cara shook her head. “No. I don’t, you’re a stranger to me just like everyone else in this country.” He nodded. “I’m Taecyeon. Call me Taec, it’d be much easier for a young foreign girl.” Cara smiled. “Taec. I like it. It’s got a ring to it. It fits you.” Taec smiled. It was her turn to widen her eyes. His smiled was just beautiful, in her eyes. He would be the first man she had fallen for over a smile.

His personality was kind to her. She thought he was hiding behind a wall, that made him seem so angry all the time. Taec saw Cara’s reaction, and immediately stopped smiling, thinking that she would walk away now because of his smile. He looked at the table, and softly bit his lip. Then he heard her speak. The angelic voice rang out. The group of teenagers sat at a table nearby, in front of a window.

“Don’t stop smiling. It’s beautiful. It’s probably the best thing I’ve seen all day.” Taec looked up at Cara. His lip twitched. “Really?” he asked, and she nodded smiling. Her teeth had a slight different look to them. She had invisiline braces, which she would no longer need soon. Her teeth were finally straight and pearly white. With sharp, fang like canines to go with. Taec smiled too, with a slight chuckle touching his lips.

“Thank you miss Cara.” She giggled. “Oh please don’t add the miss, it makes me feel older than I really am. Just call me Cara.” Taec laughed. “Alright Cara.” The teenage girls started noticing him. “Isn’t that Taecyeon from 2PM?” “Who’s that foreign doing with our oppa..” “we need to intervene, and get him away from her.”  Cara completely oblivious to the conversation, kept eating, laughing, and talking with Taec. Though Taec had been listening. He was ready for when they came over.

Then they did, and Cara looked up at them with a smile and a small wave. They glared. “Yah! What are you doing with Taec oppa? He’s our oppa! We make him smile, you do not! You can’t just waltz right in here, and do thi-“ Taec interrupted them, his cool glare fixing on them. “Your oppa? Since when did I belong to anybody. Don’t criticize her for my wanting her to be in my company. I have free will to talk to whomever I choose. Who I smile for is none of your business. Go back to your food, and let us be.” The girl shut right up. Cara unbeknownst to the conversation, kept quiet, as she knew that something bad was happening.

The girls glared one last time, and returned to their table. “What was all that about?” Cara whispered. “It’s nothing, don’t bother with it.” A girl had whipped out her phone, and started texting someone. Her father, someone who had connections with the press. She told him all about Taecyeon at a café with a women, and he sent out several paparazzi trucks.

Taecyeon and Cara kept up their conversation long after she had finished her coffee, and food. It was long after her friend would have finished with her client list. All she wanted to do was talk with Taec.

Then things went to the worst. People started crowding around the café. Camera’s flashing. “Taec.. What’s going on?” Cara asked. “… The paparazzi. They are always after me…” he stood up, and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the cash register. “Ajumma,  please is there a back way out of here?” she nodded and pointed to the back. “Taec. Why are the paparazzi after you?” Cara asked as they weaved their way through the back of the café. He sighed. “I guess it’s about time to tell you. I’m a Kpop star. I’m in the group 2PM. We are very famous, which is why there are paparazzi after me.” Cara let all this information process. “2P-PM? My friend was trying to get me into your music. But I only knew about Nichkhun. From his eyebrows.”

Taec looked back at her, with a look of disbelief and then he laughed. “His eyebrows?! That’s funny!! He does have overly large eyebrows though…” she giggled. “I’m serious though. She showed me a picture of the group, and she had me point out who I thought was who. I’d always get Nichkhun right. I’d mix up two of them, and the others I don’t remember. I barely remember the rest of their names.” Taec looked surprised with a small mixture of hurt. “Wow.”

They reached the back door, and slipped out into the cold night air. “Where do you live?” he asked. She thought about it. “I have no idea. I got lost, in Seoul and I have no idea where to go. My friend probably still has clients over anyway. I get kicked out in the middle of the night sometimes.” He sighed. “Damn.. You’ll have to come to the dorm tonight.”

Cara’s eyes widened. “The dorm? B-but there’s a lot of guys.. And only one me..” Taecyeon waved off her worry. “It’s fine. They are erts but they have the that Jay gave them before he left.” She blushed. “Umm what?”

“Nothing” he said with a small smile. He rushed out to his car, and brought it around. “Get it.” He said, and opened the door. “I don’t know you. You could kidnap me. I shouldn’t.” he growled. “If you don’t get in you will be mowed down by the paparazzi, trying to get answers on what you were doing with me. Now you don’t know where you live, so I can’t take you there, and I’m gentleman enough to offer you a place to stay. Those are your options. Get in or get mauled.”

Cara bit her lip, and she got in. “Let’s go then.” She closed the door, and Taec floored it, pulling out into the street, and driving away as quick as he could. The press had their vans, and they were on his tail in seconds. He grabbed a blanket from the backseat, threw it over Cara’s head, and pushed her head down, with her forehead on her knees.

Taecyeon let the car slow, and drove at a safer speed. The press trucks pulled closer to the side of his car, as he drove. It appeared as if no one was in the front seat. The cameras clicked for a few minutes, then pulled off, leaving Taec’s vehicle alone on the road.

He let out a sigh of relief. “You can sit up now. Their gone.” She sat up, with a gasp. “Good it was really hard to breathe like that. Why do you have a blanket anyway?”

His face turned red, or it looked like it to her. “N-no reason.” He stuttered a bit. Cara scowled. “You were just trying to get into my pants weren’t you? Telling me you’re a Kpop star, faking the paparazzi, all to get me into your car, and get me to take my clothes off for you. Well sir whatever your name might be, that doesn’t work for me! Don’t you even think about it. Pull over and let me out.” He looked at her with a bewildered face.

Yah! Aniyo! It’s not like that! I’m not trying anything!” he pulled out his phone and tossed it on her lap. “Look up 2PM’s Taecyeon on Google images!”

Cara eyed him, and opened Google. “How do you spell Taecyeon?” she asked quickly. “T-A-E-C-Y-E-O-N.” she typed it quickly, and hit the search button. She waited patiently while the pictures loaded. She clicked one, and looked at it closely.

She gasped. “Oh my god… You were telling me the truth.. You are Taec from 2PM… That still doesn’t prove that you don’t want to try to get in my pants..”

Taec sighed “Well I don’t know how to prove that to you. I’ll give you my room when we get to the dorm. It has a lock on it, so you won’t have to worry.” Cara sighed, and leaned her head on his shoulder. He tensed, but soon after he relaxed. “Thank you Taec. For all this, it’s so much for one girl.” He smiled. “It’s no problem honestly. But we have no female clothes, so you might have to wear one of ours. Junho’s clothes might fit you best, because he’s the smallest.” He said, trying to stop his heart from beating so fast.

Why was it beating so fast? He didn’t know why. The feeling confused him. He drove carefully, occasionally looking down at Cara.

Taec smiled softly. He may be a beastly star on the outside, but on the inside, everyone has a soft spot. He pulled the car off the street and into the dorm. He parked, and looked at her to tell her they were there. “Hey whe-“ he stopped.

Cara was asleep.

He stared at her for a little while. She was beautiful. Her face was so peaceful while she slept. Taec brushed her hair out of her face with his fingers. She had a fever. She couldn’t have just gotten lost that day. It had to have been multiple days on the street. He started to worry.

Why would he worry? He didn’t know this girl. He was just offering her a place to stay, and bought her some coffee.  He got out of the car, went around and unbuckled her seatbelt. He slid one arm under her knees and the other behind her back, he carefully lifted her out of the car. Taec closed the car door with his foot, and slowly carried her to the dorm.

He walked up the stairs, careful to keep himself from jerking her around and waking her up. Taecyeon came to the door, and finally faced a problem.

He couldn’t open the door.

He sighed and kicked the door three times, gentle enough so as not to break it, but just enough to make it heard. There was a loud thud, before the door unlocked, and opened. It was Wooyoung. “Hey guys! Taec is home!” he shouted. Taec kicked him. “Yah! Shut up. She’s sleeping and she’s got a fever! Don’t wake her up.” He hissed quietly. That’s when Wooyoung finally noticed the girl in his arms. “Ahh finally got yourself a girlfriend huh? Or are you finally bringing her home to us?” Wooyoung said quietly. Taec glared. “She’s not my girlfriend. I just met her. She spilled coffee on me, and I bought her a new one. Then we talked for a while, and the paparazzi showed up. She’s foreign, and doesn’t know where she’s staying. She’s been in Seoul on the streets for days.”

Wooyoung nodded, and backed away from the door entrance, letting Taecyeon inside. Taec quickly walked to his bedroom, and set laid her down on the bed. He pulled the blanket out from under her, and laid it on top of her. Cara her side, off in dreamland.

Taec closed the door, and walked down the hall to the living room. “Yah! Hyung! How long was it going to take you to get back here?” Chansung yelled. Taec glared at the maknae. “How about you shut up? There’s a sleeping girl, that’s sick. Don’t you wake her up! If you do you’ll be cleaning this house up and down until it’s sparkly clean. And that goes for all of you too. Don’t you dare wake her.

After that, they all quieted down, Taec started thinking.

Why was he protecting this girl? He didn’t know her. He just met her that day. What did she mean to him? He could have just left her, to protect himself. So many girls wouldn’t have gotten in the car, so they could talk to the press about everything. The rest of them would have gone with him to meet the rest of the boys. But her, she was genuinely concerned for her safety. She’d been on the streets for days, though you couldn’t tell. Not unless you had felt her head. It was getting colder out there. But he didn’t understand why he cared so much about this girl.

Cara was a girl on the street that was different from other girls. She had no idea what to do in this country. She didn’t know anything, about the people here. But then a lot of people didn’t know. They thought they knew.

A lot of people thought they knew a stars life. They thought it was all fun and games. But it wasn’t. Everything about them was out in the open. There were no secrets. JYP liked the publicity. He couldn’t find out about Cara. Taec made it a point to keep Cara from him.

He gathered the guys together. “Guys, JYP can’t know about her. You know what he would do to her. He’d put her to the public. Let them know about her. You can’t tell JY anything about her. It would ruin her life. Please say nothing” Taec said quickly, and quietly. “Why would you help a girl you don’t even know? JYP has to know about her.” Junsu replied “No Taecyeon is right. We have to keep it a secret. She needs to be taken care of not publicity. We have to keep her in Taec’s room for the time being. She can stay at the dorm but when JYP comes over we have to keep her hidden. She doesn’t need the press. They would go looking for her.” Nichkhun said.

“So you guys will help me keep her safe?” Taec said looking around at each of them. “We will help” Junho commented. Chansung nodded, and so did the rest. Taec nodded. “Good, now she only speaks English. So that’s what we’ve got to do speak in English. Alright?” they nodded. “Good.”

Taec grabbed the thermometer and headed to his room. He slowly opened the door. “Cara?” he whispered. No reply. He opened the door, and saw her laying there, she was snuggled up to his pillow. Truth be told, she was awake, but she could smell his cologne. It smelled so good to her. She heard him whisper her name but she didn’t reply. At first she had thought it was all a dream. She’d fallen so fast for him, but she couldn’t tell him that. His smell was intoxicating, his lips looked like something you’d want to touch every day, his smile, so beautiful and kind, his eyes so soft, gentle, and caring.

He’s the kind of guy that any girl would like to be with if they truly knew. Knew what he was really like. Cara had seen that. It made her fall so fast.

Taec sat by her side, and gently called out her name. “Cara. I need you to wake up. I’ve got to take your temperature.” She slightly opened her eyes. “Temperature? Why do you need to take my temperature?” he brushed her hair back. “When I brought you inside I felt your forehead. You were burning up. Have you been out on the street for days?”

Cara sighed “Well I guess you know. I’ve been out there for a week. No one spoke my language, no one helped me out. I couldn’t figure out how to get home, and my phone died an hour before I met you. I called my friend, but of course there was no answer from her. She never picked up. I had nowhere to go.” Taecyeon smiled, and popped the thermometer into . “Don’t worry. You have somewhere now. You won’t have to be out on the street anymore. We’ll take care of you.” 

He sat on the edge of his bed, and pet her head gently. “Though we have one problem. JYP. Our manager. He would throw your picture, your name, everything about you to the press. He would ruin who you where unless you stay hidden. You’d pretty much be in the dorm all day. Whenever he would come over you’d have to stay in here. But we’d take care of you.” The thermometer beeped and he took it from . “Oh you don’t have to take me in. Honest. I can make it. I thank you for your hospitality though.”

Cara sat up, and threw the blanket off her. “I can’t let you leave. You have a 101 degree fever. The press is already onto you, and I’m not going to let you live on the street. Will you please let us take He felt giddy. He hadn’t in a while. His heart was beating unnaturally fast. “Calm down Taec.. She won’t like you like that.. No one ever will. Once she sees the rest of the members, she’ll go for one of them. It won’t ever be you Taecyeon. But that blush… It was for me..” He whispered to himself and clutched his chest, as he got the medicine. He came back with a small smile still set on his face, but his hands at his sides.

“Here it’ll take the fever down.” He passed her a bottle of pills and some water. “Thanks.” She replied. She took the medicine and gulped it down with some water. “You ready to meet the boys?” he asked. “No, but I guess I have to meet them don’t I?” he chuckled. “Come on.” She stood up, and he took her hand, accompanying her to the living room. She walked in and there were five other males she saw.

She took a breath and walked in, with Taec on her arm. “Hello.” She said a little shyly, they all looked at her, their eyes bright. They waved. “I’m Cara.” She said, still quite shyly. Wooyoung smiled at her, and bowed “I’m Wooyoung miss.” He took her hand and laid a small kiss on it. Cara giggled. Taecyeon thought, Damn it Woo… I’m going to lose her now.. Junho all he had to do was smile. Quite a beautiful smile. “I’m Junho. Pleased to meet you.” She smiled back as Taec translated, “It’s nice meeting you too“ Chansung with hair tied back he was focused on his banana. “I’m Chansung” he waved, without taking his eyes off his food. Junsu rolled his eyes, and bowed deeply. “I’m Junsu, miss.” She waved and bowed a little back.

She pointed to the last guy. “You don’t need to introduce yourself. I know who you are. Hello Nichkhun, I’m Cara.” She said calmly. “Woah she knows my name. How can that be? Thank you miss, it’s nice meeting you. Taec said you were beautiful, but I think you are just ravishing.” Khun said. She blushed, “T-thanks. You aren’t so bad looking yourself. All of you are very beautiful.” She looked back at Taec. “Though, I’d say Taec beats all of you.” Wooyoung gaped, while Taec’s heart leaped. He couldn’t believe what she said. “How is Taec more beautiful than me? Look at my face!” he lifted up his shirt “Look at my body!”

Cara laughed, and she laughed hard. “I guess all girls don’t fall for you on sight Wooyoung.” Junsu said, and he laughed with Cara, as did the rest of them. Wooyoung pouted, and pulled his shirt down. “Not fair” he muttered. Cara laughed.

For Taec though it was different. When she laughed everything slowed down, and all he heard was that laugh. He wanted to hear it night and day.

He shook his head. Where was he getting these thoughts from? He shouldn’t be having these thoughts. They couldn’t be together even if he had fallen for her. Which he denied every second to himself. He didn’t fall for her. He wasn’t ever going to fall for her. She was just a woman that him and the rest of the members were taking care of. There would be nothing in the end. Right? Right?

Very wrong.

Cara was enjoying herself when there was a loud knock at the door. They all fell silent. “JYP…” Junho whispered.

As soon as that happened they were all up and freaking out, Taec grabbed Cara, and pulled her to his room. “Distract him.” He hissed to the others who nodded. Quickly, he ran to his room, and pushed her in, following behind her. He quickly shut the door and locked it. He put a finger over his lip motioning for her to be quiet, and she nodded. They heard a loud voice. “Where is he?! Where is the girl?! Tell me! She had to have come back with him!” Taec’s eyes widened, and he looked over at Cara. “The bathroom. Now. Go.” She nodded and ran into the bathroom. He followed. “Why are you in here too?” she asked quietly.

He sighed. “Because I have to fake like I’m taking a shower and if there is no one in my bedroom then he won’t find you. He won’t think I’m hiding you in here.” She gulped. “S-so.. You won’t be wearing c-clothes?” she whispered, while starting to shake. He shook his head. “Don’t worry I’ll take them off in the shower, you won’t see a thing, since the door is clouded. I’ll also put on a towel before I come out.” She nodded, and looked at the floor. “Go” she hissed, and he hopped into the shower, sliding the clouded door closed.

He peeled his clothes off his body and threw them over the door. He the shower and shrieked, It was cold. “JANG WOOYOUNG!! I WILL KILL YOU FOR USING ALL THE HOT WATER!” he shouted.

Wooyoung laughed. “There he is JY. He’s taking a shower.” JYP growled “Then the girl would be in his room no doubt.” Junsu rolled his eyes. “I didn’t see a girl with him when he came in. There is no girl.” JYP snorted. “Right.” He marched to Taec’s room, and opened the door.

The room was empty.

He walked to the bathroom, and started to unlock the door. “Taec! Where is the girl?” Taec widened his eyes, hearing the lock turn. “What girl?” he asked. He opened the door to the shower, grabbed Cara, and pulled her in. He covered with a hand to keep her from screaming. “The girl in the pictures at the café.” Taec smiled. “oh that girl? She went home. I ran into her and she spilled her coffee. Don’t believe me check my shirt.” The door opened, and Taecyeon pushed her down to the bottom of the tub so she couldn’t be seen. JYP grabbed his shirt, and inspected it.

Mmm.. Alright. I’ll let it slide this time” JYP exited the bathroom, and the house, and left, going back to his office. Taec let out a sigh of relief, and shut off the shower. Cara was still on the bottom of the tub. “Taec..” she squeaked. He looked down. “What?” She kept her face to the floor, but she pointed up. He looked at where she pointed. “Oh !” he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. “Sorry sorry.” He bowed, “I’m covered you can get up now.” She stood up. Her shirt happened to be white. “I’m soaked…” she touched her shirt. “Damn it.. These are the only clothes I have.”

When Taec finally looked at her after she stood. His eyes widened, and he stared at her. She wasn’t all that skinny, and she tried to keep her shirt from sticking to her skin so Taec wouldn’t see. He had already seen though. He touched her hands and stopped her from fixing her shirt. “Let’s get you some dry clothes. You can use some of mine.” He said dumbfounded. She was just a tiny bit away from being anorexically skinny. He bit his lip, and guided her to his room. He grabbed some of his clothes and tossed them to her. She caught them and quickly changed. He of course turned his back to her.

He grabbed some more clothes and pulled them on. Boy it’s going to be a long night… He thought. She was thinking the exact same thing. Though she wanted him to be close by tonight. She was afraid to be honest and she wanted the only person she actually knew to be near her. “A-are you hungry?” he asked. She shook her head. “I just want to go to bed.” He nodded. “I’ll go tell the boys to be quiet. I’m gonna take a pillow and blanket down there.” She tilted her head. “Why?” he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Because you’re going to be sleeping here?” he gave her a questioning look. “So?” she said. “I want to sleep with someone I know nearby. I’m scared..” she bit her lip, and looked down. He smiled softly. “Alright.. Fine… Until you’re comfortable being here.” She smiled a little. “Thank you… Are you ready to go to bed?” he nodded “The press have really taken it out of me. I’ll go tell the guys the situation and come back. Ok?”

She gripped his arm and nodded, then turned towards the bed. Taec walked to the door, and out to the living room. When he left Cara let out the gasp she was holding in. “Oh my god… His muscles… They are so… Wow…” she bit her lip and smiled, then she laid in Taec’s bed, and pulled the blanket over her. She was shivering. It was very cold. Cara brought her knees to her chest while she sat waiting, shivering.

Taec was getting whistles and hollers, because he was going to be sleeping in the same bed as her. He was excited to, but he kept his straight face, because if they saw him grin about sleeping next to her, they would know exactly what he was thinking about.

He walked back to his room silent. They didn’t need to know what he was thinking. Neither did she. Though what he was thinking about obviously showed through his pants. He was embarrassed about that. He’s the biggest. It almost always showed through. He sighed, and pulled the front of his sweat pants out, acting as if he was fixing them, though he was hiding his thoughts, that made him like that.

He pushed the door open, and looked down as he adjusted his sweat pants, carefully walking to the other side of his bed. “Is everything alright?” Cara said through chattering teeth. Taec looked at her, and smiled. “Yeah everything’s fine.” He pulled the blanket up, and slid himself under the blanket. She was still shivering. “W-why i-is i-it s-s-s-so cold?” she managed to ask. Taec sighed. “Nichkhun likes it cold. I don’t know why. Here.” He moved closer to her, and wrapped his arms around her, careful not to get his lower body anywhere near her, and hugged her tight. She shuddered, then snuggled closer to him.

“Your very warm.” She whispered. Taec rubbed her back. “Thank you. I’ll keep you warm ok?” she nodded, and laid her head on his chest, and closed her eyes. Soon falling asleep. Taec watched her for a while, then he fell asleep as well.


And off they went into the land of dreams.





HEY so I've made a long story this time 

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Very cool story!!!