Baby Steps

Twin Baby Steps
It was a rather nice sunny Saturday afternoon and two young boys were happily playing in the back yard, One boy who really resembled a cute baby fox and the other looked like a weird cross breed of a puppy and dinosaur. Key was happily sitting on his little swing, trying to push him self to move, little legs not long enough to reach the floor. Jonghyun was happily sitting in a small yellow and red car, pretending to be some champion racer so the younger thought. 
"Jjongie what awr you doiwng" Key shouted at the slightly older's stupidity, he was in a world of his own and had crashed in the tree.
"Sorrwie Bummiwe, I broked the car" Jonghyun looked at the younger, little sad glint in his eye's, feeling bad for breaking his best friends toy
"Stuwpid puppwie, Mummy be mad now" Key spoke, he knew Jonghyun didn't intend to do it.
Key jumped down for, the swing's, stumbling over his little feet and helping Jonghyun out from the car. Choosing a safer option of playing, tag you it. It was no surprise Key lost as he couldn't run that fast and he really hated sporty things. Kibum's mum called the boy's in for dinner and went out side to clean away the toys. It wasn't a surprise to see she was a little angry to see Kibum's newest toy damaged and stomped back in.
"Who was playing with the car out side and why is it now broken" Key's mum asked, slight anger in her voice. 
" It was me mummy, sorrwie I wasn't lookwing were I was going " Key told his mum, covering for his best friend yet again.
He didn't want him to get in to trouble because it meant he couldn't come and play again. He treasured the older way too much so a small lie here and there wasn't surprising from him. Kibum's mum raised her eyebrows, she had a feeling he could be covering for the older but didn't question it.
"Well after dinner you are having a bath then bed Kibum, be more careful next time yes" She spoke and phoned Jonghyun's mum to come pick her son up soon as it was becoming late.
"Why did you covwer for me Bummie" Jonghyun asked, the happiness bubbling in his tummy from how cute and amazing his friend was.
"Bummie don't want to stop seeing Jjongie pup. now eat those veggies, you grow big and strwong" Key spoke pointing at his plate as the older pouted but a smile soon placing it's self on his lips.
They ate and Jonghyun ate his veggies so he could grow up and be a good protector for Bummie. His mum arrived shortly after and they said their goodbyes, Key a little upset because both parent's said no to Jonghyun coming over to play again. That night he went to bed hoping Monday to come quick so he could see Jonghyun again at nursery.
That cloudy Monday came and Key skipped down the road, tiny soft hand gripping his mother's hand tightly, A baby pink Hello Kitty backpack swinging on his shoulder's. He missed his friend so much the day before. Sunday's were always boring in his mind. Arriving out side were other mum's were kissing their children goodbye, Kibum's feline eye's feel on his best friend waiting by the main entrance, Blue Thomas the tank engine back pack on his shoulder's, brown hair messily swaying in the wind.
"Go and be good Kibum and I will be here later and go and get your hair cut baby. Mummy loves you" She bent down to kiss his head and gently push him in the direction of the nursery.
"Bummie Love's you two mummy" Key shouted out in reply.
Kibum ran up to his friend, happily pulling the older in to a tight hug. Jonghyun pulled back to see the younger, goofy grin on his face.
"Hi Bummie how are you" Jonghyun spoke as he grabbed the younger's hand and pulled him inside, he had also missed the younger a lot even though it had been one day.
They were pretty much inseparable and had been such close friend's since they were in nappies.
"Hi Jjongie I'm good today, mummy told me I need my hair cut but Bummie don't want to go" Key spoke, a small pout placing them self's on his bow shaped lips, sad glint in his eyes, His soft blond hair had grown to cover his ears and his mum was getting rather fed up with people questioning if Kibum really was a boy or not.
Jonghyun knew Key hated having his hair cut and was rather a little fussy when it came to his looks, hating weird stranger's touching his hair.
"Don't worriwe Bummie, I come with you" Jonghyun hoped Key would feel a little better knowing his friend would be there to hold his tiny hands.
It certainly seemed to work and through out the morning and in to their lunch, he laughed and played around with Jonghyun, painting picture's that still didn't really have much meaning no matter how hard they tried.
They sat out side for lunch, eating what their mum's had made, sandwiches and juice. Kibum noticed a pretty butterfly in the flower's. It had so many different colour's in hit's wing's a beautiful patten to add. It had a hint of yellow and pink with some soft brown. Key started at the creature thinking it was the most beautiful thing in the world.
"Jjongie go get Bummie that Butterfwie please" Key asked, slapped the juice box out the older's hand and trying to push him to catch it.
"Bummie I was drinking that, I can't catch butterfwies" Jonghyun's wide puppy eye's staring in to feline one's that was starting to fill with salty tears.
"Don't care and don't you lowe Bummie any more" He sniffled and fiddled his little finger's in his lap feeling rather sad. he wanted the butterfly.
"Of course I love you Bummie, you silly, you don't catch butterfwies, it might die" Jonghyun spoke feeling rather proud at what he had learnt at his age.
Key gasped at the words no he didn't want to hurt the butterfly oh no. He rubbed his eyes and cuddled the older, muttering an apology to the older for being so rude and selfish. They continued their lunch and once their teacher called went back in and spent the last hour of there day, sitting on the floor listening to the teacher reading them a book a bout two friends who was on a world wide adventure.
Both Kibum and Jonghyun loved it when the teacher was reading this book, both visualising that it was them travelling about and how much fun it would be. The teacher soon dismissed the class and the children ran out to get coats and bag's racing to greet their mums and dads out side.
Kibum's mum was there and he dragged the older behind him, racing to his mummy.
"Mummy your here" Key spoke happy to see the lady again. 
"Yes darling and we have to bring Jonghyun with us as his mummy is having few problem's at home, is that ok" She asked and it was such a pointless question, she knew how happy he would be having Jonghyun with him.
Nodding his head eagerly, she took his hand and his other tightly in Jonghyun's, the began the small walk to the well known salon, he had been there before but he hated it and everyone in there. Why can't he have his hair long, princess have lovely long flowing hair and Key was a princess. His long blond hair waving in the strong wind's hands tightening on to his mum's and Jonghyun's hands, feeling a little scared now.
It would be the first time Jonghyun had come with him this time. Arriving 20 minutes later out side the white building, stepping inside the hair dressers, the interior design is rather old fashioned, row of chairs and mirrors each side of the room with the desk far bottom across from the seating area. It was rather quiet being a Monday afternoon.
Letting go of Jonghyun and his mums hands, removing his bag and coat which his mum took and she sat down next to the chair Kibum would be sitting in. Jonghyun stood the other side, calming Key down as he felt rather nervous now and he could tell by the look in his eyes that he could break down and cry any minute. A Rather tall old looking man walked out and smiled at the younger which terrified him even more. He placed a small towel round his thin shoulder's.
"What are we doing for you today young man" The old man spoke gently and his mum replied she wanted it all off, cut really short. Key's eyes widened and his tears finally falling, screaming that he didn't want his hair cut.
"Shhh don't crwie Bummie, Your still be a weally prewtty prinwncess" Jonghyun spoke taking the trembling hand in his and stoking his thumb over the back of his hand.
The guy just continued what Kibum's mum had asked, strand's of hair falling down on to his little lap. sniffles could be heard over the sound of scissors snipping away at his hair. Jonghyun smiled and continued calming the younger. He had stopped crying when the older had said he be
pretty still with short hair.
"Weally Jjongwie weally, I stwill be prewtty" Key asked hope shining in his red puffy feline eyes.
Jonghyun nodded and watched the old man cuttin ghis hair shorter and it didn't take long before it was shot and boy like. Key had asked and twisted his mum's arm to at lest keep his short fluffy bangs though. Jonghyun really though Kibum suited his new hair and he looked like a really pretty grown up man now. Key looked at his reflection, liking what he saw staring back at him.
"Bummie you look weally prwetty like that butterflwie but more prewtty and cuwtie" Jonghyun told the younger and wide feline eye's turned into his. Soft gasp leaving his lips.
"Weally Jjong like that butterfwie, weally prewtty butterfwie" Key asked, a feeling of happiness bubbling in his tummy, a wide smile planting it self on his face.
Jonghyun nodded his head and stoked the soft strands of Key's hair softly, he again took Key's hand in to his, helping down from the chair, as his mum went to pay. slipping his warm coat on again and his bang on his back, Key really felt pretty becuase of Jonghyun's words, he really only trusted his words and if Jonghyun thought he looked great then he certainly felt it.
Walking home Key managed to twist his mum's arm to letting Jonghyun stay over for the night, it had turned into the perfect night and sleepover's with the slightly older yet shorter boy was always so much fun. Rushing up to his bedroom once home, they played in his room as it was becoming too cold out side. Playing a game in which Jonghyun was the Knight coming to save princess Key from the deadly dragon (which happened to be a chicken teddy).
"I'll save you prwincess Bummie, Jump in to my arwms and I sawve you" Jonghyun knelt down beside the younger's bed, arms open ready to catch him. Key was too busy applying his mum's lipstick to his lips, a dark rose red painting his bow shaped lips.
"Wait Jjongie I need to look my bwest and Prwincess don't Jump idiot" Kibum spoke, slightly glaring at him. "You come hewre and savwe me".
Jonghyun stood up and ran to the other side pretending to climb up and soon he sat next to Key and poked his cheek.
"Yah what you dowing Jjongie let's go" Key grabbed the older and tried to pull him with him as he went to stand up and move but he misplaced his feet, tumbling backwards and falling off the bed, Jonghyun fell on top ok Key, who was now tearing up and banging his head on the floor. Hurried footsteps were heard coming up the stairs and his mum walking in shocked to see her son on the floor crying and Jonghyun on top and was Kibum wearing her lipstick.
"What's going on up here boy's, why are you crying Kibum and is that make up on you face" She asked and Jonghyun spoke up saying they where playing and Key fell by accident and yes he was wearing make up but princess wear make up don't they.
Key's crying died down to little sobs as his mum comforted him yet she was a little angry with him and demanded he removed the make up right now. Jonghyun grabbed some tissues and wetted them a little rushing back in to Kibum's bedroom and gently patting his lips, red blobs paiting the
white tissue paper. Bring the boy's down to eat, they ate in silence, Key's head still hurting a little.
"I'm sorrwie Bummie about hurting you" Jonghyun whispered and the younger looked up and nodded his head to say it wasn't his fault. 
Once the boys had eaten they changed in to there pyjamas and they shared Key's bed, watching a Scooby Doo dvd to settle down too. Key had little pink and white pyjamas while Jonghyun had green and black ones on.
Key was feeling rather tired so he dozed off pretty quickly, just as the programme had got to the best bit, solving the mystery. Key had cuddled close to his best friend and his favourite Scoody Doo teddy squashed between their bodies.
Jonghyun watched the younger sleep, happy he could at lest comfort Bummie a little. He watched as his chest raised and fell with his steady breaths, Jonghyun really did think he was the most beautiful boy in the world and prettier then the butterfly he saw today. 
"Nighwt nighwt Bummie sweet dweams" Jonghyun whispered and pecked the younger's forehead. falling a sleep soon after, cuddling just as close to the younger.
15 Minutes later Kibum's walked in to his room and smiled softly and the sleeping boys, switching the tv and light off, leaving the door open a little in case either woke up in the night. She was happy Kibum had such a good friend in Jonghyun and he always seemed to be there to protect him and make him feel better. It was a reassuring feeling as a mum to know your son will always be safe.
What she didn't know that in the future those two boy's will not only become closer but they will be together side by side for the rest of their life's. Jonghyun will always be there and protect him in most difficult moments. It was a beautiful thought to imagine a beautiful relationship blossom from a close bonded friendship. She would be more shocked if that didn't happen.
It was so adorable to see them both taking Baby steps together and growing up and learning together in life. It was something rare and beautiful to see and watch and she wouldn't let a thing destroy what those two boy's had created in such a small amount of time they been alive. Thought they cause mischievous and were trouble at times, she certainly wouldn't want either of them any other way and she knew Jonghyun's mum felt the same way.
In this cruel world something that had gave hope to other's that they can be close friends and they will create some fantastic fun memories. Both already had started and they had a life time to create even for sweet beautiful moments. Taking their first baby steps into the big wide world was just the beginning.

AN/ OMG so many Suscriber's before I had written a thing >< hope I not disappointed anyone :/

Hope this request is good enough ><

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see you all soon <3<3<3<3<3

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Chapter 1: Absolutely a cute story ;; ahaha kibummie is a beautiful princess <3
magicbananas #2
Chapter 1: I absolutely love toddler jongkey!!!! U did an awesome job!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Aww toddler KJibum and Jjong is always the cutest >.<
Shawol181220 #4
Chapter 1: So cuteeee
Chapter 1: awww it was so cute I liked it :3