Confessions, or Not? [1/?]

Confessions, or Not?


Confessions, or Not? [Part 1]


There are some things that are meant to be together. Peanut butter and jelly. Cats and dogs. Spaghetti and meatballs. Day and night. Black and white. You name it.

But some things just aren't meant to be together, and there was nothing to do about that.


Jonghyun passed through the halls of the SM building on the third floor, where all the dance studios were. He was there to get Kibum - the triple threat was practicing again, striving for perfection. It wasn't the first time he'd stubbornly stayed behind; they once found him sleeping on the floor the next morning because he stayed there to practice. He suffered from a fever the next day. From then on, one of the members would usually go down to drag him away, usually sending Jonghyun  since he was the only one who had the patience to do so. Or that was what they said out loud. Everyone knew how he really felt about Key - well everyone except innocent Taemin and Kim Kibum himself.

As said boy neared the door, he saw the slim figure moving gracefully, body gliding across the floor like magic. Jonghyun hesitated at the door to watch for a while. He didn't understand what was wrong with Kibum's mind. In his eyes, he was already perfect. Really, who could say different?

Jonghyun stepped into the room, earning himself a quick glance, before sitting on the floor. Once the song ended, Key yanked out his ipod and sighed before sitting down next to him, head down, arms dangling off his knees. Being the skinship master, Jonghyun gently put an arm around his shoulder.

"There's always tomorrow," he murmured in the others ear.

There was a brief silence. "The arm pop won't work out," Kibum suddenly burst out, completely ignoring Jonghyun's words. "It always twists in this weird angle. My feet aren't in time with the beats. Sometimes they're too far apart, sometimes too close. My arms weren't sharp enough. My hands look like claws when they're supposed to be smooth. When I do the body wave, I look like I'm a fish on dry land. When I twist my hip I-"

"There's always tomorrow," Jonghyun cut in again soothing him with his voice.

Kibum sighed in defeat. He gently took off Jonghyun's arm to stand up, grabbing his things. Jonghyun just sat there as he watched, feeling slightly pouty as Kibum wasn't in a good mood.

"Come on you lazy Dino," Key snapped, bringing him back to earth. A glint of mischief appeared in his eyes, and Jonghyun instantly grinned. Kibum wasn't frustrated anymore.

"I'm coming you stupid Diva," he retorted.

"Shutup Dino. If you insult me again, I won't eat dinner with you." Kibum stuck his tongue out childishly, before hurrying out the door.

Jonghyun chuckled and ran out behind him. 

"Who said I was eating dinner with you, huh?!"


A few days later

It's been a few months since he'd figured out exactly how deep he'd fallen for Kibum. The answer was deep, very deep. So deep that it was hard for him to even see him hang out with the other SHINee members, for fear they've also fallen for his unclaimed diva, or vice versa. This led to his bipolar attitude of either sticking to close to Key, or staying far away. Either way though, he felt tired, and undeniably lonely.

"Why don't you just tell him, Jonghyun-ah? You'll probably feel better once you get this off your chest." Jinki looked worriedly at Jonghyun, who was broodingly staring out the window.

"I can't risk our friendship," he muttered back.

"Are you sure he doesn't feel the same way?" 

Jonghyun finally looked into his eyes, and Jinki saw a flash of diminished hope in them. "How could he?" he whispered, looking back at the window. "No matter how much of a diva he is, he can't be gay. He can't be." With a pause, he added quietly, "Some things just aren't meant to be together." It was a quote he'd seen somewhere before.

Jinki frowned, not hearing the last mumble. He knew there was no point in getting him to confess anymore - he was too stubborn. "At least promise me you'll try once," he pressed.

Jonghyun gave no sign of hearing his words.


A few weeks later

Jonghyun was sleeping, having just woken up and wanting to watch some tv. That is, until he was met by a thonk on his head and a loud screech.

"YAAAAH! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GO-" When he looked up, rubbing his head, he saw Kibum's angry eyes in slits, mirroring his movements.

"Y-yahh you stupid Dino. Watch where you're going," Kibum said more quietly. 

Jonghyun felt nervous suddenly, feeling like he should tell Kibum about his feelings right then and there. Jinki was smarter than him right? So if he said it was a good idea, it should be a good idea.... right? He exhaled nervously and opened his mouth.


Both Kibum and Jonghyun looked at each other, surprised. 

"Y-y-you can go first," Kibum stuttered, cheeks pink.

"N-n-no it's okay. What did you want to say?" Jonghyun asked, stuttering as well.

"A-a-ahh. Well I was going to say..." Kibum gulped. "I-i--- uhh--- K-k-krystal told me she l-l-liked me and asked me out!"

Jonghyun felt his his body freeze, excluding his heart which was about to beat out of his chest. "O-o-oh? And w-what did you say?" He tried to keep his voice level and felt relieved when his voice didn't crack.

Kibum was biting his lip like crazy, looking away at something. "I-um, said yes be-because it would've been rude, right?" He gave a nervous laugh.

His heart shattered. 

There wasn't anything poetic about it, really; it felt like it literally shattered. All he felt was pain; this throbbing pain in his chest. He wanted to cry, to yell or something. Jonghyun gave a weak chuckle that sounded more like a croak to his ears. "S-so you like Krystal, huh?" He looked down, afraid Kibum would see his tears that were just about to leak out of his eyes.

"I-i guess so."

Jonghyun closed his eyes, discretely wiping them. When he looked up, Kibum was still looking elsewhere, a bit uncomfortably. Come on Jonghyun. It's the last step. It's what a best friend would do. He braced himself, picked up the pieces of his heart and looked at Kibum straight in the eye. "I'm happy for you, Kibummie," he said calmly, trying to sound happy. He flashed  his signature grin to the one he loved. "Congratulations. Treat her well."

Can't you see the pain in my heart? Don't you know that the smile I gave you was the one for fans, when I felt so fugging tired? How can you not notice that? How can you?

He saw Kibum's face brighten up with his said words, his blinding smile in place. "T-thanks, Jjong. I knew you would say that."

Jonghyun nodded, head down, before rushing blindly into one of the rooms.

He was too focused on keeping up his own facade to notice the catch in Kibum's voice in those last words.

'I knew you would say that.'

As he cried, holding the pieces of his heart, he heard himself say what he mumbled to Jinki before.

"Some things just aren't meant to be together.'"




A/N: First Timer~! Comments are loved~ I love 'em yummy. <3 kay that just didn't make sense, but that's okay, right?

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