Let's start in 3...2...1!! We are SuG!!!

Be the first one!

"Okay~!! Guys I have lots of ideas for our next album. I have the songs, our outfits and the PV's~!!! Let's do it the best album ever!!"

Takeru was inspired; as always, he seems excited about a new album, obviously there'll be a tour after it comes out. That means they'll have to be togheter all day and all night.

Masato and Yuji wouldn't mind it. They'll have time to kiss, hold hands...Make out. Takeru will be doing the list of  songs, see if everything is in order, heck! He  won't be able to be with the members! In the other hand, Shinpei and Chiyu will be practicing, being the bass and the drums is not that easy, they have to guide the guitars and the vocal! Good thing they are great friends...Because they are, no?

"That's great Keru! I can't wait to see how I'll be dressed up! Ne, Yuji"

"I have an idea for the PV, Masa and me playing-"

"No! Actually I tought: Shinpei with Masa and Chiyu with Yuji. I like having a guitar with drums and the other with bass"

"Sounds good for me" Masato didn't mind it at all "I want to talk with Pei-chan" Looking at Shinpei and winking at him...This is bad

"Ah! It's been a while sicne I heard that name. So Masa and Shinpei it is~! You two don't have problems, right?"

"I don't, I have to ask Yuji for an advice" Rubbing the back of his neck, Chiyu admitted "What about you Yuji?"

"It's a deal man! Besides it's been a while since we talked about that, don't you think?"

"Hey! Don't say it!"

"I said nothing, geez"

"What about you Pei-chan?" Oh Takeru, you just said something bad

"N-no, I'd like to work with Masato" Takeru blinked at the fact Shinpei was a little bit red, but it seems like nothing

"What's the name of the new album?"

"Actually, Masa, it's going to be a single. 'SweeToxic' is the name; but also, it's been a while since the last tour, that's why after it comes out we'll be doing the tour. Questions?"

No one rised the hand, then it's time to record the songs!! Get ready, because there'll be some SuG noise! 

Masato and Yuji will be practicing, they say they need both guitars to understand a song, but everyone knows they need sometime to be alone, they've been waiting weeks for some "practice sessions". 

Chiyu and Shinpei have a great time when it comes to practice; they laugh a lot, always talking about random things, some anime and manga action (specially One Pice) and they can practice without confusions. Maybe one or two solos will pop out of their minds or they'll imagine this new "SweeToxic" song.

And Takeru...Well, he was going to the recording room, he has to see if the staff is ready, the quality of the microphones is good, etc, etc

"I think Shinpei must record first, ah but Chiyu will have a lot of work here, and that solo, hmmm the guitars come first, what about the effects? I dunno what to daaah!"

Just in a few seconds someone was pushing Takeru against the wall, hands above his head and this person legs were perfectly stopping his movements. Slowly, he was opening his eyes and tried to look who was doing this to him...

"Chiyu...What are you?

"Takeru....I'm-I'm so sorry; my body started to move and before I got the chance to think I did this to you" Chiyu didn't noticed, but he was getting closer to Takeru's face "But, I think I can't hold this anymore, I really need to tell you this, right here and right now" their noses were touching, Chiyu just needs to move his head to the right and he will be kissi-

"Oi! Keru! I want to ask you something before we start recording" Somehow, when Masato came, it seems like nothing happened "See, I want to finish soon because I'll go and visit my family"

"I see Masa, I wanted to start right away but I didn't know who should start, you want to be the first one?"

It was difficult for Chiyu, he was about to tell Takeru his feelings, kiss him and wouldn't let him go...'Thanks Masato', that's what Chiyu is thinking. When he will have another chance?! When?!

"Understood! Let me get my guitar and I'll record it"

Both, Takeru and Chiyu looked at his direction

"By the way, Chiyu" Takeru saw at the bassist face and with a smile, his cute smile, said "If you do that to a girl, the girl you like, she'll fall for you! And don't worry about me, I know I sometimes look like a girl. Tell me when you need help with that!!"


"'Tell me when you need help with that', seriously?! Bwahahaha!!! Oh man!! Chiyu, this is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Thanks for the laugh, I really needed it"

Being the only one who understands his situation, Chiyu went with Yuji for and advice...That wasn't the best idea

"Seriously! You're lucky because Masato told you 'Yes, I wanna be your boyfriend', but this boyfriend of yours didn't give me a chance! You know why?! He's with Shinpei! I've read fanfics and all of them support TakeruxChiyu, why not?! I like him, I really do! So, tell Masato I'm going to end up with him! Not Shinpei, me!"

"Dude, I know, I know. Masa is with Pei-san, you have me! What else do you want?"


"Don't be like that. Listen, I'll talk with Masa and convince him you're the only one for Takeru. Besides, you two are perfect for each other. I'm sure he'll get it. Just leave it to me"

"I'll trust you, and because of this, you'll get me another chance to tell Takeru. How? I dunno, that's your work and you're gonna do it"

"Okay, just leave it all to me"


"Pei-chan~ I did the greatest thing ever!"

Shinpei was practicing. He really needed it, this new single seems like he'll have to work hard to keep up at them! And where's Chiyu?!

"Not now Masa! I'm kinda busy here and I need silence. By the way, you know where Chiyu is?"

"Ah, yeah. I do" Shinpei opened the mouth to say something, but Masato was faster "He was about to take away your precious No Buru~"

Shinpei looked up, his mouth was opened and his eyes were saying 'WTF?! Are you serious?!'. Masato wanted to laugh, he doesn't know how he can control it! He wanted to take a photo of his face, but, Shinpei is his friend; and he really wants him to be with Takeru.

Isn't his history the typical shoujo manga? Shinpei likes Takeru since secundary school and he wants to be with Takeru. And Masato wants to be the mangaka of this story! That's why there'll be a happy ending for his friend! And everyone will be happy with this end!

"He was about to what?! No, no, no, no, no, no. This can't be true. Tell me it's not true!" Shaking his friend arms, Shinpei wanted an answer, and he will have it

"Don't worry! I lied to them" Seriously? Great, now the drummer has a red mark on his forhead, that facepalm must hurt  "Ah; as I said 'don't worry'. He was about to kiss him but I, being the great hero am I, made Chiyu stop. And now you have to thank me"

"How? You know I always leave you alone with Yuji. I don't have any money and the last time you tried to play the drums...You broke my drum sticks!"

"But I don't want those things...I want you to be the seme~! Chiyu is acting like the seme right now. Keru will never take you serious if you act like the uke...Now that I think about it, you two look like uke. Doesn't matter."

"I dunno, I'm shorter and I'm kinda shy when it comes to that. Besides, I prefer to tell him my feelings in the normal way"

He was having those...'I imagine we are thogeter' moment, dreaming about his lover, how he will confess, Takeru's 'Yes, I like you too', everything! 

Snapping his fingers, Masato made Shinpei stop and look at him. He had a happy face; 'I want them to end up and be happy', those are his true feelings

"Let's see, you can be agresive, or control him more. Act like you are rude, but at the same time you can be the cutest guy ever. Don't smile too much when you are around him oh! And be a rebel one! He'll fall for you. Who doesn't like to see a short seme?"

"I wonder if I can act like that. I don't have the face, the body...I'll see what happens. Thank you Masa. I'll do my best!"

"Hai hai, now I have to go, I have a song to record~ See you. And Don't let Chiyu to do everything or Keru will fall for him"

"Sure, ganbatte ne!"

Leaving the room and the drummer behind, Masato started to run, he really wanted to start with it, looks like it'll be a funny song and the PV was the only thing he could imagine. Will it be funny? Or kinda ecch-

"Hey~ Little one, where are you going?"

"Yu-Yuji?!" Yuji had one arm on the wall, he stopped Masato's moves and made him look at him with the other hand...Definitely, Masato will tell Shinpei to do this!! THIS is how a seme should act!

"Don't scream, they'll hear you" He was getting close, too close, his mouth was open and he was a few inches away from Masato

"Eh?! Why-why the cheek! I thought-" Yuji put his index finger on his lover's mouth, Masato got what he was doing

"You'll get it if you are a good boy, the only thing you need is to follow my instructions, be quiet and answer with a yes. Understood? C'mon, don't you want a kiss, or do you want a hot kiss?"


"Good, now I need you to do something for me. Will you do it?"


"Tell Pei-san to leave Takeru for Chiyu. Got it?"


"Okay now come and WHAT THE ?! No?! Why?!"

"I want Pei-chan to be Takeru's lover. And I'll go to record the song. See you later" He gave Yuji a quick kiss and started running

'Uke 1 - Seme 0'

"Oi Keru, I let's see what-" Masato opened the door...He couldn't believe what was happening "Keru!! Oi, Takeru!! So-someone!! HEEEEEELP!!!!"

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I-love-kaz #1
its really good
Aivisualkeigirl #2
Chapter 3: Already read it :P but it's really good :) I'm gripped
Aivisualkeigirl #3
Chapter 2: This is so amazing so far :) I had to hold fan girl screams its that good xD who will get Takeru? I'm literally dying to know what'll help next :P keep writing!
Deadmaster #4
Wow, this sounds like its going to be good! I need a good SuG story to read~! I'm looking forward to it~!