Get well soon!

More or Less a Flower Boy


This was supposed to be one really long chapter but I decided to split it into two chapters to making the writing process faster. The next chapter is going to be really fun and cute so hopefully I can have that up later tonight or early tomorrow. Hope you enjoy~!



Chanyeol made sure to keep Baekhyun as comfortable in his arms as he possibly could while rushing for the nurse’s office. Baekhyun rested his head against the older boy’s chest and kept his eyes shut. He found himself concentrating more on Chanyeol’s heartbeat instead of his own pain, but it was hard. His head was throbbing and half of his body felt as if it was becoming numb from the brutal beating he had received.


“Ui-sah!” Chanyeol called out, alerting the nurse who was at the moment, locking his office and getting ready to go home. “He needs your help,” he claimed and the nurse looked utterly baffled by the sight of Baekhyun. “What on earth-?!” he whispered and reopened his office as fast as he could.


“Put him on the first bed,” the nurse ordered and disappeared into his small supply room to gather his things.


Chanyeol did exactly what he was told. He was careful not to knock into anything and placed Baekhyun gently on one of the soft, white beds at the back of the room.


Baekhyun finally opened his eyes and glanced dizzily up at the tall boy, but Chanyeol wouldn’t make any eye contact. He could only tell by the boy’s bitter expression and the way he kept looking back for the doctor, that he was worried.


Moments later, the nurse emerged at the side of the bed and piled a bunch of medical supplies on a tray. “Help me with these,” he ordered Chanyeol, and again, the tall boy was obedient.


Baekhyun blinked his drooping eyes a couple times but he couldn’t fight how drowsy he was feeling. He wanted to sleep but at the same time, he wanted to stay awake and watch Chanyeol. After how terrible the older boy had treated him, Baek was enjoying seeing this more amiable side of him.


Sleep was imminent and Baekhyun decided to give in. It had been a long and hectic day and he deserved some much needed rest. And just like that, he passed out almost instantly after closing his eyes. The only thing he could recall hearing after falling asleep was Chanyoel’s voice asking him if he was ok. Then, nothing.




“Yah, I think he’s waking up~!” said a kind and friendly voice.


“Is he?”


“Look I think he’s moving.”


“That’s why I said I think he’s waking up…”


“He’s alive!”


“Of course he’s alive you idiot!”


“I was just joking….. gosh….”


“Are you sure he’s really waking up? He could “just” be moving.”


“No look, look! He squinted his eyes!”


“Should we hide and surprise him?”


“No! What do you want to do? Scare him to death?”


“….No….. I was just suggesting it…. Sorry…”


Ugh, you’re both so stupid….”


“I don’t think he’s waking up….”


“Quiet please! The poor boy’s resting~!”


“Im really hungry…..”


“You’re always hungry you fatty!”


“Yah! Not nice hyung! I’m a growing boy!”


“….. Please shut up~!”


“Yeah, you’re growing alright! Growing sideways-!


“…..Please just shut up~!”


“Stop it! Why do you have to pick on me Hyung?”


“Guys….shut up….!


“Because I’m older and you’re way too easy.”


“Luhan? Want to share my cookie?”


“Yeah, thanks~!”




“Well you are a-“








“Thank you~”


“I’m still hungry though….”


Voices flooded the once quiet infirmary and they awoke the sleeping Baekhyun.


He scrunched up his face and slowly fluttered his eye lids, opening them to see who was making such a ruckus. The first thing he saw was Kevin.


“Hey there sleepy head,” Kevin greeted him sweetly. He was sitting in a chair on the left side of Baekhyun with his arms folded onto the bed. His uniform was red once again but a much darker shade this time around. His dirty blonde hair was very neatly combed, and his skin looked as fair as ever. The dark color of his uniform really helped show it off. Baekhyun’s eyes drifted and he realized Dongho and the others were there as well.


Both Luhan and Sehun sat together on his right side and were in the process of finishing off a delicious looking cookie. Dongho sat at the edge of the bed and watched Baekhyun with joy sparkling in his big chocolate eyes. Chen and Junmyun were standing at the foot of the bed and Junmyun seem to be carrying a small plastic bag.


“Happy your finally awake bud!” Dongho cheered and began childishly swinging his dangling legs.


Baekhyun squinted his eyes one last time and pressed his palms against the bed to pull his body into an upright position. “Ow-“ he moaned when pain stung at his side. Kevin hopped forward out of his seat and held his hand to Baekhyun’s back for support. Luhan did the same. “Be careful! You’re still hurt, don’t you forget!” nagged Dongho.


Baekhyun cringed and ran his fingers over the bandage on his head. “You’re so lucky Chanyeol was there to save you! Who knows how bad you could have gotten it if he hadn’t of shown up,” Dongho went on and scooted closer to Baek on the bed. “You should also be thanking me!” he huffed and raised his chin “Im the reason he went out looking for you. He told me he thought you were some crazed kid that liked taking showers in other people’s bathrooms. When I told him who you really were he went to go apologize, I guess.”


“And it’s a good thing he did,” said Junmyun as he placed the plastic bag he had onto the bed. “Here, eat up. You’re probably really hungry by now.”


Baekhyun nodded and reached for the plastic bag, but Dongho picked it up and handed it to him so he wouldn’t have to strain himself. Inside was a clear tin of nine chocolate chip cookies. There were ten spaces but one was empty. He didn’t exactly need to guess where that one cookie had gone. “Thank’s guys…” he muttered and took two for himself. Dongho then slid the tin closer to him and took one as well.


“Psh… fatty…” Chen said under his breath, but ended up receiving a jab to the gut from Junmyun.


“Aren’t you guys going to class?” Baekhyun asked, taking a small bite from one of the cookies. The six boys all exchanged glances and Kevin shook his head, “School is over for the day. You were sleeping for a while.” That had Baekhyun almost choking on his cookie, “What?! I was asleep the whole day?”


“Pretty much,” Sehun bobbed his head.


“Aish…. How could I miss my second day of school….” Baekhyun groaned scratching his head furiously. “It’s not really a big deal,” Luhan said, taking a seat on the bed. “Yeah don’t worry. You haven’t missed anything. We didn’t learn much because of you,” Dongho told Beakhyun between the munches of his cookie.


“Wait- what?” Baekhyun sputtered furrowing his brow in uncertainty. “What he means to say is…” Kevin started, “Ms. Song was too busy worrying about you that she wasn’t concentrating on her teaching.”


“Yeah, it really looks like you might be her next love victim,” Chen snickered and the other boys joined in. Baekhyun was the only one who didn’t find it funny. The word victim just made his stomach churn. He put his unfinished cookies on the bedside table and laid back down in his bed with the help of both Luhan and Kevin. “You guys can go now. I think I’m going to get more rest,” he sighed and pulled the covers up to his neck.


They could all scents Baekhyun’s troubled aura but none of them decided on questioning it. “Alright then…. Get well soon,” Luhan patted Baekhyun’s shoulder lightly and slipped off of the bed, reuniting with Sehun.


“Get well soon…” the other boys all chimed in and headed for the door.


Kevin fell back behind the group and waited at the door when they all exited, “Try not to strain yourself. Get better as fast as you can, and don’t worry. We won’t leave you alone next time. Not in till all this pranking business is over. Bye-bye~!” he said sweetly and walked out.


Baekhyun sighed again and pulled the covers all the way over his head. He really didn’t feel like he had warmed up to all of them well enough, yet they act like they’ve known him for ages. They truly know nothing about him. Especially his past. That is one thing he hopes never gets revealed to them. The whole thing just makes his head hurt when he thinks about it. He just wanted some peace and quiet now.


The next day Dongho came to visit him first thing in the morning. He didn’t stay long because of classes but he was there long enough to help Baekhyun finish his breakfast. In the middle of the day Luhan popped in after track practice. Then after that, Kevin and Junmyun came with lunch for him. When school was done for the day the nurse refused to allow anymore visitors because a really sick kid had come in and he didn’t want any of them to catch what he had. Baekhyun had no choice but to stay in bed. He still was unable to get up and walk around. Luckily the boy’s sickness had no effect on him. The day after that Kevin and Dongho showed up after school when they had the ok to finally come in. When they left, Luhan and Sehun came together. Baekhyun felt a little bummed that in the two days he stayed in the infirmary, Chanyeol never bothered to show up. It was his fault Baekhyun was in this state in the first place. He deserved a proper apology.  


“I give you permission to go back to your dorm tonight,” the nurse advised Baekhyun before getting ready to pack his things so he could go home. “You need to be able to move around a bit. I’m warning you now though. I don’t want you to work your body to hard. No running around or doing any delinquent activities. Ok?”


Baekhyun bowed his head in agreement and was helped out of his bed by Dongho who had been called down to the infirmary a few minutes earlier so he could safely guide Baekhyun back to their dorm. He had showed up in chicken Pj’s that were similar to his bunny ones. It was pretty embarrassing but neither the nurse nor Baekhyun said a thing about it. “Careful,” Dongho urged him and Baek just rolled his eyes. The pain in his side wasn’t as intense as it used to be, but it still hurt like hell. He forced himself to put on a brave face and get out of there as fast as he could. Next stop, home.


Baekhyun and Dongho successfully made it back to the dorm and entered quietly. They didn’t want to end up disturbing Chanyeol. “Where to next? The bathroom? Your bed?” Dongho questioned him, fidgeting like a child who had had too much sugar.   


“My bed would be fine…” Baekhyun answered him. The boy’s jitteriness was beginning to make him uncomfortable. He really just wanted to be alone again. “Ok, careful on the stairs” Dongho warned him.


They both hobbled up the staircase and Baekhyun walked the short distance to his bed alone. “Ok, I’ll be fine now. Good night,” he said immediately sending Dongho away. The older boy sighed, pulled his chicken hood over his head, and marched back down the stairs. “Night!” he called up but Baekhyun said nothing back.


Baek painfully laid back on his bed and covered himself with his blanket. He wondered if Chanyeol was going to come up and say something to him now that he was back in the dorm, but he never did.

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omfhunhan #1
Chapter 4: awwww thats super cute pls update as soon as you can thanks XD
Primhunter #2
I'm really sorry that I have not updated this story yet. I'm really busy with school! I'll try hard to find some time to finish the next chapter. ;D
Chapter 2: Awww poor baekhyun! That sad :( at least he has good friendss there to help and Chanyeol help to at the end.
Chapter 2: poor Baekhyun anyways update soon :)
Primhunter #5
Ill be home from school today because I'm sick so ill have a lot of time to get the next chapter done. Hope I can finish! Ill do my best~!
Chapter 1: i love the funny parts and felt bad for baekhyun in beginning. can't wait for next chapter!
Primhunter #7
I should have the first chapter up some time today! Sorry for the wait! I’m going as fast as I can. ^.^;
Please update asap... I'm so excited.... Please... Hwaiting..