Now,I’m sitting here for waiting him to come.I’m sitting from yesterday.Place that me and him often to spend together,small forest near my house,not to near actually.We can make it for 20 minute if we walk and we can’t use a transportation vehicle,just by walk.But he didn’t come until now,12 o’clock,midnight.I ignored the cold air that stab my bond.I’m chilled,but I try to hold out.For him,just for him.And from yesterday I not eating any pieces of food,I stay in here.I want him to spend his time with me,if it’s just 1 minute.It’s more than I want,I just want to be with him.His being so busy since he become a top singer that almost of  his time,spend out with his karier.And if it’s wrong if I want his time?I’m his girlfriend.I just want his little time.

My arm,legs,and my whole body is freezing.I realize that he forever not come here.I don’t know either.His busy because his karier or his new ‘girlfriend’.Her name is Shin Se Kyung.Everybody says that his cheating on me with her,but I trust him,with my soul.Because I love him,with all my heart.But he didn’t come.I forget to bring my handphone,and it’s still at my house.What I bring lest is just a piece of latter that I write it yesterday in my pocket.I hold it tightly,with my left strengh.Because I still belief he will come soon.

            “Baby,I love you.Umma really love you.”

Yes,now I’m pregnant,2 months.His baby,Jonghyun.But he didn’t know.I don’t want to disturb his mind,with this news.

I paint hard,I can’t hold any more.My breath is heavy,my whole body is trembling.I really now,my time is near.My vision become blury,and my tears come out.


After that everything went dark.

End of Key POV


Jonghyun now parking his car on Key garage.He walk inside and found nothing.He searhing for Key,but she’s not in anywhere.And he found a latter on his piano at living room.Place that he often sing many song with his girlfriend,Gwibbon.

For Jjonggie,

Meet me at our little forest.

            September 21

                        Love,Gwibbon (Key)


Jonghyun POV


I wear my jacket and run to our forest.In my way I can’t stop my tears to falling.Why?Why I must be late to come to her house.Key,please wait for me,little bit more.I run as fast as I can.And finally I can reach it.I saw some one sitting on a bench near a frizzing lake,and near a garden lamp.Her black long hair shining under the moonlight.I  try to reach her.

            “Key?”no answer.”Key?Kim Gwibbon?Yeobo?”but still no answer.I sit beside her,and it’s real her.I touch her face,it’s frezzing.Her white skin now to pale for her.Her pink plump lips,now turn to blue.She’s frezzing.

            “Key?answer me,yeobo?”but she’s not answer me.I kiss her lips,and I can’t feel her warm,it’s totally cold.And I can’t feel her breath from her nose.No,no.I hug her lifeless body to my warmth.My tears fall like waterfall on her.


Please God,don’t take her away from me.Please,give me one more chance,please.I can’t live without her.I need her,I need her.I love her more than anything.



-Next morning (Still Jonghyun POV)

I sit beside her grave.I look to her grave stone.I caress it.No tear falling.Becaus since yesterday I cry really hard.Now my tears is dry.I read her massage that her hold it in her hand.


Dear Jjong,

I know you’re busy,and I understand.Because of that I think,from now I will not disturb you anymore.And if I go,will you be happy with her?Make her happy,make her know that you love her with you’re deepest heart.Promise me.I let you for her,if that make you happy.Maybe if you read this,I’ll leave you now,and maybe live at the other world.But you must know,I will see you from where I live after this.And until the end,I will love you.Although that you not love me the way I love you,it’s okay to me.From I know you and be your lover it’s more than I hope.Thank you for all.And I have to tell you something.I’m pregnant.This is our baby Jjong.But I really sorry I can’t protect our baby.I’m a useless umma.Maybe,just maybe in the next life,I will be the usefull umma.And in my next life,I want to be your wife not just your girlfriend.Your soulmate.

 And don’t forget.Eat you’re breakfast,don’t force you’re body to much,don’t crying to much,because you are man,and keep you’re health.From now,I will not nagging you again.Be autonomous without me.I hope we can meet again,soon or later.

I love You Jjong,I love you so much.I really really love you. Promise me you will happy without me,okay?



Kim Gwibbon (Key)


             "Happy birthday,Key.I bring you something..."I put a bucket of pink rose in her grave.It's her favorite.Yes.Today is her birthday,Now she's 19 years old.And i have a plan to marry her next month,but now she's gone.Tears falling from eyes again.I will miss her,miss her so much.


Key.I’m sorry,for everything.But,for you to know.I love you more than everything and more than her.She just my karier partner.She’s just my best friend.You mistunderstand,Key.I’m not in love with other,only with you.Only You.

            “God please let her know.I will never fall in love with someone else,than just for her.I will love her until my time come.And until I can meet her again,my love,my heart,my soul,everything is her.God please tell her how sorry I am.And how much I love her.”tears come to falling again.Wind blow the leaf on the ground.Soon,winter is come.Season will always change,but not my love to you,Key.


Second change to Minute,

Minute change to Hour,

Hour change to Day,

Day change to Week,

Week change to Month,

Month change to Year,

And now 30 years after her leave me…

And now I still love her,my love for her still the same as 30 years ago.I still single,not able to search or marriage with other woman.

I try to loyal to her,until now.

I sit here,on her grave.In this twilight,I want to spend my time with her.Maybe my last time in this world.But happy,because soon I will meet her again.

Every day since 30 years ago,if I here I always sing her favorite song, Hyeya (Y Si Fuera Ella), Romantic and Quasimodo.Accompany her.Tell her my day.And my life without her.I belief,she’s hear me.Hear my every single word.

And now,i feel that my time is near.So,I sit beside her.And wait until that time come to me.

            “I love You Key,we will meet again soon…”and everything went black.I can’t feel anything.And I know my time is come.


End Of Jonghyun POV



            “Key?”Jonghyun call her.She’s look back and see her love again.

            “J-jong?It’s really you?”

            “Yes,it’s me Key.”Key run to him and hug him tightly,and Jonghyun hug her tightly.

            “Jjong,I miss you so much.And I know I wrong with you’re feelling.I’m sorry.”they sat on the flower garden,near a sparkling lake.

            “No,you’re not wrong.And it’s not you’re fault.It’s my fault,to not spend my time more often for you.Forgive me,Key.”tears start to falling from her eyes.

            “From the start I forgive you,and I’m not mad at you.And until that day,you not marriage someone else.For me,just for me.Jjong-“Jonghyun kiss her love for the first time in 30 years.

            “Because I love you Key.Until now.”

They walk to one beautiful tree.And Jonghyun on his knee,with Gwibbon hand on his right hand.

            “Will you marry me,Kim Gwibbon?”he pull out one little pink box.A pretty ring.Key was so surprised and can’t say anything.He open it,and sew it on her ring finger.

            “I do,Jjong.I do.”

And after that they marriage.Jonghyun with white tuxedo and Gwibbon with beautiful white gown.They promise to be one and always together.UNTIL THE END…

There love is Lasting On Heaven…


                                    ---THE END---


It's all for now.And i'm really sorry if it's bad.Because english is not my daily language.

Please comment,for me to learn to be more good.

And thank so much for read my story...


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KimIsuelMaya #1
Chapter 1: nice story line....
leah412 #2
Chapter 1: Cool story but change of words
Latter - letter
Gwibbon - kibum
Karier - career
Good story authornim
GdNee43v32 #3
so sad.. I like it,, gwiboon n jonghyun..
AlmightyDivaKey23 #4
thank you...<br />
i list it because actually,that 3 song is my favorite...<br />
and thank you for your comments... ^^
BlingHunny #5
That 3 songs are my most favourite song.. I'm really shocked u list them all.. keke.. Beautiful story xD