Chapter 1: Memories of you (One Shot)

Memories of You


Memories of You


                One night as the rain poured down, two friends sit on a swing drenched wet…



                Joon – Mina…

                Mina – hmm?

                Joon – Should we go in now?

                Mina – no…few more minutes…

                Joon – but we already did what you want right? I bought you ice cream…cotton candy, we went to sing at the norae bang…we also bought your jigsaw…and we have been sitting here for a long time now…and its raining…we might catch cold…

                Mina – few more minutes Joon…please?

                Joon – alright…just a few ok?


                They sat there for a bout a minute or two, then Mina stood up…


                Mina – I’m going…

                Joon - ok…I’ll take you home…


                They walked for another few minutes, when they were in front of the girl’s house…Mina stopped…


                Joon – you go in first…

                Mina – anio… I’ll see you go?

                Joon – you really want me to go already? Not even inviting me for a cup of coffee? or to dry off? Or at least give me an umbrella?

                Mina – yah..your already wet..why give you an umbrella?..and your house is just a block away you know…

                Joon – yah… your really mean you know!!

                Mina – haha… believe me I know…

                Joon – alright I’ll leave now…bye bye…

                Mina – haha alright bye bye…


                He walked towards his house…when an arm pulled him back into an embrace…


                Mina – thank you Joon…good night…


                A warm kiss was placed on his cheeks… Mina then ran to her house…


                Joon – really…


                When he arrived home…he took out his phone and texted Mina…


Text message…

            Good night Mina…and your welcome…mwoah…take a shower so you will not catch cold…drink your medicine ok?




                He took a shower and changed into his pajamas…he held his phone in hand as he drifted off to sleep…The next morning when he woke up…he remembered how Mina kissed his cheeks last night…



                The smile in his face never faded, as he took a bath up till eating his breakfast…


                Joon – ma… I’m going to school now…

                Ma – take care…Joon-ah are you sure you’re alright?

                Joon – eh? Of course I am ma…ok I’ll go home early…


                He ran out his house toward Mina’s to pick her up so they can walk together to school…He entered the house after knocking like he always did…he was greeted by Mina’s mom…


                Joon – good morning auntie… I came to pick Mina…we are going to school together…

                Auntie – Joon-ah…

                Joon – is she still asleep…should I go up to her room?


                He ran up to Mina’s room…


                Joon – Mina… Mina Mina… wake up now…


                The room was empty..the bed was clean…


                Joon – Mina stop hiding…Joonniee is getting scared…


                He peeked at the comfort room…but Mina is still not there…he ran down stairs…


                Joon- auntie…Mina… I can’t find her…


                He’s now crying and shaking…

                Auntie – Joon-ah calm down…

                Joon – auntie…she was with me last night…did she catch cold? I’m sorry..I’m sorry.. I told her we should go back already…no no…

                Auntie – Joon-ah…Mina is not here anymore…

                Joon – anio auntie…why?. Is she angry at me?

                Auntie – Joon-ah…


                Joon is shaking more…


                Auntie – Joon-ah come with me up stairs…


                They walked towards Mina’s room…Joon is shaking more…Mina’s mom is supporting him…for it seems like the lightest wind can kill him in this state…he was so vulnerable…he was breaking…They went inside the room…Mina’s mom made Joon sit in the bed…the bed side table is filled with frames of pictures of Joon and Mina…


                Auntie – Joon-ah… You know that Mina has Leukemia right?

                Joon – Auntie…it can’t be she was just with me last night…she she... she held me..

                Auntie – Joon-ah…that night you were last with her..?

                Joon – last night Auntie!! That was last night!!

                Auntie – the day after that…

                Joon – that is today auntie…I don’t understand you…

                Auntie – the day after that night…you had an accident…

                Joon – no auntie…I’m ok see..? I don’t understand you…please..please stop lying…


                Joon is now crying harder…


                Auntie – Joon-ah…listen to me…you were in comma for half a year…the doctor did not know when you will wake up..

                Joon – auntie stop lying to me…

                Auntie – Mina was always there by your side every day..every night…

                Joon – where is she now? Auntie…

                Auntie – she knew that she didn’t have more time left that is also the reason why she asked you out that night…until the end she…

                Joon – the end?...anio…I told her to drink her medicine…she did not listen to me…no your lying to me…stop it auntie…

                Auntie – Joon-ah you woke up…but your in a state where your mind is stuck to the last night you two  were together…it stayed there…you will not be able to remember anything that will happen today…everything that happened in the past two years after that night…

                Joon – anio…Auntie…


                He stopped shaking, he’s now looking at his hands…he glanced at his and Mina’s picture…they were so happy…everything he just heard is just too much for him…his accident…Mina’s death…Mina’s death?….He cannot fathom that Mina is gone and it has been two years already?…He can’t believe…He don’t  know what to believe anymore…


                Joon – anio…


                Mina’s mom stood up… took something from the table, and handed it to Joon…


                Auntie – here a news paper…


                In the news paper was an accident…headline news is that a young man was hit by the car and  is still unconscious…a picture of the car, site of the accident…a picture of a man carried in a stretcher on the side…and his precious Mina crying while holding on to that man’s hand…his hand...tears continuously fall down his cheeks…


                Auntie – Joon-ah…

                Joon – auntie..everyday…has it always been like this?

                Auntie – a bit…


                Mina’s mom smiled weakly…


                Joon – I’m sorry for this auntie…

                Auntie – and everyday… for the past few years you have been saying sorry to me…


                Mina’s mom hugged him…


                Auntie – but this is the first time I’m saying this… thanks for loving my daughter…up until now…

                Joon – I guess that something we have to thank Mina for…because she is who she is…and thank you for bringing her into life…

                Auntie – haha… don’t cry anymore ok?..she wouldn’t want to see you like that..

                Joon – nae…

                Auntie – would you like to go down?

                Joon – anio.. I think I’ll stay here for a while…

                Auntie – well that’s a first…I’ll go down now...I’ll make your favorite cookies…though Mina bakes it a lot better than I do…

                Joon – really?... thanks auntie..


                He lied down in bed…he sniffed the pillows…it still smelled like Mina…


                Joon – Mina…you really did left me…did you?…you’re really mean…


                A tear fell from his eyes again, he hugged the pillow tightly, then he felt a hard thing under he wondered what that thing could be…he took it and discovered it was a diary…


                Joon – your diary…I really shouldn’t read this…but I’ll forget about it tomorrow right?


                He smiled…


                Joon – I know your going to hate me for this…I should go ask Auntie first?.eh..but…


                He tried opening the pink diary but it had a lock on it…


                Joon – you are really smart Mina…I really have to ask auntie for it do I? alright then…


                He went down stairs to see Mina’s mom baking…


                Joon – auntie..Mina’s diary…can I..I mean…you know can I…?

                Auntie – yah sure you can have also has a lock and I can’t find the key I guess Mina didn’t want me to read it…


                She chuckled…reminiscing how her daughter would pout when she says that kind of things…


                Auntie – I got it from her, when she died she was holding it..she came from your house…she went home drenched in rain again that day…she smiled and hugged me and told me she loves me…she was very happy that night…she was carrying that diary with her…she told me that only the one whose supposed to read it has the key..I don’t have the key…so I think it’s not for me…she died the day after…it was a week after you woke up…

                Joon – nae…


                A tear escaped Mina’s mother’s eyes…


                Auntie – I guess she just waited for her prince charming to wake up, before she went to sleep..


                Joon smiled and hugged Mina’s mom…


                Auntie – the cookies aren’t done yet…you should wait in the living room…

                Joon – you sure..? don’t you need my help?

                Auntie – omona Joon-ah we all know what happened the last time you helped out in the kitchen right?

                Joon – ah nae..


                He nodded in understanding…he knew that him and kitchen means disaster..he walked to the living room, its exactly the same…after 2 years…he sat down the couch..he wanted to watch the TV to see what is new…what he missed in the past two years…though he know he’s going to forget about it sooner than later…as he was reaching for the control his grip loosen and the control fell in the ground.. as he was reaching for it, his necklace hit his face…


                Joon – an idea literally hit me..


                He chuckled a bit as he remember Mina giving him that necklace…they have the same necklace only that Mina’s was pink and his was blue…a  key necklace…


                Joon – you really like puzzles..don’t you my Mina…?


                He smiled…he remember how Mina would say that ‘the most obvious things are those things we always forget to look at, when we search for answers…yet it is the answer all along’…he took his necklace off, and tried to use the key on the lock of the diary…and he was successful…


                Joon – so you actually left this for me Mina…you love me that much…?


                He read the first page…



                Joonnniee…5th month of sleeping Joonniieee

Your right I left this for you…hihi...though I’m probably gone now…I hope you still remember me…eh…

Don’t worry I won’t be angry at you for opening know why?...

You’ll know later joonniieee…this is actually a diary my diary….Mina Mina’s diary…I wrote this when I was with you in the hospital…you were sleeping like a child…some chapters are boring so you can skip it I know you don’t like reading that much…

Oh and please tell mom I left a letter for her…It’s in my closet, I actually bought a gift for her and if I died with out giving her that, she wouldn’t dare touch my closet…you see she seems to be brave but actually she’s really weak inside…she only has me Joonniieee…If only I  could I wouldn’t leave her…but see I fell like my time is coming soon…can you take care of her maybe until she can smile from her heart again…ok proceed to the chapters…Joonniieee…


                Joon – you know me that well Mina…yes I will…


                He proceeded to the next page…



Joonniieee-ah you know? I was really shocked when I heard the news…your really stupid you know? But you’re my hero…the child you saved is really thankful…He’s not hurt too…I’m really glad…I brought your favorite….Apples…but your still sleeping so I’ll eat them all for you…

                        I miss you Joonniieee…


                Tears fell from Joon’s eyes…


                Joon – I saved a child…silly Mina


                He smiled as tears flowed freely down his cheeks…he wiped it then went to the next page..



Our friends are here to visit…they missed you too…you got to wake up soon…see they brought balloons there’s pink one’s cute…and there are also blue ones so don’t be sad…wake up already sleepy head…


                The page was filled with drawings of balloons and flowers he laughed…


                Joon – you draw like a grade schooler Mina..


The next pages was filled with stories…how Mina had fun with him…those food she ate…all the stories she told Joon while he was was short chapters but warm and full of love…at the next page…Joon noticed 2 red drops on the paper..



Joonniieee-ah its been several months now…! 5 and a half to be exact…you know I miss you so much so please wake up huh?, I don’t know if I’ll stay for long…you know? I might find some one cuter than you…who is awake!!...


Oh but I just can’t Joonniieee so you have to wake up soon…


                Tears fell from his eyes,,he really missed his Mina…then the next few pages were full of smiley faces…then a page caught his attention…red stains.(there is a note the page before this..“skip the next page Mina is messy she spilled sauce…you can’t read it clearly ok? listen to Mina”) but still he read it…



Joon you are mean…do you know? I don’t have much time left you pabo!! I’m afraid…I don’t want to die Joon…I can’t…I need to see your smile first nae Joon-ah? then you can kill me…but please wake up first? I don’t want to die with out you beside me…I don’t want to be alone Joonniieee…I’m sorry this page is messy…I was eating and tomato sauce fell on it…wake up soon!!!please


                He knew Mina was lying…it wasn’t tomato sauce ,it was blood…he saw Mina’s nose bleed before but not this much…he knew how Mina felt so scared..the next pages Mina was glad again, he was telling him how he would wake up soon…



Joonniieee the doctor told me your doing good? Isn’t that great? I visited my doctor too..I didn’t understand what she said so I left… wake up soon Joonniieee…


                Joon – you didn’t want to understand didn’t you? Still as stubborn as before…


                He smiled weakly..then there was this all blue page…



Yay you woke up…you smiled at me then kissed me then smiled at me and kissed me again…ert you kissed me on my lips…ert ert!!


                Joon – I kissed her?..and no I’m not a ert…it’s because I love you…


                He chuckled a page



You seem to have forgotten yesterday!!pabo…how can you deny kissing me in the lips? Mina is really sad now… T.T


                Joon  - I wouldn’t do that it because of that stupid accident…!!!!


                Next page…he was a bit worried…



Oh I understand now…Joonniieee loves me still…that stupid accident made him pabo… thanks to doctor-sshi…sorry for doubting you Mjoonie…pabo mina…


                Joon – yah.. Mina your not pabo..


                Next page…a smile in his face



                        I slept over…whee I love hugging my Joonniiee he’s so soft and cuddly…(so shy)


                The next pages was filled with the times they spent together..on the 6th day after he woke up…





Always smile Joonniieee…forget Mina Mina ok?...she can’t stay… I stayed in the swing again... I’m wet again…I know you’d kill me…haha …I miss you I miss you…Joonniieee…I’m glad I woke up today I saw your smile again…I wish I can still do it tomorrow…Joonniieee..your not mine anymore…


                Joon - I will always be yours….pabo!


He was afraid to see the last page…when he opened it…


                I love you Joonniiieee…Mina loves you


                Joon – I love you more my Mina…(he cried silently his palms against his face..)


                Joon is now breaking down, all the pain, every single emotion…the love he feels….Mina’s mom was about to serve the cookies…but when he saw Joon crying like that…she went back in the dining room and cried too…


                Auntie – Mina…mom really misses you…I hope your happy and loved where ever you are…don’t forget me my princess…


                She whispered… she smiled weakly and wiped her tears…


                Auntie – Joon-ah…Joon-ah…the cookies are ready…


                Joon went in the room with a smile, though his eyes showed that he was crying all the while…


                Joon – thank you for the food Auntie…next time lets have lunch with mom?

                Auntie – nae.. Joon that would be great…


                They ate the cookies…when they were finished…


                Joon – Auntie I have to get something…wait for me ok?

                Auntie – oh ok…


                Joon ran upstairs to look for the gift Mina mention in her diary…he opened the closet and searched…he found a box with a card saying to mommy…he took it out as he was about to close the closet..he saw Mina’s favorite bathrobe… the one she would use every time they would go on hot springs..It was pink as he remembered…but something is different so he took it out…

                Joon – Mina…


                The robe had a huge dried blood stain…


                Joon – you know your mom wouldn’t look here didn’t you…?you were scared weren’t you?..I’m sorry I wasn’t there…Mina..I’m so sorry…sorry…


                He hugged the robe…as he cried again…


                Joon – I have to be strong…


                He wiped his tears again and plastered a fake smile…he went down stairs with the box…


                Joon – auntie…here…Mina wanted me to give it to you…

                Auntie – what?

                Joon – its written in her diary…

                Auntie – you were able to open it..? can I read it too?

                Joon – you’ll have it soon auntie..


                He chuckled..Mina’s mom is beautiful…Joon thought how it could have been if he was able to grow old with Mina…maybe she was as beautiful as her mom…Mina’s mom opened the box and a beautiful Navy blue jacket was exposed…her mom wore it with tears in her eyes…a letter in the bottom of the box was handed to him by Joon…it read…



I know I wouldn’t be able to hold you like I did before…so please see as though every time you ware this I’m hugging you…but you still have to wash it ok? I don’t want you to stink…this jacket is the one in the store..every time we walk in that area you would always look at it lovingly…but you never bought it…I wonder why…I said to my self..are we that poor?…but now I know the answer cause every time you come back you would always have something for me…it was because you love me that you always put me first…Ma I love you and thank you for everything…sorry for leaving you Ma..If I could I would have stayed..I will never forget you..I love you…happy mother’s day…

                                                                                    Your cute princess

Cutie Mina…..


                Her mother cried holding on to the letter…


                Auntie – thank you Mina..I love you too…


                Joon smiled at her…


                Joon – auntie…you should smile…Mina wants you to be brave and strong for her and for you…

                Auntie – Joon-ah I love her…

                Joon – and you know she loves you too…auntie..

                Auntie – call me mommy it feels good…

                Joon – mommy…I think its time for you to smile…from you heart…

                Auntie – thank you Joon…

                Joon – you should really redecorate too..

                Auntie – but when you come back tomorrow you’ll find it a little weird…

                Joon – thank you mommy…but our house is a little old fashioned don’t you think? And it was always your hobby to rearrange the decors and furniture… you would always say…


                “it’s my master piece” they said at the same time…they laughed…there and then Joon saw that smile…like before a smile from her heart…he went and headed back home…he passed the park they would always go to…the rain started pouring…


                Joon – Mina…Joonniieee misses you…


                He looked up and smiled as he felt the rain run down his face..hiding his tears…he heased towards home….as he was walking, he saw a child picking up his ball in the middle of the road a truck about to hit that child…he ran…


                Joon – I guess I’m bound to be a hero…your hero Mina…


                He smiled as he pushed the child at the side…He was hit by the truck…


                Joon – at last I can be with you my Mina…now finally I’m only yours….



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Willidingding #1
great story
skymover86 #2
@Mistergom thank you my friend deserve your comment :D
Mistergom #3