Weird - end.


She was weird.

He insisted that she was anything but weird. She was different. She was unique. She was exceptional. She was exquisite. She was special.

She was anything but weird. He loves her.

She didn’t let him to interact with any other female other than herself. She always plans what he should wear, what he can say and cannot, what he should eat, and how he should act around her. Her words are absolute. He liked it.

One more thing about her—this is his favorite—, she has this small and dark hidden room where she can have her ways with him. Where she would decorate his pale skin with cuts, lots of cuts—his neck, his chest, his arms, his thighs, none was left unscathed. He resented it at first, he resents the way the sharp point of her small knife scathes his luxuriant pale skin. She said that she was going to leave him if he fails to grant her bizarre tendencies.

He could never hold up with the pain of losing her, just the thought of losing her drives him crazy. She was more than the air he breathes.

Besides, she told him that’s her way to show her affection. Marking what’s hers, showing that she is madly, truly, and deeply loves him. It was weird but she was never normal in the first place. Her words are absolute.

It’s how she shows her love.

She loves him.


“Love,” he croaked, voice was hoarse and dry. Day by day, the pain has become unbearable. He thought he’d be familiar with it but no.

“Yes, Donghae?” she murmured, her voice was sweet as honey, as charming as the nightingale’s song. Her voice makes him forget about the blood seeping out from the broken veins and his life slips away along with his blood.

“I love you, Yoona,” he breathed out, not knowing that was his last breath. His enthralling eyes fluttered closed in the most graceful manner as the last of his life force slipped away, leaving the shell.

Donghae didn’t regret anything—not even a single thing. He wondered if their love is normal. If this what a girl normally do to her lover. If it’s normal for him to feel good by this. If it’s normal to have a relationship like this.

Then again, Im Yoona was never normal at the first place.

I love you beyond words can describe, my love. Goodbye, Im Yoona.

Yoona kneels down besides the table where his dead body lied. Yoona takes Donghae’s bloody—literally bloody—hand and presses her cheeks against the blood covered palm. Her cloudless cheeks rubbing against the bloodied hands, as if he’s still alive, as if he’s still alive and this was one of his affectionate contacts.

She tried to believe so.

“I know,”


She steadies herself before a full-body mirror. She still reeks of blood and the blood on her cheeks already dried.

“Are you happy now?”  she shot at her hideous reflection.

“No, never been anyway,” Yoona answered herself as if she was talking to someone else.

“Do you love him?”

“I do,”

“He’s gone now, you have no reason to exist,”

She clutched head and let out an ugly cry before her hands grabbed a standing lamp and slams it against the innocent mirror; attempting to erase her hideous reflection. Yoona falls down onto her knees; her frail figure trembles violently, pathetic sobs escape from .

“He’s gone, I have no reason to exist,” her voice was dead and hollow.

Yoona throws her gaze onto the shattered pieces, looking for the sharpest of them all.

“He’s gone, I have no reason to exist,” she echoed in a smaller voice but still as dead and hollow as before.


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Hello, here's your goody bag for joining my TMaF semi-contest! Thank you!

Plot: I love and I think I will always be drawn to this kind of concept: possessive love which, at the same time never feels more "genuine". I think your plot is impactful and the message is clear –though relatively not "morally-acceptable". On one part, there is not much plot development as this is the type of story that relies heavily on concept –and thankfully, your concept is very strong to make up for the lack of actual plot development. Of course, arguably, Yoona's "introspecting" scene may also be considered as a plot development, and if that's the case, I actually am glad that you include it, not only that it would make it somewhat more absurdly romantic, but also because it adds the angle to the minimalistic plot (again, minimalistic here is not a bad thing. You are supported by a strong concept anyway).

A point of consideration that I can make is the reasons and motives behind Yoona's actions. I understand that Yoona is depicted as this person whose motives may not be questioned. I personally think however, for the sake of coherency and completeness of the plot, it would not hurt to add two or three lines or a brief paragraph underlying her reason for doing so. If it's not appropriate to be included in the first scene of the story (which is Donghae-focused), I think it would be more suitable in Yoona's self-reflecting scene, because again, while the concept is very strong, there are possibilities of holes in it.
Characters: I like the way you portray Donghae. There is this sense of contradictive obsession and selflessness that establishes him as a character. And I'm enthralled by it. It's also wonderful how, given the relatively short entry, you are able to portray the complexity of his character.

Then, there is Yoona –a questionable and confusing character who deserves pity more than hatred, in my opinion. I actually think the way she acts so indifferent when she's doing those things to Donghae was good –and the effect was doubled when she actually shattered after she did that to Donghae and had her mental battle with herself. The point where she caressed Donghae's hand to her cheek was also a good point in showing her character and her simply maniacal (yet again, pitiful and quite bitter) self.

The characters are solid and impactful. And considering the difficulty level of this kind of characterization, I'd say good job!
Style: I'd say, your style is impactful. The words used are simplistic, but again, maybe because it is backed with a strong concept, you can't help but to feel that the simplistic words and elaborations (which are actually, not plenty in this fic) are simply fitting. In fact, I think it is a right approach. The word choice is also magnificent, because it manages to portray the obsession and the turmoil perfectly. It's like you bewitched the readers and we all have the mutual consensus that these are things that are not meant to be spoken and do not need to be elaborated, but we all know. Technically speaking, it's not "sufficient" in terms of there should have been more, but since the message gets translated better this way (and I do think writing relates more to feelings rather than technicalities), I do not complain.

Another note is that while it's good to keep everything simplistic, I think Yoona's emotional struggle could have been drafted more emotionally at the end of the chapter. It's the part where it'd be the best to show how mentally broken Yoona is. The way it is now is good, but it could have been written a bit more dramatically/contemplatively.
• Since I read your prequel "Normal" as well (but I do not include it in the assessment of the story), I do think that some traits/backgrounds/thoughts of Donghae could have been included in the "Weird" series. I'm not saying all parts of "Normal" should be included or that "Normal" should constitute as the first chapter of "Weird", I'm just saying that elements may have been included: for example, Donghae's affection to her hair or the ribbon, and how this can be related to the "Weird" series, more parts of Donghae's 'rational' self in "Normal" (which could subsequently be followed/ negated by his 'possessed' self in "Weird")... You know, just more elements to support the story.
• Insert more emotion (even when it is contradiction) of Yoona in the last part.

Favorite Parts:
• Can I say that I actually love your writing style more in "Normal"? I love Donghae's contemplation there.
• The concept of course. This is an inherent bonus, because it actually effortlessly supports all your other elements of the story: plot, character, style.
• Your impactful writing style. I cannot explain it, but the message just gets crossed to me.
Chapter 1: that was so intense and descriptive <3 but they both died in the end TT.TT loved this story though ^^
Chapter 1: Awwnn.. How pathetic. Author-nim, your idea and story was a perfect oneshot. I really enjoyed it.. :D Hope you can win the contest. Well, I also gave my story a shot, but I don't think it will work. Anyway, WHAITING!! ^^
TheHonestOne #7
Chapter 1: Poor Hae, Poor Yoong.everyone lost it
Vica1234 #8
Chapter 1: Honestly this story has lots of meaning to it I really like it