
The duvet love.

It justify that once a grown man stopped taking a liking at the other, it will obviously drift away without any notice or even a note bidding his farewell. For he was told, that love isn’t his thing although he would most likely to try again, but at the end, a painful adieu was crept through the lips of the other.

He’s now at the age of twenty, and yet, nothing changed. His wife, a long time partner of his left him with another man, causing him too much pain and agony that he didn’t even stopped dissipating a hand full of alcoholic beverages than runs down through his throat, earning soft yet bitter chuckle after, now it was proven that Kim Jongin, isn’t a man of love, that maybe the person who controls love despise him.

After a long journey through the heart of thieves, best known as Seoul, he found himself standing in a black wooden door with a silver number that is plastered on it, 98 was literately written on it, legibly and readable. “This must be it,” the boy with a bag full of clothing murmured through his heart shaped, plump and kissable lips, his lips is drained by the color of blood, which made him looked like a princess in a fairy tale namely Snow white, and his skin is pale so white that even made him more like the character, albeit his hair is the same colour as his lips, red.

Without thinking twice, he knocked on the door, earning a sinful groan on the other side as the man opened the door and greeted by a man with tousle hair, lidded eyes that seems tired and in needs of sleep, bare chest and a pair of blue sweat pants, “U—uh, sir. I saw a flyer that you needed a maid..?” The man shoot up his eyes on the boy, who seems so fragile and should be handled by care. “Mhn, come on in.” Jongin said despite the feeling of a massive head ache due to his lack of sleep and his booze attitude towards the alcoholic drinks.

“Please make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back in a minute or more.” He ran a hand through his disheveled hair that seems attractive to the latter who’s stuck staring at the man. “Yes, sir.” At least the boy managed to say some words that didn’t made him looked like a complete idiot at the stranger who seems very sinfully attractive, and utterly handsome as well. He watched the young man waddling through the staircase and vanished. Wondering what could possibly happened to him, and why is he drown in the smell of alcohol, and to be honest it does and it reeks. The latter sat comfortably on the white duvet chaise lounge with his legs crossed and finger gently wrapped on top of his knee cap, eyeing the surface of the room, and his eyes landed on a black and white picture with the boy, smiling genuinely beautiful that made his head flutter. He didn’t notice that the boy is already standing beside him watching him carefully, noticing the quick spread on the red haired boy, and Jongin just smiled inwardly at how a cute creature he is.

“You seem comfortable already at your new home and I must say, why would a boy, I mean you look younger than me, would take a job as a maid?” Curiosity filled Jongin’s voice as he eyed thoroughly at the boy, “Oh, that..” the boy started while tapping his finger on his knee. “I need money to sufficed my needs. And yes, I’m only sixteen to be very blunt with you mister..?” The boy trailed off his voice as he shifted his head to Jongin, “Call me Kim Jongin, or maybe Kai if you want.” The sixteen year old boy nodded with a smile on his lips. “Mister Kim, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to do house hold chores, I’ve been living with my mom before she died and she thought me things that could help me survive my everyday life.” The red haired boy stood up and walked in front of Jongin, and reached his hand out to offer a handshake. “I’m Do Kyungsoo, please do call me Kyungsoo or anything that pleases you. I’ll be in your care from now on.” The boy, who is now known as Kyungsoo, watched Jongin hesitantly reached his own hand out and grips it on Kyungsoo’s hand. “Very well then, I shall lead you to your room. That would be on the second door besides mine, it used to be my very own study room but I still have many space on my room so I decided to placed it on my own quarters. It’s kind of small, I hope you won’t mind.” Jongin gestured his hands on the staircase, leading Kyungsoo the lost boy who’s now following him at the back, he seems like a lost kitten in Jongin’s eyes and he loved the sight of it, not knowing the reason why.

They stopped in front of the white painted door with a wooden carved on it, Kyungsoo thinks it a symbol and it’s pretty pleasing in his eyes, Jongin twisted the door knob revealing a very refreshing sight of his own new room. “Here you go. I changed the bed sheet and the comforter is on the cabinet.” Kyungsoo gave Jongin a megawatt smile and nodded, “Thank you, Mister Kim. I shall go and change now.” He stepped inside the room with his bag, but before Jongin disappear Kyungsoo grabbed his sleeves. Jongin was startled but soon he felt the warm that he hasn’t felt since his wife left him. “O-oh, sorry.” Kyungsoo mumbled shyly as he loosen the grip on Jongin’s sleeves. “It’s alright, what is it Kyungsoo?”

“Well, I was wondering if you already ate breakfast?” He asked sheepishly with a perfectly tilt of his lips showing the older a good smile, “Well no, I haven’t. Why?” Jongin eyed carefully as Kyungsoo lift his head, “I’ll cook you some break fast then. I’ll be in the Kitchen in ten minutes. You should prepare the table alright, Mister Kim?” Jongin doesn’t know why but he unconsciously smiled at the younger boy who seems shy and very cute now, he threaded his fingers on Kyungsoo’s hair and smiled, “Alright.” With that Kyungsoo turned his heels and made his way to his room that Jongin showed before, and he didn’t notice that his boss was watching every steps that he made which made the older boy chuckled in awe.

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Ilabya #1
interesting, update soon