
Sapphire Light


The stadium was dark.


The seats; filled.


Fan's lightsticks were turned off for the time being - to save the batteries for the show.


The crowd chattered in excitement to their friends and neighbours.


Behind the scenes, 13 boys were gearing up for one of their biggest shows yet. With two of their own no longer a part of the line up for the first time, another two filled their places tentatively.


Henry Lau and Zhou Mi.


The Chinese men that everyone hated.


Keeping their distance from the original members of Super Junior, the two subunit members hid together in a corner as the main group headed onto the stage, greeted loudly and cheerfully by a sea of sapphire blue lightsticks. 


Henry and Zhou Mi knew they wouldn't be greeted like that.


The boys performed joyously; completely and utterly content with the audience's reaction to their fanservice and explosive show. Song after song, the sea of sapphire blue remained alight, lightsticks waving around in the hands of numerous fans.


Soon enough, it was time for Super Junior M's performances. As Super Girl, Perfection and Blue Tomorrow were played, lightsticks remained on, the sapphire ocean alight for the members of the subgroup.


And then came solo performances.


As Zhou Mi took to the stage, section by section, the huge stadium became a sea of black, as lightsticks were switched off and stored away. Zhou Mi could feel his heart breaking away, piece by piece, as the sea of sapphire turned black, until there was no light bar the three spotlights trained onto him. Feeling his confidence slowly slip away, Zhou Mi searched the crowd as he sang - determined to continue the show. A moment later, just as his last glimmer of hope was about to abandon him, Zhou Mi saw it. That single glow in a pitch black ocean.


A lone sapphire light.


There was - at least - one person sitting in that stadium, that would show their love, even if the other ELFs did not. That was all Zhou Mi needed. That one tiny light, that one ray of hope to make him continue. As his solo finished, Zhou Mi bowed to silence. And then, as he was leaving the stage - only as he was leaving - a lone voice called out, "Wǒ ài nǐ, Zhou Mi!" The Chinese man paused, turning back to the crowd - instantly spotting that single lightstick, and blew a kiss in their general direction.


Henry fretted as Zhou Mi joined him backstage. He'd heard the shout and seen the black ocean. To say Henry was scared was an understatement. The Chinese-Canadian was petrified. A warm hand fell onto his shoulder, as Zhou Mi smiled at him encouragingly, "Just look for the glow." With a final pat, Henry was pulled away for his last minute checks before being pushed towards the stage.


As Henry took to the stage, the crowd was once again silent, dark and the stadium seemed empty. His nerves were frazzled, but his mind in check, as Henry took to the piano on centre stage to begin his solo performance.


Just look for the glow…


Zhou Mi's words came floating back to him, as he sat down carefully on the stool. Glancing up and around the stadium, he found it. That gentle sapphire glow, was right in front of him. He smiled slightly, raising his hands as the sound technician counted down through his ear pieces and began to play.




Up in the stands, a girl continued to hold her lightstick high, the sapphire blue light creating a small wash of colour over her and the few people close enough to her. There were some muffled whispers around her, asking why she supported the two men that took their precious Han Geng and Kibum away, but she was unfazed, continuing to show her support to the two.


In her opinion, Han Geng and Kibum hadn't truly left Super Junior. Kibum was away on acting hiatus - he hadn't quit or been kicked out. Han Geng on the other hand, had left because of his health. But - there was always a large but when it came to the Chinaman's case - Han Geng had quit the company, not Super Junior specifically. The situation would have been different if Han Geng had only left Super Junior and remained in the company.


All throughout Zhou Mi's solo and all the way through Henry's too, her sapphire blue lightstick was held high because even though she may have been the only one, she believed that they deserved to know that someone believed in them. As Henry's solo stage finished and he walked off side, the fans around her hurriedly lit their lightsticks before the next solo performance - Kyuhyun.


A part of her scoffed, knowing that the 'fans' were acting horribly and in all honesty, she found it rather pathetic. Zhou Mi and Henry deserved the same treatment as the others - to be shown that they were loved and respected. It hurt, for reasons unknown, that ELFs couldn't support the two subunit members as much as they did the others, but with time, she believed they'd come to accept them.




The concert was over.


Fans were leaving the stadium for their homes or accommodation.


Super Junior was getting ready to leave in their numerous black vans.




Heads turned from the equipment being packed as Zhou Mi headed towards Super Junior, his long legs a grey blur as he ran. Skidding to a stop in front of the group, he handed Leeteuk a piece of paper with an address scribbled down hastily in messy hangul. Scanning over the writing carefully, Leeteuk glanced at Zhou Mi as he bent double, trying to catch his breath, "Are you sure that this is the person?"


Zhou Mi nodded, standing straight, "I asked the sales people for the ticket register and from security's CCTV that's the address of the person who sat in the seat, holding the lightstick." Leeteuk nodded, "Alright then. Junghoon hyung!" The angel leader turned to their manager and handed him the slip of paper, "We'd like to visit the person who lives here," he explained, "To thank them for supporting Zhou Mi and Henry."


Kim Junghoon - a.k.a the Prince Manager - smiled as he nodded, "As odd a request as it is, I'll grant it. Hop in."




The crowd moved slowly as it flowed through the exits. Sung Yong Ra sighed, her hands clutching her now dull lightstick and her phone. As she finally broke away from the crowd, the girl fled down the street quickly, hoping to make it home before she froze. Wearing shorts, a t-shirt and converse was definitely not a smart idea as it drew close to Winter. Running down deserted back streets, Yong Ra didn't stop until she finally reached her cozy little one storey house. Unlocking her front door, she sighed as she slipped off her shoes and locked the door behind her.


Wandering into her kitchen, Yong Ra smiled as she thought about her parents, who had left her the house. Humming a soft tune, she set about washing her leftover dishes when the doorbell rang. Raising an eyebrow, Yong Ra quickly dried her hands and hurried to answer the door. As soon as she opened the door, her hands flew to cover in shock.


"Y-you.. You're… C-come in!"


Unable to form a full sentence, Yong Ra beckoned the group in quickly, checking up and down her street to be sure that no one had seen them. Shutting her door quickly, Yong Ra turned to face the men that had made themselves comfortable in her lounge room, "I don't mean to be rude…" She started, scratching the back of her head, "But what on Earth is Super Junior doing in my house after a show?"


Henry grinned, "To thank you! You are the girl who had ticket 435, right?" dropped open as the information sunk in and she nodded, "Y-yes, that was me… Wait… You mean you found where I lived, to thank me for not turning off my lightstick?" Henry nodded enthusiastically, the Chinese-Canadian nearly bouncing in his seat, "Yeah. Honestly, it was a really big boost of confidence for Zhou Mi and I. Knowing that someone in that crowd didn't hate us…" The boy trailed off, his throat closing up and tears pricking his eyes.


"Oh, Henry…"


Yong Ra sighed in English, moving forward and hugging the silently sobbing boy tightly, "I couldn't hate you, either of you." She said, using what knowledge of Mandarin she had for Zhou Mi's sake, "You're too precious." Sitting on the floor with Henry, Yong Ra started to explain what each individual member of Super Junior meant to her, even Kibum and Han Geng, drawing tears - even from Kyuhyun, "So you see, I could never hate any of you. I love you all too much."


They all nodded instantly, feeling their hearts beat a little quicker as they gazed at their fan. Honestly, they'd all been worried about the mystery person being a complete sasaeng fan - and go crazy on them. They were truthfully glad, that Yong Ra didn't bat an eyelid - well, aside from her reaction at the door. A comfortable silence settled over the room, until Henry piped up, "Do you mind if we slept over?"


Everyone either cracked a smile or laughed at the question, as Yong Ra giggled and petted the Canadian's head;


"Of course."

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JaeNaLin #1
Chapter 1: i wished this happened to me
Chapter 1: omigod this is perfect like my mitang sister was telling me about this story but like I didn't know it was you oh god you write well girl.