Chapter 1. Krystal

What if..

" Soo Jung ah, go get some eggs from the supermarket for me!" yelled her mother. "Oh my gosh but what do I do, I can't go out alone.." whispers Soo Jung. Her mother handed her over the money hesitantly, "don't lose the money or give it to anyone, ok? and remember take the bus. I don't want you to walk there" Without saying a word, she takes the money and goes into the bathroom. "Oh, no. What if.. I see someone from school? It's going to be so embarrassing, what if I fall over? Or lose the money? Why do I have to go? Oh, come on mum, wait no it won't happen will it? I won't see anyone, who even goes to the market? True? I'll just keep my head down then. Yeah, i'll just do that."

She quietly leaves the house and walks to the bus stop. As she approached the bus stop, it started to pour, "Oh, no. I didn't bring an umbrella, why today? why.." she mourned. She slowly walked onto the bus full of people, she tried to find a spot where no one was sitting but it was all the way at the back where the cool kids sat. But she took her chances and slowly approached the seat, after a few stops she finally got off. While Soo Jung was getting off she tripped over her shoelace and landed face down onto the concrete. Everyone looked at her and she was totally embarrassed, so she ran off into the store. Entering the store was like a circus for her, she'd never been alone so she couldn't hide behind anyone. She looked around and saw that everyone was so confident of themselves and felt like an outcast. So she walked around the store with her hair covering her face. 

She tried looking for the eggs but the supermarket was too big and she couldn't find it anywhere. She went up to a worker and tried to ask them but nothing came out. After about 5 minutes of standing face to face with the worker in front of her she finally built up the courage to ask him, as she did he screamed out "OH, MY GOODNESS! IT'S GIRLS GENERATION!" After hearing that Soo Jung immediately turned around, she had remembered hearing that her sister would debut in the group. She quickly ran to the large group of people, and there she saw her older sister. At first she didn't recognize her, seeing as though they haven't seen each other in 7 years. But after hearing her voice, she ran up and screamed, "JUNG SOO YEON! EONNI, IT'S ME! REMEMBER ME?" but her sister didn't recognize her.

Soo Jung was devistated but as she turned aroung she bumped into someone whom she thought was a boy. The boy grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the crowd. "Nice to meet you, I'm Park Sun- Young. What's your name?" In shock Soo Jung replied "Um, hello.. I..I..i'm Soo..Soo Jung." Park Sun- young laughed and said "You probably thought I was a boy right? AHAHA, funny. But anyways, I heard you calling out to Jung Soo- Yeon. Something about eonni right? Is she your sister? You guys have the same surname.." Soo Jung took a deep breath and nodded her head. Sun- young screamed "OH MY GOODNESS, WHAT? HOW? YOU'RE LYING AREN'T YOU? AHHHHHH, I'M LIKE HER BIGGEST FAN." Soo Jung giggled "Of course shes my sister, why would I be lying." Sun- young grabbed her hand viciously "look over there, they're leaving what should we do? You want to talk to your sister don't you?' Soo jung didn't say word, all she did was look at her sister leaving the store. She was devistated, seeing this Sun-young thought of a plan "Hey, why don't we run after the van? or take a taxi? Wait no.. we can't run fast enough. We can catch a taxi though, I can get money if you want." Soo- jung's eyes shone "really? you can do that for me?" Sun- young clapped her hands "of course, what are friends for right?" Soo jung then replied "Can I tell you something? You're like the only friend I have.." Sun- young grabbed Soo jungs shoulder and said "me too." 

Sun- young told Soo- jung to go outside and distract their manager, while sun- young got some money. Soo Jung didn't know what was happening but she still went along with it. 

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Kayshi2001 #1
Chapter 1: nice story but please next time make it longer? Thanks!
wow I love luna character
but you will make them meet??