Chapter 13

Physical Education

---- A/N: Yay! Frequency! :3  ------


Jiyong looked up at the classroom door expectantly as yet another student who wasn’t Seunghyun entered. After Seunghyun had left his house, Jiyong hadn’t heard from him for nearly three weeks; he hadn’t been in his classes, he hadn’t answered his phone and he’d been ignoring his texts. Whenever Jiyong had subtly asked about his absentee student to the principal, the man had said that the boy’s father had called to say he was sick two weeks ago and had been unclear about why or when Seunghyun would be back. To say Jiyong was concerned would be an understatement.

The teacher checked his phone again out of habit; knowing that there would be nothing there, but still feeling that tiny bit of disappointment when he was proven right. The door opened once more and Jiyong glanced up lazily, almost doing a double-take when he saw it was actually Seunghyun. The teacher’s gaze must have almost been strong enough to burn holes into the side of the student’s head, yet Seunghyun did not turn once. Without even sparing his teacher a glance, the student walked straight to his seat and sat down, looking anywhere but the front of the classroom with a permanent scowl etched onto his features.

Jiyong continued staring at the student in shock. What was going on? Why wouldn’t he look at him? Why was he so angry? Where has he been? Questions continued to race though the teacher’s mind until a concerned student asked if he was okay. Jiyong smiled half-heartedly and assured the girl he was fine before realising he had a lesson to teach.

As Jiyong stepped up to the whiteboard and surveyed his class, he felt an annoyance starting to creep into his mind at how little attention one student in particular was paying.

“Choi Seunghyun! See me after class.” Seunghyun looked up at that; surprise over-riding the frown for a split-second as he finally made eye-contact with the teacher; before the anger returned and he looked away again. Jiyong forced himself to concentrate on the curriculum for the rest of the lesson, but he couldn’t help constantly glancing at the clock and counting down the minutes until he could finally confront Seunghyun.

Finally the class came to an end and Jiyong busied himself at his desk as the students gradually filed out. He subtly kept an eye on Seunghyun, noticing how the boy remained in his seat as his peers left. Eventually the room is empty and the pair are left in an awkward silence. Jiyong stood with an irritated sigh and made his way over to Seunghyun’s desk, stopping in front of it with his hands on his hips. He noticed the subtle tensing of the boy’s posture as he waited for him to speak.

“What?!” Seunghyun blurted impatiently after a long moment of waiting for his teacher to say something. Jiyong scoffed at that and leant forwards on the desk, making Seunghyun lean back defensively.

“You know ‘what’! Where the Hell did you go?! You disappeared for three weeks! You haven’t been in school, the principal said you were sick, and you haven’t been answering my calls or texts! I thought something had happened to you! For all I knew, you could have been lying unconscious in a ditch somewhere or, worse, dead! Do you have any idea how worried I was?!” Seunghyun had begun grinding his teeth as if Jiyong was the one that was being irritating in this situation. Jiyong took a deep breath before calming his tone. “Where were you?”

Seunghyun stood suddenly; his chair falling to the ground with a clatter as he did. His hands were balled into fists at his sides and he glared straight into his teacher’s eyes.

“I was avoiding you! So what?! I don’t want to see you anymore!” Jiyong’s jaw dropped as his heart was shattered into a million pieces, but before he could even respond, Seunghyun had stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him. The noise echoed in the classroom, but Jiyong hardly noticed it, his mind couldn’t process anything right now.

What..? Seunghyun doesn’t want to see me? Why? What have I done wrong? Seunghyun loved me though? Didn’t he? Or was that a lie? Had he just used me for ? No. No way. Seunghyun would never do that. Something must have happened. This wasn’t Seunghyun. Seunghyun wouldn’t do this.

Would he..?

Jiyong attempted to convince himself that Seunghyun didn’t mean what he had said, but no matter what, he couldn’t shake the image of Seunghyun’s hate-filled face from his mind. The more the words replayed in his head; the numb feeling that had clouded his senses wore off and the reality of those words finally hit him with so much force that Jiyong collapsed to the floor, sobbing silently as the dark thoughts conquered his mind.

Outside the door of the classroom, Seunghyun frantically dried the moist-ness from his eyes as he forced himself not to cry. There was nothing else he could do. It was for the best. He was protecting Jiyong. It was the only way. His father had somehow found out about their relationship and had threatened to have Jiyong fired if Seunghyun didn’t stop seeing him. Seunghyun knew what his father was capable of; he was a very rich man who often made generous donations to the school in exchange for certain favours, like better grades for his only son, and he was sure that the man could get more if he so desired.

Seunghyun heard movement from inside the classroom and quickly hid around the side of some nearby lockers. He felt his chest tighten as he saw his teacher leaving the classroom with red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. Jiyong shuffled away, carrying his bag loosely in his hand as his defeated posture spoke volumes about the impact Seunghyun’s harsh words had on him. Seunghyun was almost tempted to go after him; tell him it was all a lie, tell him he loves him, kiss him and beg him for forgiveness. But instead he just watched Jiyong’s retreating back from the shadows.

Seunghyun decided there and then that this was definitely for the best; this would be the last time he would make Jiyong cry.

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hashimocca #1
Chapter 16: Oh my... i love the ert teacher... u dont know.. how i love this kind of story... and dont blame jiyong since who people in this world doesnt have dirty mind when their eyes looking straight to uri tabi's body.. and his husky voice.. plus that in dimples... DAMN...!! All people are willing to slide down their pants....
Chapter 16: Awww I really enjoyed the ending I'm glad that they ended together
CherryCola20 #3
Chapter 6: Haha yeah, writing solo is hard cause its so personal. Unless you're a guy and you're writing from experience...
CherryCola20 #4
Chapter 2: LOL why do the teachers call each other by their stage names? thats so cool, I wish my teachers had cool names like GD and Zico...
Chapter 16: The end kkkkkkk
YG is the MAN!!! I can totally picture him acting like this if this really happened looool
Great story!
Thanx for writing it :)
llvip59 #6
Chapter 16: Hahaha i could imagine Seunghyun just comin in a rush hahahah xDD i didnt expect him to kiss in front everyone Cx tht was so sweet n.n n lik yeaa i enjoyed this story xD it sad it has ended bt it was fun while it lasted THANK YOU xD
Chapter 16: Awww this was so cutee, i loved it :3
lovechoilovelee #8
Chapter 16: >_< so adorable!!!
<3 they are just so cute!
and this is unique, since GD is the teacher and he's older.

thank you for writing and sharing this story! :D
Chapter 16: Lmao cheering on YGAppa!!!! Already the end sniff. .. Anyway Thank you for this story!!!!