Chapter 11

Physical Education

(A/N: So... This took way longer than I thought it would... Sorry... :S)


Jiyong awoke the next morning to a high-pitched voice dragging him from his peaceful unconsciousness. He opened his eyes blearily taking a moment to focus on the person who was currently calling him. As his mind becomes slightly more awake he registers the fact that it’s his mother, standing at the end of his bed and glaring impatiently at him.

“… Mom..?” Jiyong croaked, his voice apparently still being half-asleep “What are you doing here..?” Jiyong’s mother scoffs and crosses her arms angrily.

“Well, we were meant to be having breakfast this morning, but you clearly had other plans.” Jiyong was confused for a moment before his mother looked pointedly at the space next to him and he became slightly more aware of the situation he was in. He noticed Seunghyun’s eyes were slightly open and his expression was confused as he focused on his surroundings. Jiyong couldn’t help but notice how adorable he looked before his mother dragged him back to reality.

“Who is he, anyway?” Jiyong winced slightly at the stern tone of his mother’s voice.

“He’s… My boyfriend…” Jiyong’s voice sounded slightly disbelieving, even to his own ears, and his mother was slightly surprised by the amount of importance he’d managed to put on that one word, though her expression quickly hardened again.

“Oh? Well why is this the first I’m hearing of it?” Jiyong lowers his head slightly as a blush slowly spreads across his face.

“He’s only… new…” Jiyong notices that Seunghyun has moved to sit up in the bed and cover himself with the blanket.

“What? He’s ‘only new’ and you’re already sleeping with him?” Jiyong sees Seunghyun cringing in the corner of his eye.

“Mom… You’re being embarrassing…” His mother rolls her eyes at him before directing her attention to the other boy.

“What’s your name anyway?” Seunghyun looks like a deer caught in the headlights before he manages to regain logical thought.

“I-I’m S-Seunghyun… Ma’am… I mean… Jiyong’s mom… I mean… M-Mrs Kwon..?” The younger boy trails off at the end, not really sure how to refer to her. The woman has to stop herself from smiling at the boy’s innocence, forcing herself to keep her annoyed mask on.

“Hmm… Mrs Kwon will do…” Seunghyun nods slightly in response. “Now, you two get dressed; we’re all going to breakfast, since my son owes that to me.” Without another word she exits the room leaving two very embarrassed boys behind.

Jiyong looks hesitantly at Seunghyun, waiting for the other boy to look back before smiling apologetically at him. Seunghyun looks completely humiliated and the older man feels his heart hurt slightly at the sight. To take his mind off it, Jiyong quickly leans over and kisses him tenderly, knowing it has worked when a shy smile makes its way onto the younger boy’s features.

“Come on, let’s get dressed before she shouts at us again.” Seunghyun laughs slightly at that before they both reluctantly leave the warm bed.

A little under an hour later, they are finally sitting around a table at the small café near Jiyong’s home. Just after they’ve sat down, Jiyong’s mother’s interrogation begins.

“So, Seunghyun, where did you and Jiyong meet?” Seunghyun panics slightly at the sudden pressure.

“Uh… At school!” He blurts out before backtracking. “I-I mean, I’m a teacher, too… And we work together… At the same… School…” Mrs Kwon quirks an eyebrow, but nods slowly. Many of Jiyong’s past boyfriends had been afraid of her, but this one just seemed too scared, and it certainly didn’t help how adorable she thought he was. Clearing she continued.

“I see… And how old are you?” Seunghyun glanced sideways at Jiyong before answering.

“Eighteen..?” Seunghyun hesitated; not knowing the youngest age you can be a teacher.

“Oh? Isn’t that a little young to be a qualified teacher?” Seunghyun’s eyes went wide and his mind blanked. Jiyong saw his distress and spoke for him.

“He’s a student teacher, mom, and will you please stop this interrogation?” Jiyong’s mother’s eyes never left Seunghyun’s face; registering his grateful and loving expression that was aimed at her son after he spoke.

“You know I have to do this Jiyong… I did it to your other boyfriends…” Jiyong cringed slightly at the memory of his ex’s; in fact, now that he thought about, this was the smoothest this conversation had ever gone. “Anyway, Seunghyun; what do your parents do?”

“… I-Uh… My father…” Jiyong finds himself listening intently to his boyfriend’s answers, since he hasn’t really got to know him very well himself yet. “Works at a bank… Well, more like owns a bank…” Seunghyun’s face visibly darkens at the thought of his father.

“And your mother?”  Seunghyun stiffened slightly at the question he had hoped to avoid; he doesn’t like to talk about it, but for Jiyong he could.

“M-My mother’s dead…” An awkward silence descended upon the trio. Jiyong saw the pain in his boyfriend’s eyes and reached over to hold his hand, noticing how Seunghyun seemed slightly surprised by the gesture, but the grateful smile he got in return made his heart melt.

Jiyong’s mother watched the exchange with a soft expression. Seunghyun had definitely passed her test; they were clearly infatuated with each other.

The rest of the breakfast was spent chatting happily with each other; even Jiyong was surprised by his mother’s attitude shift. Even his most serious boyfriend in the past had spent months up to his mother before she would even act politely to him. Jiyong smiled to himself at the idea that there was actually some method to her madness and even she could see that this was different.

As Jiyong pays for their breakfast, he tells Seunghyun and his mother to go wait outside, now feeling safe enough in the knowledge that she won’t try to scare him off. He thanks the waiter politely as he stuffs his wallet back in his pocket and heads out to meet them. Seeing them talking cheerily to each other through the window brings a sudden sense of calmness washing over him.

“Feel free to call me if Jiyong gets too y; I’ll sort him out for you.” Jiyong hears his mother say and groans loudly.

“Mom… What are you saying? I’m not y…” Seunghyun just laughs at the interaction, holding Jiyong’s hand when he stands next to him.

“Well, I suppose I should head home…” Jiyong’s mother said hugging Jiyong and Seunghyun together; surprising both of them. “It was lovely to meet you, Seunghyun, take care of my son for me.” The two boys smiled at her as she left, leaving the two of them standing there in a comfortable silence.

“Your mother’s so nice…” Seunghyun’s tone was sad and Jiyong looked up at him to see a pained expression in his eyes. “If my mother knew I was gay she’d probably turn in her grave…” Jiyong felt his heart break slightly at the tone in Seunghyun’s voice and didn’t hesitate to pull him into a tight hug.

They stood there for a long moment just embracing each other in silence before Seunghyun sighed and pulled away.

“I suppose I should probably head home…” Seunghyun said, offering Jiyong a sad smile. He quickly glanced around to make sure no-one was watching before he planted a quick kiss on the shorter man’s lips. Jiyong can’t help the smile that forces its way onto his face at the action and Seunghyun happily returns it. “So… Is it okay if I come over again tomorrow..?”

“Yes!” Jiyong said, sounding far too desperate, but at this point; he couldn’t care less. They shared another quick peck before they went their separate ways and Jiyong felt his chest tighten before the other man had even left his sight. Jiyong could already tell it was going to be a long day without Seunghyun.

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hashimocca #1
Chapter 16: Oh my... i love the ert teacher... u dont know.. how i love this kind of story... and dont blame jiyong since who people in this world doesnt have dirty mind when their eyes looking straight to uri tabi's body.. and his husky voice.. plus that in dimples... DAMN...!! All people are willing to slide down their pants....
Chapter 16: Awww I really enjoyed the ending I'm glad that they ended together
CherryCola20 #3
Chapter 6: Haha yeah, writing solo is hard cause its so personal. Unless you're a guy and you're writing from experience...
CherryCola20 #4
Chapter 2: LOL why do the teachers call each other by their stage names? thats so cool, I wish my teachers had cool names like GD and Zico...
Chapter 16: The end kkkkkkk
YG is the MAN!!! I can totally picture him acting like this if this really happened looool
Great story!
Thanx for writing it :)
llvip59 #6
Chapter 16: Hahaha i could imagine Seunghyun just comin in a rush hahahah xDD i didnt expect him to kiss in front everyone Cx tht was so sweet n.n n lik yeaa i enjoyed this story xD it sad it has ended bt it was fun while it lasted THANK YOU xD
Chapter 16: Awww this was so cutee, i loved it :3
lovechoilovelee #8
Chapter 16: >_< so adorable!!!
<3 they are just so cute!
and this is unique, since GD is the teacher and he's older.

thank you for writing and sharing this story! :D
Chapter 16: Lmao cheering on YGAppa!!!! Already the end sniff. .. Anyway Thank you for this story!!!!