
Clearer Than the Tom to My Jerry

Author's Note: So hi! I'd like to thank ackung and babujjung for the comments and my subscribers for the... well, subscriptions. Haha. Here's a little gift for all of you.






It was already exactly eight in the evening and the crisp scratching of Sunny's pen finally got to Tiffany.
‘Amber called.’

The young company chief looks up from the stack of pre-presentation files only with her eyes, keeping her chin down on her task.

‘And? How’d it go?’

Tiffany shrugged.

‘Sulli signed eight endorsement contracts.’

Sunny puts her pen down and slides the red-rimmed glasses off the bridge of her nose.


Tiffany raises both her eyebrows in anticipation for a clearer reaction from the chief.

‘What good is eight? Didn't I say half of it?’

Tiffany snorts.

‘Are you kidding? I intervened. Sulli is human.’

‘Ah, sorry ‘bout that,’ Sunny said casually and leans back into her chair in thought.

Tiffany rolls her eyes.

‘I can tell you aren’t satisfied with the move.’

‘Yep. Am not.’

Momentary silence.

Tiffany sighs inwardly, thinking that Sunny’s insensitive pauses turn up much more often now.

‘What do you have in mind, chief?’

Sunny lets out a low questioning hum as she picks up her pen and began pushing the lock repeatedly.

‘Well?’ Tiffany began tapping her foot, following the pen's rythm.

‘Nah, it’s—‘ Sunny waves the idea off with a hand ‘—it’s nothing really.’

‘It’s nothing or you just haven’t made a more… detailed plan.’

Sunny began twirling in her chair. And annoyingly slow too for Tiffany.

‘B,’ Sunny finally answers.

Tiffany pauses in thought as well, using the repeated clicks of Sunny’s pen as an idea motor.

'I think we are need of a catalyst of some sort.'

Tiffany heard the other girl, but she stays mum and slides a finger on her temple, deciding to keep to her thoughts.

'Like a jumpstart.'

Jumpstart. She heard, but still opts to stay mum.

'Something that can smack Sulli's face into the internet—'

Jumpstart, internet. Tiffany still heard her boss. Still mum.

'—people today don't read the news anymore!'

No newspaper issues. Heard.

Again, still mum.

'—but that's not enough—'


'—we have a specific target—'


'—Krystal's fans.'

Muuu—long mental pause.

Internet. Sulli. Krystal's fans.

'—you know, Sulli needs something like—like—' Sunny stopped the clicking on her pen and Tiffany literally saw sparks in her brain.

Sunny's hands start shuffling, indicating her difficulty in placing her ideas.

But Tiffany was ahead of her—

—and perhaps a little off-track.

'—like a scandal with Krystal?' Tiffany asks, tone tense and uncertain.

Sunny pauses, equally uncertain.






Amber was as enthusiastic as she was that moment Chief Sunny personally talked to her. She couldn't wait to bring Sulli to the limelight—

—bah, not really. Hr determination to finally be on top of Luna's head was stronger.

The taiwanese-american happily hummed random tunes as she made her way to the elevator hall. She had just called Sulli, told her to meet her at the lobby.

Just as she made that final turn, the white company walls, dramatically revealed the microscopic (as she liked to describe the other manager) Luna headed for the elevators as well.

Luna, on the other hand, quirks an eyebrow the second she catches a glimpse of Amber at the other end of the hall.

Amber dramatically sighs.

Luna rolls her eyes.

'Hello, Luna—' Luna brings a hand up to stop Amber mid-greeting.


'Right.' Amber shrugs.

'We both know we don't like each other.'

'Smart.' Amber prolongs the word, whilst rolling her eyes discreetly.

The company had exactly eight regular elevators, one VIP-parking lot elevator and forty-two floors. Each floor approximately held thirty to forty employees - from maintenance to twig models.

—which of course made all eight regular elevators naturally busy on hometime. The VIP elevator was usually vacant. It was only used for guests and emergency schedules. Strict company policy. Schedules had to be followed.

Luna lets out an impatient sigh as she practically pounds on the button nearest to her.

Amber scratched the back of her head and picks up her phone, tapping on Sulli's contact name. She wanted to be home already and she was Amber. Meaning, using the VIP-parking lot elevator, at a situation like this, was no challenge for her.

'Hey, kid—'

Luna eyes the other manager, ears equally alert.






Sulli, naturally, was in the pantry again, hoping to help herself with the plate of pasta she could have rewarded herself with earlier.

But of course, Amber just had the knack for getting between her and her pasta.

Sulli falls out of the order queue as soon as she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket.

She lets out a huff upon seeing "Amber" flash repeatedly on the screen.







'I'm not sure where you are but it's definitely not the lobby.'

Amber hears Sulli huff on the other end of the line.

'Just go to the parking lot and—'

—and Amber doesn't get to finish her sentence.

A flash of something she has always acknowledged as tiny seemed to have darted out of the lobby—

'Damn it, Luna!'

—and probably headed for the same elevator she planned to cheat her situation with.


Amber breaks for a run.

And just like that, the two managers where in their umpteenth race in this lifetime.






'Um, Amber?'

Sulli waits for her manager to give her another instruction apart from "go to the parking lot".

However, there were only a series of thuds and movement she assumed to have been running and shuffling feet.

Upon hearing "Luna" on the other end of the line though, it wasn't such a surprise that chaos ensued where her manager was.

'Oh well.'

She decides to be a rogue talent today. She smirks at how corny "rogue" sounded in her head.

'Rogue,' she chuckles.

So she heads for the VIP elevator.






Luna's orders, although weird, were clear. She had to go to the parking lot and the VIP elevator was the quickest way there.

The three-second phone call she was on with her manager earlier was... strange? It sounded like Luna was jogging, but Krystal felt a little too tired and lazy to analyze what was happening.

She sends Luna an "okay" message.

Then, another rogue soul heads for the VIP elevator.







Luna felt the pride swelling in her chest.

The elevator button was just a few feet away now.

Not long after, Amber skids at the corner and runs for the same button.






From the fourteenth floor, Krystal peacefully makes it to the elevator. Thankful that nobody important was using it.






Sulli twists her lips into a pout as she waited for the elevator to make it to her floor. 

A few minutes later and there was a light "ding". The elevator doors open, revealing a person one Choi Sulli wasn't expecting.

Krystal Jung's hands, almost out of reflex, immediately go to her temples.




Amber yanks Luna out of the way.

'Hey!' Luna struggles to  free herself from the Amber's grip.

But as soon as she sees Amber reaching for the elevator button, she uses her weight to pull them both down to the floor, temporarily breaking Amber's supposed victory.

'Oh, no, you don't!'






For about a minute, it was quiet in the elevator until Sulli decides to break the silence.


'Don't even start,' Krystal cuts the other girl off.

'What?' Sulli knew her response came out rather high-pitched, giving away the whole innocent-girl act. 'I haven't even said anything that supposedly made sense yet.'

'Not that you say anything that supposedly makes sense,' Krystal mumbles.

'Mean,' Sulli feigns hurt, putting a hand on her chest. 'For your information, I heard that.'

'It was meant to be heard.'

'Wow. You are absolutely extra-cranky today.'

'Around you, I always am.'






For about a couple of minutes, both managers struggled to free themselves from the grip of the other.

Luna, catching a glimpse of the elevator numbers nearing their floor, prematurely decides to drop her final card—

—she bites Amber's hand.

'OW! What animal are you!'

And just like it has always been, victory was Luna's. The elevator button sank into the marble wall as she pushes it down.

She triumphantly dusts her hands and lifts a proud chin at the still whimpering Amber—

—only to hear one awkward beep coming from the elevator later on.

'W—what was that?' she wonders out loud, worry suddenly boiling at the pit of her stomach.

'Hah!' Amber shoots a fist into the air.

'That sounded like karma to me!'






'Can't we be civil to each other for just one day?' Sulli asks, half-baked innocence still lingering on her features.

'Yes, if only you didn't find ways to tick me off everyday.'

Sulli chuckles at the statement. 'Don't flatter yourself, Jung. I don't give you that much attention.'

'Really?' Krystal finally turns a heel to fully face the taller girl.

Sulli nearly slides a heel back, amused and surprised that she finally got Krystal's full attention. She struggles to keep mum by pursing her lips together.

'Then, three seconds, three—' Krystal gestures three of her fingers practically an inch away from Sulli's face, giving the impression that she thought the other girl was somehow stupid '—seconds, prove that by not pestering my mood for a whole minute.'

Sulli shrugs, lips still holding back a smirk.




—the elevator makes a sudden stop, nearly toppling both girls off their feet, then the lights flickered.






Amber was still basking in the sudden turn of the odds, laughing her heart off, while Luna pulls out her phone.

Luna nearly sobs immediately upon seeing Krystal's "okay" message that was apparently sent minutes ago. She had the feeling the girl was behind the doors the moment the elevator stopped and got apparently stuck on their floor.

She starts banging on the metal door, making Amber laugh even harder.

'Krystal! Are you in there?'

Amber's laughter stops in a snap, but her heart was gradually banging on her rib cage. 


She pulls out her phone.





Krystal staggers back up and bangs on the metal door.

'Luna! Unnie is that you?'

She then desperately tries to pry the doors open.

Sulli reaches for the door as well, when Krystal slaps her hand away.

'What did you do!' Krystal was accusing her and Sulli looked at her in disbelief.

'I am not this good! I swear!' Sulli decides to shake it off as she attempts to help Krystal with the door one more time.

'Do something!' Krystal demands and Sulli suddenly remembers what brat she had always thought the shorter girl was.

'Hold on, okay? Geez!'

Then, she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket and pulls it out almost immediately.

'Amber! We're stuck!'






'I'll get you out, okay?' Amber immediately cuts the line and runs for the dreaded stairs.

'Where are you going!'

'Getting security or something! There's no way we can open that heavy door!' Amber responds over her shoulder without halting her feet.

Luna looks back at the door and hesitantly follows Amber to the stairs.






'Do something!' Krystal demands again, stomping her foot this time.

Sulli loudly groans as she looks around the elevator walls.

'I'm panicking too, okay!' she says but it doesn't stop Krystal.

'Oh my god! I get stuck with you for a couple of minutes and everything just goes so wrong!'

'Stop it!' Sulli stops looking around, peering down at the shorter girl now.

'What is with you? Why can't I just breathe peacefully when you're—'

'—STOP IT!' 

Sulli grabs Krystal on her shoulders and looks her dead in the eyes.

She blinks and in that second, Krystal was silenced.

She blinks again, wanting to find anything—anything at all—that could bridge a legitimate connection between her and Krystal.

She could see that Krystal had not backed down, but there was a different flicker in her eyes. It was uncertain, cautious even.

'Stop it. We'll get out—' Sulli gulps and already hoped that Krystal didn't see that one miniscule sign of panic in her '—it's just an elevator.'






'It's just an elevator,' Sulli repeats.

Her voice was calmer now, Krystal noticed, but her fingers were cold even against the fabric of her shirt.

There was the shrill sound of glass breaking somewhere in the recesses of Krystal's memory.

We'll get out.

We'll get out.

Krystal shivered at the memory of water cruelly flooding into her sight. Her heart hammered against her chest.

'We'll get out—'

Sulli had said something else after the first three words, but Krystal's ears were filled with echoes of screams and gushing water, she only saw her lips move.

We'll get out.

Then, there was the memory of an arm sliding around her waist and painfully tugging her out of a seatbelt.






'I just need you to reach for that emergency button up there.'

Sulli waits for Krystal to agree, letting her hands fall back down to her own sides.

'Are you listening?'

The frigid aura in Krystal's eyes finally wavered in a blink then she nods.

'How do I get to it?' she asks. 'You're obviously taller.'

Sulli gets down on one knee and taps her shoulders.

'Get on up.'

Krystal looks at her incredulously.

Sulli rolls her eyes. 'Or would you rather have me hoist myself on your shoulders?'

'Tsk. Fine.'






Luna and Amber managed to get to security without feeling that faint wobble in their legs the moment they got to the ground floor on foot.

'I guess we can pull the elevator down here to the ground floor from our station.'

The security officer immediately moves behind the reception desk and explains the situation to his colleague.

'They'll be alright.'

And after a few button clicks, security give both managers a thumbs up and tell them to wait for the elevator to get to the ground floor.






'Can you reach it yet?' Sulli asks out of breath as she struggles to keep Krystal's feet balanced on her shoulders.

'Can't you tiptoe or something? I still can't reach it—'

'—ugh. Why do you have to be so shor—WHOA!'

The entire elevator suddenly jerks to life, taking both girls to the floor with a loud thud.






'This wouldn't have happened if you weren't so eager to get to that elevator!'

'So you're blaming me now? You were the one who ran for that damned elevator in the first place!'

The security officer lets out a slow, slow sigh as he struggled to keep a straight face at the situation. After all, they were trained to be calm at all times — even at times of war, even at times of women's war.

Soon, the elevator makes that usual everyday ding that sounded like mercy to the security officer after six years of service to the company. He was just happy the elevator situation will be soon over that he didn't notice the two managers finally falling silent and tense as the doors slowly slid open—

—revealing one shock that will definitely keep him up for his shift tonight.

'What the—'






A number of people began gathering behind the original trio in front of the VIP elevator, each person either momentarily gasping or too shocked to make a sound like Luna and Amber—

—because, there, inside the elevator was Krystal and Sulli in a very compromising position.






'Ow—' Sulli wanted to reach for her head but it seemed her hand was stuck underneath something.

It was only about a second later that it occured to her that the "something" was Krystal's knee—

—and that she was on the floor with Krystal right on top of her.






Meanwhile, at the topmost floor, where Chief Sunny and her assistant Tiffany were basking in the silence of their awkward planning, the only desk phone rings.

Tiffany lets out a sigh and picks it up.

'Lee Sunny's Office. Yes?'

Tiffany falls in further silence, making Sunny turn her head in her direction. Her assistant was usually quirkier than this. So she wasn't to be blamed if she immediately concluded that the phone call was about something important.

Sunny raises both eyebrows at her assistant, waiting to be informed.

Tiffany looked like she was at the verge of laughing. She puts the phone down and turns to Sunny.

'I guess we have a scandal now.'

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Chapter 4: I couldn’t stop reading once I started and omg the story was getting so good! I hope that maybe one day you’ll come back to this, I’m so curious to see how their relationship forms and to what happened with them and their scars in the past!
Chapter 1: Oh snap a new Jungli that I haven’t read! I’m super excited to read this bc I miss them so much! (And the tag is super dead now)
Chapter 4: Update authornim please
are you going to update this story ?
Chapter 4: please update soon authornim.. I can't stop myself from grinning ^^
Esto está muy interesante... actualice pronto autor
ssnasya #7
Chapter 4: Hahahaha... I love you sunny~ you make a good choice.. Kekeke im smilling reading at their reaction..
Really love this story line of yours author!!! Hamnae!!! ^_^
avrilkristen #8
Chapter 4: Haha i love sunny's plan whatever it is :)) so i hope ssul and jung will have to stick together like all the time for that plan *coughineedmorejunglicough* :)) aw...so love the way u write <3 update soon authornim
Chapter 4: Lol. Lol. Lol.
Sunny is amazing!!!!!!!
Go scandal!

We need more jungli moment here.....

I love how you make the story more realistic here.

Thank you for your update ^^
Chapter 4: This is too good not to comment tbh... haha I love your writing style and the plot (who wouldn't love rival jungli?) update soon! ^^