
Watching and Waiting


Lee Taemin was quite well known in school. He wasn’t exactly popular per say, but he was well known. Who wouldn’t stop to at least notice the pretty boy dancer? It was impossible not to.


Especially when Choi Minho, popular soccer player, was clearly infatuated with him.


It wasn’t hard to see how much Minho liked Taemin. Even a blind person could feel it. Taemin himself was very much aware of the fact as well. The only problem was Minho. Taemin couldn’t deny that Minho was very attractive indeed, and very nice, the perfect gentleman, but he was unapproachable. Not in the sense that he was intimidating, it was just that whenever Taemin tried getting close to him, Minho would run.


That was what confused Taemin the most. It’s not exactly stalking if you know the person is there, but in a way, it was. Minho hid himself pretty well. Half the time, Taemin didn’t even know he was there until someone pointed it out to him. He didn’t understand why Minho wouldn’t just talk to him, instead of hiding in the shadows like a lion about to pounce on it’s prey.


Taemin wasn’t the only one that was confused either. Minho was a very confident person, full of charisma like he was just about to burst into flames of it. Minho had no problem talking to other people. He was quiet, yes, but still talked. He had no problem approaching people. Many people tried getting him to talk to Taemin, but he just shook his head, saying that he couldn’t, that he prefered to keep his distance.


Kibum, Taemin’s best friend who was dating Jonghyun, Minho’s best friend, said that he’s talked to Minho quite often. Taemin was jealous that Minho would talk to other people and not him. He felt like Minho thought he wasn’t good enough to talk to, and instead chose to stalk him, to taunt him, and use the excuse that he liked him to cover it up. It really got on Taemin’s nerves.


Jonghyun would tell Kibum everything Minho would say, and Kibum would tell Taemin. It was oddly like a game of telephone, except Taemin wasn’t enjoying this game. He was tired of hearing these things from someone else. He wanted to hear it from Minho directly.


At first he tried sneaking up on Minho, but that didn’t work. The moment the man saw it was him, he ran as fast as his legs could take him. Taemin couldn’t catch up. Minho wasn’t the school’s soccer star, swimmer, and basketball player for nothing. Taemin knew there was no way he could catch Minho when the older boy started running.


He got Minho’s number from Jonghyun and texted him. He asked him if they could talk, even if it was just a text. That didn’t work either. According to Jonghyun, Minho’s phone fell in a puddle. Sad thing is, it hadn’t even rained recently.


He stuffed notes in Minho’s locker. He didn’t know if the older teen read them, because he never got a reply back. It wasn’t until Jonghyun came telling him that Minho was going crazy and giggling like a little school girl because of his letters, that he knew Minho did read them, and he was pissed he didn’t respond.


Eventually, Taemin gave up. He gave up trying to talk to Minho, because he was tired of trying. It wasn’t fair that Minho was getting all happy about his attempts to communicate with him while he was getting nothing in return. Nothing but a stalker constantly watching him. He was pissed, and he let Minho know it. If he ever spotted the boy looking at him, he would glare and make sure that Minho saw it. If someone pointed Minho out to him, he’d purposely ignore.


Kibum and Jonghyun both stopped telling him anything about Minho, because Taemin had had enough. He was tired of having a stalker. He wanted more than that, and Minho clearly wasn’t planning on being anything more than just that. If he wasn’t glaring at the man, he was purposely ignoring his existence. He wouldn’t even spare Minho a single glance anymore. He saw no point to it anymore. If Minho wasn’t going to come to him, Taemin wouldn’t go to him either.


He started paying attention to other things instead, like the few other people that liked him, and actually talk to him, and approached him. Jinki and Jongin were very nice. Taemin wasn’t leading them on though, nor was he using them. He sincerely thought they were very nice people, and enjoyed spending time with them when Kibum wasn’t available. Plus, Jongin started dating Kyungsoo, and Taemin was happy for him. He and Kyungsoo got along quite well, and Taemin was happy to say that he helped set them up together. Not to mention that he and Jongin actually looked quite alike. Taemin found it a bit awkward to date someone that looked like he could be his brother.


Then there was Jinki. He was a third year, very nice and incredibly smart, despite being so clumsy. He never failed to make him laugh, and that was something he really liked about Jinki. The older boy knew of his feelings towards Minho, and he was okay with it. He also didn’t flirt with Taemin. He was okay with them being just friends. Taemin felt bad for turning him down, but Jinki assured him that it was okay. He had actually met someone else that he was really starting to like, a college guy named Joon.


And things went on like this. Taemin refused to acknowledge Minho’s presence, simply because he didn’t want to be the only one trying. If Minho would put no effort into starting a relationship, then he wouldn’t either. He wasn’t about to make a fool of himself for someone that clearly didn’t want to even talk him. Not even text or write. He was not going to be the desperate one. He was not desperate.



Minho had absolutely now idea what he should do. He was panicking. He was hyperventilating. He was sure he was going to go crazy.

Jonghyun tried his best to calm him down, while Kibum called him an idiot. He couldn’t help it though. He felt too hot when he was around Taemin. He felt blinded by the boy’s beauty. He could speak properly to anyone, but whenever it came to Taemin, he felt all thoughts leave his mind, like he couldn’t even move.


He was afraid of making a fool of himself in front of Taemin. What if he said something stupid? What if he fainted? He didn’t even want to think about what would happen if he confronted Taemin. It would be chaos, disaster. He’d mess up and Taemin would hate him forever.


Although clearly, not saying anything was worse. Taemin refused to even look at him anymore, and if he did, it was to glare at him. Minho didn’t like that scowl on Taemin’s beautiful face, much less when he was the one to cause it. He couldn’t help it though. He was too scared to talk to the beautiful Lee Taemin? It was impossible! He didn’t know how other people did it!


“Jonghyun, I need you to do me a favor,” he said.


“What is it?”


“Can you write a letter to Taemin for me? I’m afraid that if I do it myself, I’ll write something stupid.”


Jonghyun looked at him skeptically before sighing and writing the letter. He just wrote down some stuff about Taemin Minho had told him before, so that he wasn’t writing this stuff randomly. When he gave it to Taemin, the teen read it right in front of him, with Minho watching far off to the side, out of Taemin’s view.


“Thanks for the nice letter hyung, but you should really write this stuff for Kibum hyung instead,” Taemin said. Minho loved listening to the beautiful, soft, angelic voice. It was music to his ears.


“W-What are you talk about Taemin-ah? That’s from Minho,” Jonghyun said.


“Hyung, I know your handwriting. You wrote this, though I don’t doubt Minho told you to. Tell him I don’t care what he has to say until he tells it to me himself, or at least writes it himself next time.”


With that, Taemin walked away and Minho stared in horror as Taemin threw the letter away. He should’ve known better than to ask Jonghyun to write the letter. Of course Taemin would recognize his handwriting. Taemin and Jonghyun were friends. At least he had enough common sense not to ask Kibum to do it though.


He hoped his next attempt would work though. His time, while Taemin wasn’t there, he put a rose in Taemin’s locker. Just a rose, because he didn’t trust himself to write anything else. He’d never tell how he got Taemin’s locker combination. It took a lot of spying–not stalking, he refused to call himself a stalker–and binoculars to get it. He may have also snuck into the office to check if it was right, but that was another situation all together. There was no need to get into that.


Minho couldn’t even begin to could all of the things he’d done to learn everything about Taemin. He was not a stalker though. Just observant. He learned that Taemin loved banana milk, and steak. Taemin always ate rice, because he said a meal wasn’t complete without rice. His favorite color is white. He found out Taemin loved playing the piano. Minho managed to record a few of Taemin’s playing sessions, and he’d never admit it, be he listened to them every night. That, and the recordings he has of Taemin singing. He got those from Jonghyun, who has been training Taemin.


He also hid a camera in the dance room, so that he’d get a couple videos of Taemin dancing. He couldn’t get enough of the younger boys dancing.


To him, Taemin was the most beautiful and interesting person there ever was, which was why he couldn’t talk to Taemin. He feared he’d be that dirt on that beautiful, untainted skin. Kibum and Jonghyun always called him an idiot for it, but he chose to ignore those types of comments. He was simply a man in love with an angel. One he could not touch.


He watched as Taemin stared at the rose when he opened his locker. The smile on Taemin’s face made his heart flutter, and he had to hold himself back from pulling out his phone and taking a picture of it. His sim card was overflowing with just pictures of Taemin, and he couldn’t risk getting his phone taken away again, for the fifth time that week. It was only Wednesday.


“Such a beautiful rose,” Taemin said. Minho mentally cheered, giving himself a high five and doing a little dance. “I wonder who left it. Probably no one important.”


That one stung a little, but he guessed it was his own fault for ignoring Taemin so much before. He didn’t mean to. He just got too embarrassed and nervous whenever Taemin talked to him. He didn’t want Taemin seeing the blush on his face.


“Hey Taemin, what do you have there?” Kibum asked.


“Oh just a rose someone put in my locker isn’t that sweet? I wish I knew who put it though,” Taemin responded.


“You know Minho put it there. He’s the only one capable of finding out your locker combination.”


“Choi Minho? I have no idea who that is.”


Minho wasn’t sure if Taemin was doing this on purpose to get his attention, or if it was because he was just that mad that he really chose to ignore his existence. Both hurt.


“Aish, why don’t you give him a chance?” Minho was glad he had Kibum on his side. Kibum understood him, despite calling him an ‘annoying idiotic frog that needs to grow a pair’.


“I did, and he blatantly ignored me. Until he comes to talk to me in person, this rose means nothing. I’m tired of waiting Kibum hyung. If he really liked me like he tells people he does, he’d at least have the decency to walk near me. He can’t even do that!”


“Ever consider the possibility that he’s just shy?”


“So am I, but you don’t see me stalking anybody or refusing to acknowledge them.”


The conversation ended there and Minho started thinking all over again. He couldn’t face Taemin, he was too scared to do that. Anonymous gifts didn’t work, and neither did love letters when it was obvious he didn’t write them. So what could he do?


Kibum was very annoyed. Minho was still an idiot and Taemin was now playing hard to get. He understood Taemin’s feelings though. Even before Minho started stalking Taemin, the boy already liked the frog. The only problem was that Taemin was too shy. He was happy when he found out that Minho liked him. He tried approaching the tall male, but Minho didn’t even look at him and just walked off.


After that, Taemin found out Minho was stalking him, and continued trying to talk to the teen. Minho just did everything he could to either ignore or simply brush Taemin off. Kibum understood that Minho was shy, but so was Taemin, and Taemin was at least making an effort to start a relationship. Minho acted as if talking to Taemin would cause World War Three.


He was pacing, Jonghyun watching him amusedly. He really didn’t see what was funny about this situation. Minho and Taemin’s communication was getting in the way of their alone time. Minho was driving them up the wall trying to figure out ways to get Taemin and Taemin was ignoring every single attempt.


“I can’t take it any more Jjongie. This needs to end now.”


“And how do you plan to do that? Minho is too scared to talk to him and Taemin won’t acknowledge him unless he does.”


“I don’t know! Lock them in a room– ... Jjongie, let’s go,” Kibum said.


“Where are we going?” Jonghyun asked.


“To get the two idiots together so that we can be alone.”


“I like the sound of that.”



Taemin was going to the dance room at the end of the day. He usually goes there anyway, but Kibum for some reason told him specifically to go there after school, saying he needed to talk to him about something important. Taemin didn’t mind, so long as it didn’t take too much time. He really wanted to get to his dancing. He was going to be learning a new dance today, and he was excited for it.


He was expecting Kibum. He wasn’t expecting to be suddenly pushed into the dance room with a tied up Choi Minho there, staring at him as if he had just seen a ghost. He turned and saw Kibum and Jonghyun grinning at him before the door was slammed shut and locked. When he looked back, Minho was trying desperately to get out the duct tape wrapped around his hands, ankles, and over his mouth. Taemin didn’t see the point to that one. There was no chance Minho would talk to him. He did find the whole setup amusing though.


We walked over to him, sitting cross-legged in front of a flailing Choi Minho, a smirk on his lips because he knew there was no way Minho was getting out of this.


This is going to be fun, he thought.


“So, Choi Minho is it? What brings you here this fine evening?”


Minho stared up at him curiously before continuing to wiggle around, at least trying to sit up. Taemin though, decided to have even more fun, and grabbed Minho, turning him and pulling his forward before resting the older teen’s head on his lap. The look of utter terror on Minho’s face was one he would never forget, and was enjoying thoroughly.


“Believe me when I say I didn’t plan this. This was all Kibum hyung and Jonghyun hyung’s doing, the bastards.” Taemin started Minho’s hair, playing with the soft strands. Minho had calmed down a bit at the contact, but still looked quite panicked. “I’m actually happy they did this, because now I get to talk to you directly, whether you respond or not. I wish you would though, it really hurts when you don’t. So, in case you do respond, want me to get the duct tape off your mouth?”


Without thinking, Minho nodded. This wasn’t how he planned on talking to Taemin, but might as well right? He knew for a fact Kibum would not let them out of the room until he had spoken to Taemin. He didn’t notice the smirk on Taemin’s face, only the fingers that grabbed the edge of the tape before ripping it off.


“Jesus Christ!” he screamed.


“Well, at least you won’t have to shave a potential mustache for a while,” Taemin said, laughing at his loud reaction. Though he loved hearing Taemin’s laugh, it kind of hurt that Taemin was now laughing at him. He guessed he deserved it though, for ignoring the boy in the first place. “You know you’re an idiot, right?” Minho nodded and Taemin seemed to get irritated by the response. “Words Minho! Words!”


Minho gulped before saying the first thing that came to mind.


“You’re eyes are pretty.”


Taemin froze and if Minho could, he’d slap himself. However, his hands were still bound behind him, so it wasn’t possible at the moment. He’d just have to wait.


“So, you finally talk to me, and that’s the first thing you say?” Taemin asked.


“U-Umm.... Hi.”


“Aish.” Minho didn’t know what to do, or what to say. He couldn’t tell if Taemin was really annoyed or just teasing him. Neither were good. He didn’t know what to do around a teasing or annoyed Taemin. “I love your big eyes.”


“W-What?” He had not expected that. He most definitely did not expect Lee freaking Taemin, the breathtakingly beautiful angel to compliment him.


“Your eyes. I love them. They look like a frog’s. I think it’s cute,” Taemin said.


“You’re beautiful.”


“You’re handsome.”


Taemin grinned at him, and Minho found himself smiling back.


“You’re adorable.”


“You’re smart.”


With each compliment, they were leaning closer to each other.


“You’re an amazing dancer.”


“You’re a top athlete.”


Their breaths were already mixing, lips so close, only a millimeter away.


“I love you.”




Their lips touched, their eyes closed, and both took in the pure bliss. One tired of watching, the other tired of waiting. Their lips moved together, both inexperienced but following their instincts, and everything felt so right.


“You’re a real idiot, you know that? Making me wait for so long,” Taemin said, pulling away and placing his forehead against Minho’s.


“Kibum calls me an idiot all the time. I’m sorry for making you wait for so long.”


“Pabo, you’re an idiot but you’re my idiot.”


Taemin pecked him on the lips, laughing when he heard Kibum’s cheers from outside the door.


“But you love me and my idiocy right?”


“Of course I love my idiot stalker. I always have.”

Done~ Finally! XD

I hope you liked it! I tried to make it as fluffy as I could to make up for all the angst I've been writing (and the more that is to come)

Please COMMENT and let me know what you think! I'd really love to know!

Bye bye~ Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 1: words, minho! words!
Chapter 1: kibum is freaking genius. can't stop laughing.
Chapter 1: Minho is indeed an idiot agshshshsh this is so sweeer!!
Chapter 1: TOO CUTE OMG
Chapter 1: Minho u trully idiot XD pabo! lololol
I love this! so funny XD
When taemin take minho head on his lap its just too ahhh~ so cute
And their compliment until the kiss is so awwww♥
Chapter 1: I rarely get the fluttery fluffy feelings that fluff stories are supposed to give to readers, but with this one, I was practically smiling the whole time I was reading it, practically feeling my heart squeeze and twist inside imagining Taemin and Minho throwing their compliments at each other, back and forth. The image of Minho's head on Tae's lap while they (finally) talked and confessed whatever it was they had to confess was perfect. It felt so intimate and innocent all at the same time. Loved it! (Sorry for the long comment. Just had to spill them feels out)

one of my favorite parts: 'Words, Minho! Words!' omg i can feel the frustration tae-bb =))
Chapter 1: this was interesting..and yeah Minho's an idiot XD
thisisyosumi #8
Chapter 1: This is so cute!!!!
Chapter 1: Omg. Just. Wow. *____* this is sooo amazing & cute & fluffy & sweet and just written beautifully. I freaking LOVE this. One of my absolute favorites from you! <3

someone please buy me a unicorn