Episode 1

Ocean of Flowers

Episode 1:


(The story starts with Bai Mu Xun and Bai Mu Xiang facing a swords master, Li Jie Wei. He is angry because they just killed his wife. Mu Xiang was in love with this man, but she was unable to get him because he married someone else. Mu Xun takes that as humiliating her younger sister and she takes it as underestimating Silent Moon Sect; she would not allow those who underestimate their sect live too long of a life. Silent Moon Sect consists of mainly orphans and the leaders or next teachers can only be girls. Disciples from this sect are both male and female; they are taught sword combat, poison darts, using inner chi, and fighting with bare hands. Silent Moon used to be a good sect who helped people in need, but the last teacher before Mu Xun twisted the system and they have now became killers. Mu Xun is a pretty lady who only wears 2 or 3 layers of thin clothes and Mu Xiang is equally pretty, but wears thicker clothes. Mu Xun fights with a sword possessed with a strong evil power and Mu Xiang carries poisonous darts, only fighting with her hands and relying on her powers. It’s midnight and a full moon is out. They’re in the middle of the woods and standing across from each other. At this time, Mu Xun and Mu Xiang are still pretty young; probably around their mid-20’s.)


Jie Wei: Tell me! Who was the one that sent you two out to kill my wife? If you two tell me, I’ll spare your lives at least.


Mu Xun: What’s the point of telling you? Even if we told you, the only thing you’ll do is go after her. So, is there a point? What do you think?


Mu Xiang: Jie... (Mu Xun holds up her hand which is the gesture for “shut up”)


Jie Wei: (looks at Mu Xiang) Miss Mu Xiang, how can you do this to me? I thought that you and my wife were good friends. How can you betray us like this?!?! Are you still human?! How can you be so inhumane?! Why did you do this to her? She has no enmities with you.


*A flashback scene

(To be close with Jie Wei, Mu Xiang befriended his wife and was able to see him every other day. When Mu Xun found out, she introduced the idea of killing his wife to Mu Xiang. At that moment, killing his wife seemed like a good idea so Mu Xiang agreed to it. Mu Xiang continued to be friends with her, then one day they went out together to wash clothes. While washing clothes, Mu Xiang pushed his wife into the water and held her so she won’t be able to come back up. After a couple moments and his wife wasn’t dead yet, she grabbed the clothes beater and began to hit his wife. Blood came out, then the water silenced. Mu Xiang pulled out his wife’s body which was bloody and drenched in water. Mu Xiang smiled to herself, then threw the body back down into the lake. When she gathered all the clothes and got up to go back home, she thought to herself that she was going to lie that his wife needed to use the bathroom so she came back first. Then when she never showed up, it would be like she just left him because she no longer wanted him. As she turned around to return to Jie Wei’s house, Jie Wei was standing not too far from them watching Mu Xiang in disbelief. In his hands he was holding a cloth that had herbs packed inside. Jie Wei kept looking at her and when she took a step towards him he took off back home.)


Mu Xiang: Li Da Ge, I didn’t do it on purpose!


Jie Wei: Lies! I saw you pushing her into the lake with my own eyes! You still dare say you didn’t do it on purpose... She couldn’t have fell in there herself!


Mu Xun: It’s probably part of her fate. But you should feel honored; your wife died my sister’s hands, Bai Mu Xiang.


Jie Wei:  How ridiculous! Today, I will not spare either one of your lives! You both killed my wife and I will not let anyone of you two go easily. If you’re not killed by my sword today, then may the heavens punish me for allowing my wife’s death!


Mu Xun: (grins subtly) Really? Then I think that you should be preparing a coffin for yourself instead. Don’t waste your time here.


(The swords master takes out his sword and lunges forward towards the two girls.)


Mu Xiang: (looks to Mu Xun shockingly) Jie!


Mu Xun: (looks to Mu Xiang with the corner of her eyes.) Stay here.

(Mu Xun hits Mu Xiang’s acupunctures freezing her, and then she smiles slyly and begins to fight the swords man. After a moment of fighting, Mu Xun grabs the swords man and kisses his lips. Jie Wei, who originally had his sword raised to attack Mu Xun, drops the sword to the ground and closes his eyes as if he’s been paralyzed. Mu Xun slowly lets go and Jie Wei falls to the ground; a spell has been casted on him.)


Mu Xiang: (loudly and frantically) Jie Wei!!!! Li Da Ge !!!!!! Li Da Ge!!!!!!


Mu Xun: (bends down over Jie Wei.) Mu Xiang, no wonder you liked him so much. (she caresses his cheek.) He’s quite handsome.


(Mu Xiang is still crying. Mu Xun gets up and walks towards Mu Xiang. She unlocks her acupunctures and Mu Xiang immediately runs to Jie Wei who is still lying unconscious on the ground.)


Mu Xiang: Li Da Ge! (she sits him up and shakes him in an attempt to wake him up.) Jie Wei Da Ge, you must wake up! Wake up! Li Da Ge wake up! (he has no response and Mu Xiang begins to cry.) Jie Wei! (she pulls him into her arms and she hugs him while screaming his name. Mu Xun stands alone watching her younger sister.)


(Later, Mu Xun and Mu Xiang are on their way home when they come across a loud splash sound.)


Mu Xun: (she looks around curiously, then when she sees nothing around, she puts on a cold expression and looks at Mu Xiang who is still looking around.) Mu Xiang, let’s go.


Mu Xiang: (Mu Xun begins walking again and Mu Xiang follows after her) Jie... I think we should check to see if anything bad happened to Jie Wei.


Mu Xun: (She stops walking and turns to look Mu Xiang in the face.) He’s not important to us, right ?


Mu Xiang: But Jie-


Mu Xun: Fine then. You want to go back? Then go. But to let you know, if you go don’t ever think about returning to Silent Moon Sect. Spend your days with him... You never know whose next.


(Mu Xun turns back around and continues walking ahead. Mu Xiang watches her older sister walk away, then follows slowly behind. Mu Xun looks over her shoulder and sees that Mu Xiang is following her, then she smiles softly to herself. As they walk, they just happen to go by a big beautiful lake. The lake is surrounded by mountains and the moon and stars are reflected in the lake. It’s also a cloudless night with a small cold breeze blowing. As they walk, Mu Xiang begins to scream and Mu Xun turns around to see what’s wrong. A hand is coming out from the water grabbing Mu Xiang’s ankle. Mu Xun runs back and grabs her sister’s ankle and pulls with all her might. Then before Mu Xiang struggles free, a head pops out of the Water.)


Hu Yi: (in a soft and weak voive.) Help me... Please help me...


(His grip on her ankle loosens and he sinks back into the water. When he was still above the water, Mu Xun managed to see a cut going right across his neck so she jumps in to save him as soon as he’s out of sight. Moments later, Mu Xun comes back up to the surface holding onto Hu Yi and Mu Xiang goes to help her sister pull him out.)


(Moments later Hu Yi is still lying unconscious, but the cut on his neck disappeared. He was pierced through his stomach too, but the hole is healed and the shirt was also sewn back together.) Mu Xiang is standing by the water and looking up at the stars while Mu Xun is sitting down next to Hu Yi and gazing at him. She’s thinking to herself that he’s the most precious man she’s ever encountered and saved.)


Mu Xiang: Jie... (walks over and sits next to Mu Xiang. Mu Xun stops looking at Hu Yi and looks at Mu Xiang.) What’s wrong? Are you thinking of something?


Mu Xun: There’s nothing.


Mu Xiang: (after a couple seconds of silence.) Jie... Li Da Ge, he-


Mu Xun: Go home.


Mu Xiang: (confusion) Jie, you want me go home ?


Mu Xun: Yes. Go.


Mu Xiang: But I-


Mu Xun: I’m your older sister. Are you going to disobey me?


Mu Xiang: Mu Xiang doesn’t dare to disobey Jie Jie. (she sits there looking at her sister’s cold expression then gets up and leaves.)


(The next day, Hu Yi wakes up and Mu Xun is sitting by his side looking at him. Hu Yi sits up immediately and moves back from her.)


Hu Yi: Miss... You are... ?


Mu Xun: (smiles) Are you feeling better?


Hu Yi: huh? Feeling better? (he touches his neck and there’s no injury there. He also touched his stomach and there’s also no injury. His shirt also isn’t ripped, only a couple stitches still remain.) (he says excitedly) The cut, it’s not there anymore! My shirt is also better now!


Mu Xun: (smiles) How do you feel then?


Hu Yi: (smiles excitedly) I feel fine! Miss, thank you for helping me! Thank You!


Mu Xun: It’s just a small matter.


Hu Yi: Miss, do you happen to know which hour of the day it is?


Mu Xun: (she looks up to the sun and then back at Hu Yi.) Si Shi [9-11 AM].


Hu Yi: Si Shi... Ah! Miss, what’s your name?


Mu Xun: Name? First you wanted the time of the day, now you want my name.


Hu Yi: You saved me on the verge of death this time. I want to remember you forever as my savior.


Mu Xun: (smiles happily) I’m Bai Mu Xun.


Hu Yi: (smiles) I’m Cheng Hu Yi.


(Hu Yi is a very handsome young man with a nicely built body. His hair is tied neatly into a ponytail, but since he just recovered, his hair is very messy.)


Hu Yi: Oh right, Miss. This is nowhere but just mountains and forests. May I ask your reason for being out here alone?


Mu Xun: I wasn’t alone originally.


Hu Yi: really? Who else is out here? (he looks around for another person)


Mu Xun: But she went home already.


Hu Yi: What about you then?


Mu Xun: After you get better, I’ll leave too.


Hu Yi: Miss, excuse my rudeness. Do you live near here? If not, I can take you home first. It’s not safe for a nice lady like you to be walking out alone even in daytime.


Mu Xun: It’s fine. I just want to make sure you’re fine too.


Hu Yi: (smiles) I’m fine now. Thank You. (Mu Xun smiles to herself.)


(A couple weeks later, Mu Xun often goes out to stay with Hu Yi, but soon he introduces Mu Xun to his girlfriend, Yu Dai Zang, that he will be marrying soon. She isn’t too happy, but acts as she is. When she comes home that night she calls upon her top assassin, Jiang Tong Man. Tong Man is an average looking man whose body if built nicely. Silent Moon Sect is built beautifully and very sturdy. The walls are covered with green vines and flowers blooming. The floor is made of jade and the sky is always open in sight. Silent Moon Sect is built on a mountain peak, which is hard to find if you’re not a disciple; if you ever make it inside, you will most likely be lost too if you aren’t a disciple. Inside, there is a room known as the Hall of Infinity; that is where Mu Xun and Mu Xiang assign missions to their disciples. Mu Xun and Mu Xiang’s seats are beautiful and made of gold covered in jewels. Their seats sit on top of a platform where you have to climb up 15 steps of stairs to reach them.)

[Mu Xun is referred to First Teacher, and Mu Xiang is referred to Second Teacher.]


Tong Man: (enters and kneels with one knee on the ground in front of the stairs.) Tong Man pays respects to First Teacher and Second Teacher.


Mu Xun: Tong Man, have you ever experienced heartache? Do you know how it feels like to lose control of yourself, because the one you love is suddenly going to disappear? Your soul lingers, and your voice becomes weak. You aren’t strong mentally, but physically stronger. You have an urge to keep fighting and doing whatever it means to bring back the one you love. Have you ever felt it before?


Tong Man: Falling in love with outsiders is prohibited in Silent Moon Sect. Besides, there’s no one in here that I admire yet. I know nothing of such that First teacher is talking about.


Mu Xun: (smiles) That’s good then. (A servant walks in with some wine in a flask then slightly bends her body to bow.)


Servant: First Teacher, your wine is here.


Mu Xun: (sighs slowly) Bring it up.


Servant: Yes. (the servant brings up the wine.)


Mu Xun: Tong Man, do you know why we asked for you to come here today?


Tong Man: Yes.


Mu Xun: Really? (she pours herself a little cup of wine and holds it in her hands.) Why do you think so then?


Tong Man: This is the Hall of Infinity. Disciples are only summoned here if First Teacher or Second Teacher has an important task to entrust us with.


Mu Xun: (she smiles and drinks down her wine.) Nicely said. Then Tong Man, why do you think people in this world marry for?


Tong Man: This disciple does not know why.


Mu Xun: Then... (Mu Xun turns to look at Mu Xiang who is sitting next to her.) Mu Xiang Mei Mei, what do you think? When it comes to this, you should know best.


Mu Xiang: Jie Jie is thinking wrong. Mu Xiang knows nothing of such.


Mu Xun: (smiles) Is that right? (turns to look at Tong Man who is still kneeling on the ground.) Rise.


Tong Man: Thank you First Teacher. (Tong Man stands and looks up to his teachers.)


Mu Xun: Like you said earlier, I have a mission for you. In Chang An, there will be a wedding in a few days. The Cheng family will be marrying the Yu family. What I want you to do is to go there and capture the bride. Bring her back to me, alive. You’ve been on many missions before and you have never disappointed me. This one should be simple.


Mu Xiang: (looks at Mu Xun with a surprised-in-a-bad-way expression.) Jie! You- (Mu Xun once again raises her hand motioning for silence.)


Mu Xun: Tong Man, do you understand?


Tong Man: I understand.


Mu Xun: you can leave now. (Tong Man bows to his teachers then turns to leave.) Oh right. (Tong Man stops and turns back to face his teachers.)


Tong Man: Yes?


Mu Xun: The road to Chang An is far and tiring; use your lightness skill. You can’t be discovered; if you are, then don’t use Silent Moon Sect’s name.


Tong Man: Yes. (Tong Man walks out.)


(Mu Xun pours another little cup of wine for herself. She pours the tip of her cup to her lips, but Mu Xiang hits it out of her hands.)


Mu Xun: (gives Mu Xiang a death stare) Why did you do that?


Mu Xiang: Jie Jie! How can you do this to Cheng Hu Yi?! Isn’t he the person you like?


Mu Xun: It’s because I love him that I do this.


Mu Xiang: Love him? You consider taking away his happiness love?


Mu Xun: (she stands up and faces her back to Mu Xiang who is still sitting on her chair.) His happiness was me. If I just take away that Yu Dai Zang, how can I decrease his happiness?


Mu Xiang: If he loved you then he would have wanted to marry you instead! Jie Jie please don’t destroy other’s happiness!


Mu Xun: (turns angrily to look at Mu Xiang) Then what was I supposed to do?! Stand there and watch them while my heart is being broken?! Tell me, what was I supposed to do?!


Mu Xiang: Love doesn’t mean destroying someone else’s happiness for your own good. Jie jie you don’t love him at all. If you really loved him, you would be happy that he’s marrying someone he chose to marry. You wouldn’t plot to kill her like this. Jie jie don’t you remember that we took an oath to Silent Moon Sect in front of Eldest Teacher’s Pedestal? [Eldest Teacher as in the creator of the sect.] We swore that we were going to help mankind and we would never go back on our words. Have you forgotten?! We said-


Mu Xun: Don’t say anything anymore! That oath was only taken to become the teacher of this sect! Now that I’m already their teacher, who else can stop me?! (Mu Xun walks down the steps and out of sight as Mu Xiang continues sitting in her seat and breathing heavily.)


(A couple of days later, Tong Man has reached Chang An. He looks around and sees a sign sitting on top of a two-story building saying “Golden Dragon Inn.” He takes his stuff and walks inside the inn. As he finds himself a seat, a pretty girl approaches him.)


Dai Zang: Sir would you like something to eat?


Tong Man: (he doesn’t look at her, but acts cool) Whatever is fine. (He takes out his sword and places it on the table. Dai Zang looks at his sword questioningly.)(Tong Man looks up at Dai Zang finally to see that she’s staring at his sword.) What are you looking at?


Dai Zang: (she stops looking at his sword and shakes her head) Nothing.


Tong Man: (he sighs) Prepare a room for me and bring me some red wine.


Dai Zang: Okay. (She walks off and Tong Man just sits there quietly.)


(Just then a group of 4 men walk in and they begin talking like elephants about a hidden sect known as Silent Moon. Tong Man acts natural, but listens to their conversation.)


Guy 1: I heard that it’s all only girls.


Guy 2: No way! I heard that it’s both genders!


Guy 1: Why would it be both genders?


Guy 3: Hey where did you guys hear all this? Is it true?


Guy 1: Who knows! I heard it from that poor peasant, Li Jie Wei. The guy that does nothing, but fish all day. (a waiter brings Tong Man his wine.)


Guy 2: Hey, what did he say then?


Guy 1: He said that people from Silent Moon Sect are very sly and ridiculous. They kill without a conscience and are good at pretending. He told me that if I ever run into one, let him know and he’ll get rid of her for me.


Guy 3: Is that real or fake?! It sounds so fake.


Guy 4: I thought that guy was crazy!


Guy 1: He looked fine to me.


Guy 2: Aiya forget it! Let’s eat, I’m starving to death. (he looks around and sees Dai Zang standing behind a counter taking someone’s pay.) Hey miss! Hurry over here and serve us some food!


Dai Zang: (looks at them and nods quickly) Alright, wait for a moment please! (After she’s done taking the pay, she walks over to their table.) What would you guys like to eat sirs?


Guy 4: Hmmm... I want... I want... Uhhh. (Tong Man pours himself a cup of wine and drinks it.)


Guy 2: Just get us four bowls of Bean Curd! (Dai Zang nods and turns around to walk off.)


Guy 1: Miss! (Dai Zang turns around to answer him.) Make it just three bowls.


Dai Zang: Okay. Would that be all?


Guy 1: I was curious, is it possible that I can order a plate of you?


Dai Zang: What? (the four guys begin laughing) You want what?


Guy 1: (he stands up and walks over to Dai Zang.) You. I want to eat a plate of you, miss. (everyone in the Inn becomes quiet and concentrates on what’s going on.)(Guy 1 reaches out and touches Dai Zang’s hair, then she steps away.)


Dai Zang: Ey! What do you want?!


Guy 1: I already told you. I want a plate of your white flesh. (he checks out Dai Zang and takes another step towards her.)(Dai Zang’s mother comes out from the cooking room and stand in front of her daughter. She still young looking and as pretty as her daughter.)


Yu Mommy: What do you want with my daughter?!


Guy 1: Hey, are you her mother?


Yu Mommy: I am, what does it have to do with you?


Guy 1: (laughs and claps.) Just as I expected. (stops clapping.) Daughter like mother. You’re as beautiful as your daughter. What do you say mom, let’s have a 2 on 1? Huh?


Yu Mommy: How dare say that to me!


Guy 1: Hmm? I should be saying that! Having me wanting to sleep with you two peasants is an honor you know. Not many girls are as lucky as you two. (turns to his friends.) Come here! (his friends all walk over to him.) What do you guys say? Two of us per one girl?


Guy 2: That’ll work!


Guy 1: Which one do you guys want?


Guy 2: Hmm, any one should be fine. They’re both beauties of Chang An from how I see it.


Yu Mommy: You hooligans! Get out of my Inn now!


Guy 1: (begins laughing and takes another step towards them followed by his friends.) You’re telling me to get out? I can get rid of this little stinky inn in a heartbeat. Are you sure you want to say that to me?


Yu Mommy: Who are you?!


Guy 2: Ohh! Now she cares to know!


Guy 1: It’s too late now. Let’s make a deal, if you call me your dear husband and your daughter calls me her daddy, then I’ll tell you guys who I am.


Yu Mommy: Never!


Guy 1: (him and his friends laugh again.) Just as I expected. (he reaches out to touch Yu Mommy, but she hits his hand aside then slaps him.)(Guy 1 grabs his cheek and smiles.) How exciting. (he and grabs both Yu Mommy’s hands and she tries to kick him, but he also uses his legs to block her kick and he drags her away from Dai Zang.)


Dai Zang: Mother! Mother! (they drag Dai Zang mother to the second story where all the bedrooms are.)


(Guy 3 helps Guy 1 take her mother and Guy 2 and Guy 4 walk over to Dai Zang. Dai Zang screams and she begins throwing chopsticks, wine jugs, bowls, chairs, and anything that is in her reach at the two guys. Tong Man just sits there and continues to drink his wine while everyone else is either running away or watching. Guy 4 catches Dai Zang, but she bites him and he pushes her away from him. She falls onto Tong Man’s table and Guy 2 walks over and tries to grab her hair. Tong Man stands up and as Guy 2 reaches for Dai Zang’s hair, Tong Man hits his hand away and also kicks him back. Tong Man then stands in front of Dai Zang. Dai Zang turns her head to look at him and she stands upright.)


Guy 4: Are you looking for trouble?! Get out of our way! (Tong Man doesn’t answer.) Can’t you hear me?! Get out of our way! (Yu Mommy begins screaming from upstairs.)


Dai Zang: Mother! (she tries to run, but Tong Man sticks out his arm to block her way.)


Tong Man: (to Guy 4) Move aside.


Guy 4: Who do you think you are to be telling me to move aside?! You move aside!


Tong Man: If you don’t move aside, then please don’t blame me if you get injured.


Guy 4: (laughs) You’re threatening me? Huh? I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you well. (Tong Man stays quiet.) Hmm! Alright then! If you’re so brave, then come on! What are you waiting for?!


Dai Zang: (to Tong Man) Sir, my mother. She’s in danger I need to go help her!


Tong Man: Hold onto me tightly.


Dai Zang: What?


(Tong Man grabs Dai Zang by her waist and uses his other arm to grab his sword that’s sitting on the table. He begins fighting his way through Guy 2 and Guy 4, but they’re really easy for him to beat so he gets through them easily. The entire time that Tong Man is fighting them, he never pulled out his sword once, he only used it to hit them. He also never lets go of Dai Zang and sometimes even swings her around to kick the enemies. After defeating them, he and Dai Zang runs upstairs and searches for the room with her mother. After they find the room, Tong Man helps rescue her mom and drive away the bad guys who say that they will be back to seek revenge.)(After everyone has gone home, and the guests are settled in their rooms, Dai Zang and her mother go see Tong Man in his room. Tong Man was fixing his bed and getting ready to sleep then there’s knocks at his door. He goes to open his door a little bit, and when he sees that it’s Yu Mommy and Dai Zang, he opens the door bigger.)


Yu Mommy: Young Master, are we bothering you?


Tong Man: You guys... No.


Yu Mommy: we just wanted to say thank you for helping us out today. If not for you, then I don’t know what would have happened to us by now.


Tong Man: Don’t mention it.


Yu Mommy: We’re going to let you stay here for free. You’re our family’s savior, we shouldn’t charge you on such things. Your food will also be free of charge, alright?


Tong Man: Okay.


Yu Mommy: (smiles) Good. If there’s anything, just ask us. (Tong Man nods) Okay then, have a good sleep Young Master. (Yu Mommy turns awy to leave, but immediately turns back to face Tong Man.) Young Master what shall we call you by? (Yu Mommy leaves, but Dai Zang stays behind and continues looking at Tong Man.)


Tong Man: (he looks at her while in thought, then begins speaking.) Tong Man.


Yu Mommy: (looks surprised) Tong Man? Isn’t that a little too casual?


Tong Man: I’m not someone of high rank, I think casual should be fine.


Yu Mommy: (smiles and nods her head.) Okay, very good. (she turns to leave and looks at Dai Zang.)(To Dai Zang) You’re not leaving yet?


Dai Zang: Mother, you’ve worked hard all day. You should rest early. Hmm? (Yu Mommy looks at Dai Zang, then to Tong Man and smiles. She walks off to her room.)


Dai Zang: (Dai Zang watches her until she’s out of sight, then turns to Tong Man.)(she holds out a little red box in front of her, offering it to Tong Man.) Here.


Tong Man: (looks at Dai Zang and then at the box.) What is it?


Dai Zang: Lotus cakes; I made it earlier for you. Thank you for saving me and my mother’s life. (Tong Man takes the box and opens it concentrating only on the box.)


Tong Man: Don’t mention it.


Dai Zang: Thank You.


Tong Man: Don’t mention it.


Dai Zang: Thank You! (Tong Man looks at Dai Zang. Dai Zang smiles.) Thank You. (Tong Man stays silent while looking at Dai Zang. He then turns down and looks at the cakes again.) What is it? Does it not look good?


Tong Man: (looks up at Dai Zang and shakes his head.) It looks good.


Dai Zang: (smiles) Good! I’ll be leaving then, have a good sleep. (she leaves and Tong Man looks into the box again, then goes into his room for a sleep.)


(The next day, Dai Zang wakes up early in the morning to do her daily chores and get ready for opening the Inn. She walks into the kitchen and walks over to a very big jug that holds water. She takes a ladle and tries to get water from it, only to realize that the jug is empty. She pouts a little, then grabs two smaller buckets from a small storage room and heads out towards a river. As she approaches the river, she spots Tong Man out there practicing his martial arts. His movements are swift and steady; he also looks very handsome while fighting. Dai Zang watches him practice, then before she knows it, then sword that he was using is thrown right at her. It stops at her feet and lands with the tip of the blade sticking down into the ground.)


Tong Man: Who is it?


Dai Zang: (she smiles and she tries to takes his sword out of the ground. It’s too heavy for her so she struggles.) It’s me!


Tong Man: (he looks at her as she struggles and he walks over to her. He pulls out the sword easily and holds the sword by his side.) Why are you here?


Dai Zang: to get water. (holds up the two buckets.) The water at the inn is out. You... are here to practice your sword skills?


Tong Man: You’re stating the obvious.


Dai Zang: Oh... Are you coming back to the inn later?


Tong Man: I don’t know. (he looks at her buckets.) Do you need help?


Dai Zang: No! It’s okay. I can do it myself.


(She smiles and walks down to the river. She gets two buckets full of water, brings it back to the inn, then comes back to river and continues that for a while. Tong Man continues to practice. After 4 or 5 trips, Dai Zang gets two bucketfuls of water, then stumbles over and drops all the water. She also gets her clothes all wet. Tong Man looks over to see what’s going on; he puts his sword down and walks over to help Dai Zang. He helps her up then grabs her buckets, fills it with water, and walks towards inn. He says no word to her that whole time, and she just stands there looking at him. Very quickly, Tong Man comes down to the river again. This time after he fills the buckets, he sets them down by Dai Zang who is still sitting, and he kneels next to her.)


Tong Man: Are you okay?


Dai Zang: (nods) I’m fine.


Tong Man: Seems like you don’t do this often.


Dai Zang: I don’t. Someone else usually does this for me.


Tong Man: Then where is that person?


Dai Zang: I don’t know. He’s been gone for 3 or 4 days now. He hasn’t come by to see me. (Tong Man just sits there quietly.) But that’s a good thing!


Tong Man: It’s a good thing? In what ways?


Dai Zang: Well... He wasn’t really my choice... Let’s just say, my fate is already written out for me. (Tong Man sits quietly again.) Where are you from?


Tong Man: Me? (Dai Zang nods) I... Uh... I’m from the East.


Dai Zang: Are you a fisherman?


Tong Man: What?


Dai Zang: If you’re from the East, then you must fish. You guys live by the ocean.


Tong Man: Uh... I...


Dai Zang: Ohhh, I know. You don’t go out as much right? So you had no idea that you lived by an ocean.


Tong Man: (smiles) Right.


Dai Zang: (smiles widely) You smiled!


Tong Man: What?


Hu Yi: Dai Zang! (he appears behind them and when he calls both Tong Man and Dai Zang turn around.) Dai Zang! (Tong Man turns to look at her surprised when he hears her name called for the second time.)


Dai Zang: Cheng Hu Yi? (Dai Zang’s happy face turns into a face of depression and looking sad.)(she sighs and then puts on a fake smile and gets up to run towards Hu Yi.) Hu Yi! (When she begins to run, she for some reason stumbles down again and Tong Man is able to stand up and grab her fast enough to be holding her arms, but her body is pressed against his body. They look into each other’s eyes for a slight moment then Tong Man looks away, but he’s still holding her.)


Hu Yi: (he runs and stops about 10 feet from them.) Dai Zang... (Dai Zang turns to look at Hu Yi. She struggles free from Tong Man and she limps over to him.)(When she gets over to him, he hugs her immediately.)(releases the hug) Dai Zang, what happened to your foot? Why are you limping?


Dai Zang: (shakes her head and smiles) Nothing. I just accidently felly over carrying water and this... Ge Ge helped me.


Hu Yi: (looks at Tong Man who is just looking at them.) Thank You. (Tong Man just smiles slightly.)(Hu Yi looks at Dai Zang.) Let’s go back, hmm? I asked your Mother where you were and she told me to come find you here.


Dai Zang: Oh... then my water buckets... (she looks to her buckets and both the guys also turn to look at the buckets.)


Tong Man: I can bring it in. You guys return first.


Hu Yi: We’ll be troubling you then. (Tong Man says nothing and goes to grab the buckets.) Dai Zang, come on. (She looks at Tong Man for a couple of seconds then goes with Hu Yi. Hu Yi holds her arms as they walk off.)


(Back at Silent Moon Sect, in the Hall of Infinity, Bai Mu Xun is sitting on her chair with another disciple standing at the bottom of the staircase. The disciple’s name is Wu Dong.)


Mu Xun: Dong Er, According to you, who is Jiang Tong Man?


Dong: If I was to decide, Jiang Tong Man is a highly skilled fighter in Silent Moon Sect. He’s one of the many students that First Teacher trusts the most, and nobody shall ever doubt his abilities.


Mu Xun: Then if First Teacher was to doubt him, what do you think?


Dong: (immediately looks up to first teacher in a surprised way, then looks down at his feet as he speaks.) May I ask for the reason why First Teacher doubts Jiang Da Ge.

Mu Xun: (smirks) What do you think?


Dong: I... I have no answer.


Mu Xun: When someone is doubted, the reason is probably because lack of trust. On this mission that I sent Tong Man on, I’m afraid he will disappoint me. Dong Er, do you happen to know a miss named Yu Dai Zang?


Dong: I don’t know.


Mu Xun: Yu Dai Zang, she possesses much beauty. But inside her heart is rotten and she has no conscience. She likes to seduce handsome men like Tong Man, and then kill them for no apparent reason. You’ve been sent on endless missions to assassinate women. Asking you to watch over him, but to not get involved in his mission must not be too much to ask for.


Dong: (he looks at his teachers surprisingly again, then looks back down at his feet as he speaks.) It’s not too much. I will do as First Teacher says. (he bows to them, then backs out of the room walking backwards.)


Mu Xun: Dong Er. (he stops and looks up at his teachers.) Keep a low profile please, your martial skills are no match for him. Unless you want to compete with his sword, then make sure you never meet with him face to face.


Dong Er: This disciple understands. (Dong Er bows once again, then leaves the room.)


(Back in Golden Dragon Inn, Tong Man is leaving his room to go search around for a signs of a wedding when Hu Yi approaches him happily.)


Hu Yi: Hero Jiang. (he bows to Tong Man.)

Tong Man: (straight face and cold toned) The name of a hero doesn’t suit me, please don’t call me that in the future.


Hu Yi: Uh... (dumbstruck.) Then, what do you prefer being called?


Tong Man: Tong Man is fine.


Hu Yi: (smiles) Alright then. Tong Man Da Ge, may I please invite you to a drink tonight? (Tong Man doesn’t say a word, but looks at him suspiciously.) I want to take a moment to thank you for saving Dai Zang and her mother yesterday. (Tong Man continues looking at him, and Hu Yi smiles friendlily again.)


(Later that night, Hu Yi has brought Tong Man to another place called Tavern of Heaven for a drink [the place has two stories]. Hu Yi comes from rich family.)

(Hu Yi and Tong Man are already sitting down with food and wine in front of them. They are sitting opposite of each other.)


Hu Yi: (he holds up a flask of wine in front of Tong Man and shakes it. Tong Man looks at the flask and holds up an empty cup that is sitting in front of him. Hu Yi pours wine into the cup until it’s full and then he pours some for himself. When he’s done pouring, he sets the flask down.) What can I do to repay you?


Tong Man: I don’t want anything. I won’t be here long anyways.


Hu Yi: Is that so? (he drinks his cup of wine, then looks at Tong Man’s cup.) Drink up. (Tong Man also drinks down his cup.) Dai Zang tells me that you’re from the East. (he begins pouring more wine into Tong Man’s cup that’s placed on the table in front of Tong Man.) You must be a good fisher then.


Tong Man: I don’t fish much.


Hu Yi: Did your father fish?


Tong Man: (he’s silent for a moment, then he speaks.) He did.


Hu Yi: (Hu Yi pours wine for himself.) Then why don’t you? (Tong Man is silent again.)(Hu Yi smiles) Forget it. Who am I to be asking such personal questions. (he puts the flask down and holds up the cup motioning for Tong Man to do the same. Tong Man also holds his cup up.)(Hu Yi says to Tong Man.) Thank You.


Tong Man: I didn’t do enough to deserve your appreciation.


Hu Yi: Don’t say that. I know who you are. (Tong Man looks up at him surprised.)


Tong Man: (Tong Man turns his attention to his cup.) Is that so? Then who am I?


Hu Yi: You’re a commoner from the East who refuses to follow his father’s footsteps, but instead walks the JiangHu.


Tong Man: (smiles) Not bad. (They both smile at each other and drink down their wine.)(Hu Yi once again pours wine into Tong Man’s cup, but Tong Man holds Hu Yi’s wrist back refusing the wine.) Sir Cheng, we’ve ordered much food and much wine. Why don’t we both return home instead? I’m not sure I brought enough to treat you today.


Hu Yi: (laughs) You said you were treating me? This is my Tavern, we’ll see if they dare charge me. (Hu Yi softly pushes Tong Man’s hand aside and pours wine into Tong Man’s cup again.)


Tong Man: Your tavern? What do you mean by that?


Hu Yi: I’m the only descendant of the Cheng family. I must find a way for my family to survive. Did you know that half of the Taverns in Chang An is owned by the Chengs?


Tong Man: I didn’t know.


Hu Yi: (smiles and pours himself a cup.) Good. I’ll let all my workers know that if they ever encounter a man named Jiang Tong Man, they must let him stay for free because he helped their future madam before. (Tong Man looks off to the side.) Oh right! How long will you be in town?


Tong Man: (looks back at Hu Yi.) Why? You have something for me to do?


Hu Yi: In a couple of days will be my wedding. I want you to attend. (Tong Man doesn’t say anything, but drinks his cup of wine.) Dai Zang and I both agreed on inviting you. You’re the savior of our future.


Tong Man: (he thinks, then smiles) I hope you two have a happy marriage.


Hu Yi: What do you mean? You’re not going to attend then?


Tong Man: I don’t think I will stay that long actually.


Hu Yi: Whatever then. (he grabs the flask again and begins to pour more wine into Tong Man’s cup.) Come on! Tonight, we’re not going to return home if we’re not drunk! (Hu Yi pours himself one too.)


Tong Man: Okay. (Tong Man smiles. They both hit their cups together and continue drinking for the rest of the night.)


(A man who was sitting a couple tables down from them gets up from his seat and walks out. As he walks out, he decides to go right past Tong Man. When he comes by Tong Man slightly turns his head to watch the man walk away, then immediately goes back to drinking.)

(The next day, Tong Man wakes up once again in his room at Golden Dragon Inn. He feels someone using a wet towel wiping the right side of his neck, and he furiously grabs the hand. It turns out to be Dai Zang.)


Tong Man: It’s You?


Dai Zang: It’s me. Are you feeling better now?


Tong Man: (he lets go of her hand and sits up.) Wasn’t I with Sir Cheng last night?


Dai Zang: He brought you here saying that you’re not too good at drinking. Then last night you began to vomit heavily so I came to watch you all night.


Tong Man: (looks at Dai Zang with a block-faced expression.) Thank You.


Dai Zang: (smiles) No problem. (Dai Zang extends her arms to where her hands can reach Tong Man’s face. She then attempts to wipe his face again. Tong Man moves over and grabs her hand abruptly again.)


Tong Man: What are you trying to do?


Dai Zang: You were sweating heavily too yesterday night so your body is filthy right now. I’m just helping you clean some areas first. (She tries to break through his grasp and he continues holding onto her.)


Tong Man: That’s my problems, I can help myself. (He lets go of her hand and she sits there quietly. She hands the towel over to him and he grabs it out of her hands.) Thanks though.


Dai Zang: (looks at him) Can I ask you for a favor?


Tong Man: What favor?


Dai Zang: (she looks like she’s debating, then whispers to him.) Can you help me?


Tong Man: Help you with what?


Dai Zang: (still whispering) If you were doing something for someone else’s happiness and it’s against your own will, then will you still be willing to do it?


Tong Man: If it was against your will then you should have never agreed to it, so it’s your fault. You have no right to back out of whatever it is.


Dai Zang: (Dai Zang looks away in a pouting way, then turns to look away.) I’ll be leaving then. After you’re done cleaning yourself, come down for breakfast. (Dai Zang gets up and walks out.)


(A couple days have passed and supposedly Tong Man has already left town. As the bridal carriage that carries Dai Zang in approaches Hu Yi’s home, Tong Man hides on top of a building directly across from Hu Yi’s house. Since the top of the building was arched, Tong Man hid on the side where the only part visible was his body, with only his head peaking over. Tong Man is dressed in fully black like a ninja, only without a mask covering his mouth. He watches as Dai Zang gets out of the carriage and lead into the main room by some servants and then he finally ties a mask to cover his face, only leaving space for his eyes.)


(Everyone down in the wedding is happily celebrating as Dai Zang enters the room. Dai Zang and Hu Yi take a first bow to the ancestors, a second bow to heaven and earth, then right before the third bow two of the man servants are kicked into the room. The girl servants pull Dai Zang into the very back of the room to keep her safe.)


Hu Yi: Ah Fu, Ah Gao! (Hu Yi runs over to grab his workers, but he is also kicked over by Tong Man. Tong Man then stands over the three guys and everyone in the room stares in disbelief.)(Hu Yi says) Who are you!


Dai Zang: What’s going on! (she tries to open her veil, but the servants around her tug on her arm and tries to prevent her from taking off her veil.)


Tong Man: (in a cold, distant voice) I don’t want to take any lives today. Stay out of my way.


(Tong Man steps over Hu Yi and his servant; Hu Yi sits up and pulls on Tong Man’s left leg, then his servants do the same only that they both grab his right leg.)


Tong Man: Let go.


Hu Yi: No! Today is my wedding day! I won’t let a hooligan like you mess up my day!


Tong Man: Then don’t blame me for doing this.


(Tong Man swings his right leg once, and the two servants fly into a wall. He then looks over at Hu Yi who is looking at him in fear. Tong Man stands there looking Hu Yi in the eyes, then he does the same thing with his left feet also sending Hu Yi into the air and hitting a wall. Tong Man turns his attention to Dai Zang who is still fighting in the back of the room to open her veil. Lots of servants come at Tong Man with all sorts of weapons. Tong Man then takes out his sword and begins to kill anyone in his way. During the time, the servants watching Dai Zang get scared and begin running in different directions to get away. Dai Zang knows nothing and can’t see anything too.)


Dai Zang: Hey! You guys- What’s going on?! Ahhh! (Dai Zang is pushed onto the ground by accident and she knocks over a porcelain vase casing it to break all around her. Dai Zang finally lifts up her veil.)


(As Dai Zang lifts up her veil, she sees Hu Yi being pushed aside into a table and falling over. The guy in black turns to look at her as he holds onto a wound around his abdomen, he begins to walk towards her. Dai Zang is afraid and tries to run away, but out of fear she decides to crawl instead of getting up to run. Tong Man walks over to her, grabs her by the arm, and lifts her up to look her straight in the eye; but he gets stabbed by in the chest by Dai Zang who was able to grab onto a piece of the broken vase. Tong Man looks down at where she stabbed him and looks up at her. Dai Zang pulls out the broken piece of vase in her hands, and attempts to stab him again, this time in the neck. Tong Man hits the wrist with his palm, causing the broken piece to fly out of Dai Zang’s hand. He then hits her somewhere by her neck and she falls unconscious. Tong Man throws her over his shoulder, but when he begins to leave he hears a sound like someone is walking after them. Tong Man drops his sword to the ground and uses his free hand to take out a poisonous dart out of nowhere; he turns quickly and throws the dart straight at Hu Yi who was seriously hurt with blood pouring out of his mouth. When Hu Yi is hit by the poison dart, he stumbles onto the ground and begins crawling slowly to Tong Man’s feet. He grabs Tong Man’s feet and Tong Man just stands there looking at him.)


Hu Yi: (in a weak voice) Don’t mess up my wedding day... Give me back my Dai Zang... You can’t have her... (Hu Yi weakly sticks holds out his arm trying to grab Dai Zang.)


(Tong Man looks studies the state that Hu Yi is in as he reaches out his arm. With a couple of seconds later, Tong Man kicks the side Hu Yi’s face. Hu Yi falls over quickly and blacks out. Tong Man stands there looking at Hu Yi; somewhere in his heart, he felt a kind of sympathy towards him. Afterwards, Tong Man grabs his sword and walks off with Dai Zang still lying unconscious over his shoulder.)


(Tong Man took Dai Zang in the afternoon, so by nightfall they were already walking around a forest. Tong Man’s vision begins to blur and he feels his body becoming weak. Tong Man stops walking and sets Dai Zang gently down to lay against a tree. Tong Man then sits himself down, pulls off his mask, and begins to once again hold onto his abdomen. He then slowly pulls out another piece of broken porcelain and throws it onto the ground in front of him. The piece that Tong Man pulled out was a pretty big piece, and it was covered in blood; meaning that the whole thing basically was in Tong Man’s body. When Tong Man pulls out the porcelain piece, he also falls over and spits out a small amount of blood. Tong Man struggles to sit up, then he begins to meditate and use his inner chi to try and stop the blood from leaking out. He does this for a good 2 hours then he spits out blood again, but only this time it was a mouthful of blood. Tong Man falls over again, then he blacks out.)


(When Tong Man awakens, it’s already sunny again. He looks around and sees no Dai Zang, but her red coat was serving as a blanket for him. He slowly sits up and looks around searching for Dai Zang with his eyes. He tries to get up and walk, but Dai Zang comes back holding a bunch of sticks and branches in her arms.)


Dai Zang: Tong Da Ge! (she begins to walk faster towards him. When she walks over to the tree that she slept on earlier, she drops all the wood there and sits next to Tong Man.)(She reaches over to grab where Hu Yi had stabbed Tong Man previously, but Tong Man hits her hand away.)


Tong Man: Don’t touch me.


Dai Zang: You’re wounded heavily there. Just let me see check it to see if I can help.


Tong Man: There’s no need to. (Dai Zang once again reaches out to check it, but Tong Man grabs her hand quickly and pushes her back a little.) Don’t worry about me.


Dai Zang: Tong Da Ge, just let me help you this one time. I can never do enough to repay all your kindness.


Tong Man: I just kidnapped you, do you know why? (Dai Zang doesn’t say anything, but stares at Tong Man.) It wouldn’t hurt to tell you now, you’ll die anyways. I was sent to Chang An to kidnap you and bring you back to my First Teacher.


Dai Zang: (in a scared voice.) Really?


Tong Man: I only helped you previously because I had no idea who you were. But I probably owe thanks to that Cheng Hu Yi guy. If not for him, I probably wouldn’t have known your name.


Dai Zang: I don’t get it. Why does your First Teacher want to kill me? I don’t know her at all. (Tong Man doesn’t answer, but tries to get up instead.) Then who must you really be? You’re not from the East, that’s why you don’t know anything about fishing. (Tong Man is able to stand up and he begins to walk away from Dai Zang.) Tong Da Ge! Where are you heading to? (Dai Zang walks after Tong Man.)


Tong Man: I’m covered in blood don’t you think?


Dai Zang: Tong Da Ge your wounds haven’t healed properly yet, you shouldn’t be walking yet.


Tong Man: Don’t go anywhere! Stay here and wait for me, I’ll be back later. (Dai Zang stops walking and watches Tong Man walk away. As Tong Man is walking, he blacks out again causing Dai Zang to scream.)


Dai Zang: Tong Da Ge! (She runs over to him.)

(When Tong Man awakens again, it is now night time. There is a fire next to him and Dai Zang is sitting across from him roasting a fish on a stick. Tong Man struggles to sit up and he notices that his shirt he was wearing has been changed into a cloth wrapping around his wound. Dai Zang’s red coat has also been tied across his chest where she earlier stabbed him. Dai Zang sees him moving from the corner of her eyes and she immediately turns her attention to him.)


Dai Zang: You’re awake now! (smiles happily) Just wait for a little longer, this fish is about to be cooked soon. (she turns back to focus on her fish.)


(Tong Man sits there looking at her and wondering to himself if this was really the girl that his First Teacher has sent him out to kidnap.)


Tong Man: Are you really Yu Dai Zang?


Dai Zang: Of course I am. If not, then who else can I be?


(Tong Man doesn’t say anything for a while. When Dai Zang’s fish is ready to eat, she brings the stick over to him. She squats down next to him and holds the stick out in front of him offering it. Tong Man looks at the fish, then he turns and stress at Dai Zang with a cold expression.)


Tong Man: Why don’t you hate me?


Dai Zang: (she sighs and looks away.) What right do I have to hate you? (she looks down at the fish as if she’s studying the fish.) Although you did want to kidnap me for your First Teacher, it’s not a bad thing.


Tong Man: (he keeps staring at her with his cold expression.) Is that so?


Dai Zang: (he softly shakes the fish in front of him.) Eat.


Tong Man: (Tong Man breaks his cold stare and looks away from her.) I’m not hungry. Save it for yourself.


Dai Zang: I already had my portion. This was made for you, just eat it.


Tong Man: (continues staring at Dai Zang.) I’m trained to go on days without food, eat if before you starve to death.


Dai Zang: Just eat it will you!


(Dai Zang places the stick on his lap and sits down right next to him. Tong Man looks at the fish, picks it up, and begins eating it. He looks over to Dai Zang who is just sitting there playing with her shoes.)


Dai Zang: I owe you again.


Tong Man: What did I do this time?


Dai Zang: Remember that day when I asked you for a favor? I really wanted you to help me escape the wedding.


Tong Man: I wasn’t helping you; just doing what I was told.


Dai Zang: (looks at Tong Man.) But you still helped me!


Tong Man: I never intended to help you from the start.


Dai Zang: I don’t care! You helped me so it’s just you helping me. (Dai Zang looks down at her shoes again.)

(After Tong Man is done eating the fish they both sit there through the night. Then Dai Zang finally speaks.)


Dai Zang: I didn’t want to marry Hu Yi; I was only doing my mother a favor. My mother told me that when she was giving birth to me, we were lucky that the Cheng Family helped us out or there wouldn’t have been Yu Dai Zang today. My Mother promised them that she’ll return them a favor after she’s become stable. A couple years ago our Inn became bankrupt because we were framed for community damage and we had to pay for all the destroyed items. At that time, Hu Yi came to help us; that’s why our inn is still here today. Just a couple months ago Hu Yi took a liking to me and asked my mother for my hand in marriage. My mother probably felt obligated towards the Cheng Family so she agreed right away. So for my mother’s happiness, I also pretended that I fancied him too. (There’s a long silence, then Dai  Zang turns to Tong Man.) What about you? Where did you come from?


Tong Man: I’m not from the East, nor am I a fisherman.


Dai Zang: (smiles softly.) Then where are you from?


Tong Man: I-


(There’s a mysterious sound that comes from the woods and Tong Man immediately stops talking.)


Dai Zang: Tong Da Ge, what is it? (Tong Man says nothing and looks around for his sword.)


Tong Man: Where’s my sword?


Dai Zang: (she looks around and sees it still laying by the tree where she first rested.) Over there.


(Tong Man looks over to where Dai Zang is looking and he tries to get up. Dai Zang pushes him back down.)


Dai Zang: You’re not good to move yet. Let me go get it for you. (Dai Zang gets up and runs over to grab the sword. She picks it up and it’s a little heavy for her. She takes it anyways and runs back to Tong Man. She hands the sword to him once she gets over to him.)


Tong Man: Help me up.


(Dai Zang helps him up and he struggles to stand upright. Tong Man stands there, but suddenly it goes completely quiet. Tong Man looks at Dai Zang who is standing next to him. Tong Man begins to take a couple steps forward to see what will happen to him, but Dai Zang immediately gets pulled back.)


Dai Zang: Tong Da Ge!


(Tong Man turns around to see Dai Zang getting pulled into the darkness and he forgets about all his wounds for that moment. He quickly uses his lightness skill and flies after Dai Zang. When he gets close enough to grab her, poison darts are coming straight for his face, but he bands back and the darts fly right past him. Tong Man realizes at that moment that Silent Moon Sect has sent people out to watch over him. Before Tong Man continues following again, he looks ahead and sees Dai Zang floating in midair. The only thing holding her up was a green colored aura that is glowing around her body. Tong Man then begins looking around searching for whoever it was that is doing that to Dai Zang.)


Tong Man: Who is it?! Come out! Come out now! (nobody comes out and Dai Zang is crying.)


Dai Zang: Tong Da Ge... I’m fine. I’m okay here.


(Tong Man continues screaming for whoever it is to come out. Finally Wu Dong flies in from above and lands on a branch across from Tong Man.)


Dong: Jiang Tong Man, it’s been a long time since I last saw you. About... 30 days or so?


Tong Man: Wu Dong, let her down.


Dong: (teasingly) Who? (Dong begins looking around and acts as if no one is there.) No one’s here.


(Tong Man begins giving Wu Dong an angry death stare, and Wu Dong smirks quietly.)


Dong: Tong Man Ge, are you angry? Fine, what If I... (Wu Dong makes his green aura disappear causing Dai Zang to fall towards the ground. In a split second, Dai Zang begins floating again with green aura and Wu Dong begins laughing as Dai Zand screams out of fright.)


Tong Man: Wu Dong! Let her go! Don’t hurt her.


Dong: Then Tong Man can you please tell me, if I don’t take her back to First Teacher, then who will?


Tong Man: (Tong Man is silent and in his own moment of thought. He suddenly looks up to Wu Dong.) I will take her to First Teacher; it was my mission, you have no right to interfere.


Dong: (in a doubting manner.) You? Can we depend on you to bring her back? (Wu Dong laughs evilly.) Don’t make me laugh.


Tong Man: Let go of her.


Dong: What? (Wu Dong turns his right ear to face Tong Man like he’s trying to listen to Dong’s words. Tong Man says nothing so Wu Dong begins laughing again.) Tong Man, I’m sorry to be taking away your treasure. It was an order by First Teacher. (Dong smiles and pulls Dai Zang up to him. He grabs her by the waist and flys off into the night as Tong Man quickly follows behind.)


(Dai Zang looks back and sees that Tong Man is close enough by them so she sticks out her left arm for him to grab. Tong Man also extends his arm and grabs Dai Zang’s arm. Wu Dong turns to look at them, and he throws poison darts at Tong Man again. Tong Man dodges it, still managing to hold onto Dai Zang’s arm. Wu Dong lands on another branch and uses a lot of force to pull Dai Zang towards him, thus pulling in Tong Man closer too. Wu Dong kicks Tong Man’s chest and sends Tong Man, who is still injured, flying back and lands on the ground hard. Wu Dong looks over at Dai Zang who is drastically calling Tong Man’s name.)


Dong: (he grabs Dai Zang and holds her up to him face to face.) You really care for your Tong Man Da Ge right? (Dai Zang doesn’t say anything, but stares at him.) You want to help him? (Wu Dong lets out an evil laugh.) Fine! Very good! I’ll let you down to see him then!


(Wu Dong uses a lot of force from his hands and throws Dai Zang down causing her to also land hard on the ground. Tong Man looks at Dai Zang in terror as she hits the ground, and he gets up as quick as he can to go and check on Dai Zang. Tong Man walks over and also sits down next to Dai Zang who is laying on the ground, not moving. Tong Man grabs her and holds her in his arms. Blood is coming out from the corner of Dai Zang’s mouth.)


Tong Man: (in a scared, terrified, shaky voice.) Dai Zang... (in a louder voice) Dai Zang... Yu Dai Zang! Dai Zang! (Dai Zang doesn’t wake up, so Tong Man cries and hugs her in his chest.) Dai Zang!


(Tong Man continues crying as he feels Dai Zang’s arms slowly wrap around his back. Tong Man’s crying quiets down and he slowly turns his head to see Dai Zang’s arms moving. He releases her from his tight hug and looks at her as she lies in his arms. Dai Zang smiles weakly at him and his frown slowly begins to turn around)


Tong Man: (in an overjoyed voice.) Dai Zang... (Dai Zang continues to smile at him.)


Dai Zang: (in a weak voice.) Silly, I told you to not worry about me. I’m fine.


(Tong Man grins from ear to ear and hugs her tightly again in his arms. Dai Zang weakily hugs him too. Wu Dong is observing from above, grunts in a disgusted way.)


Wu Dong: Rubbish. (Wu Don then once again flies off into the night as Dai Zang and Tong Man remain below hugging to their heart’s desire.


(Back at Silent Moon Sect, Wu Dong has bad news to share with his two teachers. He orders to see First Teacher who is in her room bathing. A servant girl knocks on the door of First Teacher’s room.)


Mu Xun: (from inside her room.) Who is it?


Servant 2: First Teacher, Master Wu Dong is back. He says that he has important matters to discuss with you.


Mu Xun: (she stays silent because is in thought, then she answers.) Okay. By the way, fetch Second Teacher for me. Tell her to come to my room immediately.


Servant 2: Yes. (Servant 2 walks out and then leads Wu Dong to First Teacher’s door. She then walks off again.)


Dong: First Teacher, may I come in.


Mu Xun: Stay out there. (Wu Dong doesn’t say anything else afterwards, but continues to stand there quietly.) Speak, what is it that you need to say?


Dong: First Teacher, I did as you said and watched over Jiang Tong Man, But... (Wu Dong cuts himself off and stands silently.)


Mu Xun: Continue; but what?


Dong: It was unfortunate.


Mu Xun: (smirks) Continue...


(Mu Xiang also enters, but stands behind Wu Dong.)


Dong: Tong Man... He has fallen in for that maiden.


Mu Xun: (she’s silent for a very long time, then she finally opens to speak.) As I expected.


Mu Xiang: Jie, if Tong Man has already fallen for her then we should just keep at that and lure them to Silent Moon Sect. There’s no need to hunt them down.


(Mu Xun is once again quiet for a very long time.)


Dong: First Teacher, what do you intend to do now.


Mu Xun: (she’s quiet again, and it’s a while before she talks again.) Dong Er, what happened to Cheng Hu Yi?


Dong: He was hurt and injured heavily by Tong Man. Tong Man also used our Silent Moon’s Poisonous dart on him. Cheng Hu Yi is a man of no skills in martial Arts, I’m afraid that with he will never wake up again.


(Inside Mu Xun’s room, she closes her eyes out of anger and disbelief. Then she slowly takes a deep breath.)


Mu Xiang: Jie Jie, I think-


Mu Xun: (cuts off Mu Xiang.) Leave, both of you.


Dong: But First Teacher, how are you going to deal with Tong Man this time?


Mu Xun: What do you say?


Dong: I say that we should go out and take away both of their lives. They act as though their lives are tied together.


Mu Xun: Do as you wish; this task, I’ll leave completely with you.


Dong: Yes. (Wu Dong leaves the room and is quickly followed by Mu Xiang.)


Mu Xiang: Dong Er! (Wu Dong turns to look at his teacher and puts his hands together and bows to her.)


Dong: Second Teacher.


Mu Xiang: Dong Er, I forbid you to touch those two.


Dong Er: (he looks up at Mu Xiang.) Second Teacher, this was First Teacher allowing me to do so. You were there, so you heard all of it.


Mu Xiang: Tong Man and Dai Zang are innocent people. It’s wrong of us Silent Moon Sect authorities to treat them this way. They have no enmities with us, especially First Teacher.


Dong: Second Teacher, excuse my rudeness, but if you decide to do this aren’t you going against First Teacher’s permissions and decisions?


Mu Xiang: These are matters between us sisters, I can handle them. Right now, I’m ordering you to retreat and not try anything sly.


Dong: (smiles) Second Teacher, sorry to disappoint you, but First Teacher’s orders, I must obey to. (Wu Dong looks up to the sky.) Tonight will be a full moon, I don’t wish to bring any worries to First Teacher. (Wu Dong looks at his Second Teacher and smiles then turns around to leave.)


Mu Xiang: Disciple Wu Dong! (Wu Dong stops walking, and stands still with his back facing his Second Teacher.) If you dare go against me, don’t even think about being able to see the sunrise at dawn.


(Wu Dong doesn’t say a word, but stand there still. It’s obvious that Mu Xiang has caught his attention. Mu Xiang walks over to him and stands shoulder to shoulder with him.)


Mu Xiang: Don’t forget, I’m still your Second Teacher. You are nothing, but a mere disciple of Silent Moon. If I want to, you can become part of written history in an instant.


(With that said, Mu Xiang walks off and Wu Dong continues to stand there still looking at his Second Teacher.)


~~~~~~~~~ End of Episode 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~

*Thanks for reading ! Remember to tell me what you guys think :)

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jessishine #1
Wow! This story is soo good, I hope you will continue with this story. :)
Evelyn1302 #2
Chapter 2: FINALLY!! <3 Thank you!~