A Week Before The Heaven

Fanfic Ideas and Dialogs


 A week before heaven


“I’m going to die.”




It was weird. It was unreal. It was nonsense. “You’re not gonna die!”


“Yes, I am…I have a week…Then I won’t exist anymore.”


“You should stop talking.”


“No…I shouldn’t…We should break up.”




“I told you…I’m going to…”


“Stop! We won’t break up! If you leave me, I’m going to die!”




“We will live this week heavenly. So that when you go to the heaven, you’ll miss me even there…”

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sazuka #1
Chapter 10: Urgh I'm not understand even just a little thing about this one.
sazuka #2
Chapter 4: I don't get it
Woah O.o Ne kadar çok fikrin varmış :D