
From China Love E.L.F

''HAHAAHAHAH...I can't breathe''Melissa laughed with tears streaming down her face as she watched the episode of SuperJunior E.H.B episode 13: Cops and Robbers.

''Siwon looks awfully hot dressed as a police officer.'' Leah remarked as her eyes scanned his appearance. 'Ryeowook as well.' She thought wryly.

''Can't argue with that.'' Melissa replied shaking her head.

''I know we should be...practicing Mandarin right now, but I can't help it, it just too...funny.'' Leah said in between giggling.

''My poor Teukie....the dogs still running him down.''Melissa chuckled as she watched Leeteuk run away from the Kadaver dog that insisted on following him.

''So how far are we on the basics?'' Leah questioned flipping through her English Lit textbook.

Mel paused the video, she bit her lip, ''Not very far...I suppose.''

She sighed before bookmarking her tab...again and shutting down her laptop.

Leah patted the spot next to her unconsciously without removing her eyes from her book, then she closed it and switched it to the  'Basic Mandarin Grade 1 '' text book they were given.

''Let's start....''Melissa clapped her hands eagerly.

She turned to Leah... ''nǐ hǎo ''  Hi.

To which Leah replied ...''wǒ hěn hǎo,xiè xiè'' I'm fine...thank you.

Leah asked her ,'' nǐ hǎo ma'' How are you ?

''wǒ hěn hǎo'' I'm fine.

 Mel replied. ''nǐ jiào shén ma míng zì'' What is your name?

''wǒ jiào Lì yǎ... Nǐ ne?'' My name is Leah and yours?

Melissa answered. '' wǒ jiào Méi lì shā'' My name is Melissa.
''wǒ shì měi guó rén'' I am  American.
''hěn gāo xìng rèn shí nǐ'' Nice to meet you.
''nǐ huì shuō yīng yǔ ma'' Do you speak English?
''huì, wǒ huì shuō yīng yǔ.'' Yes, I speak English.
''nǐ chī le ma ?'' Have you had your meal?
''è ma? '' ''kě ma?'' Hungry? Thirsty?
 ''dui!'' Correct.
Leah's stomach grumbled as Mel glanced at her. ''Hungry?''
She nodded sheepishly. ''Yeah...''
Mel took the textbook from her, setting it aside on the bed and grabbed the cordless phone.
''Learning a new language really does make one hungry, who knew!''
''McDonalds or Papa John's?'' she asked.
''Micky D's...I'm craving a Big Mac,'' Leah  replied holding her stomach.

She ordered them , 2 Big Mac's, a chocolate milk , nuggets, 2 caesar salads and 2 McFlurry's.

Mel's P.O.V

I put down the phone and grabbed a new notebook off my work desk and joined her on our beanbag chairs. They were both blue.

''Has your mom called you yet?'' she asked suddenly.

''Yes and she keeps making sure I know China just like New Jersey, I should probably get it tattooed somewhere just like Dumbledore.'' I joked.

She shook her head, '''s best we know all the places by heart, it will be easier to navigate so we don't get lost or in trouble.'' she gave me a narrowed look.

''It was that one time!'' I said defensively.

''More than once,'' she argued before throwing a pillow at me, I caught and hurled it back towards her.

''When are we leaving again?'' I asked picking up my phone.

''We leave in 2 months, we still have to complete this semester....we are still in June so after our finals in August we depart''she replied cradling the pillow against her chest.

''Scared?'' I questioned.

''Anxious is more like it!''she said truthfully.

I gave her a small smile, ''Well bestie of mine, we'll just have to make the most of this...we should probably write a list of where we should visit.''

I got out our notebook and began listing possible destinations.

''Well when we reach in Beijing, we have our places there'' Leah said.

''Okay, number one: The Great Wall''

''It's really great isn't it'' Leah grinned up at me.

'Number two: Beijing Capital Museum''

''Don't foget to add in supermarkets and convenience stores...we need to know where they are for fresh fruits, feminine hygiene products and chocolate.'' She added.

I nodded putting an asterix and a side note for convenience stores and market places.

''Number three: Lama Temple'' I called out and started laughing.

''What?'' she looked at me weirdly.

''Lama and Llama'' I replied chuckling.

''You are so strange...'' she replied.

''Strange and unusal, we both know that.'' I replied without taking my eyes off the list.

''Number four: Tiananmen Square''

''Is it like Time Square?''she asked curiously.

I shrugged, ''We'll look them up later.''

''Number five: Beihai Park''

I continued to scribble away with Leah adding a few tidbits.

''Number six: Xian for the Terracotta army and number seven for the Huaqing Hotspring.'''

''Oh hotsprings...I've alway read about it in Inuyasha, now we can go to one!'' she said excitedly.

''Number eight: Shanghai Jade Buddha Temple...Number nine: Guilin-The Li River.''

''It just occured to me, where are we getting the money to go to all these places...'' Leah asked suddenly.

''We will get it from where we always do...TBMAD'' I said slowly.

''TBMAD?'' she confusedly.

''The Bank of Mom and Dad!''I said obviously.

She rolled her eyes. 

''When's the food getting here?'' she asked.

''In about 10 minutes, waeyo?'' I replied.

''Let's get back to studying...'' she suggested.

''Aww''I whined.

''Dear...Dear''she patted my back sympathetically.

''You'll thank me for this later.''

When's later coming sooner.

I munched on my big Mac as she started to recite the greetings.

''By the way, wouldn't it be be awesome if we saw the rest of Super Junior when we go to Seoul?'' I asked in between bites.

''Of course!''

''I texted my mom, she said she'd wire transfer the funds.'' She said sipping her milkshake.

''Jinjja?''  She nodded.

''I'll have to talk to my dad later then.'' I replied.

''Do you think we should take our posters when we reach in Korea?'' she asked looking at the dozens of posters we had all over the place.

''How could we not...maybe we can get them autographed.'' I said smiling.

''I feel stuffed...I'm taking a short nap.'' she replied putting her trash in the nearby bin we had at the door.


I logged on to my email account and started writing up a letter to my penpal SaranghaeyoStarCraft.


To: SaranghaeyoStarCraft

Dear Star,

Guess what?

I'm coming to Korea! Isn't that awesome, but not for another two months though, I have to first fly to China, did I mention this was the contest you encouraged me to enter a few weeks ago? I didn't have enough confidence, but you gave me some. So Kamsahmida.I am currently learning Chinese, I know you are practically fluent, so any tips? Also, I can't wait to see SS5, you already know how much I adore Super Junior, but my bias still remains a secret. Anyways...I hope I can hear from you soon.

~Love Chulle <3


Closing my my email, I opened up my bookmarked tab of SJ: EHB episode 13. I plugged in my earphones as not to disturb Leah and glanced quickly at my calendar, we were now in the second week of June. I hope time could fly by fast, I really wanted to leave this place, I had a feeling that somethng was going to happen...

I just didn't know what.


Ello all, this is your authornim Caribbeanpop17, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next will soon and please don't forget to

vote, subscribe to my channel/blogs/stories and comment.

Also check out my dongsaeng's channel, akpopgirlsthoughts.

Always Keep the Faith


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2027 streak #2
Chapter 5: Wow! I was surprised to get a subscription update notice for a story I kinda had no idea of. I looked into the comments and noticed it's been over five years. I read the new update but sadly, I didn't remember the previous happenings of the story. So maybe I'll come back later to read the entire story again. Nonetheless, this was a nice chapter ^^
Casually upcoming and commenting all of your stories. Don't mind me ^^

Happy birthday
2027 streak #4
Chapter 4: Wow! I like this story already... When are you going to update the next chapter?
I can't wait to read more :) So please update soon...
Guitarlovechild #5
Chapter 3: Now we are getting to the good part. I can hardly wait.
ikonSJ #6
Chapter 3: Update soon!!^-^