Step 1

He Who Writes Fanfiction

Step 1: Becoming the most famous fanfic author of all time

Himchan sniggered happily as he typed away, fingers gliding smoothly across the keys of his laptop. "Now, all I have to do is save and upload it." He muttered to himself aloud, tongue slightly hanging from between his puckered lips. His signature bunny teeth appeared as he grinned, loading the page that would house his newest creation. He clapped his hands together giddily, exiting the browser after the check and shutting the lid of the laptop, eager for the next day to come so he could read the comments he was positive would be there to greet him when he returned. He hopped off the bed he had been lying on, not bothering to fix up its mussed covers and padded to the kitchen where he supposed all the other BAP members had gathered in wait for him to cook them dinner. 

          "It's 'bout time you came out! What were doing in there anyways?" Daehyun called in an agitated voice, already sitting at the table with an empty plate before him, spoon and fork in either hand, which he banged against the table-top as the words left his plump lips. The rest of the members looked away from their idle conversations and sighed in a sort of relief at their hyung's appearance, Jongup rubbing his rumbling stomach with a slight blush.

          Himchan pouted, "Yah. Hyung needs some time for himself too, y'know." He justified as he placed a hand on a jutted out hip.

          Daehyun scoffed, "Yeah, you can have time to yourself after dinner. Go or whatever, I don't care, just make dinner first — we're hungry and it be great if your hands were at least remotely clean when you serve us our meal." Himchan gaped in horror at his words, the rest of the B.A.P members falling into an enormous fit of laughter. The pretty man glared and opened his mouth to retort, when the group's leader waltzed into the room.

          Himchan immediately ran to his side.

          "Gukkie! They're teasing me again!" The visual whined pathetically and gripped onto the older's strong arm, swinging it childishly in hopes to gain his full attention. Yong Guk chuckled fondly. "Now, now kids. You know you have to be nice to your Himchannie hyung, he does cook all of our food after all and we don't want to starve ourselves by making him angry." He turned to smile sweetly at Himchan, the latter blushing at the flash of pearly teeth bordered by large gums.

          "It's all he's good for anyway." Yong Guk ended suddenly and his smile widened as he winked at the visual before laughing with the rest of the group members. Himchan gasped, highly offended, and slapped the older's shoulder, "Gukkie!" Said leader held his hands up in defence, albeit the stupid smile never left his face, "Sorry Channie, I couldn't help it. You know I was joking though~" He cooed and poked the younger's nose affectionately. Himchan slapped his hand away and rolled his eyes.

          "Whatever, hurry up and get out of my way so I can cook the damn food." The visual huffed and brushed past the elder to walk towards the fridge. Yong Guk sighed, "Himchan," he whined, "don't be angry! I said I was only joking!" He came to wrap his arms around the younger's waist to hug him from behind. The other B.A.P members snickered at the sight, earning a playful glare from Yong Guk and an embarrassed blush from Himchan. The visual wiggled out of Yong Guk's grip, who pouted and let out another sigh. "I-I'm not angry, okay? J-just let me cook the in' food already." Himchan had a habit of swearing when he was embarrassed — though, how could he not be? What with his crush acting so intimate and all with him; it was like all his fanfictions were coming to life. The thought alone excited him more than he would've liked to admit.

          Himchan shook his head and gathered the ingredients out of the fridge, feeling slightly guilty for having such thoughts in the leader's presence. Yong Guk nodded and walked out of the kitchen and into the lounge room, leaving Himchan to miss the warmth that his presence provided.


* * *


They sat at the sofa, plates of food resting on their knees; focus drawn intently on the screen of the television in front of them. “Woah, Daesung is such a good singer, best out of Big Bang.” Daehyun said, mouth full of food as he wagged his spoon in the direction of the television.

          Youngjae shook his head, swallowing the contents in his mouth before speaking, “No, I think Taeyang is better. His voice has a sweetness to it that’s really nice to listen to.” The younger vocalist argued and then shovelled more rice into his mouth.

          "What are you guys talking about? GD's obviously the best!" Zelo chimed in, followed by a quiet agreement from Jongup in the form of a silent nod. They high-fived each other and turned to Yong Guk and Himchan expectantly.

          "Why does it matter? They're all really good." Yong Guk shrugged and then full attention was entirely Himchan's, who shrinked a little in return at being stared at so intensely by s.

          "Uh... I-I think T.O.P's pretty good..."

          "Why?" Zelo asked innocently with his head tilted to the side. Himchan blanched, not really understanding why he needed a reason but gave one anyway, "H-his voice is really deep and s-soothing...?" It was more of a question to himself really.

          Himchan let out a breath of relief when the members nodded and turned back to watch the television. Yong Guk was the only one who continued to stare at Himchan, a sort of odd glint in his eyes as he did so and the visual soon tilted his head to the side in confusion. "What's up Bbang?"

          Yong Guk shook his head for a moment before thinking better of it and voicing his thoughts anyway, a lopsided smirk gracing his features. "Deep and soothing eh?" He said, nudging the side of Himchan's stomach softly with his bony elbow. Himchan frowned and rubbed at the victimized area, "Uh, yeah. What's it to you?" He inquired, raising a delicate brow.

          Yong Guk shook his head and chuckled, "Nothing, nothing. Just sounds a bit familiar is all." And then he turned back to continue watching the screen of the television, gummy smile fully intact. Himchan gave him a questionable look, mind spinning with confusion. He poked at his food, no longer interested in eating it.








Author's Note: Himchannie likes Fanfiction too, better yet, he writes it! And now he wants to rule the world with it, yep.

Banghim FTW.

Btw, did anyone notice that I linked the voices of B.A.P to the one's of Big Bang, don't you think they do sound alike though? Like this;

Guk - T.O.P

I'm not really sure who I'd link to Channie... Maybe T.O.P again...?

Jello - GD

Daehyun - Daesung

Youngjae - Taeyang

And, although I didn't mention him, Jonguppie - Seungri

Well, that's what I think anyways, you guys might match it up differently eh?




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Chapter 1: Lol I read it again!
princess1996 #2
Chapter 1: By any chance...does yongguk read fanfics in dis???
The_SlasherTokki #3
Chapter 1: Oh come on! I do love you guk, but if I were Channie i'd be all over T.O.P as well?! there's nothing like y T.O.P? lol .... well ok, now to the real review!
I liked this first chapter, the concept of Chan writing fanfics is not new, but by adding other bands (at least mentioning them, just like you did with Big Bang)gives it something different. I like that!
ps: i loved the whiny boys waiting for their food, it was cute ;)
I'll be waiting for your update!
Chapter 1: Finally !
I wonder what himchan usually writes for banghim fic, angst or.. kkkk XD
Chapter 1: KJHSAJKHFJKSAFKDJSABFDHJSKAGBFASK NO TOO MANY FEELS FORM THIS FANFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Chapter 1: It was great !! I wants more it's good update soon !!! ^^
Can't wait ! ^^
this is what i have been looking for!! update soon ne