そしてCry for you



"No way," I gasped, looking at the screen in front of me, "I was just messing around, why am I the bad guy?"


The new music video for 'Only Learned the Bad Things' had been released and I had apparently been misinformed about the plot of the video.


"Huh?" I heard CNU mumble as he came over to see what I was looking at. His long hair fell in front of his eyes and he batted it away with his hand. I pointed to my laptop where the music video had just finished playing, "Oh, that."


The creaking of floorboards behind me made me stick my hand out, "Where are you going?"


"Nowhere," CNU spluttered as my hand caught on the back of his shirt.


"Yo," I spun around to face him, "Tell me why I look like an , and then I'll let you go."


"You don't look like an ," Sandeul yelled from the next room, "Read the comments, they probably think you’re a cutie or whatever."


"They guy in the video's an ," I read out.


The dirty blonde haired lead vocal came into the living room, "Really?"


I hurled a pillow from the couch at his head, "Yes. What's with the t shirt thing and the texting scene?"


"You being an ," CNU pointed out.


"No," I proceeded to kick him in the shin from where I was sitting, "That was me messing around when the cameras WEREN'T rolling."


"Haha," the three of us spun around to look at Jinyoung, "Is that why you asked me if we were still rolling, so that you could be an ?"


You are evil, aren't you?" I snarled. Our leader was currently on a crimson lollipop, it's flavour unknown, "I was just taking a break!"


Jinyoung ignored me and grabbed the laptop, "Joss, now let me see how bad this turned out."


The lollipop stick moved up and down as he watched the video. Jinyoung's expression changed constantly throughout the video, going from normally to happy and then to amused. By the end of it, he was quite pleased. "You," he cocked his head to face me, the lollipop falling to one side of his mouth with a clack, "Are an absolute ," he waggled his finger, "Naughty naughty."


I stared at him in disbelief, "B-But the script said that it was going to be about a guy surprising his girlfriend."


He removed his lollipop and stuck it in my mouth, "Joss baby."


I spat the lollipop out of my mouth in disgust, "Oh joss yourself, that is sick Jinyoung," my hand immediately flew to my tongue and wiped off any excess Jinyoung germs.


CNU reached over and grabbed the lollipop, "Well," he sighed as he got up to find a bin, "Don't blame me."


"Gah!" I cried and lay down flat on my back in defeat, bringing my hands over my eyes.


"Hyung," something hard prodded my stomach.


"Yes," I replied, not bothering to change my position, "What is it Gongchan?"


"You don't look like an ," the weight on the floor sagged slightly to my left where Gongchan sat down next to me. I stuck my hand out and felt around, stopping to pat his shoulder.




"No I mean it," there was a positive tone in his voice, "I think you look really good hyung, especially without your hats and what not."


"Aw," Jinyoung smirked from across the room, "Go join his two hundred other fan girls."

"Jinyoung," Sandeul warned, "Be nice to Gongchan."


"Pfft," there was a twang of annoyance in the leader's voice and I heard him get up, "Well ex-cuse me for living."


Gongchan whimpered next to me and rose to his feet.


"Baro," I heard Sandeul call, after Gongchan had left, "Go check on him, please?"


"Why can't you do it?" I groaned, rolling onto my side to face him.


"Because," he said in a sharp tone, "I'm not the one that caused the problem."


"Well neither was I."


He let out an annoyed sigh, "Please, just do it Baro."


"Fine," I threw my hands up in the air and got up.


I made my way to Gongchan's room. Why did I have to check on him? It wasn't like he was going to be crying or anything because of what Jinyoung had said, right?


"I don't even know why he does it, I mean you shouldn't do mean stuff to someone who doesn't deserve it," I caught the tail end of what Gongchan was saying. He was sitting on the corner of his bed, shaking, with tears running down his cheeks. I ran across the room and pinned him down onto the bed, "H-Hyung?" he sniffled.


My hands reached across and wiped away his tears slowly, caressing his soft cheeks, "Hey."


A fresh stream of tears filled his eyes and spilled over the edge. He whimpered and wrapped his arms around my neck, clinging onto me like I was the one most important thing in his life. I felt his head burry itself into my neck and he sobbed softly.


"Gongchan," I spoke gently, rubbing his back.


"Hyung," he managed between sniffles.


"Hey, don't cry," I held him in a tight hug and rocked him slowly. He lifted his head and looked at me through red puffy eyes. My heart collapsed in my chest to see the sweetest thing in the world so sad. Gongchan pushed me down and positioned his arms so they were framing either side of my head. I could feel his breath tickle the side of my face.


"Hyung I-"


"Oh so we have gays in the dorm now," Jinyoung reclined coolly against the door frame, arms crossed against his chest, "Gongchan, I always figured, but Baro? Jeez, you disappoint me."


I felt my blood boil and I shoved Gongchan off me without hesitation, "Right you freaking bastard," I spat, "You got something to say?"


He waited until we were eye to eye, "."


My fist slammed into the wall next to him, he didn't flinch, "I'm not ing gay."


"Says who?" he blew his fringe out of his eyes and glared back at me, "You seem just as gay as him," he gestured to Gongchan.


"Hey," I growled, "Leave him out of this," I heard Gongchan start to sniffle again.


"Oh," Jinyoung smirked, "Touchy are we?"


"Listen," I grabbed his shirt collar and yanked him out of the room, "This has to stop, it's been going on for way too long."


"Why do you always make a big deal out of it?" he reached around and dug his finger into a pressure point at the back of my neck. My legs gave in and I unintentionally fell into a kneeling position. I watched as the caramel haired boy bent down and tilted my chin up teasingly.


" you," was all I could muster, my anger was at its boiling point and I struggled not to knock him out then and there. Jinyoung raised an eyebrow and traced the outline of my cheek with one finger. His smooth fingers came up and grazed my bottom lip.



"Joss baby."


I went to punch that perfect face of his, but was stopped by his foot, "What the hell does that even mean?"


He slowly brought his foot down and ran his hand through my hair. A fistful of my hair was grabbed harshly and tugged upwards with force. I refused to meet his gaze as his cold eyes ran over my features almost seductively.


"It means," his arm flew outward and connected with my forehead, sending me flying across the hallway, "Tough ."




Chapter title background: Arashi's song Cry for You came to mind and it sort of fit so I used it! Listen to it (it's Japanese) if you can, most of their vids have been removed from YouTube which is sad :( but if you can find it, listen to it!!!


This was meant to be a happy romance comedy actually, but it seems that I'm only able to write angst like fics TT^TT


Only Learned the Bad things was amazing ^_^ so it sort of inspired me a little I guess! Okay this will get better, I promise.


Stuff will get explained and the girl'll be introduced etc etc. It'll be in Baro's POV mainly and maybe switch about a little. The girl plays a minor role, she doesn’t hook up with any of them.


Please support this and subscribe and comment and check out my other fics ^_^ Thank you so much!


PS: The word 'Joss' might mean a few other things.....but at my school we use it to mean Tough or Happens etc etc so yeah.....Imagine it like that :)

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Chapter 1: OMG xDD Jinyoung beeing badass <3 love it xDD
Pinkmoe #2
Omg this story is interesting :3
Update soon please :D
Oh my, Jinny... ╥﹏╥
I don't really like how leader-nim is such an...Arse here, but I do like the plot.
And aww, maknae's so cute (/is shot/ why the fuq do I find people cute when they cry?⊙﹏⊙)
Anywho, please update~? Pwease~~?? *aegyo* (。・ω・。)ノ♡
givememoretaem #4
This seems interesting. <br />
I just hope Baro and Gongchan end up together. But that prob won't happen. Or maybe it will. ;u;<br />
Y u make Jinyoung into such a douche in this? D:<br />
Oh well. Update soon~ ^^
Jinyoug is such a jerk ._______. <br />
Wait, so Jinyoung and Baro end up together? xD Kinda lost, but it's good so far. Update soon~
SweetSacrificeV #6
YES. Now that I can read it... YES.
this story is just soooo EPIC! UPDATE SOON!
SweetSacrificeV #8
I'm just gonna subscribe and not attempt to read it yet... I'll be lost in five seconds.
OMG HAHAHAH its awesome!!! update soon!! =)
so far I like it..<br />
But would you please edit this story.. Cause it's so confusing to read it..<br />
Keep updating..<br />