
Go Away, You Leech! [HIATUS]


Sulli's POV

                I stared at the white board intently, trying my very best in comprehending the solution for the math equation. Even though I was paying attention throughout the whole lesson, I just could not understand math. I mean, seriously, why do we need to find x when I'm not going to be a mathematician when I grow up?

                Maybe Kibum could help me. I turned to look at his worksheets, but all of them were filled with random doodles of aliens. How could the teacher be so stupid not to catch him?

                "Yah, pay attention, what if you get caught? And how do you solve this?" I whispered to him.

                He rolled his eyes and continued doodling. I smiled at his attitude that made me like him even more. Just then, I saw the teacher approaching our table. I quickly nudged Kibum to stop drawing, but he couldn't care less. He stopped at our table, pushed up his glasses and glanced at his work.

                I bit my lips, please, not detention!

                To my surprise, the teacher just walked away. I looked at Kibum. Wait what? Why didn't the teacher catch him when he clearly saw what he was doing?

                "Hey, are you like a kingka or something? Is the teacher scared of you?" I asked softly. Gosh, if he really was a Kingka, that would mean more competitors.


Kibum's POV


                Please, no one likes me, I'm just notorious with lots of haters.

                I shook my head slightly, and stared at that stalker to just keep shut. I guess it wasn't her fault for being curious since she was new. I looked at her equation, and immediately found her error. Picking up my pencil, I circled that mistake.

                "Oh! Thanks a lot! You're the best!" she replied after noticing the mistake and continued to solve the question.

                I felt the corners of my lips raising slightly. But nevertheless, I continued doodling on my worksheet. Listening to that teacher would just waste my precious time. I took one glance at the whiteboard and immediately memorised it.

                "How can you be such a genius without paying attention in class?" she asked again.

                I froze and stopped doodling. If she found out the truth, she would hate me like the others. She was the only person in this whole school who actually wanted to be near me. I looked at the stalker, thinking if I should really reply her. But she's going to find out about my photographic memory sooner or later right? I should better tell her now before getting more attached to her.

                As I was about to open my mouth, the bell rung. What a great timing.

                "It's recess time! Where's the canteen? I'm starving," the stalker shot up from her seat and pulled my arm.

                Normally I would not bother going out for recess, but I guess I have no choice if not this stalker would just whine and make me completely crazy. I put down my pencil and stood up. I heard some soft gasps around me, and like always, I couldn't care less.

                Both of us walked out and headed our way down to the canteen. It felt rather weird stepping out of my classroom for recess. On our way there, the stalker just flooded me with a lot of questions about the school. Before I managed to answer any of them, we reached the canteen and she just stopped dead on her tracks. I followed her gaze to the ceiling of the canteen.

                Was it that interesting?

                "This is freaking huge. Just enormous." she gasped.

                Her previous school must have been quite small then. I realised we were blocking the way of other students and pulled her to the side. just could not close.

                "Go and buy your food and I'll wait at that table." I instructed and pointed to an empty table nearby.

                "I'll just buy whatever you buy normally!" she chirped.

                "I don't eat during recess."

                "That's ridiculous. You can't expect me to know what's nice here! Come on, just bring me to any stall."

                "Fine." I replied coldly and looked at her hand on my arm. She was getting more and more like a leech instead of a stalker. I shook her hand off and headed off to the pasta stall.

                After getting our orders, we sat down at a table and started eating. I looked at her gorging down her food. She must be very hungry. As I ate my spaghetti, I realised this was the time for me to tell her about my photographic memory. Hopefully she would just stop bugging me anymore and request for a change of seats. Then I'll finally have my peace again.

                But there was still this tiny feeling making me reluctant to do so.

                I put down my fork and spoon, and opened my mouth. Just as I was about to speak, she interrupted.

                "I'm sorry, I have to go to the toilet, where is it?" the leech seemed really urgent from her expression.

                I pointed to the direction of the toilet and sighed. It seemed that even God didn't want me to tell her. I picked up my utensils again and continued eating. Some time or later, she'd find out.


Sulli's POV

                I thought I was going to pee in my pants. I came out of the cubicle and washed my hands. Glancing around the unfamiliar toilet, I noticed some faces. They looked really familiar.

                "Oh hello! You're Sulli right? We're in the same class as you!" one of them introduced themselves.

                Now I remember, she was sitting right behind me. I gave a friendly smile to them. They looked like nice people.

                "Do you like sitting with Kibum?" this short hair girl suddenly asked.

                I nodded vigorously and grinned. Of course I liked it.

                They gave a loud sigh. What was wrong? Was I not supposed to like it?

                "Don't you know that he has photographic memory?" the girl who sat behind me said.

                Oh my gosh.

                That's like freaking awesome. No wonder he never had to pay attention at all during class. No wonder the teacher did not punish him. I pieced everything together and all of it made sense. I wish I had photographic memory too. But why hadn't he told me earlier?

                I looked down at my watch. Kibum must be wondering why I was taking so long. I bade a quick goodbye and sped off to find him.

                "Hey Kibum. You have photographic memory?" I asked immediately after sitting down.


Kibum's POV

                The question made me freeze. How did she know? Now she's going to insult me and hate me forever.

                I braced myself for what I thought was going to happen and nodded slowly.

                "Why didn't you tell me earlier?! It's such an awesome thing, you should have at least let me know! It must be relaxing for you in exams." I heard her almost squealing.

                Wait what? She wasn't going to insult me and just leave me here alone? "You're not jealous?"

                "Of course not! Why would I be? I'm envious though." she laughed it off.

                You leech, you're the first.


author's note

Ahaha, Jessica is finally going to be introduced next week! xD I've aleady requested for a poster, so yeah, that's all. And thanks to the 2 subscribers (lol) I have, you all motivate me to continue writing. (:

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GGsuju #1
hiatus mode
new readerrr~<br />
ive never seen this pairing shipped before in my whole life of obsessing over kpop BUT I LIKE IT :D please update more~ It's awesome so far :D
chubbyriceeater #3
Waaaaah! New reader heee-yaarrrr! :D<br />
When I saw this story I was like OMG O: Bcuz I'm one of those few peeeepol that ship Sulli + Key ROFL. XDDD ( Still ship Sulli with Taemin thooo :3 )<br />
Omomomo~ I hope you update soon! ^^ It's really awesome so far!<br />
HWAITING!!! <3333333333
Describe #4
THANKS A LOT ! :D<br />
I'm reallyyyy sorry but I've already requested from a poster shop.<br />
I think it's going to take quite long, so maybe you can make a few chapter posters? xD<br />
That would be really awesome, and I'll appreciate it a lot hehe! :D<br />
<br />
School really , I don't have the mood to do my homework, thanks for the advice. (: I appreciate your comments. xD
ChanHee #5
I'll do it!!! The poster that is *cough* I don't have a poster shop per say, but I'm willing to make a poster if you want it ^^<br />
<br />
Anyways, this chapter wasn't THAT boring XD It's just transitional, so it's okay. That means more is in store in the next installment(s) ;)<br />
Nice title, too, LOL. "Picture Perfect" was a little on the cheesy side, but "Go Away, You Leech!" makes more sense >///<<br />
Poor Sulli just can't stop~. Delve any deeper and she might hit something hard :O<br />
As a geek, I think geeky glasses are cool, too >O<<br />
Aiya, and Key's softening up--slowly, but surely X)<br />
I hope you're doing well in school~. And don't juggle too much, okay? Take it slow and update when you can :D<br />
<br />
I told you star bright designs for the nth time already
Describe #7
Thanks a lot, your comment made me happy lol. (: <br />
ChanHee #8
Sulli is so hyper XD How dare Key call her a leech :O<br />
I for one, think photographic memory is cool, yo (-_-)v<br />
I wonder how the two's plan will work out... I hope Jessica will cooperate >///<<br />
I'd leave a super long comment, but I'm walking out the door as we speak XP<br />
Loved the updates and I wish you luck in school ^^ Describe FIGHTING!!! Again!!! LOL.<br />
<br />
Update lah. Nobody updates. I got so many subscriptions and none updates. ):
ChanHee #10
Hahaha, Sulli is too cute. Key is so emo, LOL jk jk.<br />
I'm sure Sulli will still love him after that photographic memory thing. My friends find it annoying, but they still love me ^________________^<br />
And I'm sure Key will get closer to Sica :D At least I hope.<br />
Lovely first chapter~. Sulli makes such an adorbale stalker XD<br />
I hope you get the chance to update soon!<br />
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