Friends, Lovers, a Family

-------let's take a look at the other couples----




........... AT THE BEACH........


While the other girls were playing beachvolley Seohyun was reading a book under the umbrella..

*Seohyun looks so cute when she's concentrated*-Yoona thought

"Unnie I'm going to rest I'm a bit tired"-Yoona said to her unnies

"Ok we're gonna play a little more"-Sunny said

--Yoona went to sit beside Seohyun

"Hey Hyun"-Yoona said

"huh?! Unnie why aren't you with the other unnies?"-Seohyun asked

"I wanted to rest a bit and talk with my bestfriend"-Yoona said

"What did you want to talk about unnie?"-Seohyun

"Hyun what are you thinking?"-Yoona asked

"hmm? Why??"-Seohyun

"Nothing it's just that I missed talking with you, These days you seem a bit distant"-Yoona

"I was just thinking about school and practicing fo the company"-Seohyun 

"I thought so. Hyun what about a date tonight?"-Yoona 

" D-da-date?"-Seohyun

" Y-yes, a friendly date, tonight"-Yoona

"Oh , OK "-Seohyun said with a sad tone

*phew that was close*-Yoona thought




"Seriously Soo why did you agree to the bet?"-Sunny

"Sorry I thought we were going to win, Ididn't expect to lose or to do the punishment"-Sooyoung


"I didn't think about it ok, sorry *pout*"-Sooyoung

" *she is so cute when she pouts* Ok you're forgiven,so now what are we going to do?"-Sunny

" I don't know we're suppose to spend the night outside maybe we can go to the hotel"-Sooyoung

" How much money did you brought?"-Sunny

"500 $ (USD)"-Sooyoung

"I have 1000 $"-Sunny

"Great let's book at that hotel and then go out for dinner"-Sooyoung

"Yah! You shikshin don't you dare to eat like you usually do remember we only have this much, we didn't brought our cards ok?"-Sunny

"Ok ok, *pouts*"-Sooyoung

*so cute* - sunny thought

*thank god my Bunny is here for me. Wait MY? The hell Choi Sooyoung what are you thinking! But it would be great if she was mine for real*- Sooyoung was thinking

"Hey are you ok?"-Sunny

"h-huh?? Yes I'm ok"-Sooyoung

"What were you thinking about?"-Sunny 

"Nothing I'm just hungry"-Sooyoung

"OMG what am I going to do with you?"-Sunny 

"You know why don't we just book ok?"-Sooyoung


"Welcome mam what can I do for you"-the receptionist said 

"Are there any available rooms miss?"-Sooyoung said

" There's only one available room mam but it has just one bed"-R

"It's ok we don't mind it"-Sunny

"ok please sign here and would you want to pay with cash or card?"-R


..skip skip until they were done

"Ok mam here's your key and she will help you to go in your room"-the receptionist said pointing a young girl with the hotel's uniform

---At the elevator

the young girl was staring at Sooyoung

*Why is she looking at Soo like that?*-Sunny thought feeling a bit annoyed

"excuse me mam but can I ask your names?"-the girl

"I'm Sooyoung and she is Sunny. What about you?"-Sooyoung said wanting to be friendly

"I'm Hara nice to meet you and Sooyoung It's a very beautiful name"-Hara


"Do you come here often?Maybe we can hang out sometimes."-Hara

"Yes we come here when we can we love this place it's important to us. We used to come here since we were little"-Sooyoung said

--The elevator opens and Hara and Sooyoung continue to talk leaving behind Sunny

"So I guess you and your girlfriend are here to spend some time together"-Hara 

"Yep, NO , I mean she is not my girlfriend but"-Sooyoung said

"By the way you joke and talk to each other it seems like you two are dating"-Hara

"Really? I think you're wrong she doesn't feel anything for me"-Sooyoung said 

"Well this is your room hope you enjoy your time here"-Hara bows and wink at Sooyoung wanting to make Sunny jealous

*What was that?? DID SHE JUST WINK AT SOOYOUNG??*-Sunny thought while going to the bed

"What was that? Did you just wink at me?"-Sooyoung asked

"I wanted to control something"-Hara said"Don't worry I have a boyfriend but seriously you two should talk because she is like a jealous girlfriend"

"NAH I don't thin-"-Sooyoung


*Why are they talking so much?*-Sunny thought

" hahaha See? Like I said A JEALOUS GIRLFRIEND"-Hara

" *smile* You really think so?"-SOOYOUNG

" Yes and may I ask you another thing?"-Hara

" Sure"-Sooyoung said while smiling like a fool

" It's a favour actually, I just wanted you confess as soon as possible"-Hara

"Why are you saying this?"-Sooyoung

"Nothing I don't want you to regret it if you wait like me, I waited and waited and I almost lost the love of my life"-Hara

" *smile* OK thank you"-Sooyoung said "OW OW OW " Sooyoung yelled as she was being pulled by her ear by Sunny

" I'll leave you guys bye"-Hara

" Don't leave I might die here"-Sooyoung

Hara closed the door *what a cute couple*-she thought




"DON'T YELL! And it hurts , gosh why did you do that?"-Sooyoung said

"I called you but you weren't coming "-Sunny said

" Did you really have to pull my ear?-Sooyoung said

" Yah! it's not my fault if you were flirting with that HARA"-Sunny

 *so it's true my bunny is jealous* -Sooyoung thought while smiling like a fool

*she is smiling thinking about her, why do I care? Why does it hurt?*-Sunny thought as a tear fell from her eye

" Sunny why are you crying?"-Sooyoung asked

" I think something went to my eye I need to go to the bathroom sorry"-Sunny was heading to the bathroom

*Sunny you are so cute when you are jealous*-Sooyoung thought as she went to Sunny and back hugged her

*I feel a pair of arms in my waist and I know it's Sooyoung she is the only one here*

Sunny didn't know but she was already crying 

*Why do I feel sommething in my arms? Is this water?No they are tears*-Sooyoung thought

Sooyoung was breaking the back hug to face Sunny when Sunny held Sooyoung arms around her waist again

"Soo don't look at me right now please, don't make me turn around"-Sunny said while crying silently 

She didn't want Sooyoung to see her crying but the true reason is that she was enjoying the warm arms of Sooyoung around her waist

"Sunny-ah why are you crying?-Sooyoung

"My head just hurt a little don't worry"-Sunny said blocking Sooyoung's arms

*Sunny-ah I know what are you feeling right now, I think I'm gonna take Hara's advice*-Sooyoung

Sooyoung forced Sunny to turn around even if she liked that position too and Sunny was shocked by Sooyoung move so she started to cry harder

Sooyoung felt pain in her heart seeing the girl cry. She used her thumbs to wipe Sunny's tears then she lifted Sunny's face with her hand

"Don't cry, I don't like it when you cry especially when it's my fault"-Sooyoung said

while wiping her own tears "It's not your fault Soo I'm just having a headache"-Suuny said trying to control her tears

"Sunny-ah I wanna tell you something, please just listen to what I say and don't say anything"-Sooyoung said and held Sunny's hands

" Sunny, You are my best friend, you are the only person who lets me eat whatever I want and whenever I want and always there for me and for our friends. You are the the person who does so much aegyo and that I can't even get enough"

"Soo what-"-Sunny

"Shh I told you to listen I didn't finish what I have to say"-Sooyoung said with a serious face

Sunny nodded

" So as I was saying you, Lee Sunkyu, Sunny Bunny, are the person who can make me laugh when I'm sad , You make me breathless whenever you smile , I feel sad whenever you're sad, I miss youwhen you're not with me, you are the person who I want to be with when I'm happy  and the one who I want by my side when I'm sad cause I know even with a simple smile you'll make me feel the happiest person in the world. What I want to say is that I, Choi Sooyoung,Choi Shikshin, or just Sooyoung like you Lee Sunkyu, Lee Sunny ,Sunny Bunny or just Sunny and thanks cause you make me happy everyday. I don't expect you to like me back I just wanted to confess and not regret it if it's too late like what a friend said to me"-Sooyoung finished with teary eyes and holding Sunny's hand tighter. Actually she was planning to say I LIKE YOU but these words came out from without even thinking

Sunny began to cry again looking at Sooyoung 

"Hey it's ok, I told you it doesn't matter if you don't like me back don't-"-Sooyoung was saying but she was cut by Sunny's arms around her neck and she hugged her back putting her arms on Sunny's waist

"Soo I like you too"-Sunny said it was shorter than what Sooyoung said but Sooyoung couldn't ask for something better

Sunny broke their hug and head Sooyoung to the couch

"Soo I'm afraid"-Sunny confessed

"Afraid? About what?"-Sooyoung

"What if they separate us I mean our parents? I mean look at Tae and Sica they are hiding it cause they are afraid of what the uncles will think"-Sunny

"We will find a solution for now I think it's better if we hide it from them like Tae and Sica if it's ok with you"-Sooyoung hugged Sunny

"It's ok as long as we are together and I'm sure the others will be happy for us"-Sunny said looking up at Sooyoung and then they smiled

" But Soo let's take the things slow"-Sunny 

"That' what I wanted to tell you too, it's the first relationship for both of us so let's take it slowly and be happy with each other cause I can be happy just being with you like this"-Sooyoung said while looking at them hugging

" *cheasy* Really? You can be happy with me just like this? Without food?"-Sunny asked

"food!! My Bunny we forgot we have to go out it's almost dinner time!"-Sooyoung said excited

"Yah! I thought you were happy hugging me"-Sunny said

"I am, My Bunny but if we don't eat we wouldn't have the energy to cuddle"-Sooyoung said

" *SMILING* Ok MY shikshin let's go"-Sunny said while blushing and heading to the door

"M-my?"-Sooyoung asked with rosy cheeks

"Yes cause you are MY Shikshin and besides you've been calling me YOUR Bunny, 2 times already *smirk*"-Sunny

" Have I MY Bunny?"-Sooyoung said back hugging Sunny

" Yes MY Shikshin, now let's go"-Sunny said while heading to the elevator holding Sooyoungs hand and interwining their fingers







heyyy guys ,, sorry late update kekeke i was busy,, anyway SOOSUN confessed to each other BUT they are not official, YET

WHO IS NEXT????????


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Chapter 10: Can u make taengsic and yulti together? I like that 2 couple