♡ More Couples ♡

♡ I Love You ♡
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"Oppa!" Jessica said, running to Donghae in our room and trying to hug him. She looked so cute...

"Not now, Jessica!" Donghae said. "How many times have I told you not to bother me when I'm playing a game?" Jessica hung her head in shame and said, "S-sorry oppa. I... I promise not to do it again." And she ran out. She looked so sad.

"Hey, bro! Don't you think you should be... Nicer to your girlfriend?" I asked. Jessica didn't deserve this kind if treatment. 

"That's just the thing... I'm usually not a mean guy, it's just that I don't love Jessica. I kind of... Have... Feelings for her friend..." Donghae admitted. "So... I'm going to tell her the truth. Jessica!" he shouted. She came running back with a hopeful smile on her face.

"Jessica... I'm so sorry; but I don't want you to have to suffer because of me. I don't love you anymore... And I hope we can both move on," he said.

"I knew it..." Jessica said, sulking out of the room. I followed her quickly and reassured her, "It's okay Jessica! There are better guys out there!"

"Like you?" Sica asked. I looked at her in surprise. Was she saying...

"I think you're kind of cute Jonghyun. Let's give it a go," Jessica said; and she kissed me. 

"Thank you Jessica... I love you..."

"I love you too." (Why can't MinYul say the same thing!!!)



I took the bag of rice and tried carrying it down the stairs, but it was hard. It was so heavy, and I could barely see. Just then, I bumped into a tall person, making my bag

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klaudaxminyul #1
Chapter 17: omg i adore this story
glowglows #2
Chapter 17: yuri alive....im so happy for these two.....
glowglows #3
Chapter 17: yuri alive....im so happy for these two.....update soon....
glowglows #4
Chapter 16: please dont let yuri die.....update soon ;)
Chapter 16: Oh my gosh, this was so sad! I thought there was gonna be a happy ending... DX
myjojoz #6
Chapter 13: I think Minho might idk up the poison? Well i'm just guessing, but yuri cannot die!
Chapter 13: WHAT? Yuri will die? NOOOOOOOO >"<
myjojoz #8
Chapter 10: Love it! Update Soon! MinYul Fighting!
Chapter 10: kisseu kisseu omq <3