And I said "Next chap tomorrow?" but now look...

Weeks passed and the "tomorrow" I talked about never came...

But now it's here!!!!!

Here's the 2nd chap for y'all! ^^


[A/N: '*' stands for Korean conversations... :))) ]


A few curves and [thankfully] no accidents later, she arrived at the bus stop that would take her deeper into the city where she could go back on the board and towards Donghae’s bookstore. She waited for a couple of minutes until a boy walked up the path and stood beside her. Not being too obvious, she snuck glances at the boy. He was very good-looking, she can’t deny that. But there was something in him that didn’t make him look like someone who was from around the place.

Don’t tell me this one’s a Korean too?! But no…he doesn’t look like one. Gaah! If only I can look into his eyes, then I’ll know!

Not so long later, the bus arrived and Jaehyo hopped aboard. Dropping a couple of pennies in the machine beside the driver, she made her way to the only vacant seat at the very back of the bus. She put her backpack on her lap and the skateboard on top of it. A few seconds later, the same boy she went up the bus with was sitting beside her. She stared at him unknowingly and was completely bedazzle by his light-brown orbs.

Oh my gosh! It’s another Korean! Arrgh!!! What is happening with New York today?

No matter how hard she tried to look away, she just couldn’t stop staring at his eyes. She took back the thought of Junhong’s eyes being the most amazing eyes so far. It was nothing compared to this one’s eyes.

“Miss? Excuse me? Is there something wrong?”

OMG!!! His perfect grammar! His heart-melting accent! His hair-raising down-low voice!

“Uhm…Miss? I’m sorry but…I’m finding it awkward with you staring at me like that.”

Oh, sh*t! Stop it!

She snapped out of her trance and bowed in apology.

“Ah…I-I’m so sorry. It’s just that…”

*“You’re Korean too, right?”

She looked up at him in shock.

How did he know that? I didn’t speak in Korean! Is he some kind of mind-reader? Or do I really just look like one?

“I can tell by your eyes and by the way you bowed in apology. As far as I know, Koreans are usually trained to do that.”


Gyaaah!!! Eye-reader alert!!! How perfect can he be??? >.<

He grinned…and she felt as if her whole body would melt at that very moment.

And I thought Junhong was good-looking…

*“Jung Daehyun imnida. What’s your name?”

Her palms started to get sweaty.

*“Hahaha! Don’t worry! I won’t stalk you or anything! I won’t do anything bad! I just wanna know your name.”

*“Ah…P-Park J-Jae-hyo…imnida…”

*“Park Jaehyo? Hmmm…I like your name! Hehe~”

He smiled…and his dimples appeared!

OMG…OMG…OMG!!! He’s so perfect I think I’ll die!!!!!! >.<

His gaze fell on the skateboard placed on top of the bag on her lap. He looked closer and smiled.

“There’s B.A.P on your skateboard. Do you know them?”

*“Uh…aniya. I-I just borrowed this…from a friend since…my own skateboard…got broken…”

“Oh, I see. You know, B.A.P stands for ‘Best.Absolute.Perfect’. It’s a Korean boy group composed of 6 performers. I happen to be a member. Hehe~”

Oh…my…gosh…This is horrible…Another B.A.P member...One who can speak perfect English and is currently sending me through the roof!!!

“Is anyone going down on Lincoln Alley?”

Jaehyo quickly put her bag on her back and stood up.


She looked down at Daehyun and bowed shakily.

*“This is my stop. I’ll be going. It was nice talking to you, Daehyun-ssi.”

He smiled at her as the bus stopped on Lincoln Alley. She hurriedly went out and breathed heavily once she touched the ground.

Meeting 3 Korean boys who came from the same performing group…Not to mention all of them looking so hot!!! This is soooooooo not mere coincidence! This is mere frustrating!!! Arrrgh!!! @_@

She suddenly heard her phone ringing and she hurriedly fished it out of her bag. The caller ID showed Donghae’s picture so she hurriedly answered it.

*“Yeoboseyo, sunbaenim?”

*“Jaehyo-ah! What time will you be coming over at the shop?”

*“I’ll be there in a couple of minutes, sunbae. I’ll just pass by Sweets N’ More to grab something to nibble on.”

*“Jeongmal? Then you can you buy me some of their sprinkled donuts?”

*“Of course! Anything for you!”

*“Gomawo! I’ll be waiting for you here at the shop!”

*“Arasseo! Annyeong!”


She dropped the call and went on her way, the Korean boys completely out of her mind. It wasn’t long before she arrived at the snack shop with the name Sweets N’ More. She flipped the skateboard into her hand and entered the shop. A small bell rang as the doors opened and she was welcomed by the staff. It was about 10 AM already so the shop was already almost filled with early sweet-eaters, mostly kids. She lined up and waited for her turn. When it was turn to be served, she ordered some sprinkled donuts for Donghae and a variety of munchkins for herself and paired it with a cookies-n-cream shake. She took her order number and found an empty table by the corner of the room. She looked out of the window and sighed in content as various vehicles passed by. It never ceased to amaze her how New York can look so busy and still be an equally comfortable place to live in.



Okay...there goes chapter 2! I think I like this part, too...'coz this is where the OC meets Daehyun and...it might not be pretty obvious but...I'm Daehyun-biased so...hahahaha... XD

Anyway, I hope y'all like it too...

And to make up for the lost time of posting this chap, I'll be posting the third one in a couple of minutes...

Stay tuned!!! ^^



Saranghaeyo~ <3

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