
Bottles of note

She looked out at the sea, at the seagulls, flying around. While she looked at herself, sat on the wheelchair. That accident, ruined her life. If only she didn’t went back to the studio, if only she had chose to ignore, she wouldn’t lose her future, she wouldn’t lose the most important thing in her life. Her legs. Her legs were the only things she could express herself with. She would glide around the studio gracefully, or maybe tap dance a little. Or maybe some tango. And maybe B-Boy. But the one she loves most is contemporary dance. It allowed her to sway to the music freely, to move along with the rhythm, and to express herself. When she’s angry, she danced fast music, when she’s sad, she dances slowly, when she’s just okay, she dances with the music. But no more. Everything is lost. If only she hadn’t believed what he had told her, if she only believed that men can never be trusted, she wouldn’t be in this position. A position forever lower than a normal person, a position people despise, a position where she could no longer dance. But after all that she had been through, she didn’t know how to hate him. Or rather, hate anyone. She knew that it was her fault she had fallen for his lies, for his sweet talking, for him.

“Min Yeon, let’s go back in, it’s starting to get cold,” her mother’s soothing voice called after her. A pure white scarf wrapped around her fragile body. The scarf.

“Mom, please put this scarf away,” Min Yeon requested as she tried to remove the scarf.

“Putting these solid things away wouldn’t put your passion away, darling,” her mom put the scarf back onto Min Yeon’s shoulder. It was the scarf her dad had given her when she had won her first dance competition. Min Yeon sighed a deep one as she looked at the sea for one last time, before being pushed back into the house. Being pushed. Yes, being pushed back into the house, because she could no longer use her pair of legs. Her hand unconsciously went to her thigh. She closed her eyes as she imagined the feeling of standing on stage. Leaping around, swirling around, spinning around and smiling at her audience. She smiled at the feeling of it. She knew she could no longer stand on the stage, but she didn’t ask for more from god, just the feeling of it would be enough. And she owes it to her imagination.

“Darling, he’s here,” mom whispered softly to Min Yeon. Min Yeon opened her eyes and there stood Myungsoo. She smiled at him as he stepped closer towards her.

“How are you feeling today?” he asked and Min yeon could once again see sympathy in his eyes.

“Fine,” Myungsoo forced a smile as he gestured to her mom to push her back to her room. Min yeon’s mom nodded, acknowledging.


Back in her room, Min Yeon sat by her table writing little notes, and putting them into small bottles.

Thank you god for showing mercy towards me, and allowing me to feel it again.

“Min Yeon, I’m sorry,” Myungsoo apologized again.

“You shouldn’t be, I told you, I’m taking it lightly,” Min yeon turned towards Myungsoo, who was sitting quietly at one corner.

“If only I had told you earlier, that… that I’ve been seeing someone behind you, you… you wouldn’t…”

“It’s fate. God wanted to give me a test on how strong I am. There’s no accidents in this world. It’s meant to be like that.” Min Yeon took a deep breath.

Myungsoo looked up. The girl in front of him looked as beautiful as ever. But her eyes showed that her soul had left her, that she’s never going to be the same anymore, that she’s too hurt to recover. He knew that it was all his fault. If only he had been more loyal, she wouldn’t have to suffer. He just fell out of love for a while. But now, he truly loves her so much. That it hurts every tip of his bones to know that it was his fault that the girl in front of him was damaged. And the worst thing is, she didn’t blame him. Everybody thought she would cry out loud or throw a fit when she knew she was half paralysed. But she didn’t. Instead, she smiled and mumbled a prayer of thanks to god for giving her this test. And she even forgave him.

“After all, it’s not your fault. I was too boring. It was right that you had found someone better,” she had said.

She didn’t know why she hadn’t hate him. If only she did, maybe he would have felt better. If only he could be in her place, he would. But he couldn’t, and it pained him.

“Myungsoo, come on, I have to make a trip to the beach again,” Min yeon tugged his sleeves a little and he came back to reality.

“Alright, put on one more piece of clothing then,”


Min Yeon looked into the far distance. The seagulls had left, and it’s time for sunset. The cold wind blew, blowing her hair out of her face. She smiled slightly, before handing Myungsoo the bottle.

“Place it in the sea, and let it float away,” Min yeon said as she handed him the bottle. Myungsoo nodded and he walked towards the water. He dropped the bottle on the water surface and slightly pushed it so that it was in the deeper part of the water. The waves came and brought the small bottle away. Myungsoo walked back to where Min yeon was and he saw her looking at him.

“Go find someone else,”


“You’re just torturing yourself if you continue to take care of me,”

“And it would be unfair if you were the only one suffering when I’m the cause of your pain,” Myungsoo’s line had stopped the arguing. Min yeon nodded her head, knowing he was too stubborn to go.

“Min Yeon-ah, is it possible to go back to what we used to be?” Myungsoo asked quietly as he sat on the rocks, just beside Min Yeon.

“I’m afraid not, myungsoo. I can’t. I’m not the same, and I can’t give you my trust and love like I used to be able to. I’m sorry,”

“It’s okay, I’ll still take care of you and stay by your side for the rest of my life,”

“Let’s make a deal. You’ll go, and pursue your dreams, while I’ll stay back here. And maybe one day you will go to the beach, and if you ever see the bottles of notes I send to the sea, you can come back to visit me, but if not, its fate telling us we have no affinity,” Min Yeon tried another way to persuade Myungsoo.

“What? No.”

“It’s not whether you want or not, but you have to. And maybe if you really found my bottle, I’ll know god’s telling me you changed, and that we can go back to what we used to be,”

Myungsoo knew that Min yeon just wanted him to leave and pursue his dreams, but he couldn’t be so selfish. But he knew he had no choice. And so he agreed to Min yeon’s deal.

“I’ll see you when my bottles meet you,”

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Chapter 1: sequel ?? :D