The Cat

My Cat & Dog

   🎀Your POV:🎀

"________,Come here!I found a little cat in your table!"Your friend said to you.

"Okay,just wait Kris!"I reply to him.

"He's so cute don't you think?"Kris pinch my cheeks.

"Why you pinch my cheeks if you think the cat is cute?"I ask him.

Kris just silence and play with the cat.

I sigh and look at the cat,the Cat is staring me.

Suddenly the Cat is jump to me!

And i hear someone slam the door and say's

"Tao come back here don't go over board!"the boy who slam the door hurry come to me and apologizing to me for the Cat behaving.


When the school over.......

I still wonder who's that guy who came to our class.

"______-chan,don't daydreaming when you walking!You can hit wall or other thing"Said Tiffany and woke me up.

"O-okay"I reply to him still half daydreaming.

"So...,______-chan can i stay in your home for 1 week,starting today?"Tiffany ask to me.

"Let me think of it,.....okay you can stay at my house.But i don't know what my momthink of it?"I reply Tiffany.

"Hoooray!Thank you so much _________-chaaaan!"Said Tiffany happily and hug me tightly.

I reply Tiffany with wide smile.


The Night with Tiffany!

"_____,i don't know you have soooo many comic in you r bookcase!"Tiffany said and point at a huge bookcase.

"No,i don't have so many comic it my lil bro.He alway's collect many comic"I reply to Tiffany with normal face.

"Let's go to sleep Tiffany,we'l be late if we don't sleep immediately"I said to Tiffany,while Tiffany count the comic on the bookcase.

"Hey _______-chan,you still awake?"Tiffany ask me.

"Nearly to sleep"I reply Tiffany.

"I want to ask some question"said Tiffany.

"What it is?"I ask him and turn around to see his face.

"What do you like?"she ask me.

"What i like?Like what?"i ask him.

"Cat or Dog?"Tiffany ask me.

"How about you Tiffany?"I continue ask him.

"Im cat,now you.What do you like?"she ask me again.

"Im both of them,i like all animal that i know"I reply Tiffanywith smile.

"Hey,________-chan.I heard a story that 2 handsome boy is turned to animal,Cat & Dog.They will be normal again when they meet a girl that can make him normal again.They can know the girl by their scent.When their know the girl,they will turn to human just for night,and for remove the cursed they have to one house with the girl and live for the girl,at 31th night the cursed is perfectly removed from them"said Tiffany.

"Oh yeah,they have some characteristics if you the chosen girl,....."Tiffany cut by my sleepy sound.

"Good night?"said Tiffany and go to Sleep.

At Midnight...

"Hey wake up _______".

"Uhuhhh....."i sleep again withoutt hearing the voice.

"Wake up ________.....".

"Uh....,what's it is?"i ask Tiffany still sleepy.

"Look at the cat,he's at the top of your body"said Tiffany quietly.

"W-what?"I ask him with sleepy voice.

"THE CAT"she said to me loud by still quiet in my ear.

"So what with the cat?"I ask him.

"Your the choosen girl"she said again quietly.

"Really?You think so?"I asked him & sigh a little.

"So your a boy?"I ask him & lifted the cat.Cause i think it just an ordinarry cat.

Then the cat say,"How did you know it?"the cat asked me

Suddenly the cat turn like Tiffany tell to me, the cat become a normal boy.

"W-what?!"I said shocked.

"You still shock?I think you won't shock"he say again.






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Shin210 #1
Chapter 1: This story is awesome,can't wait to read another ^^
Chapter 1: awesome ^^
Shin_Bear #3
Chapter 1: Update soon!Im curious yeah!
Chapter 1: Wow , I'm shock. Is it Tao? So cute ~~~