* Part 2 *

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[A/N] : So , there's one of commenters saying that why is JunSeob full of jealousy. So here I'm gonna elaborate more, on why and why and why . :D Enjoy reading ~ 







No one POV




      Now. He's sitting on the bench. On that one familiar bench.     He didn't know what he should feel. He didn't know if he needs to believe his ears or he needs to believe his heart. His broken heart. His hurting heart. His heart which is full with jealousy. He didn't know.




    He took a deep breathe. Again. And again. 




    "Maybe .. Maybe .. It would be better if you .. If you with him.. Maybe .."



    Suddenly his phone rings. He let out a groan and took out his phone.




    He look at the phone screen to look at the caller. 




    His expression change.








He didn't know ifhe needs to pick it up or better just not answering it.




    Finally, he swiped , and pick up the call.










    "Baby? Where are you? And and, why your voice change? You sick? You're having fever right? Tell me where are you now, I'll go and pick you up."





    "It's okay . I'm fine.."





    "No. You're not fine. Baby, please just tell me where are you now. I'll go and pick you up right away"

























    "I said I'm fine. And I'll be fine. Now
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AnnoNiji #1
Chapter 3: I wanted Seobie to say something to Junnie ;w; And omg is Kiki the one at the end ??
AnnoNiji #2
Chapter 2: Omo ;_; it's sweet i think ;) i love the way Seobie is jealous and Junnie runs ans runs to find him !
AnnoNiji #3
Chapter 1: No no no Seobie don't misunderstand Junnie ToT
Rachmi94 #4
Chapter 3: Eiiiyyy~~~ You tease us authornim~~ Can we have another sequel for this fic :) Please~~~
Chapter 3: So junseob ended up together right??? Hehehe kinda confused but it was great^^ sure if u have time for part 3 i will b right here waiting^^)b
Chapter 3: err.....can you make another chapter?? pweeetttyyy pwwweeeeessshhh @_@
onne-neey #7
Chapter 2: please update soon author-nim...hehehe...
Lissette18 #8
Chapter 2: Yes, please update soon
Rachmi94 #9
Chapter 2: Ahahhahaha :D you must talking 'bout me hehe ^_^
Yes... Now I know the reason why they are jealous each other, because they love each other ^_^
barscheviel #10
Chapter 2: Ahh.. Cant stand it.. stop hurting yourselves.. get back to each other arms already.. by the way thank you for the update authornim.. may you get great ideas of junseob.. :D