it's a beautiful night

Fragments of the Whole Picture


“Yah know, Kyung,” slurs Heechul one day, “we should totally get married.”

Hankyung chokes on the beer he’d raised to his lips. Heechul raises an eyebrow as the Chinese man tries to mop up the beer soaking his shirt and gives up. “Whaat? Can’t stand coming home to me every day for the rest of our lives?”

“Not like I don’t already do that,” snorts the Chinese man, reaching for another can of beer. The only thing he’s sure of is that he’s not drunk enough to handle Heechul’s line of logic right now.

Yeobo~” trills the drunk Korean, and he laughs raucously as Hankyung’s face flushes. “Aww, isn’t my husband so cute?”

For the rest of the night, Heechul does weird things that involve calling Hankyung yeobo while lying in his lap. This includes ordering him around and demanding that he be carried to bed. Hankyung does so with an ever suffering sigh, tucking the Cinderella in before cleaning up the living room.

When he returns to his room, hoping for a good night’s sleep, he finds his roommate sprawled over his bed.

“Husband and wife,” he drawls, “should sleep in the same bed.”

“You,” deadpans Geng in Chinese, “have got to be kidding me.”[1]

As he finds out, Heechul isn’t. When he tries to solve the problem by sleeping in Heechul’s bed instead, Heechul simply climbs into bed with him. Then he wraps his arms around Hankyung’s chest and goes to sleep.

Heechul, he decides, is very, very drunk, and he tries to remember how many cans of beer he’d consumed.

It doesn’t really matter anymore in the morning. Hankyung wakes up to the sound of Heechul rolling out of bed and running to the bathroom. He ends up holding his hair back while he throws up in the toilet, and when all is said and done Heechul doesn’t even remember why they were in the same bed anyway.

“Were you trying to take advantage of me?” he accuses.

Hankyung just sighs.

[1] 没搞错吧。

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Plmokn #1
update soon
KaishkaKo #2
LOL at Leeteuk <3 how sweet
KaishkaKo #3
<3 Wow I hope you add to this again soon! I love this sooooo much, written very well, bravo!!!