Red tomato blush





Chanhee POV


I see a folded piece of paper as I walk up to my desk.


I unfolded it.


It read

“I like tomatoes.”


At first I didn’t understand what it meant.


...but then, I realized…


‘It can’t be.’

I read it again.


‘Did Byunghun?’


I sat down on my seat


‘Why would he—“


I paused


‘Could it be that he likes me?’


“CHANHEEEEEEEEEEE!” a shriek like voice came out of a certain red headed girl.


Surprised, I was.


I took the note and scrunched it up.


“Whaaaaat’s that you’re holding?” She asked curiously.


“Uh… that…” I answered nervously.


“What is it? Tell me!” She said with a pout.


 She was really persistent.


“Nothing really… Just a—“


“What’s up here. Why are you guys so noisy?” Grumbled Byunhhun as he walked pass my desk.


I froze.


I didn’t know what to do.


‘Was it him?’


My heart and mind weren’t cooperating.


“Uh..uh…” I mumbled while fiddling with my fingers.


“Oh! Were just playing Byunghun-ah~” The red head said.




+ + +

Chanhee POV


I walk to my locker.


‘Maybe I should confront Byunghun.’


After long consideration;


‘What should I say?’


Think. Think. Think.


“Yo.” I heard a voice.


Still deep in thought, I didn’t notice who it was at all.


The guy then started waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention.


“Hello? Any one there?” he waved.


“Oh… huh… yeah.” I said.


“YA CHANHEE! BYUNGHUUUUUN!” I heard someone calling us from across the hallway.


“Not her again.” Byunghun said.


‘Well he’s kinda cute when he’s annoyed.’


Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and dragged me.


“Let’s go.” He said to me.


“Where—“ I asked”


‘What a tight grip.’


+ + +


Byunghun POV


“We’re here.” I said.


Both panting after taking on numerous stairways.


 “Why are we here?” Chanhee asked me

“Because it’s quiet.” I answered briefly.


Chanhee looked nervous; he was fiddling with his fingers again.


“Um…” Chanhee mumbled.


“Yes. What?” I said.


“Um… Uh… That…” He kept on mumbling.


“Say it already.” I said, frustrated at the sight of Chanhee.




I was taken aback.




“Well?” He asked, blushing.


‘Aw, he’s cute.’


Long pause.






Only the sound of the wind blowing.












“No… no I didn’t.” I finally answered.


Surprisingly, Chanhee was shocked.


“Then… who?” he muttered.


“I know.” I answered with a smirk.


+ + +


Chanhee POV


‘Who could it be’

I keep on fidgeting with my fingers.


“I know.” Byunghun answered with a smirk.


I was curious, real curious.


I followed him.


We ended up in the same hall way as before.


“YO, TOMATO!” Byunghun shouted.


A red headed girl responded with a grin.


“It was you?” I asked.


“What? I can’t like tomatoes?” She said.


She sounded pissed.


“It’s not that… but…” I said.


“Don’t get the wrong idea. I just wanted to give you a hint for our next school assignment. The teacher paired us up you know. The subject was vegetables and fruit. I sent you the note so that we could get a head start.”  she said with a sigh.


“Oh.” I simply answer


‘Now I understand’


“I was gonna get back to you on it  but then you and Byunghun here ran off.” She said as she punched Byunhhun’s arm.


“Oh, I see.” I said as I stood there like an idiot.


“But how did you know that it was me, Byunghun-ah?” She asked.


“Red hair and tomatoes are hand in hand. So let me say it was just guess?” He plainly said.


As usual, that face; that plain bored face of his.


+ + +


Chanhee POV


After the girl left, it was just me and Byunghun.


Awkward  silence.


We kept on walking until he suddenly stopped.


He turned to me and then he asked me. “Do you like tomatoes?”


“No, I hate tomatoes.” I answered quick.


“Oh, too bad.” he said with a smug expression.


“Why? And what’s with that face?” I asked.


“Nothing… it’s just that I love tomatoes.” He answered.







And then I realized,


The flashback started…


“Your face is like a tomato… it’s all red. You’re blushing aren’t you?”


‘It. Can’t. Be.’


I blushed redder than before.


‘Does this mean that he likes me?’


I look at him, and he looked back


“What, Tomato face?” he said.


He smiled.


Then I realized what he had said.


‘Tomato Face.’




‘Nothing… it’s just that I love tomatoes’



“Uhhhh….” I muttered as I poked him.



“Yes… I like Tomato faces.” He then said.


And again,


I blush with all my red tomato face glory.



-------------------------------------------------------------------------- END -------------------------------------------------------------------------



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Chapter 3: This is sooooooo cute~
D_S_H_ #2
Chapter 3: This is ridiculously adorable!! Theplot is so cute and fluffy and sweet! Lol. I like the way you wrote it too!
omg! this is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee ;A;
Aw this is so cute, *_* I enjoyed your style of writing a lot, cute and simple n_n
sasuga #5
Awww~ It was so so so cuuute ^^ I really liked it ♥
awww. so cute. <3 the last sentence is just epic. 8D
-faints- this is the cutest thing ever!!! wahhhhh why can't I write something like this??!!?<br />
this was awesomeeeeelllyyyyyyy sweet~ <3333<br />
chunji blushing like a tomato cause of L.Joe hehe<br />
such a cute couple ^^
d'awwwwwwwwwww <3<br />
that was sooooo cute!!!!!<br />
CHUNJOE <333333
Aww that was adorable I love the Chunjoe couple
awwh so cute^^