Sooner Or Later

Deep River
Byunghee walked towards the mirror and checked his appearance. His hair was brushed in the correct position and parted in the right place. A satisfied smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he turned to Mir, the youngest of the five members.
"He’s taking his time again," he said offhandedly. Mir was teetering on the slippery ground and paid little attention, but he caught the comment and knew what Byunghee was talking about.
But again? Seungho was always on time, was never even a fraction of a second too late until now. 
Mir only shrugged and yawned loudly, paying no mind as Joon entered the room to sit down next to him. Cheondung entered the room shortly after with a searching look tattooed over his face, eyes drifting and brows narrowed. The slight movement of his lips betrayed his question before it ever came. "Do you know where Seungho-hyung is?" He bowed his head towards the doorframe searching for any signs of Seungho. When he found nothing, he immediately shot his colleagues a quizzical look.
They only shrugged and shook their heads. No clue.
"He doesn't even pick up the calls," Byunghee cut in, reaching for his phone to try calling him again. After three attempts, nobody answered.Even their managers had no luck reaching Seungho. It was a mistake letting him go alone.
Then a sound in the distance. From behind. Everyone turned their heads.
Seungho stood at the end of the dark hall behind them, a bitter smile stitched over his face. Mir immediately shot out of his seat, shedding away the carefree attitude he showed earlier. He was excited, relieved, was letting go of a breath he never knew he held and wanted nothing more than to hug the older of the two. But it only took a second before he realized that Seungho was stooped over, breathing ragged with his right hand clutching his ribs. Worry injected itself in the maknae soon after. 
"Sorry I'm late," he said in a shaky voice, stepping out of the darkness while still holding onto his side. He swayed and Byunghee jumped forward, catching him before he could ever collide onto the floor. 
“What happened?” Byunghee rasped in question, leading him slowly on a chair.
“It's nothing. I just fell." He shook his head with a pained smile, faking that everything was alright. "I'm okay.”
“Of course you are. And what did you fall off? A cliff or something?”
Seungho didn't even try denying it. He did fall off a cliff, but he didn't bother to admit that.
“Where have you been all day anyway?” Lee Joon's voice. It was grating with emotion. “You haven't been in the dorm all day. We were worried about you.”
“It's nothing to worry about,” Seungho said. “Did you guys forget? We're going to perform with Gyuri and that new singer Kim Su-Min tomorow. I met Gyuri today for a little chat. We're going to practice with them tomorrow," he tried his best to hold a grimace. His ribs felt like internal grenades.
“Did she do this to you?” Byunghee asked in suspicion, maybe even accusation. He gently put his hand around Seungho's wrist, staring into his eyes with an unquestionable look of worry.
“N--what? No, of course not!” He groaned loudly, ripping his hand to pull away. “I'm fine. I just tripped over a tree and felt. I'm telling you that's all.”
Cheondung was doubtful. Everyone was.“You should get checked, Hyung," he suggested. "We need to practice early tomorrow.”
Tomorrow was the last day to practice, to get everything right before the performance. They were rehearsing for this for days, for an entire week, and were dead set on giving a special version of their new song. But Seungho's ribs were broken and the pain was unbearable, overtaking his body until minute by mintue, it became all he could think about. He hated to admit it, but he couldn't do it now.
A sharp pain shot through his body and he exhaled loudly. Not again, he thought, but maybe it was about time he told the truth. Slowly, gingerly, he pulled up his hoodie and shirt from over his head and there, on the left side of his body, was a blanket of swelling and bruises. "...I'm not sure if I can," he admited nervously through gritted teeth, looking down at the bruise and the scratches on his arms. Byungki, one of their managers, took a stop forward and put a hand on his shoulder. Didn't look good. He pulled Seungho up to his feet carefully, and once he got the okay, slowly led him towards the exit. "We're heading to the local hospital to get him checked. The rest of you stay here."
As the two left through the doors, everyone else stood quietly just stealing silentlooks at each other. It wouldn't be the same without their leader, but God, they hoped he would make it.
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kakashilover #1
short but nice story .looking farward for it and i hope the 87 line with top dominate seungho
Chapter 4: Just found this story and wow, totally hooked me. It's a pity that every chapters are quite short ><

Anyway, the mystery and intense around the story is the best T_T oh then, the last line of Byunghee.. totally sweet ;A;

I wonder why that person did this.... Hmm...
Chapter 4: Gah the last line.. Byunghee is so sweet. And i wonder why that person wants them dead.. There must be a reason behind his actions.
Chapter 3: intense...looking forward to the next chapter.